private bool WriteDetectionResults(JsonData data, string outputFileName, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options) { // Write the detector ouput *data* to *output_filename* if (!Path.IsPathRooted(outputFileName)) { outputFileName = Path.GetTempPath() + outputFileName; } if (!options.OverwriteJsonFiles && File.Exists(outputFileName)) { string msg = string.Format("File {0} exists", outputFileName); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } outputFileName = outputFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); string directoryPath = outputFileName.Substring(0, outputFileName.LastIndexOf("\\")); if (options.CopyJsonstoFolders && options.CopyJsonstoFoldersDirectoriesMustExist) { if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { string msg = String.Format("Directory {0} does not exist", outputFileName); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } try { var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(outputFileName); if (ext == String.Empty) { string msg = "Please enter a valid output file name"; SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } using (var fs = File.Create(outputFileName)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) using (var jtw = new JsonTextWriter(sw) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, Indentation = 1, IndentChar = ' ' }) { (new JsonSerializer()).Serialize(jtw, data); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetStatusMessage(ex.Message); } return(true); } // WriteDetectionResults()
private Dictionary <string, List <Image> > FindUniqueFolders(SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options, JsonData data) { Dictionary <string, List <Image> > folderstoImages = new Dictionary <string, List <Image> >(); foreach (var imagedata in data.images) { string filePath = imagedata.file.ToString(); string directoryName = string.Empty; List <Image> imageList = new List <Image>(); if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "bottom") { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); } else if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "nfrombottom") { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); for (int n = 0; n < options.nDirectoryParam; n++) { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(directoryName); } } else if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "top") { directoryName = TopLevelFolder(filePath); } if (!folderstoImages.ContainsKey(directoryName)) { imageList.Add(imagedata); folderstoImages.Add(directoryName, imageList); } else { var currentImgArray = folderstoImages[directoryName]; currentImgArray.Add(imagedata); folderstoImages[directoryName] = currentImgArray; } } // ...for each image SetLabelProgressMsg(string.Format("Found {0} unique folders", folderstoImages.Count.ToString(), folderstoImages.Count.ToString()), ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); return(folderstoImages); }
private bool WriteDetectionResults(JsonData data, string outputFileName, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options) { // Convert all paths to forward slashes unless they're absolute if (options.UseForwardSlashesWhenPossible) { foreach (Image im in data.images) { if ((im.file.Contains("\\")) && (!(im.file.Contains("/"))) && (!Path.IsPathRooted(im.file))) { im.file = im.file.Replace('\\', '/'); } } } // Write the detector ouput *data* to *output_filename* if (!Path.IsPathRooted(outputFileName)) { string msg = string.Format("Must specify an absolute output path"); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } if (!options.OverwriteJsonFiles && File.Exists(outputFileName)) { string msg = string.Format("File {0} exists", outputFileName); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } outputFileName = outputFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); string directoryPath = outputFileName.Substring(0, outputFileName.LastIndexOf("\\")); if (options.CopyJsonstoFolders && options.CopyJsonstoFoldersDirectoriesMustExist) { if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { string msg = String.Format("Directory {0} does not exist", outputFileName); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } try { String ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(outputFileName); if (!(ext.Equals(".json"))) { string msg = "Output file name must end in .json"; SetStatusMessage(msg); return(false); } using (FileStream fs = File.Create(outputFileName)) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) using (JsonTextWriter jtw = new JsonTextWriter(sw) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, Indentation = 1, IndentChar = ' ' }) { (new JsonSerializer()).Serialize(jtw, data); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetStatusMessage(ex.Message); } return(true); } // WriteDetectionResults()
private Dictionary <string, List <Image> > FindUniqueFolders(SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options, JsonData data) { Dictionary <string, List <Image> > folderstoImages = new Dictionary <string, List <Image> >(); foreach (var imagedata in data.images) { string filePath = imagedata.file.ToString(); string directoryName = string.Empty; List <Image> imageList = new List <Image>(); if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "bottom") { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); } else if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "nfrombottom") { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); for (int n = 0; n < options.nDirectoryParam; n++) { if (directoryName.Length == 0) { string msg = string.Format("Error: cannot walk {0} folders from the bottom in path {1}", options.nDirectoryParam, filePath); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(null); } directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(directoryName); } } else if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "nfromtop") { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); // Split string into folders, keeping delimiters String delimiter = @"([\\/])"; String[] tokens = Regex.Split(directoryName, delimiter); int nTokensToKeep = ((options.nDirectoryParam + 1) * 2) - 1; if (nTokensToKeep > tokens.Length) { string msg = string.Format("Error: cannot walk {0} folders from the top in path {1}", options.nDirectoryParam, filePath); SetStatusMessage(msg); return(null); } tokens = tokens.Take(nTokensToKeep).ToArray(); directoryName = String.Join("", tokens); } else if (options.SplitFolderMode.ToLower() == "top") { directoryName = TopLevelFolder(filePath); } if (!folderstoImages.ContainsKey(directoryName)) { imageList.Add(imagedata); folderstoImages.Add(directoryName, imageList); } else { var currentImgArray = folderstoImages[directoryName]; currentImgArray.Add(imagedata); folderstoImages[directoryName] = currentImgArray; } } // ...for each image SetLabelProgressMsg(string.Format("Found {0} unique folders", folderstoImages.Count.ToString(), folderstoImages.Count.ToString()), ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); return(folderstoImages); }
public JsonData SubsetJsonDetectorOutputMain(string inputFileName, string outputFilename, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options, JsonData data = null) { try { string progressMsg = string.Empty; if (options == null) { options = new SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions(); } if (options.SplitFolders) { if (File.Exists(outputFilename)) { progressMsg = "When splitting by folders, output must be a valid directory name"; SetStatusMessage(progressMsg); return(null); } } if (data == null) { SetLabelProgressMsg("Reading Json file...", ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); data = LoadJson(inputFileName); SetLabelProgressMsg("Loaded Json data...", ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); if (options.DebugMaxImages > 0) { data.images = data.images.Take(options.DebugMaxImages).ToList <Image>(); } } else { data = DeepClone(data); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Query)) { data = SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery(data, options); } if (options.ConfidenceThreshold != -1) { data = SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyConfidence(data, options); } if (!options.SplitFolders) { SetLabelProgressMsg("Writing to file...", ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); bool result = WriteDetectionResults(data, outputFilename, options); if (!result) { return(null); } SetStatusMessage("File written to " + outputFilename.Replace("/", "\\")); return(data); } else { SetLabelProgressMsg("Finding unique folders...", ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); Dictionary <string, List <Image> > foldersToImages = FindUniqueFolders(options, data); if (foldersToImages == null) { return(null); } if (options.MakeFolderRelative) { foldersToImages = MakeFoldersRelative(foldersToImages); } var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(outputFilename); string directory = outputFilename; if (ext != String.Empty) { directory = outputFilename.Replace("\\", "/"); if (directory.Contains("/")) { directory = outputFilename.Substring(0, outputFilename.LastIndexOf("/")); } else { directory = outputFilename; } } Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); var allImages = data.images; SetLabelProgressMsg("Writing to file...", ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); int count = 0; int totalCount = foldersToImages.Count; // For each folder... foreach (var item in foldersToImages) { count++; string directoryName = item.Key; if (directoryName.Length == 0) { directoryName = "base"; } JsonData dirData = new JsonData(); dirData.classification_categories = data.classification_categories; dirData.detection_categories = data.detection_categories; =; dirData.images = foldersToImages[directoryName]; if (Path.IsPathRooted(directoryName)) { string rootPath = Path.GetPathRoot(directoryName); directoryName = directoryName.Replace(rootPath, ""); } string jsonFileName = directoryName.Replace('/', '_').Replace('\\', '_') + ".json"; if (options.CopyJsonstoFolders) { jsonFileName = Path.Combine(outputFilename, directoryName, jsonFileName); } else { jsonFileName = Path.Combine(outputFilename, jsonFileName); } bool result = WriteDetectionResults(dirData, jsonFileName, options); if (!result) { return(null); } SetStatusMessage(string.Format("Wrote {0} images to {1}", dirData.images.Count().ToString(), jsonFileName), count, totalCount); } // ...for each folder data.images = allImages; } // if we are/aren't splitting folders return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); return(null); } } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputMain
public SubsetJsonDetectorOutput(BackgroundWorker progressReporter, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options) { this.progressReporter = progressReporter; this.options = options; }
} // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery private JsonData SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyConfidence(JsonData data, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options) { if (options.ConfidenceThreshold == -1) { return(data); } var imagesIn = data.images; List <Image> imagesOut = new List <Image>(); long count = 0; int maxChanges = 0; long totalCount = imagesIn.Count(); string progressMsg = string.Empty; int[] progressPercentagesForDisplay = { 10, 20, 40, 80, 100 }; progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by confidence >= {0}", options.ConfidenceThreshold.ToString()); foreach (var item in imagesIn) { count++; int percentage = SharedFunctions.GetProgressPercentage(count, totalCount); if (progressPercentagesForDisplay.Contains(percentage)) { SetLabelProgressMsg(progressMsg, count, totalCount, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks); } dynamic p; dynamic pOrig = item.max_detection_conf; List <Detection> detections = new List <Detection>(); // detections = [d for d in im['detections'] if d['conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold] // Find all detections above threshold for this image foreach (var d in item.detections) { dynamic conf = d.conf; if (conf >= options.ConfidenceThreshold) { detections.Add(d); } } // If there are no detections above threshold, set the max probability // to -1, unless it already had a negative probability. if (detections.Count == 0) { if (pOrig <= 0) { p = pOrig; } else { p = -1; } } // Otherwise find the maximum confidence else { p = -1; foreach (var c in detections) { dynamic confidence = c.conf; if (confidence > p) { p = confidence; } } } item.detections = detections.ToArray(); // Did this thresholding result in a max-confidence change? if (Math.Abs(pOrig - p) > 0.00001) { // We should only be *lowering* max confidence values (i.e., making them negative) if (!(pOrig <= 0 || p < pOrig)) { string errmsg = string.Format("Confidence changed from {0} to {1}", pOrig, p); // This will get handled by the UI throw new Exception(errmsg); } maxChanges += 1; } item.max_detection_conf = p; imagesOut.Add(item); } // for each image data.images = imagesOut; SetStatusMessage(string.Format("Finished confidence search, found {0} matches (of {1}), {2} max conf changes", data.images.Count().ToString(), imagesIn.Count().ToString(), maxChanges.ToString())); return(data); } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyConfidence
} // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputMain private JsonData SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery(JsonData data, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options) { // Subset to images whose filename matches options.query; replace all instances of // options.query with options.replacement. string progressMsg = string.Empty; var imagesIn = data.images; List <Image> imagesOut = new List <Image>(); long count = 0; int percentage = 0; long totalCount = imagesIn.Count(); int[] progressPercentagesForDisplay = { 10, 20, 40, 80, 90, 100 }; progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by query {0}, replacement {1} ...", options.Query, options.Replacement); SetLabelProgressMsg(progressMsg, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); foreach (var image in imagesIn) { count++; string file = image.file.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Query) && !file.Contains(options.Query)) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Replacement)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Query)) { file = file.Replace(options.Query, options.Replacement); } else { file = options.Replacement + file; } } percentage = SharedFunctions.GetProgressPercentage(count, totalCount); if (progressPercentagesForDisplay.Contains(percentage)) { progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by query {0}, replacement {1} processed {2} of {3}...", options.Query, options.Replacement, count.ToString(), totalCount.ToString()); SetLabelProgressPercentageMsg(progressMsg, count, totalCount, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks); } image.file = file; imagesOut.Add(image); } // for each image data.images = imagesOut; SetStatusMessage(string.Format("Finished query search, found {0} matches (of {1})", data.images.Count(), imagesIn.Count())); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString()); return(data); } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery