コード例 #1
		public static async void TempAction (Object obj) {
			string url = "https://www.peterglotfelty.com:8000/";
			while (true) {
				Console.WriteLine ("What application are you running?");
				string app = Console.ReadLine ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Please enter your fingerprint :)");
				string fingerprint = Console.ReadLine ();

				Console.WriteLine ("Sending Request to url:");
				var remote = new RemoteConnectionManager (url);
				var req = new RequestObject (RequestType.GetAuthenticationRequest, app);
				req.Fields.Add ("fingerprint", fingerprint);
				req.Fields.Add ("application-password", "justice-league");
				var res = await remote.SendDatabaseRequest (req);

				Console.WriteLine ("Response received");
				Console.WriteLine ("The session id is: {0}", res.SessionID);

				Console.WriteLine ("What field would you like to retrieve?");
				string field = Console.ReadLine ();

				req = new RequestObject (RequestType.GetFieldRequest, app);
				req.Fields.Add ("fieldname", field);
				req.Fields.Add ("sessionID", res.SessionID);
				Console.WriteLine ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Sending request for field");
				res = await remote.SendDatabaseRequest (req);
				Console.WriteLine ("The response contains:");
				foreach (var response in res.Responses) {
					Console.WriteLine (response);
				string cont = "y";
				Console.WriteLine ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Would you like to continue (y/n)?");
				cont = Console.ReadLine ();
				if (cont.ToLower () == "n") {
			((Semaphore)obj).Release ();
コード例 #2
		//Disable the "async" warning until we actually implement the async parts.
		#pragma warning disable 1998
		private static async void HandleRequest (IAsyncResult result) 
			// Note for all of this:
			// We're good as long as async operators work fine across platforms.
			// We will enter into callback hell if they don't.

			HttpListener listener = (HttpListener)result.AsyncState;
			HttpListenerContext context = listener.EndGetContext (result);
			var httpRequest = context.Request;

			RequestObject requestObject = new RequestObject ();
			requestObject.RequestType = RequestType.InvalidRequest;
			ResponseObject databaseResponse = new ResponseObject ();

			try {
				requestObject = ParseRequest (httpRequest);
				if (requestObject.RequestType == RequestType.InvalidRequest) {
					// Handle us receiving a malformed request.
					throw new Exception("The request could not be properly parsed");
				// Console.WriteLine (requestObject.RequestType);
				// =================================================================
				// Open a connection to the peripheral so that we can receive
				// a finger print from the user.
				// =================================================================
				if (requestObject.RequestType == RequestType.GetAuthenticationRequest) {
					// Console.WriteLine ("Please enter your fingerprint:");
					// var user = Console.ReadLine ();
//					var temp = new List<string>() {"Batman", "Superman", "Flash", "Wonderwoman", "Green Lantern", "Spiderman", "Green Arrow"};
//					string user;
//					lock (o) {
//						user = temp [r.Next (temp.Count)];
//					}
//					// Randomly authenticate one of our users.
//					requestObject.Fields.Add ("fingerprint", user);
					PeripheralConnection peripheral = PeripheralConnection.Instance;
					// This either opens a new connection or simply verifies the existing
					// connection is good.
					await m.WaitAsync();
					await peripheral.TryOpenConnection ();
					await peripheral.RequestTemplate(requestObject);
				RemoteConnectionManager databaseManager = new RemoteConnectionManager (connectionString);
				databaseResponse = await databaseManager.SendDatabaseRequest (requestObject);
			catch (Exception ex) {
				Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);
			finally {
				var responseText = GenerateResponse (requestObject, databaseResponse);
				var responseBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (responseText);

				// Pretty simple, get a handle to the response packet and the output stream.
				var httpResponse = context.Response;
				httpResponse.ContentLength64 = responseBytes.Length;
				var outputStream = httpResponse.OutputStream;

				// Write the response to the buffer and then close the connection. Note that
				// These might take a while to do.
				outputStream.Write (responseBytes, 0, responseBytes.Length);
				outputStream.Close ();