コード例 #1
ファイル: Level.cs プロジェクト: michieljanssen/ICTSE1a4KBS1
        private Tile[][] tiles; //Array of all the tiles in the game

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //veroudere constructor
        public Level(Location gridsize, Location s, Location e, Game game, int size = 32)
            this.game = game;
            //Setup of the gridsize
            gridSize = new Location(gridsize.X + 2, gridsize.Y + 2); //gridsize wordt vergroot met twee voor muren
            //horizontal rows are initialized
            tiles = new Tile[gridSize.X][];
            for (int y = 0; y < gridSize.X; y++)
                //vertical cells are initialized
                tiles[y] = new Tile[gridSize.Y];


            //initiate start and end point
            start = s;
            eind = e;

            //setting up the floorplan
            for (int xloc = 0; xloc < gridSize.X; xloc++)
                for (int yloc = 0; yloc < gridSize.Y; yloc++)
                    if (yloc == 0 || yloc == gridSize.Y - 1 || xloc == 0 || xloc == gridSize.X - 1)
                        tiles[xloc][yloc] = new WallTile(new Location(xloc, yloc), this);   //assign the outer walls
                        //assign floor
                        tiles[xloc][yloc] = new FloorTile(new Location(xloc, yloc), this);

                    if (new Location(xloc, yloc).Compareto(start))
                        //assign start location
                        tiles[xloc][yloc] = new StartTile(new Location(xloc, yloc), Properties.Resources.floor_tile_texture, this);
                    if (new Location(xloc, yloc).Compareto(eind))
                        //assign end location
                        tiles[xloc][yloc] = new ShrekTile(new Location(xloc, yloc), Properties.Resources.floor_tile_texture, this);
            rand = new Random();

            speler = new Player(Start, this);
            entities = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                entities.Add(new Grunt(new Location(rand.Next(gridsize.X), rand.Next(gridsize.Y)), this));
                entities.Add(new Illuminatie(new Location(rand.Next(gridsize.X), rand.Next(gridsize.Y)), this));

コード例 #2
ファイル: Level.cs プロジェクト: michieljanssen/ICTSE1a4KBS1
        //level uit xdocument aan het laden
        public void load(XDocument xdoc)
            //variablen initalizeren
            XmlReader xml = xdoc.CreateReader();
            rand = new Random();
            entities = new ArrayList();
            Location start = new Location(0, 0);
            int width = 0, height = 0;

            //    xml. lezen
            while (xml.Read())
                //checked of hij bij de size requirements zit
                if (xml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xml.Name == "Size")

                    width = xml.ReadElementContentAsInt();

                    height = xml.ReadElementContentAsInt();
                    //tiles inilzation
                    tiles = new Tile[width][];
                    for (int y = 0; y < width; y++)
                        //vertical cells are initialized
                        tiles[y] = new Tile[height];

                    //alles standaart floortiles
                    for (int x = 0; x < tiles.Length; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < tiles[x].Length; y++)
                            tiles[x][y] = new FloorTile(new Location(x, y), this);

                //checked of hij anders hij de tiles zit
                else if (xml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    //kriigt de tile naam
                    String name = xml.Name;
                    //krijgt de tile positie
                    int x = Convert.ToInt32(xml.GetAttribute("x"));
                    int y = Convert.ToInt32(xml.GetAttribute("y"));
                    //switched tussen de types tiles and zet ze op de goeie positie
                    switch (name)
                        case "Muur":
                            tiles[x][y] = new WallTile(new Location(x, y), this);
                        case "Vloer":
                            tiles[x][y] = new FloorTile(new Location(x, y), this);
                        case "Shrek":
                            tiles[x][y] = new ShrekTile(new Location(x, y), Properties.Resources.floor_tile_texture, this);
                        case "Kid":
                            tiles[x][y] = new StartTile(new Location(x, y), Properties.Resources.floor_tile_texture, this);
                            start = new Location(x, y);
                        case "Grunt":
                            entities.Add(new Grunt(new Location(x, y), this));
                        case "Illuminatie":
                            entities.Add(new Illuminatie(new Location(x, y), this));
            speler = new Player(start, this);