public static string GetAssignUserInSRSetting(string userName) { Employee objEmployee = new EmployeeDao().GetByOfficeEmailInActiveList(userName + Constants.PREFIX_EMAIL_LOGIGEAR); if (objEmployee != null) { string project = null; int officeID = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objEmployee.Project)) { project = objEmployee.Project.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objEmployee.LocationCode)) { officeID = ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(CommonFunc.GetLocation(objEmployee.LocationCode, LocationType.Office)); } SR_Setting objSetting = new SRSettingDao().GetByProjectAndOffice(project, officeID); if (objSetting == null) { //if project not been set routing then change to Office objSetting = new SRSettingDao().GetByProjectAndOffice(null, officeID); } if (objSetting != null) { return objSetting.UserAdmin.UserName; } } return string.Empty; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string name = context.Request.QueryString["q"]; string pageName = context.Request.QueryString["Page"]; #region pageName switch (pageName) { case "JRAdmin": //JRAdminDao jrDao = new JRAdminDao(); //List<sp_GetJRForAdminResult> listJRAdmin = jrDao.GetListByName(name, 0, 0); //var finalListJRAdmin = listJRAdmin.Select(p => p.UserName).Distinct(); //foreach (string item in finalListJRAdmin) //{ // context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); //} UserAdminDao userAdminDao = new UserAdminDao(); List<UserAdmin> listUserAdmin = userAdminDao.GetList().Where(p => p.UserName.ToLower().Contains(name)).ToList<UserAdmin>(); foreach (UserAdmin item in listUserAdmin) { Employee objEmployee = new EmployeeDao().GetByOfficeEmailInActiveList(item.UserName + Constants.PREFIX_EMAIL_LOGIGEAR); string displayName = item.UserName; if (objEmployee != null) { displayName += " - " + objEmployee.ID; } context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Group": GroupDao groupDao = new GroupDao(); List<Group> listGroup = groupDao.GetListByName(name); foreach (Group item in listGroup) { context.Response.Write(item.GroupName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Employee": EmployeeDao empDao = new EmployeeDao(); int isActive = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["IsActive"]); List<sp_GetEmployeeResult> empList = new List<sp_GetEmployeeResult>(); if (isActive == Constants.EMPLOYEE_ACTIVE) { empList = empDao.GetListByName(name, isActive, Constants.RESIGNED); } else if (isActive == Constants.EMPLOYEE_NOT_ACTIVE) { empList = empDao.GetListByName(name, isActive, Constants.RESIGNED); } //var finalListEmployee = empList.Select(p => p.DisplayName).Distinct(); foreach (sp_GetEmployeeResult item in empList) { context.Response.Write(item.DisplayName + " - " + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "AssignEmployee": ExamDao examDao = new ExamDao(); EmployeeDao employeeDao = new EmployeeDao(); int examID = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString[CommonDataKey.EXAM_ID]); List<sp_GetEmployeeResult> employeeList = new List<sp_GetEmployeeResult>(); employeeList = employeeDao.GetListByName(name, Constants.EMPLOYEE_ACTIVE, Constants.RESIGNED); List<string> assignedEmployeeListID = examDao.AssignedEmployeeListID(examID); employeeList = employeeList.Where(c => !assignedEmployeeListID.Contains(c.ID)).ToList<sp_GetEmployeeResult>(); var finalListEmp = employeeList.Select(p => p.DisplayName).Distinct(); foreach (string item in finalListEmp) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "UserAdmin": //UserAdminDao userAdminDao = new UserAdminDao(); //List<UserAdmin> listUserAdmin = userAdminDao.GetList().Where(p => p.UserName.ToLower().Contains(name)).ToList<UserAdmin>(); //foreach (UserAdmin item in listUserAdmin) //{ // context.Response.Write(item.UserName + Environment.NewLine); //} List<String> listUser = new List<string>(); System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection entriesUser = CommonFunc.GetDomainUserList(name); foreach (System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult searchResult in entriesUser) { System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry entry = searchResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); if (entry.Properties["mail"] != null) { if (entry.Properties["mail"].Count > 0) { string displayName = entry.Properties[CommonFunc.GetDomainUserProperty(DomainUserProperty.LoginName)][0].ToString(); //string emailAddress = entry.Properties[CommonFunc.GetDomainUserProperty(DomainUserProperty.OutlookEmail)][0].ToString(); Employee objEmployee = new EmployeeDao().GetByOfficeEmailInActiveList(displayName + Constants.PREFIX_EMAIL_LOGIGEAR); string item = displayName; if (objEmployee != null) { item += " - " + objEmployee.ID; } // +" <" + emailAddress + ">"; context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } } } break; case "UserLogs": //List<sp_LogMasterResult> logList = new LogDao().GetList("", ""); //var finalList = logList.Select(p => p.UserName).Distinct(); List<CRM.Models.Entities.MasterLogEntity> logList = new LogDao().GetQueryList("", "").ToList(); var finalList = logList.Select(p => p.UserName).Distinct(); foreach (string item in finalList) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "STT": STTDao sttDao = new STTDao(); List<sp_GetSTTResult> listSTT = sttDao.GetListByName(name); foreach (sp_GetSTTResult item in listSTT) { context.Response.Write(item.DisplayName + " - " + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Candidate": CandidateDao candidateDao = new CandidateDao(); List<sp_GetCandidateResult> result = candidateDao.GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, "", "", 0); List<String> lstDisplayName = result.Select(p => p.DisplayName).ToList(); foreach (string item in lstDisplayName) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "AssignCandidate": ExamDao exDao = new ExamDao(); CandidateDao canDao = new CandidateDao(); int exID = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString[CommonDataKey.EXAM_ID]); List<sp_GetCandidateResult> canList = canDao.GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, "", "", 0); List<int> assignedCandidateListID = exDao.AssignedCandidateListID(exID); canList = canList.Where(c => !assignedCandidateListID.Contains(c.ID)).ToList<sp_GetCandidateResult>(); List<String> canListDisplayName = canList.Select(p => p.DisplayName).ToList(); foreach (string item in canListDisplayName) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "JR": string action = context.Request.QueryString["Action"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action) || action == "undefined") { List<sp_GetJobRequestCompleteResult> listJr = new List<sp_GetJobRequestCompleteResult>(); listJr = new JobRequestDao().GetJRListComplete(name, 0, 0, 0, null, 0); foreach (sp_GetJobRequestCompleteResult item in listJr) { context.Response.Write(Constants.JOB_REQUEST_ITEM_PREFIX + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } } else { List<sp_GetJobRequestCompleteInterviewResult> listJr = new List<sp_GetJobRequestCompleteInterviewResult>(); name = name.Replace("j", ""); name = name.Replace("r", ""); name = name.Replace("-", ""); listJr = new JobRequestDao().GetJRListInterView(name, 0, 0, 0, 0); foreach (sp_GetJobRequestCompleteInterviewResult item in listJr) { context.Response.Write(Constants.JOB_REQUEST_ITEM_PREFIX + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } } break; case "JRIndex": string containsJR = Constants.JOB_REQUEST_PREFIX; JobRequestItemDao jrItemDao = new JobRequestItemDao (); if (containsJR.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) || Constants.JOB_REQUEST_ITEM_PREFIX.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())) { name = string.Empty; } string assignRole = context.Request.QueryString["Role"]; List<sp_GetJobRequestResult> listJrIndex = new JobRequestDao().GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, assignRole, 0); foreach (sp_GetJobRequestResult item in listJrIndex) { context.Response.Write(Constants.JOB_REQUEST_PREFIX + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); List<JobRequestItem> jrItems = jrItemDao.GetListByJrId(item.ID); foreach (JobRequestItem subItem in jrItems) { if (subItem.ID.ToString().ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())) { context.Response.Write(Constants.JOB_REQUEST_ITEM_PREFIX + subItem.ID + Environment.NewLine); } } } break; case "SendMail": List<String> list = new List<string>(); System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection entries = CommonFunc.GetDomainUserList(name); foreach (System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult searchResult in entries) { System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry entry = searchResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); if (entry.Properties["mail"] != null) { if (entry.Properties["mail"].Count > 0) { string displayName = entry.Properties[CommonFunc.GetDomainUserProperty(DomainUserProperty.LoginName)][0].ToString(); //string emailAddress = entry.Properties[CommonFunc.GetDomainUserProperty(DomainUserProperty.OutlookEmail)][0].ToString(); string item = displayName;// +" <" + emailAddress + ">"; context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } } } break; case "PRIndex": string containsPR = Constants.PR_REQUEST_PREFIX; if (containsPR.ToLower().Contains(name)) { name = string.Empty; } string roles = context.Request.QueryString["Role"]; string isViewAll = context.Request.QueryString["IsViewAll"]; int requestorId = 0; string loginName = context.Request.QueryString["loginName"]; if (isViewAll.Equals("False") && roles == Constants.PR_REQUESTOR_ID.ToString()) { requestorId = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["UserLoginId"]); } //List<sp_GetPurchaseRequestResult> listPrIndex = new PurchaseRequestDao().GetList(name, 0, 0, requestorId, 0, 0, roles, requestorId, loginName); //List<sp_GetPurchaseRequestResult> listPrIndex = new PurchaseRequestDao().GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, requestorId, int.Parse(roles), 0, false); // update 14.02.2012 List<sp_GetPurchaseRequestResult> listPrIndex = new PurchaseRequestDao().GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, requestorId, int.Parse(roles), 0, false); foreach (sp_GetPurchaseRequestResult item in listPrIndex) { context.Response.Write(Constants.PR_REQUEST_PREFIX + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Question": QuestionDao qDao = new QuestionDao(); List<LOT_Question> listQuestion = qDao.GetListAutoComplete(name); foreach (LOT_Question item in listQuestion) { context.Response.Write(CommonFunc.TruncateAroundSubText(item.QuestionContent, name) + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Manager": List<sp_GetManagerResult> listManager = new EmployeeDao().GetManager(name, 0, 0); foreach (sp_GetManagerResult item in listManager) { context.Response.Write(item.DisplayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "University": List<University> listUniversity = new CandidateDao().GetUniversityList(""); listUniversity = listUniversity.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())).ToList<University>(); foreach (University item in listUniversity) { context.Response.Write(item.Name + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "PTOAdmin": List<sp_GetEmployeeManagerResult> listEmployeeManagerForAdmin = new EmployeeDao().GetEmployeeManager(name); foreach (sp_GetEmployeeManagerResult item in listEmployeeManagerForAdmin) { string displayName = item.OfficeEmail.Replace(Constants.PREFIX_EMAIL_LOGIGEAR, "") + " - " + item.ID; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "PTO_User": var listEmployeeManager = new EmployeeDao().GetManager(name, 0, 0); empDao = new EmployeeDao(); foreach (var item in listEmployeeManager) { context.Response.Write(empDao.FullName(item.ID, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast) + " - " + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "PTOCC": EmployeeDao emplDao = new EmployeeDao(); List<sp_GetEmployeeResult> listEmpl = emplDao.GetListByName(name, Constants.EMPLOYEE_ACTIVE, Constants.RESIGNED); string content = ""; foreach (sp_GetEmployeeResult item in listEmpl) { if (item.OfficeEmail != null) { string[] aTmp = item.OfficeEmail.Split('@'); content += aTmp[0] + Environment.NewLine; } } context.Response.Write(content); break; case "EmployeeWithID": var empListWithId = new EmployeeDao().GetListByOfficeEmail(name). Select(p => new { p.ID, p.OfficeEmail }); foreach (var item in empListWithId) { string displayName = item.OfficeEmail.Remove(item.OfficeEmail.IndexOf("@")) + " - " + item.ID; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "ManagerWithID": var mgrList = new EmployeeDao().GetEmployeeManager(name); foreach (sp_GetEmployeeManagerResult item in mgrList) { string displayName = item.OfficeEmail.Remove(item.OfficeEmail.IndexOf("@")) + " - " + item.ID; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "JobTitleLevel": var jobTitleLevelList = new JobTitleLevelDao().GetList().Where(c => c.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(name.Trim().ToLower())); foreach (JobTitleLevel item in jobTitleLevelList) { string displayName = item.DisplayName; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "EditPosition": var mgrList_EP = new EmployeeDao().GetListManagerWithAllAttr(name); empDao = new EmployeeDao(); foreach (Employee item in mgrList_EP) { string displayName = empDao.FullName(item.ID, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast) + " - " + item.ID; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Position": empDao = new EmployeeDao(); string deptId = context.Request.QueryString["deptId"]; string subDeptId = context.Request.QueryString["subDeptId"]; string titleId = context.Request.QueryString["titleId"]; string project = context.Request.QueryString["project"]; string locationCode = null; var positionList = empDao.GetListEmployeeAndSTT(name, ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(deptId), ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(subDeptId), ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(titleId),project, locationCode); /*foreach (Employee item in positionList) { string displayName = CommonFunc.GetEmployeeFullName(item, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast); context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); }*/ foreach (sp_GetPositionResult item in positionList) { string displayName = item.FullName; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "ManagerListPR": string sStatus = context.Request.QueryString["status"]; string sNeed = context.Request.QueryString["need"]; var userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; empDao = new EmployeeDao(); var prlist_Manager = empDao.GetPRList(CommonFunc.GetEmployeeByUserName(userName).ID, name, sStatus, sNeed.Equals(Constants.PER_REVIEW_NEED_PR_LIST)); foreach (sp_GetEmployeesForPRResult item in prlist_Manager) { string displayName = empDao.FullName(item.ID, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast); context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "HRPR": string status = context.Request.QueryString["status"]; string need = context.Request.QueryString["need"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) status = "0"; PerformanceReviewDao perDao = new PerformanceReviewDao(); var prlist = perDao.GetList(name, int.Parse(status), need.Equals(Constants.PER_REVIEW_NEED_PR_LIST), Constants.PRW_ROLE_HR_ID.ToString()); foreach (sp_GetEmployeesPRForHRResult item in prlist) { context.Response.Write(item.EmployeeName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "PTOManager": DateTime? from = null; DateTime? to = null; string month = context.Request.QueryString["month"]; string managerID = context.Request.QueryString["managerId"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(month)) { try { // filter month is date end of month and this date dependent on configuration // ex: month:Feb-2011 => from: 25-Feb-2011, to: 26-Feb-2011 to = DateTime.Parse(Constants.DATE_LOCK_PTO + month); from = to.Value.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(1); } catch { // get mon by curent date month = DateTime.Now.ToString(Constants.PTO_MANAGER_DATE_FORMAT); to = DateTime.Parse(Constants.DATE_LOCK_PTO + month); from = to.Value.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(1); } } List<sp_GetPTOEmployeeListForManagerResult> listPTOUser = new PTODao().GetPTOEmpListForManager(name, 0, 0, 0, from, to, managerID,null); List<string> finalListPTOUser = listPTOUser.Select(p => p.Submitter + " - " + p.EmployeeID).Distinct().ToList<string>(); foreach (string item in finalListPTOUser) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "WorkFlow": int wfID = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["workflowID"]); List<sp_GetJRForAdminResult> listUserAdminRole = new JRAdminDao().GetListByName(name, wfID, 0); List<string> listStringName = listUserAdminRole.Select(q => q.UserName).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string item in listStringName) { Employee objEmployee = new EmployeeDao().GetByOfficeEmailInActiveList(item + Constants.PREFIX_EMAIL_LOGIGEAR); string displayName = item; if (objEmployee != null) { displayName += " - " + objEmployee.ID; } context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "LocationEmployee": EmployeeDao empDao1 = new EmployeeDao(); List<sp_GetListEmployeeSttNotSeatResult> empList1 = new List<sp_GetListEmployeeSttNotSeatResult>(); empList1 = empDao1.GetListEmployeeNotSeat(name); foreach (sp_GetListEmployeeSttNotSeatResult item in empList1) { context.Response.Write(item.FullName + " - " + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "LocationChart": EmployeeDao empDao2 = new EmployeeDao(); List<sp_GetEmployeeSTTListResult> empSttList = new List<sp_GetEmployeeSTTListResult>(); empSttList = empDao2.GetEmpSttList(name); if (context.Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("hasLocation")) empSttList = empSttList.Where(p=>!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.LocationCode)).ToList(); foreach (sp_GetEmployeeSTTListResult item in empSttList) { context.Response.Write(item.FullName + " - " + item.ID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "MoveLocation": LocationDao locatinoDao = new LocationDao(); var listSeatCode = locatinoDao.GetListSeatCode(name, 0, 0, 0, false); foreach (var item in listSeatCode) { context.Response.Write(item.SeatCodeName + " (" + item.FloorName + ") - " + item.SeatCodeID + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "ServiceRequest": var listServiceRequestIT = new UserAdminDao().GetListITHelpDesk((int)Modules.ServiceRequestAdmin, (int)Permissions.ItHelpDesk); foreach (var item in listServiceRequestIT) { context.Response.Write(item.Name + " -" + item.ID+ Environment.NewLine); } break; case "ServiceRequestSetting": List<sp_GetSR_SettingResult> listSRSetting = new SRSettingDao().GetList(name,"",0,0); List<string> listUserSetting = listSRSetting.Select(q => q.UserName).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in listUserSetting) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "ClassPlaning": int typeCourse = ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(context.Request["TypeCourse"]); int trainingStatus = ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(context.Request["TrainingStatus"]); List<sp_GetClassPlanningResult> listClassID = new TrainingCenterDao().GetList(name, 0, 0, trainingStatus, null, typeCourse); List<string> listClassName = listClassID.Select(q => q.ClassID).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in listClassName) { context.Response.Write(item + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "AAsset": //List<A_Asset> aAssetList = new AAssetDao().GetParentAsset(); //foreach (var item in aAssetList) //{ // context.Response.Write(item.AssetId + Environment.NewLine); //} break; } #endregion string funcName = context.Request.QueryString["func"]; #region funcName switch (funcName) { case "Employee": EmployeeDao empDao = new EmployeeDao(); //type = 1 -> user name, type = 2 -> full name (first middle last) int type = ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(context.Request.QueryString["type"]); //hasSuffixId = true -> include the Employee ID in the display result bool hasSuffixId = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["suffixId"]); //idFirst = true -> display the id first then display name bool idFirst = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["idFirst"]); if (type == 1) { var empList = empDao.GetListByOfficeEmail(name).Where(p=>!p.DeleteFlag); foreach (var item in empList) { string suffix = ""; string mainValue = ""; if (hasSuffixId && !idFirst) { suffix = " - " + item.ID; mainValue = item.OfficeEmail.Remove(item.OfficeEmail.IndexOf("@")); } else if (hasSuffixId && idFirst) { suffix = " - " + item.OfficeEmail.Remove(item.OfficeEmail.IndexOf("@")); mainValue = item.ID; } string displayName = mainValue + suffix; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } } else if (type == 2) { var empList = empDao.GetList(name, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0).Where(p=>p.EmpStatusId != Constants.RESIGNED); foreach (var item in empList) { string suffix = ""; string mainValue = ""; if (hasSuffixId && !idFirst) { suffix = " - " + item.ID; mainValue = empDao.FullName(item.ID, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast); } else if (hasSuffixId && idFirst) { suffix = " - " + empDao.FullName(item.ID, Constants.FullNameFormat.FirstMiddleLast); mainValue = item.ID; } string displayName = mainValue + suffix; context.Response.Write(displayName + Environment.NewLine); } } break; } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Send SR_Request to only Requestor /// </summary> /// <param name="srId"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> public static void SendSRMailFromPortal(int srId, int type) { // Get body detail SR_ServiceRequest obj = new ServiceRequestDao().GetById(srId); //WFRole role = null; if (obj == null) { return; } string from_email = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["from_email"]; string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailserver_host"]; string port = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailserver_port"]; string poster = "Service Request"; string subject = string.Empty; switch (type) { case Constants.SR_SEND_MAIL_COMMENT: subject = "[CRM-SR] " + Constants.SR_SERVICE_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj.ID + " has been modified"; break; default: if (obj.StatusID == Constants.SR_STATUS_CLOSED) { subject = "[CRM-SR] " + Constants.SR_SERVICE_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj.ID + " has been closed"; } else { subject = "[CRM-SR] " + Constants.SR_SERVICE_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj.ID + " has been forwarded to " + obj.AssignUser; } break; } string body = CreateBodyOfEmail(obj); // string requestorBody = CreateRequestorBodyOfEmail(obj); string to_email = string.Empty; string cc_email = string.Empty; string[] arrIds = new string[] { }; arrIds = obj.InvolveUser.Split(Constants.SEPARATE_INVOLVE_CHAR); List<string> sendList = new List<string>(); List<string> duplicateEmail = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrIds.Length - 1; i++) { //check duplicate person on user name if (!sendList.Contains(arrIds[i])) { sendList.Add(arrIds[i]); if (obj.StatusID == Constants.SR_STATUS_CLOSED) //If an email has "Close" status, just only send by "To" section, not cc { if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";")) { // only send survey email to SubmitUser if (i == 0) { string surveyBody = CreateSurveyBodyEmail(obj); string survey_email = arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; WebUtils.SendMail(host, port, from_email, poster, survey_email, cc_email, subject, surveyBody); } else to_email += arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; duplicateEmail.Add(arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); } } else { //Just send by "To" section only to person who has been assigned, the involved others are by "CC" section. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to_email)) { to_email = obj.AssignUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; cc_email = arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; duplicateEmail.Add(arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); duplicateEmail.Add(obj.AssignUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); cc_email = obj.RequestUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; duplicateEmail.Add(obj.RequestUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); } else //make a cc list mail send. { if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";")) { duplicateEmail.Add(arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); cc_email += arrIds[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; } } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.CCList)) { string[] array = obj.CCList.Split(';'); foreach (string item in array) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { string userAdminID = item; if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(item + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";")) { duplicateEmail.Add(item + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); cc_email += item + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; } } } } #region Get default email from routing page ServiceRequestDao srDao = new ServiceRequestDao(); EmployeeDao emplDao = new EmployeeDao(); SRSettingDao srSettingDao = new SRSettingDao(); SR_Setting srSetting = new SR_Setting(); string bcc_email = String.Empty; string[] aTo = new string[] { }; string[] aCc = new string[] { }; string[] aBcc = new string[] { }; string locationCode = (emplDao.GetByOfficeEmail((obj.RequestUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN).Trim()) as Employee).LocationCode; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationCode)) { int officeId = ConvertUtil.ConvertToInt(CommonFunc.GetLocation(locationCode, LocationType.Office)); string proName = (emplDao.GetByOfficeEmail(obj.RequestUser + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN) as Employee).Project; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proName)) { srSetting = srSettingDao.GetByProjectAndOffice(String.Empty, officeId); } else { srSetting = srSettingDao.GetByProjectAndOffice(proName, officeId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srSetting.EmailTo)) { aTo = srSetting.EmailTo.Split(Constants.SEPARATE_CC_LIST); for (int i = 0; i < aTo.Count(); i++) { if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(aTo[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aTo[i])) { duplicateEmail.Add(aTo[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); to_email += aTo[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; } } } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srSetting.EmailCc)) { aCc = srSetting.EmailCc.Split(Constants.SEPARATE_CC_LIST); for (int i = 0; i < aCc.Count(); i++) { if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(aCc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aCc[i])) { duplicateEmail.Add(aCc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); cc_email += aCc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; } } } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srSetting.EmailBcc)) { aBcc = srSetting.EmailBcc.Split(Constants.SEPARATE_CC_LIST); for (int i = 0; i < aBcc.Count(); i++) { if (!duplicateEmail.Contains(aBcc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aBcc[i])) { duplicateEmail.Add(aBcc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"); bcc_email += aBcc[i] + Constants.LOGIGEAR_EMAIL_DOMAIN + ";"; } } } } #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to_email)) { //WebUtils.SendMail(host, port, from_email, poster, to_email, cc_email, subject, body); WebUtils.SendMail(host, port, from_email, poster, to_email, cc_email, bcc_email, subject, body); } }