private Tag CollectForTag(Tag tag, ref int index) { if (tag.IsClosed) // if self-closing tag, do not collect inner elements { return tag; } if (string.Compare(tag.Name, "if", true) == 0) { tag = new TagIf(tag.Line, tag.Col, tag.AttributeValue("test")); } Tag collectTag = tag; for (index++; index < elements.Count; index++) { Element elem = elements[index]; if (elem is Text) collectTag.InnerElements.Add(elem); else if (elem is Expression) collectTag.InnerElements.Add(elem); else if (elem is Tag) { Tag innerTag = (Tag)elem; if (string.Compare(innerTag.Name, "else", true) == 0) { if (collectTag is TagIf) { ((TagIf)collectTag).FalseBranch = innerTag; collectTag = innerTag; } else throw new ParseException("else tag has to be positioned inside of if or elseif tag", innerTag.Line, innerTag.Col); } else if (string.Compare(innerTag.Name, "elseif", true) == 0) { if (collectTag is TagIf) { Tag newTag = new TagIf(innerTag.Line, innerTag.Col, innerTag.AttributeValue("test")); ((TagIf)collectTag).FalseBranch = newTag; collectTag = newTag; } else throw new ParseException("elseif tag is not positioned properly", innerTag.Line, innerTag.Col); } else collectTag.InnerElements.Add(CollectForTag(innerTag, ref index)); } else if (elem is TagClose) { TagClose tagClose = (TagClose)elem; if (string.Compare(tag.Name, tagClose.Name, true) == 0) return tag; throw new ParseException("Close tag for " + tagClose.Name + " doesn't have matching start tag.", elem.Line, elem.Col); } else throw new ParseException("Invalid element: " + elem.GetType().ToString(), elem.Line, elem.Col); } throw new ParseException("Start tag: " + tag.Name + " does not have matching end tag.", tag.Line, tag.Col); }
protected void ProcessIf(TagIf tagIf) { object value = EvalExpression(tagIf.Test); if (Util.ToBool(value)) ProcessElements(tagIf.InnerElements); else ProcessElement(tagIf.FalseBranch); }