public void TakeStartOfTurnActions(GameState g, UserInterface ui) { if (g.NameOfDraculaAlly() == "Quincey P. Morris") { Hunter victim = logic.DecideWhichHunterToAttackWithQuincey(g.GetHunters()); ui.TellUser("Dracula has chosen " + victim.Name + " to affect with Quincey P. Morris"); switch (ui.GetHunterHolyItems(victim.Name)) { case 0: ui.TellUser(victim.Name + " loses 1 health"); victim.Health--; g.HandlePossibleHunterDeath(ui); break; case 1: if (victim.ItemsKnownToDracula.FindIndex(item => item.Name == "Crucifix") == -1) { g.AddToHunterItemsKnownToDracula(victim, "Crucifix"); } ui.TellUser("No effect from Quincey P. Morris"); break; case 2: if (victim.ItemsKnownToDracula.FindIndex(item => item.Name == "Heavenly Host") == -1) { g.AddToHunterItemsKnownToDracula(victim, "Heavenly Host"); } ui.TellUser("No effect from Quincey P. Morris"); break; } } Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Deciding what to do with Catacombs locations"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Catacombs[i] != null) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Deciding what to do with location " + Catacombs[i].Name); if (logic.DecideToDiscardCatacombLocation(g, this)) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Discarding " + Catacombs[i].Name); while (Catacombs[i].Encounters.Count() > 0) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Putting encounter " + Catacombs[i].Encounters.First().name + " back into the encounter pool"); g.AddEncounterToEncounterPool(Catacombs[i].Encounters.First()); Catacombs[i].Encounters.Remove(Catacombs[i].Encounters.First()); } Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Emptying " + Catacombs[i].Name + " from Catacombs"); Catacombs[i] = null; } } } }
public void MatureEncounters(GameState g, UserInterface ui) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("MATURING ENCOUNTERS"); while (EncountersToMature.Count > 0) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Maturing encounter " + EncountersToMature.First().name); Logger.WriteToGameLog(EncountersToMature.First().name + " matured"); g.MatureEncounter(EncountersToMature.First().name, ui); g.AddEncounterToEncounterPool(EncountersToMature.First()); EncountersToMature.Remove(EncountersToMature.First()); } }
public void DiscardEncountersDownTo(GameState g, int encountersToKeep) { while (EncounterHand.Count() > encountersToKeep) { EncounterDetail encounterToDiscard = logic.DecideWhichEncounterToDiscard(g, this); EncounterHand.Remove(encounterToDiscard); g.AddEncounterToEncounterPool(encounterToDiscard); Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula discarded " +; Logger.WriteToGameLog("Dracula discarded " +; } }
public void DoDoubleBackMove(GameState g, LocationDetail goingTo, UserInterface ui) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Remembering that Dracula is moving from a location of type " + CurrentLocation.Type); LocationType previousLocationType = CurrentLocation.Type; bool doublingBackToCatacombs = false; int doubleBackIndex = LocationTrail.FindIndex(location => location == goingTo); if (doubleBackIndex > -1) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Doubling back to a location in the trail"); if (doubleBackIndex > 0) { if (LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 1].Name == "Hide") { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula Doubled Back to " + goingTo + " and Hide is the next card in the trail"); ui.TellUser("Dracula Doubled Back to a location where he previously used Hide (position " + (doubleBackIndex - 1) + ")"); RevealHide(doubleBackIndex - 1, ui); } else if (doubleBackIndex > 1) { if (LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 1].Type == LocationType.Power && LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 2].Name == "Hide") { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula Doubled Back to " + goingTo + " and Hide is the next card in the trail, after " + LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 1].Name); ui.TellUser("Dracula Doubled Back to a location where he previously used Hide (position " + (doubleBackIndex - 1) + ")"); RevealHide(doubleBackIndex - 2, ui); } else if (doubleBackIndex > 2) { if (LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 1].Type == LocationType.Power && LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 2].Type == LocationType.Power && LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 3].Name == "Hide") { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula Doubled Back to " + goingTo + " and Hide is the next card in the trail, after " + LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 1].Name + " and " + LocationTrail[doubleBackIndex - 2].Name); ui.TellUser("Dracula Doubled Back to a location where he previously used Hide (position " + (doubleBackIndex - 1) + ")"); RevealHide(doubleBackIndex - 3, ui); } } } } else { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("TRIED TO DOUBLE BACK TO A LOCATION WHEN THERE ARE NONE IN THE LIST"); } } else { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Doubling back to a location in the Catacombs"); doublingBackToCatacombs = true; } int doubleBackLocation = LocationTrail.FindIndex(loc => loc == goingTo); // move location to the front of the trail Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Temporarily holding " + goingTo.Name); if (doublingBackToCatacombs) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Removing " + goingTo.Name + " from the Catacombs"); Catacombs[Array.IndexOf(Catacombs, goingTo)] = null; EncounterDetail encounterToDiscard = logic.DecideWhichCatacombsEncounterToDiscard(g, goingTo, ui); goingTo.Encounters.Remove(encounterToDiscard); g.AddEncounterToEncounterPool(encounterToDiscard); } else { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Removing " + goingTo.Name + " from the trail"); LocationTrail.Remove(goingTo); } Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Putting " + goingTo.Name + " back at the head of the trail"); LocationTrail.Insert(0, goingTo); Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula's current location is now " + CurrentLocation.Name); CurrentLocation = LocationTrail[0]; Logger.WriteToGameLog("Dracula Doubled Back to " + CurrentLocation.Name + " from " + (doublingBackToCatacombs ? " the Catacombs" : " his trail")); // move the power cards that are in the trail for (int i = 0; i < Powers.Count(); i++) { if (Powers[i].positionInTrail == doubleBackLocation) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Moving Double Back power position to the head of the trail"); Powers[i].positionInTrail = 0; } else if (Powers[i].positionInTrail < doubleBackLocation) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Moving power " + Powers[i].name + " position further along the trail"); Powers[i].positionInTrail++; } } CheckBloodLossAtSea(previousLocationType, g.NameOfHunterAlly()); }
public void TrimTrail(GameState g, int length) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Trimming Dracula's trail to length " + length); while (LocationTrail.Count() > length) { for (int i = 0; i < Powers.Count(); i++) { if (Powers[i].positionInTrail > length - 1) { Powers[i].positionInTrail = 6; } } if (LocationTrail.Last().Name == "Hide") { LocationWhereHideWasUsed = null; } LocationTrail.Last().IsRevealed = false; if (LocationTrail.Last() != CurrentLocation) { while (LocationTrail.Last().Encounters.Count() > 0) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Moving encounter " + LocationTrail.Last().Encounters[0].name + " back to the encounter pool"); g.AddEncounterToEncounterPool(LocationTrail.Last().Encounters[0]); LocationTrail.Last().Encounters[0].isRevealed = false; LocationTrail.Last().Encounters.Remove(LocationTrail.Last().Encounters[0]); } } else { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Not moving this location's encounters back to the encounter pool because it is Dracula's current location"); } Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Removing " + LocationTrail.Last().Name + " from the trail"); LocationTrail.Remove(LocationTrail.Last()); } if (!LocationTrail.Contains(CurrentLocation)) { Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Dracula's current location was removed from the trail, adding it back at what will be the end of the trail"); LocationTrail.Insert(length - 1, CurrentLocation); Logger.WriteToDebugLog("Removing " + LocationTrail.Last().Name); LocationTrail.Remove(LocationTrail.Last()); } }