コード例 #1
 private void modifyData()
     var password = new Password( newPassword.Value );
         false );
     AddStatusMessage( StatusMessageType.Info, "Your password has been successfully changed. Use it the next time you log in." );
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up client-side logic for user log-in and returns a modification method that logs in a user. Do not call if the system does not implement the
        /// forms-authentication-capable user-management provider.
        /// </summary>
        public static Func<FormsAuthCapableUser> GetLogInMethod(
            Control etherealControlParent, DataValue<string> emailAddress, DataValue<string> password, string emailAddressErrorMessage, string passwordErrorMessage,
            ValidationList vl)
            var utcOffset = new DataValue<string>();
            setUpClientSideLogicForLogIn( etherealControlParent, utcOffset, vl );

            return () => {
                var errors = new List<string>();

                var user = SystemProvider.GetUser( emailAddress.Value );
                if( user != null ) {
                    var authenticationSuccessful = false;
                    if( user.SaltedPassword != null ) {
                        // Trim the password if it is temporary; the user may have copied and pasted it from an email, which can add white space on the ends.
                        var hashedPassword = new Password( user.MustChangePassword ? password.Value.Trim() : password.Value, user.Salt ).ComputeSaltedHash();
                        if( user.SaltedPassword.SequenceEqual( hashedPassword ) )
                            authenticationSuccessful = true;

                    var strictProvider = SystemProvider as StrictFormsAuthUserManagementProvider;
                    if( strictProvider != null ) {
                        strictProvider.PostAuthenticate( user, authenticationSuccessful );

                        // Re-retrieve the user in case PostAuthenticate modified it.
                        user = SystemProvider.GetUser( user.UserId );

                    if( authenticationSuccessful )
                        setFormsAuthCookieAndUser( user );
                        errors.Add( passwordErrorMessage );
                    errors.Add( emailAddressErrorMessage );

                errors.AddRange( verifyTestCookie() );
                addStatusMessageIfClockNotSynchronized( utcOffset );

                if( errors.Any() )
                    throw new DataModificationException( errors.ToArray() );
                return user;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this during LoadData.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="vl"></param>
        /// <param name="availableRoles">Pass a restricted list of <see cref="Role"/>s the user may select. Otherwise, Roles available 
        /// in the System Provider are used.</param>
        /// <param name="validationPredicate">If the function returns true, validation continues.</param>
        public void LoadData( int? userId, ValidationList vl, List<Role> availableRoles = null, Func<bool> validationPredicate = null )
            availableRoles = ( availableRoles != null ? availableRoles.OrderBy( r => r.Name ) : UserManagementStatics.SystemProvider.GetRoles() ).ToList();

            user = userId.HasValue ? UserManagementStatics.GetUser( userId.Value, true ) : null;
            if( includePasswordControls() && user != null )
                facUser = FormsAuthStatics.GetUser( user.UserId, true );

            Func<bool> validationShouldRun = () => validationPredicate == null || validationPredicate();

            var b = FormItemBlock.CreateFormItemTable( heading: "Security Information" );

                    "Email address",
                    new EwfTextBox( user != null ? user.Email : "" ),
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         if( validationShouldRun() )
                                                             Email = validator.GetEmailAddress( new ValidationErrorHandler( "email address" ), control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), false );
                                                     vl ) ) );

            if( includePasswordControls() ) {
                var group = new RadioButtonGroup( false );

                var keepPassword = FormItem.Create(
                    group.CreateInlineRadioButton( true, label: userId.HasValue ? "Keep the current password" : "Do not create a password" ),
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         if( !validationShouldRun() || !control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) )
                                                         if( user != null ) {
                                                             Salt = facUser.Salt;
                                                             SaltedPassword = facUser.SaltedPassword;
                                                             MustChangePassword = facUser.MustChangePassword;
                                                             genPassword( false );
                                                     vl ) );

                var generatePassword = FormItem.Create(
                    group.CreateInlineRadioButton( false, label: "Generate a " + ( userId.HasValue ? "new, " : "" ) + "random password and email it to the user" ),
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         if( validationShouldRun() && control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) )
                                                             genPassword( true );
                                                     vl ) );

                var newPassword = new DataValue<string>();
                var confirmPassword = new DataValue<string>();
                var newPasswordTable = EwfTable.Create( style: EwfTableStyle.StandardExceptLayout );
                    new EwfTableItem(
                            new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true ) { Width = Unit.Pixel( 200 ) },
                            validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => newPassword.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), vl ) ).ToControl() ) );
                    new EwfTableItem(
                        "Password again",
                            new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true ) { Width = Unit.Pixel( 200 ) },
                            validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => confirmPassword.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), vl ) ).ToControl() ) );

                var providePasswordRadio = group.CreateBlockRadioButton( false, label: "Provide a " + ( userId.HasValue ? "new " : "" ) + "password" );
                providePasswordRadio.NestedControls.Add( newPasswordTable );
                var providePassword = FormItem.Create(
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         if( !validationShouldRun() || !control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) )
                                                         FormsAuthStatics.ValidatePassword( validator, newPassword, confirmPassword );
                                                         var p = new Password( newPassword.Value );
                                                         Salt = p.Salt;
                                                         SaltedPassword = p.ComputeSaltedHash();
                                                         MustChangePassword = false;
                                                     vl ) );

                    FormItem.Create( "Password", ControlStack.CreateWithControls( true, keepPassword.ToControl(), generatePassword.ToControl(), providePassword.ToControl() ) ) );

                        from i in availableRoles select SelectListItem.Create( i.RoleId as int?, i.Name ),
                        user != null ? user.Role.RoleId as int? : null ),
                    validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                                                     ( pbv, validator ) => {
                                                         if( validationShouldRun() )
                                                             RoleId = control.ValidateAndGetSelectedItemIdInPostBack( pbv, validator ) ?? default ( int );
                                                     vl ) ) );

            Controls.Add( b );
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the password of the given user and sends a message with the new password to their email address. Do not call if the system does not implement the
        /// forms authentication capable user management provider.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ResetAndSendPassword( int userId )
            User user = SystemProvider.GetUser( userId );

            // reset the password
            var newPassword = new Password();
            SystemProvider.InsertOrUpdateUser( userId, user.Email, user.Role.RoleId, user.LastRequestDateTime, newPassword.Salt, newPassword.ComputeSaltedHash(), true );

            // send the email
            SendPassword( user.Email, newPassword.PasswordText );
コード例 #5
 private void genPassword( bool emailPassword )
     var password = new Password();
     Salt = password.Salt;
     SaltedPassword = password.ComputeSaltedHash();
     MustChangePassword = true;
     if( emailPassword )
         passwordToEmail = password.PasswordText;