private void InitializeRootGroup() { dummyPanel = PanelUtils.Internal.CreatePanel(null, this); = "DummyPanel"; dummyPanel.CanvasGroup.alpha = 0f; dummyPanel.Internal.SetDummy(minimumFreeSpace); RootPanelGroup = new PanelGroup(this, Direction.Right); RootPanelGroup.AddElement(dummyPanel); }
public void AnchorPanel(IPanelGroupElement source, DynamicPanelsCanvas canvas, Direction anchorDirection) { PanelGroup rootGroup = canvas.RootPanelGroup; PanelGroup tempGroup = new PanelGroup(canvas, Direction.Right); for (int i = 0; i < rootGroup.Count; i++) { if (rootGroup[i].Group == rootGroup) { tempGroup.AddElement(rootGroup[i]); } } rootGroup.AddElement(tempGroup); AnchorPanel(source, tempGroup, anchorDirection); }
public void AnchorPanel(IPanelGroupElement source, IPanelGroupElement anchor, Direction anchorDirection) { PanelGroup group = anchor.Group; if (group is UnanchoredPanelGroup) { Debug.LogError("Can not anchor to an unanchored panel!"); return; } Vector2 size; Panel panel = source as Panel; if (panel != null) { size = panel.IsDocked ? panel.FloatingSize : panel.Size; } else { ((PanelGroup)source).Internal.UpdateLayout(); size = source.Size; } // Fill the whole anchored area in order not to break other elements' sizes on layout update if (anchorDirection == Direction.Left || anchorDirection == Direction.Right) { if (anchor.Size.y > 0f) { size.y = anchor.Size.y; } } else { if (anchor.Size.x > 0f) { size.x = anchor.Size.x; } } if (panel != null) { panel.RectTransform.sizeDelta = size; } else { ((PanelGroup)source).Internal.UpdateBounds(source.Position, size); } bool addElementAfter = anchorDirection == Direction.Right || anchorDirection == Direction.Top; if (group.IsInSameDirection(anchorDirection)) { if (addElementAfter) { group.AddElementAfter(anchor, source); } else { group.AddElementBefore(anchor, source); } } else { IPanelGroupElement element1, element2; if (addElementAfter) { element1 = anchor; element2 = source; } else { element1 = source; element2 = anchor; } PanelGroup newGroup = new PanelGroup(anchor.Canvas, anchorDirection); newGroup.AddElement(element1); newGroup.AddElement(element2); group.Internal.ReplaceElement(anchor, newGroup); } if (panel != null) { if (draggedPanel == panel) { draggedPanel = null; } panel.RectTransform.SetAsFirstSibling(); if (panel.Internal.ContentScrollRect != null) { panel.Internal.ContentScrollRect.OnDrag(nullPointerEventData); } } }
private static IPanelGroupElement Deserialize(DynamicPanelsCanvas canvas, ISerializedElement element) { if (element == null) { return(null); } if (element is SerializedDummyPanel) { return(canvas.Internal.DummyPanel); } if (element is SerializedPanel) { SerializedPanel serializedPanel = (SerializedPanel)element; Panel panel = null; SerializedPanelTab[] tabs = serializedPanel.tabs; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.Length; i++) { PanelTab tab; if (!PanelNotificationCenter.TryGetTab(tabs[i].id, out tab)) { continue; } if (panel == null) { panel = tab.Detach(); canvas.UnanchoredPanelGroup.AddElement(panel); } else { panel.AddTab(tab); } //if( tab != null ) //{ // tab.MinSize = tabs[i].minSize; // tab.Label = tabs[i].label; //} } if (panel != null) { if (serializedPanel.activeTab < tabs.Length) { int activeTabIndex = panel.GetTabIndex(tabs[serializedPanel.activeTab].id); if (activeTabIndex >= 0) { panel.ActiveTab = activeTabIndex; } } if (serializedPanel is SerializedUnanchoredPanel) { SerializedUnanchoredPanel unanchoredPanel = (SerializedUnanchoredPanel)serializedPanel; panel.RectTransform.anchoredPosition = unanchoredPanel.position; panel.gameObject.SetActive(; } panel.FloatingSize = serializedPanel.floatingSize; } return(panel); } if (element is SerializedPanelGroup) { SerializedPanelGroup serializedPanelGroup = (SerializedPanelGroup)element; ISerializedElement[] children = serializedPanelGroup.children; if (children == null || children.Length == 0) { return(null); } PanelGroup panelGroup = new PanelGroup(canvas, serializedPanelGroup.horizontal ? Direction.Right : Direction.Top); for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { if (children[i] == null) { continue; } IPanelGroupElement childElement = Deserialize(canvas, children[i]); if (childElement != null) { panelGroup.AddElement(childElement); sizesHolder.Add(new GroupElementSizeHolder(childElement, children[i].size)); } } if (panelGroup.Count > 0) { return(panelGroup); } } return(null); }
public static void DeserializeCanvasFromArray(DynamicPanelsCanvas canvas, byte[] data) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { Debug.LogError("Can deserialize in Play mode only!"); return; } #endif if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("Data is null!"); return; } SerializedCanvas serializedCanvas; BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data)) { serializedCanvas = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as SerializedCanvas; } if (serializedCanvas == null) { return; } sizesHolder.Clear(); canvas.LeaveFreeSpace = serializedCanvas.useFreeSpace; if (serializedCanvas.rootPanelGroup != null) { PanelGroup rootPanelGroup = canvas.RootPanelGroup; ISerializedElement[] children = serializedCanvas.rootPanelGroup.children; for (int i = children.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IPanelGroupElement element = Deserialize(canvas, children[i]); if (element != null) { if (rootPanelGroup.Count == 0) { rootPanelGroup.AddElement(element); } else { rootPanelGroup.AddElementBefore(rootPanelGroup[0], element); } sizesHolder.Insert(0, new GroupElementSizeHolder(element, children[i].size)); } } } if (sizesHolder.Count > 0) { canvas.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(); for (int i = 0; i < sizesHolder.Count; i++) { sizesHolder[i].element.ResizeTo(sizesHolder[i].size, Direction.Right, Direction.Top); } } if (serializedCanvas.unanchoredPanelGroup != null) { ISerializedElement[] children = serializedCanvas.unanchoredPanelGroup.children; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { SerializedUnanchoredPanel unanchoredPanel = children[i] as SerializedUnanchoredPanel; if (unanchoredPanel != null) { Panel panel = Deserialize(canvas, unanchoredPanel) as Panel; if (panel != null) { panel.Detach(); canvas.UnanchoredPanelGroup.RestrictPanelToBounds(panel); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < canvas.UnanchoredPanelGroup.Count; i++) { Panel panel = canvas.UnanchoredPanelGroup[i] as Panel; if (panel != null) { panel.RectTransform.SetAsLastSibling(); } } canvas.gameObject.SetActive(; }