/// <summary> /// 根据床号查询病人信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="bednum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PatientInfo GetPatientInfoBybednum(int bednum) { string sql = "select PatientName,PatientAge,PatientGender,Patientstarttime,PatientDepartment," + "PatientNum from AdditionalPatients where PatientBednum=" + bednum.ToString() + " and UseFlag=0"; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); PatientInfo objPatientInfo = null; try { if (objReader.Read()) { objPatientInfo = new PatientInfo() { PatientBednum = Convert.ToInt16(bednum) > 256 ? "#" + (Convert.ToInt16(bednum) - 256).ToString() : Convert.ToInt16(bednum).ToString(), PatientName = objReader["PatientName"].ToString(), PatientAge = (objReader["PatientAge"]).ToString(), PatientGender = objReader["PatientGender"].ToString(), PatientDepartment = objReader["PatientDepartment"].ToString(), PatientNum = objReader["PatientNum"].ToString(), Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]) }; } } catch (Exception ex) { SQLiteHelper.WriteLog(" public PatientInfo GetPatientInfoBybednum(int bednum)", ex.Message); objPatientInfo = new PatientInfo(); objPatientInfo.PatientBednum = bednum.ToString(); objPatientInfo.Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]); } objReader.Close(); return(objPatientInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 根据床号查询所有的记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="bednum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <PatientBodyInfo> GetPatientInfoByBednum(int bednum, int userflag, string stime, string etime) { string sql = "select PatientBodyInfotime,BloodO2,Pluse,GetO2time,Flux,Model,Error,GetO2totaltime from PatientBodyInfo where PatientBednum=" + bednum.ToString() + " and UseFlag=" + userflag.ToString() + " and PatientBodyInfotime between '{0}' and '{1}'" + " ORDER BY PatientBodyInfotime DESC"; sql = string.Format(sql, stime, etime); SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientBodyInfo> list = new List <PatientBodyInfo>(); while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientBodyInfo() { PatientBednum = bednum, BloodO2 = objReader["BloodO2"].ToString(), Pluse = objReader["Pluse"].ToString(), GetO2time = objReader["GetO2time"].ToString(), Flux = objReader["Flux"].ToString(), Model = objReader["Model"].ToString(), Error = objReader["Error"].ToString(), GetO2totaltime = objReader["GetO2totaltime"].ToString(), PatientBodyInfotime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["PatientBodyInfotime"]) }); } objReader.Close(); return(list); }
public string GetUUID() { string sql = "select *from UUIDINFO"; string uuid = ""; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); while (objReader.Read()) { uuid = objReader["UUID"].ToString(); } return(uuid); }
public ShowInfo GetShowInfo() { string sql = "select AllOrPart from ShowInfo where Flag=1"; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); ShowInfo objShowInfo = null; if (objReader.Read()) { objShowInfo = new ShowInfo() { AllOrPart = Convert.ToInt32(objReader["AllOrPart"]) }; } objReader.Close(); return(objShowInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 获取设置信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="bednum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SetInfo GetSetInfo(int bednum) { string sql = "select IsEnable from SetInfo where PatientBednum=" + bednum; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); SetInfo objSetInfo = null; if (objReader.Read()) { objSetInfo = new SetInfo() { IsEnable = Convert.ToInt32(objReader["IsEnable"]) }; } objReader.Close(); return(objSetInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 获取额外床位list /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <PatientInfo> Getadditionalbednumandname() { string sql = "select PatientName,PatientBednum from AdditionalPatients where UseFlag=0 ORDER BY PatientBednum ASC "; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientInfo> list = new List <PatientInfo>(); while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientInfo() { PatientName = objReader["PatientName"].ToString(), PatientBednum = (objReader["PatientBednum"]).ToString(), }); } objReader.Close(); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 查询医院信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public HospitalInfo GetHospitalInfo() { string sql = "select HospitalName,Department from HospitalInfo where Flag=1"; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); HospitalInfo objHospitalInfo = null; if (objReader.Read()) { objHospitalInfo = new HospitalInfo() { HospitalName = objReader["HospitalName"].ToString(), Department = objReader["Department"].ToString() }; } objReader.Close(); return(objHospitalInfo); }
/// 获取上次设置的床位信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Bedflag"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BedConfigInfo GetBedInfoByBedflag(int Bedflag) { string sql = "select Bedcount,Bedrows from BedConfig where Bedflag={0}"; sql = string.Format(sql, Bedflag); SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); BedConfigInfo objBedConfigInfo = null; if (objReader.Read()) { objBedConfigInfo = new BedConfigInfo() { Bedcount = Convert.ToInt32(objReader["Bedcount"]), Bedrows = Convert.ToInt32(objReader["Bedrows"]) }; } objReader.Close(); return(objBedConfigInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 根据姓名精确查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <PatientInfo> GetPatientInfoByPatientname(string name, int useflag) { string sql = "select PatientBednum,Patientstarttime,Patientendtime,PatientNum from Patients where PatientName='{0}' and UseFlag='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, name, useflag); SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientInfo> list = new List <PatientInfo>(); if (useflag == 1) { while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientInfo() { PatientName = name, PatientBednum = (objReader["PatientBednum"]).ToString(), PatientNum = objReader["PatientNum"].ToString(), Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]), Patientendtime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientendtime"]) }); } } else { while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientInfo() { PatientName = name, PatientBednum = (objReader["PatientBednum"]).ToString(), PatientNum = objReader["PatientNum"].ToString(), Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]), }); } } objReader.Close(); return(list); }
public List <PatientSaveData> GetPatientInfoByBednum() { string sql = "select Time,Mode,Bloodo2,Pluse,Flow,Error,GetO2Time,GetO2AllTime from PatientSaveData"; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientSaveData> list = new List <PatientSaveData>(); while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientSaveData() { BloodO2 = objReader["Bloodo2"].ToString(), Pluse = objReader["Pluse"].ToString(), GetO2time = objReader["GetO2Time"].ToString(), Flux = objReader["Flow"].ToString(), Model = objReader["Mode"].ToString(), Error = objReader["Error"].ToString(), GetO2totaltime = objReader["GetO2AllTime"].ToString(), PatientBodyInfotime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Time"]) }); } objReader.Close(); return(list); }
public List <PatientBodyInfo> GetPatientInfoByBednumNowDESC(int bednum, int userflag) { string sql = "select DISTINCT PatientBodyInfotime,BloodO2,Pluse,GetO2time,Flux,Model,Error,GetO2totaltime from PatientBodyInfo where PatientBednum=" + bednum.ToString() + " and UseFlag=" + userflag.ToString() + " group by PatientBodyInfotime " + " ORDER BY PatientBodyInfotime DESC"; SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientBodyInfo> list = new List <PatientBodyInfo>(); while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientBodyInfo() { BloodO2 = objReader["BloodO2"].ToString(), Pluse = objReader["Pluse"].ToString(), GetO2time = objReader["GetO2time"].ToString(), Flux = objReader["Flux"].ToString(), Model = objReader["Model"].ToString(), Error = objReader["Error"].ToString(), GetO2totaltime = objReader["GetO2totaltime"].ToString(), PatientBodyInfotime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["PatientBodyInfotime"]) }); } objReader.Close(); return(list); }
public List <PatientInfo> GetPatientInfoByBednum(int bednum, int useflag) { string sql = "select PatientName,Patientstarttime,Patientendtime,PatientNum from AdditionalPatients where PatientBednum=" + bednum.ToString() + " and UseFlag=" + useflag.ToString(); SQLiteDataReader objReader = SQLiteHelper.GetReader(sql); List <PatientInfo> list = new List <PatientInfo>(); if (useflag == 1) { while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientInfo() { PatientName = objReader["PatientName"].ToString(), PatientBednum = Convert.ToInt16(bednum) > 256 ? "#" + (Convert.ToInt16(bednum) - 256).ToString() : Convert.ToInt16(bednum).ToString(), PatientNum = objReader["PatientNum"].ToString(), Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]), Patientendtime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientendtime"]) }); } } else { while (objReader.Read()) { list.Add(new PatientInfo() { PatientName = objReader["PatientName"].ToString(), PatientBednum = Convert.ToInt16(bednum) > 256 ? "#" + (Convert.ToInt16(bednum) - 256).ToString() : Convert.ToInt16(bednum).ToString(), PatientNum = objReader["PatientNum"].ToString(), Patientstarttime = Convert.ToDateTime(objReader["Patientstarttime"]), }); } } objReader.Close(); return(list); }