protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.AllEigenschappen); //Action bar InitializeActionBar(SupportActionBar); title = ActionBarTitle; query = ActionBarQuery; search = ActionBarSearch; back = ActionBarBack; mToastShort = Toast.MakeText(this, "", ToastLength.Short); mToastLong = Toast.MakeText(this, "", ToastLength.Long); currProfiel = _appController.CurrentProfiel; IsProfileNull = (currProfiel == null); eigenschappenList = _appController.Eigenschappen; //listener to pass to EigenschapAdapter containing context mListener = new MyOnCheckBoxClickListener(this); eigenschapAdapter = new EigenschapAdapter(this, _appController.Eigenschappen, mListener); allEigenschappenListView = FindViewById <ListView> (Resource.Id.all_eigenschappen_list); allEigenschappenListView.Adapter = eigenschapAdapter; title.Text = IsProfileNull ? "Eigenschappen" : "Selectie"; query.Hint = "Zoek eigenschap"; //hide keyboard when scrolling through list allEigenschappenListView.SetOnTouchListener(new MyOnTouchListener(this, query)); //initialize progress dialog used when calculating totemlist progress = new ProgressDialog(this); progress.SetMessage("Totems zoeken..."); progress.SetProgressStyle(ProgressDialogStyle.Spinner); progress.SetCancelable(false); LiveSearch(); sharedPrefs = GetSharedPreferences("data", FileCreationMode.Private); var vind = FindViewById <LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.vind); vind.Click += VindTotem; bottomBar = FindViewById <RelativeLayout> (Resource.Id.bottomBar); search.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; search.Click += (sender, e) => ToggleSearch(); //hide keyboard when enter is pressed query.EditorAction += (sender, e) => { if (e.ActionId == ImeAction.Search) { KeyboardHelper.HideKeyboard(this); } else { e.Handled = false; } }; }
private void ProfilePopup() { var menu = new PopupMenu(this, search); menu.Inflate(Resource.Menu.Popup); int count = 0; foreach (Profiel p in _appController.DistinctProfielen) { menu.Menu.Add(0, count, count,; count++; } menu.Menu.Add(0, count, count, "Nieuw profiel"); menu.MenuItemClick += (s1, arg1) => { if (arg1.Item.ItemId == count) { var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.SetTitle("Nieuw profiel"); var input = new EditText(this); input.InputType = InputTypes.TextFlagCapWords; input.Hint = "Naam"; KeyboardHelper.ShowKeyboard(this, input); alert.SetView(input); alert.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (s, args) => { string value = input.Text; if (value.Replace("'", "").Replace(" ", "").Equals("")) { mToastShort.SetText("Ongeldige naam"); mToastShort.Show(); } else if (_appController.GetProfielNamen().Contains(value)) { input.Text = ""; mToastShort.SetText("Profiel " + value + " bestaat al"); mToastShort.Show(); } else { _appController.AddProfile(value); _appController.AddOrUpdateEigenschappenSer(value, JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(_appController.Eigenschappen)); mToastShort.SetText("Selectie opgeslagen voor profiel " + value); mToastShort.Show(); } }); AlertDialog d1 = alert.Create(); //add profile when enter is clicked input.EditorAction += (s2, e) => { if (e.ActionId == ImeAction.Done) { d1.GetButton(-1).PerformClick(); } else { e.Handled = false; } }; RunOnUiThread(d1.Show); } else { _appController.AddOrUpdateEigenschappenSer(arg1.Item.TitleFormatted.ToString(), JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(_appController.Eigenschappen)); mToastShort.SetText("Selectie opgeslagen voor profiel " + arg1.Item.TitleFormatted); mToastShort.Show(); } }; menu.Show(); }