コード例 #1
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Creature player, Target target, CastedSpell spell, RollResults dice = null)
            CreaturePlusModId recipient = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);

            if (recipient == null)
                throw new Exception($"CreaturePlusModId recipient must be specified before evaluating expressions containing AddPropertyMod.");

            ExpectingArguments(args, 2, 3);
            string propertyName = string.Empty;

            if (args[0] is string)
                propertyName = args[0];
            double offset     = Expressions.GetDouble(args[1], player, target, spell);
            double multiplier = 1;

            if (args.Count == 3)
                multiplier = Expressions.GetDouble(args[2], player, target, spell);

            recipient.Creature.AddPropertyMod(propertyName, recipient.ID, offset, multiplier);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Magic.cs プロジェクト: MillerMark/MrAnnouncerBot
        /// <summary>
        /// Triggers the specified event, ensuring a CreaturePlusModId is passed in as custom data to the expressions engine.
        /// </summary>
        void TriggerEvent(Creature magicOwner, string eventCode)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eventCode))

            SystemVariables.Creature = magicOwner;

            CreaturePlusModId creaturePlusModId = new CreaturePlusModId(GetModId(), magicOwner, Id);

            creaturePlusModId.Magic = this;
            List <string> args = GetArgumentList();

            //if (MagicItem != null)
            //	SystemVariables.CardId = GetParameter<string>("CardId");
            //	SystemVariables.CardGuid = GetParameter<string>("CardGuid");
            //	SystemVariables.CardUserName = GetParameter<string>("UserName");

            //if (Args.Length > 0 && Args[0] is IGetUserName iGetUserName)  // It's a Card.
            //	SystemVariables.ThisCard = iGetUserName;
            string expressionToEvaluate = DndUtils.InjectParameters(eventCode, MagicItem.Parameters, args);

            Expressions.Do(expressionToEvaluate, magicOwner, null, null, null, creaturePlusModId);
コード例 #3
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Creature player, Target target, CastedSpell spell, RollResults dice = null)
            ExpectingArguments(args, 0);

            CreaturePlusModId recipient = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);

            OnRequestCardReveal(new CreaturePlusModIdEventArgs(recipient));
コード例 #4
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Creature player, Target target, CastedSpell spell, RollResults dice = null)
            ExpectingArguments(args, 1, 6);
            string spellId = null;

            if (spell != null)
                spellId = spell.ID;
                CreaturePlusModId creaturePlusModId = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);
                if (creaturePlusModId != null)
                    spellId = creaturePlusModId.Guid;
            float lifeTime        = 0;
            float shrinkTime      = 0;
            float rotationDegrees = 0;

            if (player != null && spellId != null)
                string effectName        = Expressions.GetStr(args[0]);
                float  secondsDelayStart = 0;
                float  enlargeTime       = 0;
                if (args.Count > 1)
                    float.TryParse(args[1], out secondsDelayStart);
                    if (args.Count > 2)
                        float.TryParse(args[2], out enlargeTime);
                        if (args.Count > 3)
                            float.TryParse(args[3], out lifeTime);
                            if (args.Count > 4)
                                float.TryParse(args[4], out shrinkTime);
                                if (args.Count > 5)
                                    float.TryParse(args[5], out rotationDegrees);

                OnAttachChargingEffect(effectName, spellId, player.taleSpireId, secondsDelayStart, enlargeTime, lifeTime, shrinkTime, rotationDegrees);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Triggers the specified event, ensuring a CreaturePlusModId is passed in as custom data to the expressions engine.
        /// </summary>
        void TriggerEvent(Creature magicOwner, string eventCode)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eventCode))

            CreaturePlusModId creaturePlusModId = new CreaturePlusModId(GetModId(), magicOwner);
            List <string>     args = GetArgumentList();
            string            expressionToEvaluate = DndUtils.InjectParameters(eventCode, MagicItem.Parameters, args);

            Expressions.Do(expressionToEvaluate, magicOwner, null, null, null, creaturePlusModId);
コード例 #6
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Creature player, Target target, CastedSpell spell, RollResults dice = null)
            CreaturePlusModId recipient = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);

            if (recipient == null)
                throw new Exception($"CreaturePlusModId recipient must be specified before evaluating expressions containing RemovePropertyMod.");

            ExpectingArguments(args, 0);

コード例 #7
        public static string GetSpellId(this ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, CastedSpell spell)
            string spellId = null;

            if (spell != null)
                spellId = spell.ID;
                CreaturePlusModId creaturePlusModId = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);
                if (creaturePlusModId != null)
                    spellId = creaturePlusModId.Guid;

コード例 #8
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Creature player, Target target = null, CastedSpell spell = null, DiceStoppedRollingData dice = null)
            ExpectingArguments(args, 1, 4);
            string fillColor    = "player";
            string outlineColor = "player";
            int    delayMs      = 0;

            if (args.Count > 1)
                fillColor = args[1].Trim();
                if (args.Count > 2)
                    outlineColor = args[2].Trim();
                    if (args.Count > 3)
                        delayMs = Expressions.GetInt(args[3], player, target, spell, dice);

            CreaturePlusModId recipient = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);

            if (recipient != null && recipient.Creature is Character recipientPlayer)
                recipientPlayer.ShowState(Expressions.GetStr(args[0], player, target, spell), fillColor, outlineColor, delayMs);
            else if (player != null)
                player.ShowState(Expressions.GetStr(args[0], player, target, spell), fillColor, outlineColor, delayMs);
            else if (recipient.Creature != null)
                recipient.Creature.ShowState(Expressions.GetStr(args[0], player, target, spell), fillColor, outlineColor, delayMs);
                // TODO: Implement FloatCreatureText
                //FloatCreatureText(recipient.Creature, args[0]);
コード例 #9
        public override object Evaluate(List <string> args, ExpressionEvaluator evaluator, Character player, Target target, CastedSpell spell, DiceStoppedRollingData dice = null)
            CreaturePlusModId recipient = Expressions.GetCustomData <CreaturePlusModId>(evaluator.Variables);

            if (recipient == null)
                throw new Exception($"CreaturePlusModId recipient must be specified before evaluating expressions containing AddPropertyMod.");

            ExpectingArguments(args, 4);
            DiceRollType rollType = Expressions.Get <DiceRollType>(args[0], player, target, spell);
            Skills       skills   = Expressions.Get <Skills>(args[1].Trim(), player, target, spell);
            string       dieLabel = args[2].Trim();

            if (dieLabel.StartsWith("\""))
                dieLabel = Expressions.GetStr(dieLabel, player, target, spell);
            int vantageOffset = Expressions.GetInt(args[3], player, target, spell);

            recipient.Creature.AddVantageMod(recipient.ID, rollType, skills, dieLabel, vantageOffset);
コード例 #10
 public DispelMagicEventArgs(CreaturePlusModId recipient)
     Recipient = recipient;
コード例 #11
 public CreaturePlusModIdEventArgs(CreaturePlusModId creaturePlusModId)
     CreaturePlusModId = creaturePlusModId;