static void Main(string[] args) { Deck deck = new Deck(); Console.WriteLine("Deal Random Cards"); deck.ShuffleCards(); for (int i = 0; i < 53; i++) { var selectedCard = deck.DealACard(); if (selectedCard != null) { Console.WriteLine(selectedCard.Suit + " " + selectedCard.Rank); } else { Console.WriteLine("No more card to deal"); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.TreatControlCAsInput = false; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to DeckOfCards game"); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to proceed....."); if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.WriteLine("Enter to Name of Player"); string playerName = Console.ReadLine(); Player player = new Player(playerName); // Creates Player object with the player name Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl-c to exit the game"); Game game = new Game(player); //Creates Game object which starts the game. Deck deckOfcards = game.GetDeckOfcards(); // get cards Console.WriteLine(game.GreetPlayer()); //Console.WriteLine("You have three options below : "); Console.WriteLine("Please select any valid option : "); Console.WriteLine("1. Play a card"); Console.WriteLine("2. Shuffle the deck"); Console.WriteLine("3. Restart the game"); while (true) { string optionValue = Console.ReadLine(); //Reading Option input from User int option = 0; try { option = Convert.ToInt32(optionValue); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Please provide valid option"); throw; } if (option == 1) { Console.WriteLine(deckOfcards.PlayACard()); //Gives the top card on the deck of cards. } else if (option == 2) { deckOfcards.ShuffleCards(); // Shuffle the cards Console.WriteLine("Cards are well Shuffled"); } else if (option == 3) { deckOfcards.RestartTheGame(); //Restart the game Console.WriteLine("Started a new Game"); } else if (option == 4) { Console.WriteLine(deckOfcards.NoOfCardsLeft()); // No of left in the game } else { Console.WriteLine("Select a valid option"); } } } }