public void ShipInformation(ShipInformationList shp, string whereami, ISystem system) { if (ShipFD.HasChars()) // must have a ship name - there have been load games without it. { shp.LoadGame(ShipId, Ship, ShipFD, ShipName, ShipIdent, FuelLevel, FuelCapacity); } }
public JournalLoadGame(JObject evt) : base(evt, JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { LoadGameCommander = JournalFieldNaming.SubsituteCommanderName(evt["Commander"].Str()); ShipFD = evt["Ship"].Str(); if (ShipFD.Length == 0) // Vega logs show no ship on certain logs.. handle it to prevent warnings. { ShipFD = "Unknown"; } if (ItemData.IsShip(ShipFD)) { ShipFD = JournalFieldNaming.NormaliseFDShipName(ShipFD); Ship = JournalFieldNaming.GetBetterShipName(ShipFD); } else { Ship = ShipFD.SplitCapsWordFull(); } ShipId = evt["ShipID"].ULong(); StartLanded = evt["StartLanded"].Bool(); StartDead = evt["StartDead"].Bool(); GameMode = evt["GameMode"].Str(); Group = evt["Group"].Str(); Credits = evt["Credits"].Long(); Loan = evt["Loan"].Long(); ShipName = evt["ShipName"].Str(); ShipIdent = evt["ShipIdent"].Str(); FuelLevel = evt["FuelLevel"].Double(); FuelCapacity = evt["FuelCapacity"].Double(); Horizons = evt["Horizons"].Bool(); Odyssey = evt["Odyssey"].Bool(); Language = evt["language"].Str(); GameVersion = evt["gameversion"].Str(); Build = evt["build"].Str(); FID = JournalFieldNaming.SubsituteCommanderFID(evt["FID"].Str()); // 3.3 on }