public static void Main(string[] args) { // Creating a new chessboard object belonging to the Chessboard class. Chessboard chessboard = new Chessboard(); // Initialization of the chessboard drawing chessboard and loading pieces for both teams. chessboard.Init(); /* Verify that game is still valid, making sure that none of the two teams has made checkmates against the opponent. */ while (chessboard.CanIDoAnotherTurn) { if (!chessboard.CheckLastMoveColor) { // Asking the user to make his move by entering valid coordinates. do { UserMessage.WhatPieceYouWantMove(true); } while (!chessboard.GetMoveCoordinates(true)); } else { do { UserMessage.WhatPieceYouWantMove(false); } while (!chessboard.GetMoveCoordinates(false)); } } // In the event that a user has made checkmates against the opponent, communicates the end of the game and the winner. UserMessage.UserWins(chessboard.GetCheckMate(false)); Console.ReadKey(); }