protected void OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = true; double x, y; model.Axes [0].Title = xAxisEntry.Text; model.Axes [1].Title = yAxisEntry.Text; model.Title = titleEntry.Text; if (!double.TryParse(xScaleEntry.Text, out x)) { success = false; } if (!double.TryParse(yScaleEntry.Text, out y)) { success = false; } if (fileEntry.Text.Length < 2) { success = false; } if (!success) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("Unable to verify field entries, x & y are numbers, and you need a file location!", false); } else { SaveToPdf(fileEntry.Text, x, y); MainData.UpdateLog("Success!\nSaved Pdf to: " + fileEntry.Text, false); this.Destroy(); } }
protected void OnFkpmLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainData.FPKMFileNames.Count > 0) { List <PreSampleDefinition> prels = new List <PreSampleDefinition> (); foreach (string st in MainData.FPKMFileNames) { List <string> cols = null; FKPM.GetSampleNames(st, out cols); int cnt = 0; foreach (string ss in cols) { PreSampleDefinition pef = new PreSampleDefinition(SampleType.Expr); pef.singleFName = st; pef.singleColID = ss; pef.singleColIndex = cnt + 9; pef.IsGenotyped = false; pef.TotalColumns = cols.Count; prels.Add(pef); cnt += 4; } } SampleAllocationWindow swind = new SampleAllocationWindow(prels); swind.ShowAll(); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need to add some files to load first!", false); } }
protected void OnRankSplitProcess(object sender, EventArgs e) { try{ ParameterizedThreadStart prams = new ParameterizedThreadStart(RankSplit.ProcessRequest); Thread o = new Thread(prams); RankSplitInfo rsi = GatherRankSplitInfo(true); o.Start((object)rsi); } catch (Exception ex) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow(ex.Message, false); } }
protected void OnRunGroupTest(object sender, EventArgs e) { BetweenGroupTest pt; try { pt = StatsTester.BetweenTestEnum [groupTestCombo.ActiveText]; Thread t = new Thread(delegate() { TestDoWorkBetween(pt); }); t.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need to Select A Comparison Test!\n" + ex.Message, false); } }
protected void OnRunCovTest(object sender, EventArgs e) { PairedTest pt; try { pt = StatsTester.PairedTestEnum [covTestCombo.ActiveText]; Thread t = new Thread(delegate() { TestDoWorkPaired(pt); }); t.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need to Select A Correlation Test!\n" + ex.Message, false); } }
protected void OnRankSplitSaveGo(object sender, EventArgs e) { try{ ParameterizedThreadStart prams = new ParameterizedThreadStart(RankSplit.ProcessRequest); Thread o = new Thread(prams); RankSplitInfo rsi = GatherRankSplitInfo(false); if (RankSplit.PickFileName(out RankSplit.LastFileName)) { o.Start((object)rsi); } } catch (Exception ex) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow(ex.Message, false); } }
protected void OnAccept(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msg; bool canClose = true; foreach (SettingBinder b in _settings) { if (!b.ReturnSettings(out msg)) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow(msg, false); canClose = false; } } if (canClose) { this.Destroy(); } }
protected void OnVcfLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainData.VariantFileNames.Count > 0) { List <PreSampleDefinition> prels = new List <PreSampleDefinition> (); foreach (string st in MainData.VariantFileNames) { List <string> cols = null; if (Variant.IsGenotyped(st, ref cols)) { int cnt = 0; foreach (string ss in cols) { PreSampleDefinition pef = new PreSampleDefinition(SampleType.Vcf); pef.singleFName = st; pef.singleColID = ss; pef.singleColIndex = cnt + 9; pef.IsGenotyped = true; pef.TotalColumns = cols.Count; prels.Add(pef); cnt++; } } else { PreSampleDefinition pef = new PreSampleDefinition(SampleType.Vcf); pef.singleFName = st; pef.IsGenotyped = false; pef.TotalColumns = 0; prels.Add(pef); } } SampleAllocationWindow swind = new SampleAllocationWindow(prels); swind.ShowAll(); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need to add some files to load first!", false); } }
protected void AddRegion(string id, string typename, int start, int end, Sense sense) { try{ if (typename.Equals("gene")) { Gene g = new Gene(id, typename, start, end, sense); Genes.Add(id, g); } else { Region r = new Region(id, typename, start, end, sense); Regions.Add(id, r); } } catch (Exception e) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("Your Gff3 IDs are not consistent!\n " + "Change Gff3 loader options to fix them!\n Error: " + e.Message + "\n Offending id:" + id, true); } }
protected void OnRunFilter(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool parseSuccess = true; string failfield = "("; instructions = new List <ElementFilterInstruction> (); FiltSettings.Clear(); foreach (FilterEntryBinder feb in filtEntBind) { if (feb.Check.Active) { int ma; int mi; if (!int.TryParse(feb.MaxEnt.Text, out ma)) { parseSuccess = false; failfield += + "min val, "; } if (!int.TryParse(feb.MinEnt.Text, out mi)) { parseSuccess = false; failfield += + "max val, "; } if (parseSuccess) { FiltSettings.Add(new OldFiltSettings(, mi, ma)); ElementFilterInstruction efil = new ElementFilterInstruction(, mi, ma); instructions.Add(efil); } } } if (parseSuccess) { MainData.RunElementFilter(instructions); this.Destroy(); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("The following entries were in error: " + failfield, false); } }
protected void OnBamLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainData.BAMFileNames.Count > 0) { List <PreSampleDefinition> prels = new List <PreSampleDefinition> (); foreach (string st in MainData.BAMFileNames) { PreSampleDefinition pef = new PreSampleDefinition(SampleType.BAM); pef.singleFName = st; prels.Add(pef); } SampleAllocationWindow swind = new SampleAllocationWindow(prels); swind.ShowAll(); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need to add some files to load first!", false); } }
protected void OnAccept(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = true; Dictionary <string, PreSampleDefinition> defsToSend = new Dictionary <string, PreSampleDefinition> (); foreach (EntryDefPair edp in entries) { if (edp.Ent.Text.Length > 0) { if (!defsToSend.ContainsKey(edp.Ent.Text)) { defsToSend.Add(edp.Ent.Text, new PreSampleDefinition(edp.Pres, edp.Ent.Text)); } else { defsToSend [edp.Ent.Text].MergeSamp(edp.Pres); } } else { success = false; } } if (success) { this.Destroy(); Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { MainData.SendSampleDefsToSamples(new List <PreSampleDefinition> (defsToSend.Values)); } ); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("You need a sample ID for each set of information!", false); } }
public static void ProcessRequest(object TheInfo) { try { RankSplitInfo info = TheInfo as RankSplitInfo; string fName = LastFileName; bool keepGoing = true; bool seqMatch = false; RankMethodSubSequence = info.SeqDiv; OutputMethodSubSequence = info.SeqDivOut; if (RankMethodSubSequence == SubSequenceDivision.Normalised) { RankStartDiv = info.divStart; RankEndDiv = info.divEnd; } if (OutputMethodSubSequence == SubSequenceDivision.Normalised) { OutputStartDiv = info.divStartOut; OutputEndDiv = info.divEndOut; } if (RankMethodSubSequence == SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { RankBaseCount = info.baseCount; RankFromStart = info.fromStart; } if (OutputMethodSubSequence == SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { OutputFromStart = info.fromStartOut; OutputBaseCount = info.baseCountOut; } if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Image && OutputMethodSubSequence != SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { OutputMethodSubSequence = SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases; OutputFromStart = !AppSettings.Output.DEFAULT_IMG_FROMEND.Item; OutputBaseCount = AppSettings.Output.DEFAULT_IMG_BASES.Item; } if (info.sample != "All") { SampleToUse = info.sample; UseSample = true; } else { UseSample = false; } if (info.SeqFeature == info.SeqFeature2) { seqMatch = true; } else { seqMatch = false; } if (keepGoing) { RSplitContainer <string> rspcString = new RSplitContainer <string> ("none", false); RSplitContainer <double> rspcDouble = new RSplitContainer <double> (0, false); RSplitContainer <List <double> > rspcListDouble = new RSplitContainer <List <double> > (null, true); Dictionary <string, double> rankDict = Methods [info.RMethod].Invoke(info.SeqFeature); Dictionary <string, string> baseDict; Dictionary <string, double> singleDict; Dictionary <string, List <double> > listDict; if (info.doGraph == false) { switch (info.Text) { case OutputMethText.BlastID: baseDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTBlastHitID(info.SeqFeature); rspcString.MergeDictosToList(rankDict, baseDict, true, seqMatch); ProcessingClass.WriteDataFile(fName, rspcString.GetData(false)); break; case OutputMethText.BaseSeq: baseDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTBaseSeq(info.SeqFeature); rspcString.MergeDictosToList(rankDict, baseDict, false, seqMatch); ProcessingClass.WriteDataFile(fName, rspcString.GetData(false)); break; case OutputMethText.FastaBase: baseDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTBaseSeq(info.SeqFeature); rspcString.MergeDictosToList(rankDict, baseDict, false, seqMatch); rspcString.WriteFastaFile(fName); break; case OutputMethText.SeqNames: baseDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTReadName(info.SeqFeature); rspcString.MergeDictosToList(rankDict, baseDict, false, seqMatch); ProcessingClass.WriteDataFile(fName, rspcString.GetData(false)); break; default: break; } } else { string yLab; string xLab; SetLabels(info.Graph, info.GraphingType, out xLab, out yLab); string title = info.SeqFeature + " "; if (info.doSubSeq) { title += "from "; if (info.SeqDiv == SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { title += info.baseCount + " "; if (info.fromStart) { title += "from start "; } else { title += "to end "; } } else { title += "division " + info.divStart + "/20 to " + info.divEnd + "/20 "; } } title += "ranked by " + MethodDesc [info.RMethod] + " and split into " + info.SplitCount + " groups"; Dictionary <string, List <double> > procCont; Dictionary <string, List <List <double> > > procContList; switch (info.Graph) { case OutputMethGraph.Expr: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTExprValue(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Histo) { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.ExprNorm: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTExprNorm(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Histo) { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.ExprVar: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTExprRange(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Histo) { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.MethyCov: if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Spatial) { listDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTMethylCoverageDivision(info.SeqFeature2); procContList = ProcessRSplitContainer <List <double> > (rspcListDouble, info, rankDict, listDict, seqMatch); if (info.SeqDivOut != SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { MainData.MakeMultiBayesRankGraph(procContList, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcListDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeMultiBayesBaseRankGraph(procContList, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, info.fromStartOut, rspcListDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } } else if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Means) { singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTQuantMethyCov(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Image) { //TODO: Make the image! } break; case OutputMethGraph.MethyDepthCov: if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Spatial) { listDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTMethylCoverageDepthDivision(info.SeqFeature2); procContList = ProcessRSplitContainer <List <double> > (rspcListDouble, info, rankDict, listDict, seqMatch); if (info.SeqDivOut != SubSequenceDivision.AbsoluteBases) { MainData.MakeMultiBayesRankGraph(procContList, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcListDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeMultiBayesBaseRankGraph(procContList, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, info.fromStartOut, rspcListDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } } else if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Means) { singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTQuantMethyDepthCov(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Histo) { singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTMethylDepthTotal(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Image) { listDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTMethylCoverageDepthDivision(info.SeqFeature2); procContList = ProcessRSplitContainer <List <double> > (rspcListDouble, info, rankDict, listDict, seqMatch); MainData.MakeRegionChangeMap(procContList, rspcListDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.BlastE: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPBlastEValue(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Means) { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.BlastID: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPBlastPercID(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Means) { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; case OutputMethGraph.Variant: singleDict = MainData.Genome.RSPOUTQuantVar(info.SeqFeature2); procCont = ProcessRSplitContainer <double> (rspcDouble, info, rankDict, singleDict, seqMatch); if (info.GraphingType == GraphType.Means) { MainData.MakeRankLineGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } else { MainData.MakeMultiHistoRankGraph(procCont, GraphWindow.Global, xLab, yLab, title, rspcDouble, info.MergeGraphs); } break; default: break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { MainData.ShowMessageWindow(e.Message, true); } }
public static void WriteDataFile(string fileName, NumericalText nt) { if (((nt.Data != null) && (nt.Data.Count > 0)) || ((nt.Tags != null) && (nt.Tags.Count > 0))) { int useLen = Math.Min(nt.Titles.Count, (nt.Data.Count + nt.Tags.Count)); int dataLen = nt.Data [0].Count; List <int> counts = new List <int> (); List <int> currentIndexes = new List <int> (); List <PrintOutNext> printTypes = new List <PrintOutNext> (); if (nt.Tags != null) { int tagInd = 0; foreach (List <string> sl in nt.Tags) { counts.Add(sl.Count - 1); printTypes.Add(PrintOutNext.Tag); dataLen = Math.Max(dataLen, sl.Count); currentIndexes.Add(tagInd); tagInd++; } } if (nt.Data != null) { int datInd = 0; foreach (List <Double> ld in nt.Data) { counts.Add(ld.Count - 1); printTypes.Add(PrintOutNext.Data); dataLen = Math.Max(dataLen, ld.Count); currentIndexes.Add(datInd); datInd++; } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { for (int i = 0; i < useLen; i++) { if (i > 0) { sw.Write("\t"); } sw.Write(nt.Titles [i]); } sw.Write("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < dataLen; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < useLen; i++) { if (i > 0) { sw.Write("\t"); } if (counts [i] >= j) { if (printTypes [i] == PrintOutNext.Data) { sw.Write(nt.Data [currentIndexes[i]] [j]); } else { sw.Write(nt.Tags [currentIndexes [i]] [j]); } } else { sw.Write("x"); } } sw.Write("\n"); } } MainData.UpdateLog("Saved " + MainData.MainWindow.MaxLenString(fileName, 20), false); } else { MainData.ShowMessageWindow("There isn't any data there to save!", false); } }