static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Add First:"); LinkedList myList1 = new LinkedList(); myList1.AddToFront(1); myList1.AddToFront(2); myList1.AddToFront(3); myList1.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing First:"); myList1.RemoveFirst(); myList1.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing First:"); myList1.RemoveFirst(); myList1.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing First:"); myList1.RemoveFirst(); myList1.Print(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Add Last:"); LinkedList myList2 = new LinkedList(); myList2.AddToEnd(1); myList2.AddToEnd(2); myList2.AddToEnd(3); myList2.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing Last:"); myList2.RemoveLast(); myList2.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing Last:"); myList2.RemoveLast(); myList2.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Removing Last:"); myList2.RemoveLast(); myList2.Print(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList(); var yes = 'y'; while (yes != 'n' && yes != 'N') { Console.WriteLine("\nplease select one of the options below:"); Console.WriteLine("1. Add element to the beginning: "); Console.WriteLine("2. Add element to the end: "); Console.WriteLine("3. Add element at nth position:"); Console.WriteLine("4. Delete element at nth position:"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter you choice: "); var choice = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string input, location; int data; switch (choice) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("please enter data to be added to the beginning of Linked List:"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(input, out data)) { linkedList.AddToBegining(data); linkedList.PrintLinkedList(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter numerical data only"); } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("please enter data to be added to the end of Linked List:"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(input, out data)) { linkedList.AddToEnd(data); linkedList.PrintLinkedList(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter numerical data only"); } break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("please enter data to be added to the Linked List:"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(input, out data)) { Console.WriteLine("please enter location to be added to the Linked List:"); location = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(location, out int pos)) { linkedList.AddToNthPosition(data, pos); linkedList.PrintLinkedList(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter numerical data only"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter numerical data only"); } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Please element position to be removed"); location = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(location, out int loc)) { linkedList.DeleteNodeAtNthPosition(loc); linkedList.PrintLinkedList(); } break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to continue?: "); Console.WriteLine("\nPress n to terminate or y to continue: "); yes = (char)Console.ReadKey().Key; } //linkedList.AddToBegining(1); //linkedList.AddToBegining(2); //linkedList.AddToBegining(3); //linkedList.AddToBegining(4); //linkedList.AddToBegining(5); //linkedList.AddToEnd(5); //linkedList.AddToEnd(1); //linkedList.AddToEnd(2); //linkedList.AddToNthPosition(6, 3); //linkedList.PrintLinkedList(); }