コード例 #1
		internal void setupContactConstraint( btSolverConstraint solverConstraint,
											btSolverBody bodyA, btSolverBody bodyB,
											btManifoldPoint cp, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal,
											out double relaxation,
											ref btVector3 rel_pos1, ref btVector3 rel_pos2 )

			//	ref btVector3 pos1 = cp.getPositionWorldOnA();
			//	ref btVector3 pos2 = cp.getPositionWorldOnB();

			btRigidBody rb0 = bodyA.m_originalBody;
			btRigidBody rb1 = bodyB.m_originalBody;

			//			btVector3 rel_pos1 = pos1 - colObj0.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();
			//			btVector3 rel_pos2 = pos2 - colObj1.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();
			//rel_pos1 = pos1 - bodyA.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();
			//rel_pos2 = pos2 - bodyB.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();

			relaxation = 1;

			btVector3 torqueAxis0; rel_pos1.cross( ref cp.m_normalWorldOnB, out torqueAxis0 );
			btVector3 tmp;
			//solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA = rb0 != null ? rb0.m_invInertiaTensorWorld * torqueAxis0 * rb0.getAngularFactor() : btVector3.Zero;
			if( rb0 != null )
				rb0.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref torqueAxis0, out tmp );
				tmp.Mult( ref rb0.m_angularFactor, out solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA );
				solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA = btVector3.Zero;

			btVector3 torqueAxis1; rel_pos2.cross( ref cp.m_normalWorldOnB, out torqueAxis1 );
			torqueAxis1.Invert( out torqueAxis1 );
			//solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB = rb1 != null ? rb1.m_invInertiaTensorWorld * -torqueAxis1 * rb1.getAngularFactor() : btVector3.Zero;
			if( rb1 != null )
				rb1.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref torqueAxis1, out tmp );
				tmp.Mult( ref rb1.m_angularFactor, out solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB );
				solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB = btVector3.Zero;

					double denom0 = rb0.computeImpulseDenominator(pos1,cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
					double denom1 = rb1.computeImpulseDenominator(pos2,cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
				btVector3 vec;
				double denom0 = 0;
				double denom1 = 0;
				if( rb0 != null )
					( solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA ).cross( ref rel_pos1, out vec );
					denom0 = rb0.getInvMass() + cp.m_normalWorldOnB.dot( vec );
				if( rb1 != null )
					solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB.Invert( out tmp );
					tmp.cross( ref rel_pos2, out vec );
					denom1 = rb1.getInvMass() + cp.m_normalWorldOnB.dot( vec );

				double denom = relaxation / ( denom0 + denom1 );
				btScalar.Dbg( "m_jacDiagABInv 3 set to " + denom.ToString( "g17" ) );
				solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv = denom;

			if( rb0 != null )
				solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1 = cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
				solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal = torqueAxis0;
				btScalar.Dbg( "Torque Axis to relpos1 " + torqueAxis0 );
				solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1 = btVector3.Zero;
				solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal = btVector3.Zero;
			if( rb1 != null )
				cp.m_normalWorldOnB.Invert( out solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2 );
				solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal = torqueAxis1;
				btScalar.Dbg( "Torque Axis to relpos2 " + torqueAxis1 );
				solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2 = btVector3.Zero;
				solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal = btVector3.Zero;

			double restitution = 0;
			double penetration = cp.getDistance() + infoGlobal.m_linearSlop;

				btVector3 vel1, vel2;

				vel1 = rb0 != null ? rb0.getVelocityInLocalPoint( ref rel_pos1 ) : btVector3.Zero;
				vel2 = rb1 != null ? rb1.getVelocityInLocalPoint( ref rel_pos2 ) : btVector3.Zero;

				//			btVector3 vel2 = rb1 ? rb1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2) : btVector3(0,0,0);
				btVector3 vel; vel1.Sub( ref vel2, out vel );
				double rel_vel = cp.m_normalWorldOnB.dot( ref vel );

				solverConstraint.m_friction = cp.m_combinedFriction;

				restitution = restitutionCurve( rel_vel, cp.m_combinedRestitution );
				if( restitution <= btScalar.BT_ZERO )
					restitution = 0;

			///warm starting (or zero if disabled)
			if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_USE_WARMSTARTING ) != 0 )
				solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse = cp.m_appliedImpulse * infoGlobal.m_warmstartingFactor;
				if( rb0 != null )
					solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1.Mult2( ref bodyA.m_invMass, ref rb0.m_linearFactor, out tmp );
					bodyA.applyImpulse( ref tmp, ref solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA, solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse );
				if( rb1 != null )
					solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2.Mult2( ref rb1.m_linearFactor, ref bodyB.m_invMass, out tmp );
					tmp.Invert( out tmp );
					btVector3 tmp2; solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB.Invert( out tmp2 );
					bodyB.applyImpulse( ref tmp, ref tmp2, -(double)solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse );
				solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse = 0;

			solverConstraint.m_appliedPushImpulse = 0;


				btVector3 externalForceImpulseA = bodyA.m_originalBody != null ? bodyA.m_externalForceImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
				btVector3 externalTorqueImpulseA = bodyA.m_originalBody != null ? bodyA.m_externalTorqueImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
				btVector3 externalForceImpulseB = bodyB.m_originalBody != null ? bodyB.m_externalForceImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
				btVector3 externalTorqueImpulseB = bodyB.m_originalBody != null ? bodyB.m_externalTorqueImpulse : btVector3.Zero;

				btScalar.Dbg( "external torque impulses " + externalTorqueImpulseA + externalTorqueImpulseB );

				double vel1Dotn = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1.dotAdded( ref bodyA.m_linearVelocity, ref externalForceImpulseA )
					+ solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal.dotAdded( ref bodyA.m_angularVelocity, ref externalTorqueImpulseA );
				double vel2Dotn = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2.dotAdded( ref bodyB.m_linearVelocity, ref externalForceImpulseB )
					+ solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal.dotAdded( ref bodyB.m_angularVelocity, ref externalTorqueImpulseB );
				double rel_vel = vel1Dotn + vel2Dotn;

				double positionalError = 0;
				double velocityError = restitution - rel_vel;// * damping;

				double erp = infoGlobal.m_erp2;
				if( !infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse || ( penetration > infoGlobal.m_splitImpulsePenetrationThreshold ) )
					erp = infoGlobal.m_erp;

				if( penetration > 0 )
					positionalError = 0;

					velocityError -= penetration / infoGlobal.m_timeStep;
					positionalError = -penetration * erp / infoGlobal.m_timeStep;

				double penetrationImpulse = positionalError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
				double velocityImpulse = velocityError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;

				if( !infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse || ( penetration > infoGlobal.m_splitImpulsePenetrationThreshold ) )
					//combine position and velocity into rhs
					solverConstraint.m_rhs = penetrationImpulse + velocityImpulse;//-solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1.dot(bodyA.m_externalForce*bodyA.m_invMass-bodyB.m_externalForce/bodyB.m_invMass)*solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
					btScalar.Dbg( "Constraint 3 m_rhs " + solverConstraint.m_rhs.ToString( "g17" ) );
					solverConstraint.m_rhsPenetration = 0;

					//split position and velocity into rhs and m_rhsPenetration
					solverConstraint.m_rhs = velocityImpulse;
					btScalar.Dbg( "Constraint 4 m_rhs " + solverConstraint.m_rhs.ToString( "g17" ) );
					solverConstraint.m_rhsPenetration = penetrationImpulse;
				solverConstraint.m_cfm = 0;
				solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit = 0;
				solverConstraint.m_upperLimit = 1e10f;

コード例 #2
		/// sort cached points so most isolated points come first
		int sortCachedPoints( btManifoldPoint pt )
			//calculate 4 possible cases areas, and take biggest area
			//also need to keep 'deepest'

			int maxPenetrationIndex = -1;
			double maxPenetration = pt.getDistance();
			for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				if( m_pointCache[i].getDistance() < maxPenetration )
					maxPenetrationIndex = i;
					maxPenetration = m_pointCache[i].getDistance();

			double res0 = ( 0 )
				, res1 = ( (double)( 0 ) ), res2 = ( (double)( 0 ) )
				, res3 = ( (double)( 0 ) );

			if( gContactCalcArea3Points )
				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 0 )
					btVector3 a0; pt.m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, out a0 );
					btVector3 b0; m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA, out b0 );
					btVector3 cross; a0.cross( ref b0, out cross );
					res0 = cross.length2();
				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 1 )
					btVector3 a1; pt.m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, out a1 );
					btVector3 b1; m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA, out b1 );
					btVector3 cross; a1.cross( ref b1, out cross );
					res1 = cross.length2();

				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 2 )
					btVector3 a2; pt.m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, out a2 );
					btVector3 b2; m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, out b2 );
					btVector3 cross; a2.cross( ref b2, out cross );
					res2 = cross.length2();

				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 3 )
					btVector3 a3; pt.m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, out a3 );
					btVector3 b3; m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA.Sub( ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, out b3 );
					btVector3 cross; a3.cross( ref b3, out cross );
					res3 = cross.length2();
				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 0 )
					res0 = calcArea4Points( ref pt.m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA );

				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 1 )
					res1 = calcArea4Points( ref pt.m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA );

				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 2 )
					res2 = calcArea4Points( ref pt.m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[3].m_localPointA );

				if( maxPenetrationIndex != 3 )
					res3 = calcArea4Points( ref pt.m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[0].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[1].m_localPointA, ref m_pointCache[2].m_localPointA );
			btVector3 maxvec = new btVector3( res0, res1, res2, res3 );
			return maxvec.closestAxis4();