コード例 #1
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 public void Write(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
     Contract.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset + Size <= buf.Length);
     Deserializer.WriteInt(fd, buf, offset);
     Deserializer.WriteShort(events, buf, offset + sizeof(int));
     Deserializer.WriteShort(revents, buf, offset + sizeof(int) + sizeof(short));
コード例 #2
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
 public void Write(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
     Contract.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset + Size <= buf.Length);
     Deserializer.WriteInt(fd, buf, offset);
     Deserializer.WriteShort(events, buf, offset + sizeof(int));
     Deserializer.WriteShort(revents, buf, offset + sizeof(int) + sizeof(short));
コード例 #3
        public static unsafe void CalculateHMAC(int pg_offset, uint filesize, byte[] page_signatures, byte *result)
            var b   = CalculateHMAC(pg_offset, filesize, page_signatures);
            var buf = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(result), (int)SHA1Managed.SHA1HashSize);

            buf.CopyFrom(0, b);
コード例 #4
 public static void DumpUserBuf(Thread current, UserPtr writeBuf, int size)
     var buf = new byte[(size + 3) / 4];
     var buf_ref = new ByteBufferRef(buf);
     writeBuf.Read(current, buf, size);
     DumpBuf(new Pointer(buf_ref.Location), size);
コード例 #5
ファイル: File.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        internal int Write(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, ref ByteBufferRef buf, int len)
            Contract.Requires(GhostOwner == current.Parent);
            var ret = inode.Write(current, ref regs, ref buf, len, position, this);

コード例 #6
        private static int ReadUserBuffer(Thread current, ByteBufferRef src, int buf_offset, CachePage page, int page_offset, int len)
            var dst = new ByteBufferRef(page.Buffer.Location + page_offset, len);

            dst.CopyFrom(buf_offset, src);
コード例 #7
 internal ThreadCompletionEntryWithBuffer(Thread current, Kind kind, ByteBufferRef buf)
     : base(current, kind)
     Contract.Ensures(this.buf.Length == buf.Length);
     Contract.Ensures(this.buf.Location == buf.Location);
     this.buf = buf;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SelectHelper.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        internal int TranslateToUserFdlist(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf, int poll_ret, int maxfds, UserPtr userPtr, short event_type)
            Contract.Requires(poll_ret * pollfd.Size < buf.Length);

            if (userPtr == UserPtr.Zero)
                return 0;

            var res = 0;
            var len = (maxfds + 7) / 8;
            var vec = new FixedSizeBitVector(maxfds);

            for (int i = 0; i < poll_ret; i++)
                var poll_struct = pollfd.Deserialize(buf, i * pollfd.Size);
                var linux_fd = poll_struct.fd;
                var node = Lookup(linux_fd);
                if (node == null)
                    return -ErrorCode.EBADF;

                if ((poll_struct.revents & event_type & node.event_type) != 0)

            if (userPtr.Write(current, vec.Buffer) != 0)
                return -ErrorCode.EFAULT;

            return res;
コード例 #9
        internal void WriteString16(string s)
            var r = new ByteBufferRef(Buffer);

            if (cursor + sizeof(int) > Buffer.Length)


            foreach (var c in s)
                if (cursor + sizeof(short) > r.Length)
                Deserializer.WriteShort((short)c, r, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(short);

            if (cursor + sizeof(short) > r.Length)

            Deserializer.WriteShort(0, r, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(short);
コード例 #10
 public void CopyFrom(int offset, ByteBufferRef src)
     Contract.Requires(offset >= 0 && offset < Length);
     for (var i = 0; i < src.Length && i + offset < length; ++i)
         Set(i + offset, src[i]);
コード例 #11
        private unsafe int Read(Thread current, void *dst, int length)
            var process   = current.Parent;
            var buf       = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(dst), length);
            var bytesRead = Read(process, buf, false);

            return(length - bytesRead);
コード例 #12
        public static void WriteInt(int val, ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= offset + sizeof(int));
            var v = (uint)val;

            WriteUInt(v, buf, offset);
コード例 #13
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        public short revents; /* returned events */

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static pollfd Deserialize(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset + Size <= buf.Length);
            pollfd res;
            res.fd = Deserializer.ReadInt(buf, offset);
            res.events = Deserializer.ReadShort(buf, offset + sizeof(int));
            res.revents = Deserializer.ReadShort(buf, offset + sizeof(int) + sizeof(short));
            return res;
コード例 #14
        private int Write(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf, int len, uint pos)
            var       writtenBytes     = 0;
            var       remainedBytes    = len;
            var       currentPageIndex = (int)Arch.ArchDefinition.PageIndex(pos);
            CachePage page             = null;

            while (remainedBytes > 0)
                page = Pages.Lookup(currentPageIndex / Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);
                if (page == null)
                    page = CachePage.Allocate(current.Parent, currentPageIndex / Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);

                    int currentBlockId = currentPageIndex / Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;

                    if (currentBlockId < OnDiskBlock)
                        // Case (1)
                        var succeed = page.Load(this);
                        Contract.Assert(page.Next == null);
                        if (!succeed)
                        // Case (2) / (3)
                        // assert cachedPage.Empty();

                // Copying
                int pageCursor = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset((int)(pos + writtenBytes));
                int chunkLen   = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize - pageCursor < remainedBytes ? Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize - pageCursor : remainedBytes;

                var left = ReadUserBuffer(current, buf, writtenBytes, page, pageCursor, chunkLen);

                writtenBytes += chunkLen - left;
                if (left != 0)

                remainedBytes -= chunkLen;
                // Update FileSize
                if (pos + writtenBytes > FileSize)
                    FileSize = (uint)(pos + writtenBytes);

                currentPageIndex += Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;
コード例 #15
ファイル: GenericINode.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
 public int Read(ByteBufferRef buffer, int offset, int count, ref uint pos)
     switch (kind)
     case INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
         return(ArchINode.ReadImpl(buffer, offset, count, ref pos));
コード例 #16
 public VBinderMessage(Thread from, Thread target, int label, ByteBufferRef payload, int length)
     Contract.Ensures(GhostTarget == target);
     this.from = from;
     this.label = label;
     this.payload = payload;
     this.GhostTarget = target;
     this.Length = length;
コード例 #17
ファイル: VBinderMessage.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
 public VBinderMessage(Thread from, Thread target, int label, ByteBufferRef payload, int length)
     Contract.Ensures(GhostTarget == target);
     this.from        = from;
     this.label       = label;
     this.payload     = payload;
     this.GhostTarget = target;
     this.Length      = length;
コード例 #18
        private static void DumpUserBuf(Thread current, UserPtr writeBuf, int size)
            var buf = new byte[(size + 3) / 4];

            writeBuf.Read(current, buf, size);

            var buf_ref = new ByteBufferRef(buf);

            DumpBuf(new Pointer(buf_ref.Location), size);
コード例 #19
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        public static pollfd Deserialize(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset + Size <= buf.Length);
            pollfd res;

            res.fd      = Deserializer.ReadInt(buf, offset);
            res.events  = Deserializer.ReadShort(buf, offset + sizeof(int));
            res.revents = Deserializer.ReadShort(buf, offset + sizeof(int) + sizeof(short));
コード例 #20
 public static void WriteULong(ulong val, ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
     Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
     Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= offset + sizeof(long));
     for (var i = 0; i < sizeof(long); ++i)
         Contract.Assert(offset + i < buf.Length);
         buf.Set(offset + i, (byte)((val >> (8 * i)) & 0xff));
コード例 #21
ファイル: Parcel.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        internal void WriteInt32(int v)
            // Fail sliently
            if (cursor + sizeof(int) > Buffer.Length)

            var r = new ByteBufferRef(Buffer);
            Deserializer.WriteInt(v, r, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(int);
コード例 #22
        internal BinderIPCMarshaler(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf)
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= kPatchTableSize * sizeof(int));

            this.buf               = buf;
            this.ReadCursor        = 0;
            this.WriteCursor       = 0;
            this.current           = current;
            this.patchTable        = new int[kPatchTableSize];
            this.CurrentPatchEntry = 0;
コード例 #23
        public PollCompletion(Thread current, UserPtr fds, int nfds, ByteBufferRef buf)
            : base(current, Kind.PollCompletionKind, buf)
            Contract.Requires(nfds >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= nfds * pollfd.Size);
            Contract.Ensures(fdMaps.Length == nfds);
            Contract.Ensures(this.buf.Length >= fdMaps.Length * pollfd.Size);

            this.userFdBuf = fds;
            this.fdMaps    = new int[nfds];
コード例 #24
        internal BinderIPCMarshaler(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf)
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= kPatchTableSize * sizeof(int));

            this.buf = buf;
            this.ReadCursor = 0;
            this.WriteCursor = 0;
            this.current = current;
            this.patchTable = new int[kPatchTableSize];
            this.CurrentPatchEntry = 0;
コード例 #25
        private int Write(Process process, Pointer dst, int length)
            var bytesLeft = length;

            var src     = _value;
            var dst_buf = new ByteBufferRef(dst.ToIntPtr(), length);
            var cursor  = 0;

            while (bytesLeft > 0)
                var region = process.Space.Find(src);

                // Invalid mapping
                if (region == null || region.IsFixed)

                var off         = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(src.ToUInt32());
                var virtualAddr = process.Space.UserToVirt(new UserPtr(src));

                if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)
                    // Page isn't present, try to bring it in.
                    uint permission;

                    Pager.HandlePageFault(process, MemoryRegion.FAULT_MASK, src, Pointer.Zero, out virtualAddr, out permission);

                    if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)

                var virtual_page = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageIndex(virtualAddr.ToUInt32());
                var page_buf     = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(virtual_page), Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);

                var b = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize - off;
                var bytesTobeCopied = b > bytesLeft ? bytesLeft : b;

                var dst_buf_page = page_buf.Slice(off, bytesTobeCopied);
                for (var i = 0; i < bytesTobeCopied; ++i)
                    dst_buf_page.Set(i, dst_buf.Get(cursor + i));

                bytesLeft -= bytesTobeCopied;
                src       += bytesTobeCopied;
                cursor    += bytesTobeCopied;

コード例 #26
        internal int SFSWrite(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, ByteBufferRef buf, int len, uint pos, File file)
            var writtenBytes = Write(current, buf, len, pos);

            if (writtenBytes <= 0)

            file.position = (uint)(pos + writtenBytes);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Deserializer.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 public static uint ReadUInt(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
     Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
     Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= offset + sizeof(uint));
     uint res = 0;
     for (var i = 0; i < sizeof(uint); ++i)
         Contract.Assert(offset + i < buf.Length);
         res += (uint)buf.Get(offset + i) << (8 * i);
     return res;
コード例 #28
        public static short ReadShort(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= offset + sizeof(ushort));
            uint res = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < sizeof(short); ++i)
                Contract.Assert(offset + i < buf.Length);
                res += (uint)buf.Get(offset + i) << (8 * i);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Util.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        // like strncpy, but return the number of bytes copied.
        // It never add 0 to terminate the string
        public static int CopyString(ref ByteBufferRef dst, int cursor, ByteBufferRef src)
            Contract.Requires(cursor >= 0 && cursor < dst.Length);

            var i = 0;
            while (i + cursor < dst.Length && i < src.Length && src.Get(i) != 0)
                Contract.Assert(i < src.Length);
                dst.Set(i + cursor, src.Get(i));
            return i;
コード例 #30
        public static ulong ReadUlong(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= offset + sizeof(long));
            ulong res = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < sizeof(long); ++i)
                Contract.Assert(offset + i < buf.Length);
                res += (ulong)buf.Get(offset + i) << (8 * i);
コード例 #31
        internal void WriteInt32(int v)
            // Fail sliently
            if (cursor + sizeof(int) > Buffer.Length)

            var r = new ByteBufferRef(Buffer);

            Deserializer.WriteInt(v, r, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(int);
コード例 #32
        private int PrepareBuffer(ByteBufferRef buf, CachePage[] sealed_page)
            var cursor = 0;

            // Metadata
            for (var i = 0; i < DataPageOffset; ++i)
                Deserializer.WriteInt(i, buf, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(int);

            for (var i = 0; i < sealed_page.Length; ++i)
                var pgoffset = sealed_page[i].Location;
                Deserializer.WriteInt(pgoffset + DataPageOffset, buf, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(int);
                if (pgoffset > MaximumPageOffset())
                    Arch.Console.WriteLine("SecureFSINode::FlushAndCloseAsync, file too big");

            var metadata_cursor = cursor;

            cursor += DataPageOffset * Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;

            // Copy data
            var sha1 = new SHA1Managed();

            for (var i = 0; i < sealed_page.Length; ++i)
                var page = sealed_page[i];
                buf.CopyFrom(cursor, page.Buffer);
                var r = sha1.GetResult();

                for (var j = 0; j < r.Length; ++j)
                    Signatures[page.Location * HMACSize + j] = r[j];

                cursor += Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;

            SerializeMetadata(buf, metadata_cursor);
コード例 #33
ファイル: CachePage.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        private CachePage(Process owner, int location, ByteBufferRef buf)
            Contract.Requires(location >= 0);
            Contract.Ensures(Owner == owner);
            Contract.Ensures(Location == location);
            Contract.Ensures(CurrentState == State.Empty);
            Contract.Ensures(Next == null);

            this.Owner        = owner;
            this.Location     = location;
            this.Buffer       = buf;
            this.Next         = null;
            this.CurrentState = State.Empty;
コード例 #34
ファイル: SHA1Managed.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        // Duplicated from Input(byte[])
        public int Input(ByteBufferRef message_array)
            if (message_array.Length == 0)

            var length = message_array.Length;

            if (Computed)
                Corrupted = true;

            if (Corrupted)

            int i = 0;

            Contract.Assert(i + length == message_array.Length);
            while (length > 0 && !Corrupted)
                Contract.Assert(i >= 0);
                Contract.Assert(i + length == message_array.Length);
                Message_Block[Message_Block_Index++] = message_array.Get(i);

                Length_Low += 8;
                if (Length_Low == 0)
                    if (Length_High == 0)
                        /* Message is too long */
                        Corrupted = true;

                if (Message_Block_Index == 64)

コード例 #35
ファイル: CachePage.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        private CachePage(Process owner, int location, ByteBufferRef buf)
            Contract.Requires(location >= 0);
            Contract.Ensures(Owner == owner);
            Contract.Ensures(Location == location);
            Contract.Ensures(CurrentState == State.Empty);
            Contract.Ensures(Next == null);

            this.Owner = owner;
            this.Location = location;
            this.Buffer = buf;
            this.Next = null;
            this.CurrentState = State.Empty;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Util.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        // like strncpy, but return the number of bytes copied.
        // It never add 0 to terminate the string
        public static int CopyString(ref ByteBufferRef dst, int cursor, ByteBufferRef src)
            Contract.Requires(cursor >= 0 && cursor < dst.Length);

            var i = 0;

            while (i + cursor < dst.Length && i < src.Length && src.Get(i) != 0)
                Contract.Assert(i < src.Length);
                dst.Set(i + cursor, src.Get(i));
コード例 #37
ファイル: Util.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        public static int Strnlen(ByteBufferRef buf, int max_len)
            var i = 0;

            while (i < max_len && i < buf.Length)
                if (buf.Get(i) == 0)

コード例 #38
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        public void Write(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(offset + Size <= buf.Length);

            Deserializer.WriteUInt(HandleOrPtr.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(cookie.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(code, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(flags, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(sender_pid, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(sender_euid, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_size, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(offsets_size, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_buffer.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_offsets.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
コード例 #39
        private void SerializeMetadata(ByteBufferRef buf, int cursor)
            Deserializer.WriteULong(HeaderMagic, buf, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(ulong);
            var hmac = CalculateHMAC(DataPageOffset, FileSize, Signatures);

            buf.CopyFrom(cursor, hmac);
            cursor += HMACSize;
            Deserializer.WriteInt(DataPageOffset, buf, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(int);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(FileSize, buf, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteInt(Signatures.Length, buf, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(int);
            buf.CopyFrom(cursor, Signatures);
コード例 #40
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: terry2012/expressos
        public void Write(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(offset + Size <= buf.Length);

            Deserializer.WriteUInt(HandleOrPtr.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(cookie.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset      += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(code, buf, offset); offset         += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(flags, buf, offset); offset        += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(sender_pid, buf, offset); offset   += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(sender_euid, buf, offset); offset  += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_size, buf, offset); offset    += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(offsets_size, buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_buffer.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset  += sizeof(uint);
            Deserializer.WriteUInt(data_offsets.Value.ToUInt32(), buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
コード例 #41
        private static int UnmarshalDataEntries(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf, ref sys_binder_write_desc desc)
            var cursor = desc.read_consumed;
            var i      = 0;

            while (i < desc.patch_table_entries && cursor < buf.Length)
                if (cursor + 2 * sizeof(uint) > buf.Length)

                var offset = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(uint);
                var length = (int)Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(int);

                if (cursor + length > buf.Length)

                //Arch.Console.Write("UnmarshalDataEntries: offset=");
                //Arch.Console.Write(" length=");

                //BinderIPCMarshaler.DumpBuf(marshaledPtr, length);
                var b = buf.Slice(cursor, length);

                if (b.Length + offset > current.Parent.binderVMSize)

                Contract.Assert(offset + b.Length <= current.Parent.binderVMSize);
                if ((current.Parent.binderVMStart + offset).Write(current, b) != 0)

                cursor += length;
コード例 #42
ファイル: DataTypes.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        public static binder_transaction_data Deserialize(ByteBufferRef buf, int offset)
            Contract.Requires(offset >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(offset + Size <= buf.Length);

            binder_transaction_data r;
            r.HandleOrPtr = new UserPtr(Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset)); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.cookie = new UserPtr(Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset)); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.code = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.flags = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.sender_pid = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.sender_euid = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.data_size = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.offsets_size = Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.data_buffer = new UserPtr(Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset)); offset += sizeof(uint);
            r.data_offsets = new UserPtr(Deserializer.ReadUInt(buf, offset)); offset += sizeof(uint);
            return r;
コード例 #43
        public static int UnmarshalReadBuffer(Thread thr, ByteBufferRef completionBuf, ref sys_binder_write_desc desc, UserPtr readBuffer, int readBufferSize)
            var proc = thr.Parent;
            var marshaledPtr = new Pointer(completionBuf.Location);

            //BinderIPCMarshaler.DumpBuf(new Pointer(completionBuf.Location), (int)desc.read_consumed);

            if (proc.binderVMStart == UserPtr.Zero)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("proc.binderVMStart == UserPtr.Zero");
                return -ErrorCode.EFAULT;

            if (UnmarshalDataEntries(thr, completionBuf, ref desc) != 0)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("UnmarshalDataEntries failed");
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            if (desc.read_consumed > completionBuf.Length)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("UnmarshalReadBuffer: bad input");
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            // Patch pointers and convert file descriptors
            var b = completionBuf.Slice(0, desc.read_consumed);
            if (PatchReadBuffer(thr, b) != 0)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("Failed to patch read buffer");
                return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

            if (readBuffer.Write(thr, marshaledPtr, desc.read_consumed) != 0)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("readBuffer.Write failed");
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            return 0;
コード例 #44
        public ByteBufferRef AllocPages(int pages)
            Contract.Ensures(!Contract.Result<ByteBufferRef>().isValid ||
                Contract.Result<ByteBufferRef>().Length == pages * Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);

            var size = pages * Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;
            var p = NativeMethods.sel4_alloc_alloc(this.handle, size);

            if (p == Pointer.Zero)
                // Post-condition of ByteBufferRef.Empty
                return ByteBufferRef.Empty;

            var r = new ByteBufferRef(p.ToIntPtr(), size);
            // Post-condition of ByteBufferRef
            Contract.Assume(r.Length == size);

            Contract.Assert(r.Length == pages * Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);
            return r;
コード例 #45
ファイル: Parcel.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        internal void WriteString16(string s)
            var r = new ByteBufferRef(Buffer);

            if (cursor + sizeof(int) > Buffer.Length)


            foreach (var c in s)
                if (cursor + sizeof(short) > r.Length)
                Deserializer.WriteShort((short)c, r, cursor);
                cursor += sizeof(short);

            if (cursor + sizeof(short) > r.Length)

            Deserializer.WriteShort(0, r, cursor);
            cursor += sizeof(short);
コード例 #46
 public bool Contains(ByteBufferRef buf)
     return Start <= new Pointer(buf.Location) && new Pointer(buf.Location) + buf.Length < End;
コード例 #47
ファイル: VirtualFileSystem.cs プロジェクト: kingst/expressos
 public static bool StatIsDir(ByteBufferRef buf)
     var mode = Deserializer.ReadInt(buf, OFFSET_OF_MODE_IN_STAT64);
     return ((mode & S_IFMT) & S_IFDIR) != 0;
コード例 #48
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        private int Write(Process process, Pointer dst, int length)
            var bytesLeft = length;

            var src = _value;
            var dst_buf = new ByteBufferRef(dst.ToIntPtr(), length);
            var cursor = 0;
            while (bytesLeft > 0)
                var region = process.Space.Find(src);

                // Invalid mapping
                if (region == null || region.IsFixed)
                    return bytesLeft;

                var off = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(src.ToUInt32());
                var virtualAddr = process.Space.UserToVirt(new UserPtr(src));

                if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)
                    // Page isn't present, try to bring it in.
                    uint permission;

                    Pager.HandlePageFault(process, MemoryRegion.FAULT_MASK, src, Pointer.Zero, out virtualAddr, out permission);

                    if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)

                var virtual_page = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageIndex(virtualAddr.ToUInt32());
                var page_buf = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(virtual_page), Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);

                var b = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize - off;
                var bytesTobeCopied = b > bytesLeft ? bytesLeft : b;

                var dst_buf_page = page_buf.Slice(off, bytesTobeCopied);
                for (var i = 0; i < bytesTobeCopied; ++i)
                    dst_buf_page.Set(i, dst_buf.Get(cursor + i));

                bytesLeft -= bytesTobeCopied;
                src += bytesTobeCopied;
                cursor += bytesTobeCopied;

            return bytesLeft;
コード例 #49
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 int Write(Process proc, ByteBufferRef val)
     return Write(proc, new Pointer(val.Location), val.Length);
コード例 #50
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 private unsafe int Read(Thread current, void* dst, int length)
     var process = current.Parent;
     var buf = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(dst), length);
     var bytesRead = Read(process, buf, false);
     return length - bytesRead;
コード例 #51
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
        private int Read(Process process, ByteBufferRef buffer, bool is_string)
            var bytesLeft = is_string ? buffer.Length - 1 : buffer.Length;
            var bytesRead = 0;

            var src = _value;

            while (bytesLeft > 0)
                var region = process.Space.Find(src);

                // Invalid mapping
                if (region == null || region.IsFixed)

                var off = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(src.ToUInt32());
                var virtualAddr = process.Space.UserToVirt(new UserPtr(src));

                if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)
                    uint permission;

                    Pager.HandlePageFault(process, MemoryRegion.FAULT_MASK, _value, Pointer.Zero, out virtualAddr, out permission);

                    if (virtualAddr == Pointer.Zero)

                var virtual_page = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageIndex(virtualAddr.ToUInt32());
                var page_buf = new ByteBufferRef(new IntPtr(virtual_page), Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize);

                var b = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize - off;
                var bytesTobeCopied = b > bytesLeft ? bytesLeft : b;

                var src_buf = page_buf.Slice(off, bytesTobeCopied);

                if (is_string)
                    var res = Util.CopyString(ref buffer, bytesRead, src_buf);
                    bytesRead += res;

                    if (res < bytesTobeCopied)
                        // We're done.
                    for (var i = 0; i < bytesTobeCopied; ++i)
                        buffer.Set(i + bytesRead, src_buf.Get(i));
                    bytesRead += bytesTobeCopied;

                bytesLeft -= bytesTobeCopied;
                src += bytesTobeCopied;

            if (is_string)
                buffer.Set(bytesRead, 0);
            return bytesRead;
コード例 #52
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 internal int Write(Process proc, byte[] val)
     var b = new ByteBufferRef(val);
     return Write(proc, b);
コード例 #53
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 internal int Write(Thread current, ByteBufferRef val)
     return Write(current.Parent, val);
コード例 #54
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 public int ReadString(Thread current, byte[] buf)
     var b = new ByteBufferRef(buf);
     return ReadString(current, b);
コード例 #55
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 internal unsafe int Read(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf, int desired_length)
     Contract.Requires(buf.Length >= desired_length);
     return Read(current, buf.Location.ToPointer(), desired_length);
コード例 #56
ファイル: UserPtr.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 public int ReadString(Thread current, ByteBufferRef buf)
     return Read(current.Parent, buf, true);
コード例 #57
ファイル: VirtualFileSystem.cs プロジェクト: kingst/expressos
 public static void SetSizeFromStat64(ByteBufferRef buf, ulong size)
     Deserializer.WriteULong(size, buf, OFFSET_OF_SIZE_IN_STAT64);
コード例 #58
ファイル: VirtualFileSystem.cs プロジェクト: kingst/expressos
 public static long GetSizeFromStat64(ByteBufferRef buf)
     return Deserializer.ReadLong(buf, OFFSET_OF_SIZE_IN_STAT64);
コード例 #59
ファイル: GenericINode.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
         * Write a segment buffer.
         * The buffer itself is passed as a reference, because some inode might take the ownership
         * of the buffer and put it as a part of its completion. In this case the buf is set to empty
        internal int Write(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, ref ByteBufferRef buf, int len, uint pos, File file)
            switch (kind)
                case INodeKind.ConsoleINodeKind:
                        uint dummy = 0;
                        return ConsoleINode.WriteImpl(current, buf, len, ref dummy);
                case INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
                case INodeKind.SocketINodeKind:
                    return ArchINode.ArchWrite(current, ref regs, ref buf, len, pos, file);

                case INodeKind.SecureFSINodeKind:
                    return SFSINode.SFSWrite(current, ref regs, buf, len, pos, file);
            return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;
コード例 #60
ファイル: GenericINode.cs プロジェクト: samarunraj/expressos
 public int Read(ByteBufferRef buffer, int offset, int count, ref uint pos)
     switch (kind)
         case INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
             return ArchINode.ReadImpl(buffer, offset, count, ref pos);
     return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;