public void TestDropDoesNotOutputItself() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ product }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() })); Assert.AreEqual(" ", output); }
public void TestNestedContextDrop() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop(), foo = "monkey" })); Assert.AreEqual(" monkey ", output); }
public override void Render(Context context, TextWriter result) { DotLiquid.Hash hash = context[_Parts[0]] as DotLiquid.Hash; if (hash == null) { return; } List <GenParameter> list = hash[_Parts[1]] as List <GenParameter>; if (list == null) { return; } bool first = true; foreach (var p in list) { if (!first) { result.Write(", "); } result.Write("{0} _{1}", p.ManagedType, p.Name); first = false; } }
public void TestProtected() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ product.call_me_not }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() })); Assert.AreEqual(" ", output); }
public void TestTextArrayDrop() { string output = Template.Parse("{% for text in product.texts.array %} {{text}} {% endfor %}") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() })); Assert.AreEqual(" text1 text2 ", output); }
public void TestContextDrop() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), bar = "carrot" })); Assert.AreEqual(" carrot ", output); }
public void TestTextDrop2() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ product.catchall.unknown }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() })); Assert.AreEqual(" method: unknown ", output); }
public void TestTextDrop() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ product.texts.text }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() })); Assert.AreEqual(" text1 ", output); }
public void Mytest() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ }} ") .Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { @object = new ObjectDrop() })); Console.Write(output); }
public override void Render(Context context, TextWriter result) { DotLiquid.Hash hash = context[_Parts[0]] as DotLiquid.Hash; if (hash == null) { return; } }
public void TestNestedObj() { Template template = Template.Parse("{{ value.nested.c }}"); Assert.AreEqual("test", template.Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { value = new { name = "hello", test = "test", nested = new { c = "test" } } }))); }
public override void Render(Context context, TextWriter result) { DotLiquid.Hash hash = context[_Parts[0]] as DotLiquid.Hash; if (hash == null) { return; } List <GenParameter> list = hash[_Parts[1]] as List <GenParameter>; if (list == null) { return; } bool first = true; foreach (var p in list) { if (!first) { result.Write(", "); } if (IsNativeToManaged || IsNativeInternal) { if (p.Type == typeof(String)) { result.Write("const char* _sz{0}Buff, size_t _n{0}Size", p.Name); } else { result.Write("{0} _{1}", p.NativeType, p.Name); } } else if (IsNativeExternal) { if (p.Type.IsClass && p.Type != typeof(String)) { result.Write("C{0} &_{1}", p.NativeType.Replace("I*", ""), p.Name); } else { result.Write("{0} _{1}", p.NativeType, p.Name); } } else { result.Write("{0} _{1}", p.NativeType, p.Name); } first = false; } }
public void TestDropWithFilters() { string output = Template.Parse(" {{ product | product_text }} ") .Render(new RenderParameters { LocalVariables = Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { product = new ProductDrop() }), Filters = new[] { typeof(ProductFilter) } }); Assert.AreEqual(" text1 ", output); }
public void TestJobjectToDotLiquid() { Template template = Template.Parse("{{ }}"); Assert.AreEqual("salam", template.Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { value = JObject.FromObject(new Boy() { Age = 10, Name = "salam" }).ToObject <Boy>() }))); }
public void Render(FileInfo templateFile, FileInfo outputFile, Hash data) { using (var template = new ExcelPackage(templateFile)) { using (var output = new ExcelPackage(outputFile, templateFile)) { for (int i = 1; i <= template.Workbook.Worksheets.Count; i++) { var templateSheet = template.Workbook.Worksheets[i]; var outputSheet = output.Workbook.Worksheets[i]; var parser = new ExcelTemplateParser(templateSheet, outputSheet, data); parser.Render(); } output.Save(); } } }
public static void Prepare() { compile = DotLiquid.Template.Parse(template); List <object> rows = new List <object>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { rows.Add(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "ID", i }, { "Message", string.Format("message {0}", i) }, { "Print", i % 2 == 0 }, }); } hash = DotLiquid.Hash.FromDictionary(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "rows", rows } }); }
public static void Main() { try { // preparation for use with Fody.Costura: DotLiquid.Hash h = new DotLiquid.Hash(); Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid.DotLiquidRegistrations r = new Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid.DotLiquidRegistrations(); Nancy.Json.JsonSettings.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; string cwd = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(cwd ?? "."); log.InfoFormat("{0} started.", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); } catch (Exception) { } HostFactory.Run(x => { var log4net_config = new System.IO.FileInfo("log4net.xml"); log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(log4net_config); BauerLib.log4netAdoProviderHelper.ConfigureConnectionStringToAllLoggers(); BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.RemoveAppender("HttpAppender"); // prevent recursion BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.AddAppenderToAllLoggersEvent(HandleLogEvent); //x.UseLog4Net(); x.RunAsLocalSystem(); x.SetDescription("Bauer Logistics Site redirect"); x.SetDisplayName("WIP Redirect"); x.SetServiceName("WIP Redirect"); x.Service <BauerWIPService>(s => { s.ConstructUsing(name => new BauerWIPService()); s.WhenStarted(tc => { tc.Start(); /*gel_plc_status_timer.Start();*/ }); s.WhenStopped(tc => { tc.Stop(); /*gel_plc_status_timer.Stop();*/ }); }); }); }
public void TestAccessContextFromDrop() { Assert.AreEqual("123", Template.Parse("{% for a in dummy %}{{ context.loop_pos }}{% endfor %}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), dummy = new[] { 1, 2, 3 } }))); }
public override void Render(Context context, TextWriter result) { DotLiquid.Hash hash = context[_Parts[0]] as DotLiquid.Hash; if (hash == null) { return; } List <GenParameter> list = hash[_Parts[1]] as List <GenParameter>; if (list == null) { return; } bool first = true; foreach (var p in list) { if (!first) { result.Write(", "); } first = false; if (IsNativeToNative) { if (p.Type == typeof(String)) { result.Write("_{0}.c_str(), _{0}.size()", p.Name); } else { result.Write("_{0}", p.Name); } } else if (IsInternalToExternalSetup) { first = true; if (p.Type.IsClass && p.Type != typeof(String)) { result.WriteLine("C{0} ref{1}(_{1});", p.NativeType.Replace("I*", ""), p.Name); } } else if (IsInternalToExternal) { if (p.Type == typeof(String)) { result.Write("std::string(_sz{0}Buff, _n{0}Size)", p.Name); } else if (p.Type.IsClass) { result.Write("ref{0}", p.Name); } else { result.Write("_{0}", p.Name); } } else if (IsManagedToNativeSetup) { if (p.Type == typeof(String)) { result.WriteLine("std::string sz{0} = {1};", p.Name, p.CallName); } first = true; } else if (IsManagedToNative) { if (p.Type == typeof(String)) { result.Write("sz{0}.c_str(), sz{0}.size()", p.Name); } else { result.Write(p.CallName); } } else { result.Write(p.CallName); } } }
public void TestScopeThroughProc() { Assert.AreEqual("1", Template.Parse("{{ s }}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), s = (Proc)(c => c["context.scopes"]) }))); Assert.AreEqual("2", Template.Parse("{%for i in dummy%}{{ s }}{%endfor%}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), s = (Proc)(c => c["context.scopes"]), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); Assert.AreEqual("3", Template.Parse("{%for i in dummy%}{%for i in dummy%}{{ s }}{%endfor%}{%endfor%}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), s = (Proc)(c => c["context.scopes"]), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); }
public void TestScopeWithAssigns() { Assert.AreEqual("variable", Template.Parse("{% assign a = 'variable'%}{{a}}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop() }))); Assert.AreEqual("variable", Template.Parse("{% assign a = 'variable'%}{%for i in dummy%}{{a}}{%endfor%}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); Assert.AreEqual("test", Template.Parse("{% assign header_gif = \"test\"%}{{header_gif}}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop() }))); Assert.AreEqual("test", Template.Parse("{% assign header_gif = 'test'%}{{header_gif}}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop() }))); }
public void TestScopeFromTags() { Assert.AreEqual("1", Template.Parse("{% for i in context.scopes_as_array %}{{i}}{% endfor %}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); Assert.AreEqual("12", Template.Parse("{%for a in dummy%}{% for i in context.scopes_as_array %}{{i}}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); Assert.AreEqual("123", Template.Parse("{%for a in dummy%}{%for a in dummy%}{% for i in context.scopes_as_array %}{{i}}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { context = new ContextDrop(), dummy = new[] { 1 } }))); }
public void TestEnumerableDropSize() { Assert.AreEqual("3", Template.Parse("{{collection.size}}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { collection = new EnumerableDrop() }))); }
public void TestRubyNamingConventionPrintsHelpfulErrorIfMissingPropertyWouldMatchCSharpNamingConvention() { INamingConvention savedNamingConvention = Template.NamingConvention; Template.NamingConvention = new RubyNamingConvention(); Template template = Template.Parse("{{ value.ProductID }}"); Assert.AreEqual("Missing property. Did you mean 'product_id'?", template.Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { value = new CamelCaseDrop() }))); Template.NamingConvention = savedNamingConvention; }
public void TestNullCatchAll() { Assert.AreEqual("", Template.Parse("{{ nulldrop.a_method }}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { nulldrop = new NullDrop() }))); }
public static void Main() { try { // preparation for use with Fody.Costura: DotLiquid.Hash h = new DotLiquid.Hash(); Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid.DotLiquidRegistrations r = new Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid.DotLiquidRegistrations(); Nancy.Json.JsonSettings.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; string cwd = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(cwd ?? "."); log.InfoFormat("{0} started.", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); } catch (Exception) { } ip_address = Registry.PlcAddress; //var gel_plc_status_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(5000); //gel_plc_status_timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => //{ // var plc = 0; //; // int stat = 0; // BauerPLC.SingleCommands.GetStatusWord(plc); // int cnt = 1; // BauerPLC.SingleCommands.GetCounter(plc); // lock (StatusController.status_lock) // { // if (stat > 0 && cnt>0) // { // StatusController.last_status = stat; // BauerWIPService.RfzCounter = cnt; // StatusController.last_status_get = DateTime.Now; // } // } //}; HostFactory.Run(x => { try { var log4net_config = new System.IO.FileInfo("log4net.xml"); log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(log4net_config); BauerLib.log4netAdoProviderHelper.ConfigureConnectionStringToAllLoggers(); BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.RemoveAppender("HttpAppender"); // prevent recursion BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.AddAppenderToAllLoggersEvent(HandleLogEvent); log4net.LogManager.GetRepository().ConfigurationChanged += (s, e) => { try { BauerLib.log4netAdoProviderHelper.ConfigureConnectionStringToAllLoggers(); BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.RemoveAppender("HttpAppender"); // prevent recursion BauerLib.MemoryAppenderWithEvents.AddAppenderToAllLoggersEvent(HandleLogEvent); } catch { } }; } catch { } x.UseLog4Net(); x.RunAsLocalSystem(); x.SetDescription("Bauer Logistics WIP Storage Site"); x.SetDisplayName("WIP Site"); x.SetServiceName("WIP Site"); x.Service <BauerWIPService>(s => { s.ConstructUsing(name => new BauerWIPService()); s.WhenStarted(tc => { tc.Start(); /*gel_plc_status_timer.Start();*/ }); s.WhenStopped(tc => { tc.Stop(); /*gel_plc_status_timer.Stop();*/ }); }); }); }
public void TestEnumerableDrop() { Assert.AreEqual("123", Template.Parse("{% for c in collection %}{{c}}{% endfor %}").Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { collection = new EnumerableDrop() }))); }