コード例 #1
        //implements abstract rectangle interface: registers updates from the agent's sensors that it is up to date with the latest environment information

        /*WARNING: this method is called independently from the agent update - Update(TimeSpan elapsedGameTime) - so care should be taken when using complex
         * structures that are modified in both (e.g. see operation on the "remaining" collection)
        public override void SensorsUpdated(int nC, RectangleRepresentation rI, CircleRepresentation cI, CollectibleRepresentation[] colI)
            if (gameMode == 0)
                singlePlayer.SensorsUpdated(nC, rI, cI, colI);
                multiPlayer.SensorsUpdated(nC, rI, cI, colI);
        public override void SensorsUpdate(RectangleRepresentation rI, CircleRepresentation cI, CollectibleRepresentation[] colI)
            if (isFinished())

            rectangleSingleplayer.SensorsUpdated(objectiveDiamond.Length, rI, cI, objectiveDiamond);

            foreach (CollectibleRepresentation diamond in colI)
                if (objectiveDiamond.Length > 0 && diamond.X == objectiveDiamond[0].X && diamond.Y == objectiveDiamond[0].Y)


            objectiveDiamond = new CollectibleRepresentation[0];