public override List <QuestionAnswer> GetQuestions() { List <QuestionAnswer> messagesAndAnswers = base.GetQuestions(); m_QnALicenseType = messagesAndAnswers.Count; messagesAndAnswers.Add(new QuestionAnswer(string.Format(@"Please Enter the license type the motorcycle u are admiting to the garage requires. Press one of the following: {0}", GrageData.GetEnumFormatedString(typeof(eLicenseType), out int size)), string.Empty)); m_QnAEngineVolume = messagesAndAnswers.Count; messagesAndAnswers.Add(new QuestionAnswer("Please enter the engine volume", string.Empty)); return(messagesAndAnswers); }
public override List <QuestionAnswer> GetQuestions() { List <QuestionAnswer> messagesAndAnswers = base.GetQuestions(); m_QnANumberOfDoors = messagesAndAnswers.Count; messagesAndAnswers.Add(new QuestionAnswer(string.Format(@"Please Enter the number of doors the car you are admiting to the garage has. Press one of the following: {0}", GrageData.GetEnumFormatedString(typeof(eNumberOfDoors), out int size)), string.Empty)); m_QnACarColor = messagesAndAnswers.Count; messagesAndAnswers.Add(new QuestionAnswer(string.Format(@"Please Enter the color of the car you are admiting to the garage. Press one of the following: {0}", GrageData.GetEnumFormatedString(typeof(eCarColor), out int size1)), string.Empty)); return(messagesAndAnswers); }