コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Flip(int? flipCount)
            var model = new BaconResult() { Title="Flip" };
            model.Message = (!flipCount.HasValue) ?
                "You didn't tell me how many times to flip the bacon.<br/><br/>Now it's f*****g BURNT."
                : string.Format("You've flipped your bacon {0} time(s).", flipCount);

            return View("BaconCard", model);
コード例 #2
 public static BaconResult Cook(BaconEventArgs args)
     BaconResult result = new BaconResult();
     result.Title = "Cook";
     if (args.Weight.HasValue && args.Weight >= 10)
         result.Message = "Bacon Coma.";
         result.ImageSource = "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OWrFtKbFFq4/TUMdaZ6RbdI/AAAAAAAAAWI/CDQwC_ddzBs/s1600/200px-HomerBacon.jpg";
         return result;
     // So now the fun begins.  Need to figure out what you're using to cook with first.  Unless you're using metric.
     if (args.UseMetricWeight)
         result.Message = "Go brine your bacon, you f*****g pansy.";
         result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Soggy;
         result.ImageSource = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Canada_flag_halifax_9_-04.JPG";
         return result;
     switch (args.Medium)
         case CookingStyle.FryingPan:
         case CookingStyle.Campfire:
             // Time should be 10-15 minutes.
             if (args.CookTime.HasValue)
                 result.Message = "Yea, that didn't work so well for you.  You might want to try something easier like the microwave.";
                 if (args.CookTime <= 10 && args.CookTime >= 15)
                     result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Perfection;
                     result.Message = "Your stovetop skills are impressive.  Perfection.";
         case CookingStyle.Microwave:
             // So the magic number here is 3 minutes.
             result.Message = "Wow. You want to microwave your bacon and forgot to start the microwave.  You are one lazy f**k.";
             if (args.CookTime.HasValue)
                 if (args.CookTime == 3)
                     result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Perfection;
                     result.Message = "Way to be lazy an nuke your pork.  At least you didn't burn it.";
                 else if (args.CookTime < 3)
                     result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Soggy;
                     result.Message = "Well that's disappointing.  Try longer next time.  Enjoy your limp pork.";
                 else if (args.CookTime > 3)
                     // Anything more than six minutes is going to set off the smoke alarm
                     result.Message = "Jesus jumped-up Christ! Why don't you just throw some tin foil in there too!";
         case CookingStyle.Oven:
             // So the magic number is 375 for the temp.
             result.Message = "Don't be a pussy. Just cook your bacon on the stove.  In a frying pan.";
         case CookingStyle.Blowtorch:
             // Estimated time should be about 1 minute.
             result.Message = "Seems you forgot to light the blowtorch, assbag.";
                     result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Soggy;
             if (args.CookTime.HasValue)
                 if (args.CookTime == 1)
                     result.Message = "You are a man's man. Unless you're a woman.";
                     result.Outcome = CookingResultCode.Perfection;
                     result.ImageSource = "http://www.chucknorris.com/images/89.jpg";
                 else if (args.CookTime > 1)
                     result.Message = "You just burnt your f*****g eyebrows off.  Bra-VO.";
         case CookingStyle.HoboStove:
             result.Message = "Hobo stove? What the f**k is a hobo stove?";
     return result;