public dmCollection() : base(null) { Disabled = new dmGroup(this); Disabled.Name = "Disabled"; Disabled.Comment = "Disabled Groups and Rulesets"; }
protected int ParseGroup(string[] strArray, int nLineStart, dmContainer Parent) { int nReturn = nLineStart; dmGroup newGroup = new dmGroup(this); Dictionary <string, string> itemParameters = GetParameters(strArray[nReturn]); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in itemParameters) { switch (item.Key) { case "FILTERSANDDEFAULTS": newGroup.FiltersAndDefaults.Parse(item.Value); break; case "GROUP": newGroup.Name = item.Value; break; case "COMMENT": newGroup.Comment = item.Value; break; } } nReturn++; //parses until it reaches the end of the group and returns the line number after the end of the group while (nReturn < strArray.Length && IdentifyLineType(strArray[nReturn]) != LineParseType.GroupEndLine) { string[] tmpVariable = new string[0]; switch (IdentifyLineType(strArray[nReturn])) { case LineParseType.GroupStartLine: nReturn = ParseGroup(strArray, nReturn, newGroup); break; case LineParseType.RulesetLine: case LineParseType.RulesetNameLine: nReturn = ParseRuleset(strArray, nReturn, newGroup); break; default: nReturn++; break; } } nReturn++; Parent.AddGroup(newGroup); return(nReturn); }
public dmCollection(dmGroup rsGroup) : this() { this.Groups.Add(rsGroup.Clone(this)); }
public int IndexOfGroup(dmGroup item) { return(Groups.IndexOf(item)); }
public bool ContainsGroup(dmGroup item) { return(Groups.Contains(item)); }
public void InsertGroup(int index, dmGroup item) { Groups.Insert(index, item); }
public bool RemoveGroup(dmGroup item) { return(Groups.Remove(item)); }
public bool Contains(dmGroup item) { return(ContainsGroup(item)); }
public void AddGroup(dmGroup rsgGroup) { this.Groups.Add(rsgGroup); }