private void OnEnable() { InitRect(); playableGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI; Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedoPerformed; }
private void Update() { if (playableGraph == null) { playableGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); } if (gameObject != null || editedData != null) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Some Random text"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } }
private void NormalizeMixerInputWeights(PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph) { float weightSum = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < clips.Count; i++) { weightSum += graph.mixer.GetInputWeight(i); } for (int i = 0; i < clips.Count; i++) { float finalWeight = graph.mixer.GetInputWeight(i) / weightSum; graph.mixer.SetInputWeight(i, finalWeight); } }
private void PreviewButtonAction() { creator.gameObjectTransform.position = pos; creator.gameObjectTransform.rotation = rot; sliderTime = 0f; sliderTimeBuffor = sliderTime; if (graph == null) { graph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); graph.Initialize(creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject); } else if (!graph.IsValid()) { graph.Initialize(creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject); } graph.ClearMainMixerInput(); switch (selectedCreator) { case 1: BlendTreeInfo blendTree = creator.blendTrees[creator.selectedBlendTree]; if (blendTree.IsValid()) { blendTree.CreateGraphFor( creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject, graph ); isSequencePlaying = false; maxSliderTime = blendTree.GetLength(); } break; case 2: AnimationsSequence seq = creator.sequences[creator.selectedSequence]; if (seq.IsValid()) { seq.CreateAnimationsInTime(0f, graph); isSequencePlaying = true; maxSliderTime = seq.length; } break; } }
private void InitializePlayableGraph() { if (creator.gameObjectTransform == null) { return; } if (graph != null) { if (graph.IsValid()) { graph.Destroy(); } } graph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); graph.Initialize(creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject); }
private void Update() { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && !EditorApplication.isPaused) { if (graph != null && graph.IsValid()) { graph.Destroy(); graph = null; } } if (creator != null) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Some Random text"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } }
private void OnPreviewBTN() { previewBTNClick = true; animationState = AnimationState.Stoped; float deltaTime = -currentAnimaionTime; if (playableGraph != null && playableGraph.IsValid()) { playableGraph.ClearMainMixerInput(); playableGraph.Destroy(); } playableGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); playableGraph.Initialize(gameObject); playableGraph.CreateAnimationDataPlayables(editedData); currentAnimaionTime = 0f; }
public static void PreviewMotionMatchingData( MotionMatchingData data, ref float animationTime, ref float animationTimeBuffor, PreparingDataPlayableGraph animator, float maxDeltaTime = 0.016667f ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); animationTime = EditorGUILayout.Slider(animationTime, 0f, data.animationLength); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); float deltaTime = animationTime - animationTimeBuffor; animationTimeBuffor = animationTime; float deltaTimeModule = Mathf.Abs(deltaTime); if (deltaTime != 0) { if (animator != null && animator.IsValid()) { if (deltaTimeModule > maxDeltaTime) { int counter = Mathf.CeilToInt(deltaTimeModule / maxDeltaTime); deltaTime = deltaTime / counter; for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { animator.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, deltaTime); } } else { animator.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, deltaTime); } } } }
public void CreateAnimationsInTime(float time, PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph) { currentClipTime = time; //mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph.graph, 0); float seqLocalTime = GetLocalTime(); for (int i = 0; i < clips.Count; i++) { AnimationClipPlayable playable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(graph.graph, clips[i]); graph.mixer.AddInput(playable, 0); float currentPlayableTime = GetPlayableTimeInSequenceLocalTime(seqLocalTime, i); float currentplayableWeight = GetPlayableWeightInPlayableTime(currentPlayableTime, i); graph.mixer.SetInputWeight(i, currentplayableWeight); graph.mixer.GetInput(i).SetTime(currentPlayableTime - Time.deltaTime); graph.mixer.GetInput(i).SetTime(currentPlayableTime); } NormalizeMixerInputWeights(graph); }
public void Update(PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, float deltaTime) { currentClipTime += deltaTime; float seqLocalTime = GetLocalTime(); for (int i = 0; i < clips.Count; i++) { float currentPlayableTime = GetPlayableTimeInSequenceLocalTime(seqLocalTime, i); float currentWeight = graph.mixer.GetInputWeight(i); float desiredWeight = GetPlayableWeightInPlayableTime(currentPlayableTime, i); if (currentWeight <= 0f && desiredWeight > 0f) { graph.mixer.GetInput(i).SetTime(currentPlayableTime - Time.deltaTime); graph.mixer.GetInput(i).SetTime(currentPlayableTime); } graph.mixer.SetInputWeight(i, desiredWeight); } NormalizeMixerInputWeights(graph); }
public void CreateGraphFor( GameObject go, PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph ) { if (go == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Game object for animator is null!"); return; } if (!IsValid()) { Debug.LogWarning("Some Blend Tree animations clips are null!"); return; } if (graph == null) { graph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); } if (!graph.IsValid()) { graph.Initialize(go); } graph.ClearMainMixerInput(); float[] normWeights = GetNormalizedWeights(); for (int i = 0; i < clips.Count; i++) { graph.AddClipPlayable(clips[i]); graph.SetMixerInputTimeInPlace(i, 0f); graph.SetMixerInputWeight(i, normWeights[i]); } }
private void CalculateDataButton( bool calculateClips = true, bool calculateBlendTrees = true, bool calculateAnimationSequences = true ) { if (graph != null && graph.IsValid()) { graph.Destroy(); } creator.trajectoryStepTimes.Sort(); string saveFolder; if (creator.saveDataPath == "") { saveFolder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Place for save motion matching data", "Assets", ""); creator.saveDataPath = saveFolder != "" ? saveFolder : creator.saveDataPath; } else { saveFolder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Place for save motion matching data", creator.saveDataPath, ""); creator.saveDataPath = saveFolder != "" ? saveFolder : creator.saveDataPath; } Vector3 position = creator.gameObjectTransform.position; Quaternion rotation = creator.gameObjectTransform.rotation; if (saveFolder == "") { return; } PreparingDataPlayableGraph calculationGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); calculationGraph.Initialize(creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject); #region Pobranie referencji transformow z maski List <Transform> bonesMask = new List <Transform>(); for (int i = 0; i < creator.avatarMask.transformCount; i++) { if (creator.avatarMask.GetTransformActive(i)) { bonesMask.Add(creator.gameObjectTransform.Find(creator.avatarMask.GetTransformPath(i))); } } for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { if (bonesMask[i].name == { bonesMask.RemoveAt(i); break; } } #endregion if (calculateClips) { CalculateNormalClips( calculationGraph, saveFolder, bonesMask ); calculationGraph.ClearMainMixerInput(); } if (calculateBlendTrees) { CalculateBlendTrees( calculationGraph, saveFolder, bonesMask ); calculationGraph.ClearMainMixerInput(); } if (calculateAnimationSequences) { CalculateAnimationsSequences( calculationGraph, saveFolder, bonesMask ); calculationGraph.Destroy(); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); creator.gameObjectTransform.position = position; creator.gameObjectTransform.rotation = rotation; }
public static void CalculateContactPoints( MotionMatchingData data, MotionMatchingContact[] contactPoints, PreparingDataPlayableGraph playableGraph, GameObject gameObject ) { for (int i = 0; i < data.contactPoints.Count; i++) { MotionMatchingContact cp = data.contactPoints[i]; cp.contactNormal = math.normalize(cp.contactNormal); data.contactPoints[i] = cp; } Vector3 startPos = gameObject.transform.position; Quaternion startRot = gameObject.transform.rotation; float deltaTime = data.frameTime; Matrix4x4 frameMatrix; NeedValueToCalculateData[] recordedData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[data.numberOfFrames]; Vector3[] cpPos = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; Vector3[] cpNormals = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; Vector3[] cpForwards = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; if (playableGraph != null) { playableGraph.Destroy(); } playableGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); playableGraph.Initialize(gameObject); playableGraph.CreateAnimationDataPlayables(data); // RecordingData float currentTime = 0f; float currentDeltaTime = deltaTime; int contactPointIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfFrames; i++) { recordedData[i] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.forward, gameObject.transform.rotation ); currentTime += deltaTime; if (contactPointIndex < contactPoints.Length && currentTime >= contactPoints[contactPointIndex].startTime) { float buforDeltaTime = currentTime - contactPoints[contactPointIndex].startTime; currentDeltaTime = deltaTime - buforDeltaTime; playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, currentDeltaTime); cpPos[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(contactPoints[contactPointIndex].position); cpNormals[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.TransformDirection(contactPoints[contactPointIndex].contactNormal); cpForwards[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.forward; contactPointIndex++; playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, buforDeltaTime); currentDeltaTime = deltaTime; } else { playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, currentDeltaTime); } } // calcualationData for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfFrames; i++) { frameMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS( recordedData[i].position, recordedData[i].rotation, ); FrameData currentFrame = data.frames[i]; currentFrame.contactPoints = new FrameContact[cpPos.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < cpPos.Length; j++) { Vector3 pos = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(cpPos[j]); Vector3 norDir = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(cpNormals[j]); Vector3 forw = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(cpForwards[j]); FrameContact cp = new FrameContact( pos, norDir //forw ); currentFrame.contactPoints[j] = cp; } data.frames[i] = currentFrame; } gameObject.transform.position = startPos; gameObject.transform.rotation = startRot; if (data.contactPoints.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < contactPoints.Length - 1; i++) { Vector3 firstPoint = data.GetContactPointInTime(i, data.contactPoints[i].startTime).position; Vector3 secondPoint = data.GetContactPointInTime(i + 1, data.contactPoints[i].startTime).position; Vector3 dir = secondPoint - firstPoint; dir.y = 0; MotionMatchingContact c = data.contactPoints[i]; c.rotationFromForwardToNextContactDir = Quaternion.FromToRotation(dir, Vector3.forward); data.contactPoints[i] = c; } } if (data.contactPoints.Count >= 2) { Vector3 firstPoint = data.GetContactPointInTime(0, data.contactPoints[0].startTime).position; Vector3 secondPoint = data.GetContactPointInTime(1, data.contactPoints[0].startTime).position; Vector3 dir = secondPoint - firstPoint; dir.y = 0; data.fromFirstToSecondContactRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation( Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(dir, Vector3.up), Vector3.forward ); } else { data.fromFirstToSecondContactRot = Quaternion.identity; } playableGraph.ClearMainMixerInput(); playableGraph.Destroy(); }
public static void CalculateImpactPoints( MotionMatchingData data, MotionMatchingContact[] contactPoints, PreparingDataPlayableGraph playableGraph, GameObject gameObject ) { // Normalizacja kierunków kontaktów for (int i = 0; i < data.contactPoints.Count; i++) { MotionMatchingContact cp = data.contactPoints[i]; cp.contactNormal = math.normalize(cp.contactNormal); data.contactPoints[i] = cp; } // Pobrani początkowych wartości game objectu Vector3 startPos = gameObject.transform.position; Quaternion startRot = gameObject.transform.rotation; float deltaTime = data.frameTime; Matrix4x4 frameMatrix; NeedValueToCalculateData[] recordedData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[data.numberOfFrames]; Vector3[] cpPos = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; Vector3[] cpNormals = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; Vector3[] cpForwards = new Vector3[contactPoints.Length]; if (playableGraph != null) { playableGraph.Destroy(); } playableGraph = new PreparingDataPlayableGraph(); playableGraph.Initialize(gameObject); playableGraph.CreateAnimationDataPlayables(data); // RecordingData float currentTime = 0f; float currentDeltaTime = deltaTime; int contactPointIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfFrames; i++) { recordedData[i] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.forward, gameObject.transform.rotation ); currentTime += deltaTime; if (contactPointIndex < contactPoints.Length && currentTime >= contactPoints[contactPointIndex].startTime) { float buforDeltaTime = currentTime - contactPoints[contactPointIndex].startTime; currentDeltaTime = deltaTime - buforDeltaTime; playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, currentDeltaTime); cpPos[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(contactPoints[contactPointIndex].position); cpNormals[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.TransformDirection(contactPoints[contactPointIndex].contactNormal); cpForwards[contactPointIndex] = gameObject.transform.forward; contactPointIndex++; playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, buforDeltaTime); currentDeltaTime = deltaTime; } else { playableGraph.EvaluateMotionMatchgData(data, currentDeltaTime); } } // calcualationData for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfFrames; i++) { frameMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS( recordedData[i].position, recordedData[i].rotation, ); FrameData currentFrame = data.frames[i]; for (int impactIndex = 0; impactIndex < data.contactPoints.Count; impactIndex++) { if (data.contactPoints[impactIndex].IsContactInTime(currentFrame.localTime)) { currentFrame.contactPoints = new FrameContact[1]; Vector3 pos = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(cpPos[impactIndex]); Vector3 norDir = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(cpNormals[impactIndex]); Vector3 forw = frameMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(cpForwards[impactIndex]); FrameContact cp = new FrameContact( pos, norDir //forw ); currentFrame.contactPoints[0] = cp; break; } else { currentFrame.contactPoints = new FrameContact[0]; } } if (data.contactPoints.Count == 0) { currentFrame.contactPoints = new FrameContact[0]; } data.frames[i] = currentFrame; } gameObject.transform.position = startPos; gameObject.transform.rotation = startRot; //if (data.contactPoints.Count >= 2) //{ // Vector3 firstPoint = data.GetContactPoint(0, data.contactPoints[0].startTime).position; // Vector3 secondPoint = data.GetContactPoint(1, data.contactPoints[0].startTime).position; // Vector3 dir = secondPoint - firstPoint; // dir.y = 0; // data.fromFirstToSecondContactRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(dir, Vector3.forward); //} //else //{ // data.fromFirstToSecondContactRot = Quaternion.identity; //} playableGraph.ClearMainMixerInput(); playableGraph.Destroy(); }
public static MotionMatchingData CalculateAnimationSequenceData( string name, AnimationsSequence seq, GameObject go, PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, List <Transform> bonesMask, List <Vector2> bonesWeights, int sampling, bool loop, Transform root, List <float> trajectoryStepTimes, bool blendToYourself, bool findInYourself ) { if (!graph.IsValid()) { graph.Initialize(go); } go.transform.position =; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; seq.CalculateLength(); #region need floats float frameTime = 1f / (float)sampling; int numberOfFrames = Mathf.FloorToInt(seq.length / frameTime) + 1; #endregion MotionMatchingData data = new MotionMatchingData( seq.clips.ToArray(), seq.neededInfo.ToArray(), sampling, name, loop, seq.length, findInYourself, blendToYourself, AnimationDataType.AnimationSequence ); FrameData frameBuffer; BoneData boneBuffer; PoseData poseBuffor; Trajectory trajectoryBuffor; NeedValueToCalculateData[] previuData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[bonesMask.Count]; NeedValueToCalculateData[] nextData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[bonesMask.Count]; int seqDeltaSampling = 3; //seq.CreatePlayableGraph(playableGraph, go); //seq.Update(-frameTime, playableGraph, seqDeltaSampling); seq.CreateAnimationsInTime(0f, graph); graph.Evaluate(frameTime); seq.Update(graph, frameTime); int frameIndex = 0; for (; frameIndex < numberOfFrames; frameIndex++) { for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { previuData[i] = GetValuesFromTransform(bonesMask[i], root); } graph.Evaluate(frameTime); seq.Update(graph, frameTime); //Debug.Log((float)animator.GetMixerInputTime(0) - clip.length); for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { nextData[i] = GetValuesFromTransform(bonesMask[i], root); } poseBuffor = new PoseData(bonesMask.Count); for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { float2 boneWeight = bonesWeights[i]; float3 velocity = BoneData.CalculateVelocity(previuData[i].position, nextData[i].position, frameTime); float3 localPosition = previuData[i].position; quaternion orientation = previuData[i].rotation; boneBuffer = new BoneData(localPosition, velocity); poseBuffor.SetBone(boneBuffer, i); } trajectoryBuffor = new Trajectory(trajectoryStepTimes.Count); frameBuffer = new FrameData( frameIndex, frameIndex * frameTime, trajectoryBuffor, poseBuffor, new FrameSections(true) ); data.AddFrame(frameBuffer); } float clipGlobalStart; Vector2 clipStartAndStop; float recordingClipTime; if (trajectoryStepTimes[0] < 0) { clipGlobalStart = trajectoryStepTimes[0]; clipStartAndStop = new Vector2(-clipGlobalStart, -clipGlobalStart + seq.length); } else { clipGlobalStart = 0; clipStartAndStop = new Vector2(0, seq.length); } if (trajectoryStepTimes[trajectoryStepTimes.Count - 1] > 0) { recordingClipTime = clipStartAndStop.y + trajectoryStepTimes[trajectoryStepTimes.Count - 1] + 0.1f; } else { recordingClipTime = clipStartAndStop.y + 0.1f; } int samplesPerSecond = 100; float deltaTime = 1f / (float)samplesPerSecond; int dataCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(recordingClipTime / deltaTime); NeedValueToCalculateData[] recordData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[dataCount]; go.transform.position =; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; //seq.Update(clipGlobalStart, playableGraph); graph.ClearMainMixerInput(); seq.CreateAnimationsInTime(clipGlobalStart, graph); recordData[0] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( go.transform.position, go.transform.forward, go.transform.rotation ); for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { graph.Evaluate(deltaTime); seq.Update(graph, deltaTime); recordData[i] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( go.transform.position, go.transform.forward, go.transform.rotation ); } //clearing graph from all animations graph.ClearMainMixerInput(); MotionDataCalculator.CalculateTrajectoryPointsFromRecordData( data, recordData, recordingClipTime, deltaTime, clipStartAndStop, trajectoryStepTimes ); data.usedFrameCount = data.numberOfFrames; data.trajectoryPointsTimes = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < trajectoryStepTimes.Count; i++) { data.trajectoryPointsTimes.Add(trajectoryStepTimes[i]); } return(data); }
public static MotionMatchingData CalculateBlendTreeData( string name, GameObject go, PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, AnimationClip[] clips, List <Transform> bonesMask, List <Vector2> bonesWeights, Transform root, List <float> trajectoryStepTimes, float[] weightsForClips, int sampling, bool loop, bool blendToYourself, bool findInYourself ) { if (!graph.IsValid()) { graph.Initialize(go); } go.transform.position =; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; #region need floats float frameTime = 1f / (float)sampling; int numberOfFrames = Mathf.FloorToInt(clips[0].length / frameTime) + 1; #endregion float weightSum = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < weightsForClips.Length; i++) { weightSum += weightsForClips[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < weightsForClips.Length; i++) { weightsForClips[i] = weightsForClips[i] / weightSum; } MotionMatchingData data = new MotionMatchingData( clips, weightsForClips, sampling, name, loop, clips[0].length, findInYourself, blendToYourself, AnimationDataType.BlendTree ); FrameData frameBuffer; BoneData boneBuffer; PoseData poseBuffor; Trajectory trajectoryBuffor; NeedValueToCalculateData[] previewBoneData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[bonesMask.Count]; NeedValueToCalculateData[] nextBoneData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[bonesMask.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++) { graph.AddClipPlayable(clips[i]); graph.SetMixerInputTime(i, 0f); graph.SetMixerInputWeight(i, weightsForClips[i]); } graph.Evaluate(frameTime); int frameIndex = 0; float currentCheckingTime = 0f; // FramesCalculation for (; frameIndex < numberOfFrames; frameIndex++) { for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { previewBoneData[i] = GetValuesFromTransform(bonesMask[i], root); } graph.Evaluate(frameTime); currentCheckingTime = frameIndex * frameTime; for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { nextBoneData[i] = GetValuesFromTransform(bonesMask[i], root); } poseBuffor = new PoseData(bonesMask.Count); for (int i = 0; i < bonesMask.Count; i++) { float2 boneWeight = bonesWeights[i]; float3 velocity = BoneData.CalculateVelocity(previewBoneData[i].position, nextBoneData[i].position, frameTime); float3 localPosition = previewBoneData[i].position; quaternion orientation = previewBoneData[i].rotation; boneBuffer = new BoneData(localPosition, velocity); poseBuffor.SetBone(boneBuffer, i); } trajectoryBuffor = new Trajectory(trajectoryStepTimes.Count); frameBuffer = new FrameData( frameIndex, currentCheckingTime, trajectoryBuffor, poseBuffor, new FrameSections(true) ); data.AddFrame(frameBuffer); } // Trajectory calculations float clipGlobalStart; Vector2 clipStartAndStop; float recordingClipTime; if (trajectoryStepTimes[0] < 0) { clipGlobalStart = trajectoryStepTimes[0]; clipStartAndStop = new Vector2(-clipGlobalStart, -clipGlobalStart + clips[0].length); } else { clipGlobalStart = 0; clipStartAndStop = new Vector2(0, clips[0].length); } if (trajectoryStepTimes[trajectoryStepTimes.Count - 1] > 0) { recordingClipTime = clipStartAndStop.y + trajectoryStepTimes[trajectoryStepTimes.Count - 1] + 0.1f; } else { recordingClipTime = clipStartAndStop.y + 0.1f; } int samplesPerSecond = 100; float deltaTime = 1f / (float)samplesPerSecond; int dataCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(recordingClipTime / deltaTime); NeedValueToCalculateData[] recordData = new NeedValueToCalculateData[dataCount]; go.transform.position =; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; for (int i = 0; i < graph.GetMixerInputCount(); i++) { graph.SetMixerInputTimeInPlace(i, clipGlobalStart); } recordData[0] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( go.transform.position, go.transform.forward, go.transform.rotation ); for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { graph.Evaluate(deltaTime); recordData[i] = new NeedValueToCalculateData( go.transform.position, go.transform.forward, go.transform.rotation ); } //clearing graph from all animations graph.ClearMainMixerInput(); MotionDataCalculator.CalculateTrajectoryPointsFromRecordData( data, recordData, recordingClipTime, deltaTime, clipStartAndStop, trajectoryStepTimes ); data.usedFrameCount = data.numberOfFrames; data.trajectoryPointsTimes = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < trajectoryStepTimes.Count; i++) { data.trajectoryPointsTimes.Add(trajectoryStepTimes[i]); } return(data); }
private void CalculateNormalClips( PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, string saveFolder, List <Transform> bonesMask ) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in creator.clips) { if (clip != null) { MotionMatchingData newCreatedAsset = MotionDataCalculator.CalculateNormalData( creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject, graph, clip, bonesMask, creator.bonesWeights, creator.posesPerSecond, clip.isLooping, creator.gameObjectTransform, creator.trajectoryStepTimes, creator.blendToYourself, creator.findInYourself ); string path = saveFolder.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - 6) + "/" + + ".asset"; MotionMatchingData loadedAsset = (MotionMatchingData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MotionMatchingData)); if (creator.cutTimeFromStart > 0f) { newCreatedAsset.neverChecking.timeIntervals.Add( new float2( 0f, math.clamp(creator.cutTimeFromStart, 0f, newCreatedAsset.animationLength) )); } if (creator.cutTimeToEnd > 0f) { newCreatedAsset.neverChecking.timeIntervals.Add( new float2( math.clamp(newCreatedAsset.animationLength - creator.cutTimeToEnd, 0f, newCreatedAsset.animationLength), newCreatedAsset.animationLength )); } if (loadedAsset == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newCreatedAsset, path); } else { loadedAsset.UpdateFromOther(newCreatedAsset,; if (loadedAsset.contactPoints != null) { if (loadedAsset.contactPoints.Count > 0) { MotionDataCalculator.CalculateContactPoints( loadedAsset, loadedAsset.contactPoints.ToArray(), graph, creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject ); } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(loadedAsset); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } else { Debug.Log("Element is null"); } } Debug.Log("Calculation of normal clips completed!"); }
private void CalculateAnimationsSequences( PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, string saveFolder, List <Transform> bonesMask ) { foreach (AnimationsSequence seq in creator.sequences) { if (!seq.IsValid()) { continue; } MotionMatchingData newCreatedAsset = MotionDataCalculator.CalculateAnimationSequenceData(, seq, creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject, graph, bonesMask, creator.bonesWeights, creator.posesPerSecond, true, creator.gameObjectTransform, creator.trajectoryStepTimes, seq.blendToYourself, seq.findInYourself ); string path = saveFolder.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - 6) + "/" + + ".asset"; MotionMatchingData loadedAsset = (MotionMatchingData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MotionMatchingData)); float startTime = 0f; float endTime = 0f; float delta = 0.1f; for (int i = 0; i < seq.findPoseInClip.Count; i++) { endTime += (seq.neededInfo[i].y - seq.neededInfo[i].x); if (!seq.findPoseInClip[i]) { float startB = startTime; float endB = endTime; if (i == seq.findPoseInClip.Count - 1) { if (seq.findPoseInClip[0]) { endB = endTime - delta; } if (seq.findPoseInClip[i - 1]) { startB = startTime + delta; } } else if (i == 0) { if (seq.findPoseInClip[i + 1]) { endB = endTime - delta; } if (seq.findPoseInClip[seq.findPoseInClip.Count - 1]) { startB = startTime + delta; } } else { if (seq.findPoseInClip[i + 1]) { endB = endTime - delta; } if (seq.findPoseInClip[i - 1]) { startB = startTime + delta; } } newCreatedAsset.neverChecking.timeIntervals.Add(new Vector2(startB, endB)); } startTime = endTime; } if (loadedAsset == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newCreatedAsset, path); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } else { loadedAsset.UpdateFromOther(newCreatedAsset,; if (loadedAsset.contactPoints != null) { if (loadedAsset.contactPoints.Count > 0) { MotionDataCalculator.CalculateContactPoints( loadedAsset, loadedAsset.contactPoints.ToArray(), graph, creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject ); } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(loadedAsset); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } Debug.Log("Calculation of sequences completed!"); }
private void CalculateBlendTrees( PreparingDataPlayableGraph graph, string saveFolder, List <Transform> bonesMask ) { foreach (BlendTreeInfo info in creator.blendTrees) { if (!info.IsValid()) { continue; } if (info.useSpaces && info.clips.Count == 2) { for (int spaces = 1; spaces <= info.spaces; spaces++) { float currentFactor = (float)spaces / (info.spaces + 1); float[] clipsWeights = new float[info.clips.Count]; clipsWeights[0] = currentFactor; clipsWeights[1] = 1f - currentFactor; //Debug.Log(clipsWeights[0]); //Debug.Log(clipsWeights[1]); MotionMatchingData dataToSave = MotionDataCalculator.CalculateBlendTreeData( + currentFactor.ToString(), creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject, graph, info.clips.ToArray(), bonesMask, creator.bonesWeights, creator.gameObjectTransform, creator.trajectoryStepTimes, clipsWeights, creator.posesPerSecond, false, info.blendToYourself, info.findInYourself ); string path = saveFolder.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - 6) + "/" + + ".asset"; MotionMatchingData loadedAsset = (MotionMatchingData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MotionMatchingData)); if (loadedAsset == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(dataToSave, path); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } else { loadedAsset.UpdateFromOther(dataToSave,; if (loadedAsset.contactPoints != null) { if (loadedAsset.contactPoints.Count > 0) { MotionDataCalculator.CalculateContactPoints( loadedAsset, loadedAsset.contactPoints.ToArray(), graph, creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject ); } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(loadedAsset); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } } else { MotionMatchingData dataToSave = MotionDataCalculator.CalculateBlendTreeData(, creator.gameObjectTransform.gameObject, graph, info.clips.ToArray(), bonesMask, creator.bonesWeights, creator.gameObjectTransform, creator.trajectoryStepTimes, info.clipsWeights.ToArray(), creator.posesPerSecond, false, info.blendToYourself, info.findInYourself ); string path = saveFolder.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - 6) + "/" + + ".asset"; MotionMatchingData loadedAsset = (MotionMatchingData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MotionMatchingData)); if (loadedAsset == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(dataToSave, path); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } else { loadedAsset.UpdateFromOther(dataToSave,; EditorUtility.SetDirty(loadedAsset); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } } Debug.Log("Calculation of Blend trees completed!"); }