private void ClearPage(int page, bool pageZero) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize() || Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { long ptr = (long)pointers[page]; int numBytes = PageSize; long endptr = ptr + numBytes; if (pageZero) { ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress; } List <long> addr = new List <long>(); while (ptr < endptr) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); Key.Free(key); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); Value.Free(value); } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } } Array.Clear(values[page], 0, values[page].Length); }
private bool RetrievedObjects(byte *record, AsyncIOContext ctx) { if (!Key.HasObjectsToSerialize() && !Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { return(true); } if (ctx.objBuffer.buffer == null) { // Issue IO for objects long startAddress = -1; long numBytes = 0; if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var x = (AddressInfo *)Layout.GetKey((long)record); numBytes += x->Size; startAddress = x->Address; } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var x = (AddressInfo *)Layout.GetValue((long)record); numBytes += x->Size; if (startAddress == -1) { startAddress = x->Address; } } // We are limited to a 2GB size per key-value if (numBytes > int.MaxValue) { throw new Exception("Size of key-value exceeds max of 2GB: " + numBytes); } AsyncGetFromDisk(startAddress, (int)numBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx, ctx.record); return(false); } // Parse the key and value objects MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ctx.objBuffer.buffer); ms.Seek(ctx.objBuffer.offset + ctx.objBuffer.valid_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); Key.Deserialize(Layout.GetKey((long)record), ms); Value.Deserialize(Layout.GetValue((long)record), ms); ctx.objBuffer.Return(); return(true); }
private bool RetrievedObjects(byte *record, AsyncIOContext ctx) { if (!Key.HasObjectsToSerialize() && !Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { return(true); } if (ctx.objBuffer.buffer == null) { // Issue IO for objects long startAddress = -1; int numBytes = 0; if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var x = (AddressInfo *)Layout.GetKey((long)record); if (x->IsDiskAddress) { numBytes += x->Size; startAddress = x->Address; } } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var x = (AddressInfo *)Layout.GetValue((long)record); if (x->IsDiskAddress) { numBytes += x->Size; if (startAddress == -1) { startAddress = x->Address; } } } AsyncGetFromDisk(startAddress, numBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx, ctx.record); return(false); } // Parse the key and value objects MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ctx.objBuffer.buffer); ms.Seek(ctx.objBuffer.offset + ctx.objBuffer.valid_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); Key.Deserialize(Layout.GetKey((long)record), ms); Value.Deserialize(Layout.GetValue((long)record), ms); ctx.objBuffer.Return(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Deseialize part of page from stream /// </summary> /// <param name="ptr">From pointer</param> /// <param name="untilptr">Until pointer</param> /// <param name="stream">Stream</param> public void Deserialize(long ptr, long untilptr, Stream stream) { while (ptr < untilptr) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key.Deserialize(Layout.GetKey(ptr), stream); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value.Deserialize(Layout.GetValue(ptr), stream); } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } }
/// <summary> /// Clear page /// </summary> /// <param name="ptr">From pointer</param> /// <param name="endptr">Until pointer</param> public void ClearPage(long ptr, long endptr) { while (ptr < endptr) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); Key.Free(key); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); Value.Free(value); } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } }
/// <summary> /// Serialize part of page to stream /// </summary> /// <param name="ptr">From pointer</param> /// <param name="untilptr">Until pointer</param> /// <param name="stream">Stream</param> /// <param name="objectBlockSize">Size of blocks to serialize in chunks of</param> /// <param name="addr">List of addresses that need to be updated with offsets</param> public void Serialize(ref long ptr, long untilptr, Stream stream, int objectBlockSize, out List <long> addr) { addr = new List <long>(); while (ptr < untilptr) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { long pos = stream.Position; if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); Key.Serialize(key, stream); ((AddressInfo *)key)->Address = pos; ((AddressInfo *)key)->Size = (int)(stream.Position - pos); addr.Add((long)key); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { pos = stream.Position; Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); Value.Serialize(value, stream); ((AddressInfo *)value)->Address = pos; ((AddressInfo *)value)->Size = (int)(stream.Position - pos); addr.Add((long)value); } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); if (stream.Position > objectBlockSize) { return; } } }
private void AsyncGetFromDiskCallback( uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *overlap) { if (errorCode != 0) { Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode); } var result = (AsyncGetFromDiskResult <AsyncIOContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult; Interlocked.Decrement(ref numPendingReads); var ctx = result.context; var record = ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); if (Layout.HasTotalRecord(record, ctx.record.available_bytes, out int requiredBytes)) { //We have the complete record. if (RetrievedObjects(record, ctx)) { if (Key.Equals((Key *)ctx.key, Layout.GetKey((long)record))) { //The keys are same, so I/O is complete // ctx.record = result.record; ctx.callbackQueue.Add(ctx); } else { var oldAddress = ctx.logicalAddress; //keys are not same. I/O is not complete ctx.logicalAddress = ((RecordInfo *)record)->PreviousAddress; if (ctx.logicalAddress != Constants.kInvalidAddress) { // Delete key, value, record if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); Key.Free(Layout.GetKey(physicalAddress)); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); Value.Free(Layout.GetValue(physicalAddress)); } ctx.record.Return(); ctx.record = ctx.objBuffer = default(SectorAlignedMemory); AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx); } else { ctx.callbackQueue.Add(ctx); } } } } else { ctx.record.Return(); AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx); } Overlapped.Free(overlap); }
internal void InternalContinuePendingRequestAndCallback( ExecutionContext ctx, AsyncIOContext request) { var handleLatches = false; if ((ctx.version < threadCtx.version) // Thread has already shifted to (v+1) || (threadCtx.phase == Phase.PREPARE)) // Thread still in version v, but acquired shared-latch { handleLatches = true; } if (ctx.ioPendingRequests.TryGetValue(, out PendingContext pendingContext)) { var status = default(Status); var internalStatus = default(OperationStatus); // Remove from pending dictionary ctx.ioPendingRequests.Remove(; // Issue the continue command if (pendingContext.type == OperationType.READ) { internalStatus = InternalContinuePendingRead(ctx, request, ref pendingContext); } else { internalStatus = InternalContinuePendingRMW(ctx, request, ref pendingContext);; } // Delete key, value, record if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)request.record.GetValidPointer(); Key.Free(Layout.GetKey(physicalAddress)); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)request.record.GetValidPointer(); Value.Free(Layout.GetValue(physicalAddress)); } request.record.Return(); // Handle operation status if (internalStatus == OperationStatus.SUCCESS || internalStatus == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND) { status = (Status)internalStatus; } else { status = HandleOperationStatus(ctx, pendingContext, internalStatus); } // If done, callback user code if (status == Status.OK || status == Status.NOTFOUND) { if (handleLatches) { ReleaseSharedLatch(pendingContext.key); } if (pendingContext.type == OperationType.READ) { Functions.ReadCompletionCallback(pendingContext.key, pendingContext.input, pendingContext.output, pendingContext.userContext, status); } else { Functions.RMWCompletionCallback(pendingContext.key, pendingContext.input, pendingContext.userContext, status); } } } }
private void AsyncReadPageCallback <TContext>(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *overlap) { if (errorCode != 0) { Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode); } PageAsyncReadResult <TContext> result = (PageAsyncReadResult <TContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult; if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref result.count) == 1) { // We will be issuing another I/O, so free this overlap Overlapped.Free(overlap); long ptr = (long)pointers[ % BufferSize]; // Correct for page 0 of HLOG if ( == 0) { ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress; } long minObjAddress = long.MaxValue; long maxObjAddress = long.MinValue; while (ptr < (long)pointers[ % BufferSize] + PageSize) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); var addr = ((AddressInfo *)key)->Address; if (addr < minObjAddress) { minObjAddress = addr; } addr += ((AddressInfo *)key)->Size; if (addr > maxObjAddress) { maxObjAddress = addr; } } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); var addr = ((AddressInfo *)value)->Address; if (addr < minObjAddress) { minObjAddress = addr; } addr += ((AddressInfo *)value)->Size; if (addr > maxObjAddress) { maxObjAddress = addr; } } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } // Object log fragment should be aligned by construction Debug.Assert(minObjAddress % sectorSize == 0); var to_read = (int)(maxObjAddress - minObjAddress); var objBuffer = ioBufferPool.Get(to_read); result.freeBuffer1 = objBuffer; var alignedLength = (to_read + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1); // Request objects from objlog result.objlogDevice.ReadAsync( (int)( >> (LogSegmentSizeBits - LogPageSizeBits)), (ulong)minObjAddress, (IntPtr)objBuffer.aligned_pointer, (uint)alignedLength, AsyncReadPageCallback <TContext>, result); } else { // Load objects from buffer into memory long ptr = (long)pointers[ % BufferSize]; // Correct for page 0 of HLOG if ( == 0) { ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(result.freeBuffer1.buffer); ms.Seek(result.freeBuffer1.offset + result.freeBuffer1.valid_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); while (ptr < (long)pointers[ % BufferSize] + PageSize) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key.Deserialize(Layout.GetKey(ptr), ms); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value.Deserialize(Layout.GetValue(ptr), ms); } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } ms.Dispose(); result.Free(); // Call the "real" page read callback result.callback(errorCode, numBytes, overlap); } }
private void WriteAsync <TContext>(IntPtr alignedSourceAddress, ulong alignedDestinationAddress, uint numBytesToWrite, IOCompletionCallback callback, PageAsyncFlushResult <TContext> asyncResult, IDevice device, ISegmentedDevice objlogDevice) { if (!Key.HasObjectsToSerialize() && !Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { device.WriteAsync(alignedSourceAddress, alignedDestinationAddress, numBytesToWrite, callback, asyncResult); return; } // need to write both page and object cache asyncResult.count++; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var buffer = ioBufferPool.Get(PageSize); Buffer.MemoryCopy((void *)alignedSourceAddress, buffer.aligned_pointer, numBytesToWrite, numBytesToWrite); long ptr = (long)buffer.aligned_pointer; List <long> addr = new List <long>(); asyncResult.freeBuffer1 = buffer; // Correct for page 0 of HLOG if (alignedDestinationAddress >> LogPageSizeBits == 0) { ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress; } while (ptr < (long)buffer.aligned_pointer + numBytesToWrite) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { long pos = ms.Position; Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); Key.Serialize(key, ms); ((AddressInfo *)key)->IsDiskAddress = true; ((AddressInfo *)key)->Address = pos; ((AddressInfo *)key)->Size = (int)(ms.Position - pos); addr.Add((long)key); pos = ms.Position; Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); Value.Serialize(value, ms); ((AddressInfo *)value)->IsDiskAddress = true; ((AddressInfo *)value)->Address = pos; ((AddressInfo *)value)->Size = (int)(ms.Position - pos); addr.Add((long)value); } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } var s = ms.ToArray(); var objBuffer = ioBufferPool.Get(s.Length); asyncResult.freeBuffer2 = objBuffer; var alignedLength = (s.Length + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1); var objAddr = Interlocked.Add(ref segmentOffsets[(alignedDestinationAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits) % SegmentBufferSize], alignedLength) - alignedLength; fixed(void *src = s) Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, objBuffer.aligned_pointer, s.Length, s.Length); foreach (var address in addr) { *((long *)address) += objAddr; } objlogDevice.WriteAsync( (IntPtr)objBuffer.aligned_pointer, (int)(alignedDestinationAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits), (ulong)objAddr, (uint)alignedLength, callback, asyncResult); device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)buffer.aligned_pointer, alignedDestinationAddress, numBytesToWrite, callback, asyncResult); }
protected void AsyncGetFromDiskCallback( uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *overlap) { //Debugger.Break(); var result = (AsyncGetFromDiskResult <AsyncIOContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult; try { if (errorCode != 0) { Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Completion Callback error, {0}", ex.Message); } finally { Interlocked.Decrement(ref numPendingReads); var ctx = result.context; var record = ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); if (Layout.HasTotalRecord(record, ctx.record.available_bytes, out int requiredBytes)) { //We have the complete record. if (RetrievedObjects(record, ctx)) { if (Key.Equals(ctx.key, Layout.GetKey((long)record))) { //The keys are same, so I/O is complete // ctx.record = result.record; ctx.callbackQueue.Add(ctx); } else { var oldAddress = ctx.logicalAddress; //keys are not same. I/O is not complete ctx.logicalAddress = ((RecordInfo *)record)->PreviousAddress; if (ctx.logicalAddress != Constants.kInvalidAddress) { // Delete key, value, record if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); Key.Free(Layout.GetKey(physicalAddress)); } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer(); Value.Free(Layout.GetValue(physicalAddress)); } ctx.record.Return(); AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx); } else { //Console.WriteLine("Lookup Address = " + oldAddress); //Console.WriteLine("RecordInfo: " + RecordInfo.ToString((RecordInfo*)record)); // Console.WriteLine("Record not found. Looking for: " + ctx.key->value + " found: " + Layout.GetKey((long)record)->value + " req bytes: " + requiredBytes); ctx.callbackQueue.Add(ctx); } } } } else { ctx.record.Return(); AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx); } Overlapped.Free(overlap); } }
/// <summary> /// Get location and range of object log addresses for specified log page /// </summary> /// <param name="ptr"></param> /// <param name="untilptr"></param> /// <param name="objectBlockSize"></param> /// <param name="startptr"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> public void GetObjectInfo(ref long ptr, long untilptr, int objectBlockSize, out long startptr, out long size) { long minObjAddress = long.MaxValue; long maxObjAddress = long.MinValue; while (ptr < untilptr) { if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid) { if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Key *key = Layout.GetKey(ptr); var addr = ((AddressInfo *)key)->Address; // If object pointer is greater than kObjectSize from starting object pointer if (minObjAddress != long.MaxValue && (addr - minObjAddress > objectBlockSize)) { break; } if (addr < minObjAddress) { minObjAddress = addr; } addr += ((AddressInfo *)key)->Size; if (addr > maxObjAddress) { maxObjAddress = addr; } } if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize()) { Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr); var addr = ((AddressInfo *)value)->Address; // If object pointer is greater than kObjectSize from starting object pointer if (minObjAddress != long.MaxValue && (addr - minObjAddress > objectBlockSize)) { break; } if (addr < minObjAddress) { minObjAddress = addr; } addr += ((AddressInfo *)value)->Size; if (addr > maxObjAddress) { maxObjAddress = addr; } } } ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr); } // Handle the case where no objects are to be written if (minObjAddress == long.MaxValue && maxObjAddress == long.MinValue) { minObjAddress = 0; maxObjAddress = 0; } startptr = minObjAddress; size = maxObjAddress - minObjAddress; }