public static void InitializeAll() { try { if (!_init) { VanillaLogger.Info("Game Starting!"); //Called from the very first line of SplashScreenFlowManager.Start - literally the line of code that is executed first as far as I can tell. //First things first, let's get harmony set up. Harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create("samboy.clonedronemoddingzone_harmonyinst"); Harmony.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); HarmonyHooks.DoInitialPatches(); _init = true; } } catch (Exception e) { ModZoneLogger.Exception(e, "Error during initialization"); } }
private void Awake() { _logger.Info("Splash! Manager injected successfully."); var uiRoot = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects().First(o =>"UIRoot")); modText = Instantiate(SplashScreenFlowManager.Instance.SaveDataLabel, uiRoot.transform, true); var canvasRect = uiRoot.GetComponent <Canvas>().pixelRect; _logger.Debug($"Splash screen dimensions are {canvasRect.width} by {canvasRect.height}"); var transform1 = modText.transform; transform1.localPosition = new Vector3(-30, 280); modText.gameObject.SetActive(true); modText.text = "CDMZ : Running Init Patches"; modText.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; _logger.Debug($"Injected splash screen label at pos {transform1.localPosition}. Size {modText.preferredWidth}x{modText.preferredHeight}: {modText}"); //SceneManager.GetActiveScene().DumpHierarchy(_logger); var launchThread = new Thread(() => { try { HarmonyHooks.DoOnLoadPatches(); if (!Directory.Exists(_modDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_modDirectoryPath); } modText.text = "CDMZ: Discovering mods"; foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(_modDirectoryPath)) { if (!file.EndsWith(".dll")) { continue; } _logger.Debug($"Loading assembly {file}"); try { var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(file); ReflectionHelper.ModAssemblies.Add(asm); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Exception(e, $"Failed to load assembly {file}"); } } modText.text = "CDMZ: Constructing mods"; ModManager.ConstructAll(); modText.text = "CDMZ: Loading ModBot mods in compatibility mode"; ModManager.LoadModBotMods(); modText.text = "CDMZ: Setting up event bus"; new EventBus(); modText.text = "CDMZ: Enabling mods"; ModManager.ExecuteEnableForEnabledMods(); modText.text = "CDMZ: Done"; _finishedLoading = true; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Exception(e, "Caught exception during launch"); } }) { IsBackground = true }; launchThread.Start(); }