コード例 #1
    public StructuredNode(AHAddress add, string realm):base(add,realm)
      // Instantiate rpc early!
      RpcManager rpc = RpcManager.GetInstance(this);
       * Here are the ConnectionOverlords
      _leafco = new LeafConnectionOverlord(this);
      _snco = new StructuredNearConnectionOverlord(this);
      _ssco = new StructuredShortcutConnectionOverlord(this);
      _cco = new ChotaConnectionOverlord(this);
      _mco = new ManagedConnectionOverlord(this);
      _localco = new LocalConnectionOverlord(this);
      _iphandler = new IPHandler();
      _iphandler.Subscribe(this, null);

       * Turn on some protocol support : 
      /// Turn on Packet Forwarding Support :
      GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Forwarding).Subscribe(new PacketForwarder(this), null);
      //Handles AHRouting:
      GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.AH).Subscribe(new AHHandler(this), this);
      GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Echo).Subscribe(new EchoHandler(), this);
      //Add the standard RPC handlers:
      rpc.AddHandler("sys:ctm", new CtmRequestHandler(this));
      sys_link = new ConnectionPacketHandler(this);
      rpc.AddHandler("sys:link", sys_link);
      rpc.AddHandler("trace", new TraceRpcHandler(this));
      //Serve some public information about our ConnectionTable
      rpc.AddHandler("ConnectionTable", new ConnectionTableRpc(ConnectionTable, rpc));
      //Add a map-reduce handlers:
      _mr_handler = new MapReduceHandler(this);
      //Subscribe it with the RPC handler:
      rpc.AddHandler("mapreduce", _mr_handler);

      //Subscribe map-reduce tasks
      _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceTrace(this));
      _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceRangeCounter(this));

       * Handle Node state changes.
      StateChangeEvent += delegate(Node n, Node.ConnectionState s) {
        if( s == Node.ConnectionState.Leaving ) {
          //Start our StructuredNode specific leaving:

      _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize);
      _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus);
      _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize);
      _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus);
コード例 #2
 public AHRouter(AHAddress local)
   _local = local;
   _sync = new object();
    * Store the 100 most commonly used routes.
    * Since this may cause us to keep an extra 100
    * AHAddress objects in memory, each of which requires
    * about 20 bytes, this costs on the order of 10-100 KB
   _route_cache = new Cache(100);
コード例 #3
ファイル: LocalHT.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/hurricane
        public LocalHT()
            AHAddress addr = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
              Node brunetNode = new StructuredNode(addr);
              RpcManager rpc = RpcManager.GetInstance(brunetNode);
              this._ts = new TableServer(brunetNode);
              this._node = brunetNode;

            #if FUSE_DEBUG
              //Having some init data isn't bad
              string key = FuseDhtUtil.GenDhtKey("testbasedir", "testkey1", "ipop_ns");
              this.Put(key, "testvalue1", 5000);
              this.Put(key, "testvalue2", 3000);
コード例 #4
ファイル: AddtoDns.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    ///This tester simply establishes the Brunet network and log the edges made
    static void Main(string[] args)

      String config_file = args[0];
      NetworkConfiguration network_configuration = NetworkConfiguration.Deserialize(config_file);

      for(int i = 0; i < network_configuration.Nodes.Count; i++){

        NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[i];
        TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0];
        short port = local_ta_configuration.Port;
        SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
        String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI();
        //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress
        byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + port));
        //inforce type 0
        hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE;
        AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes);
        Console.WriteLine(_local_ahaddress.ToBigInteger().ToString() + ' ' + local_ta_configuration.Address + ' ' + (port%25000));
コード例 #5
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    /** Utility method to determine if this address is between start and end
     *  from the right, i.e. its satisfies the following constraints:
     *  1. Is to the right of start, and
     *  2. Is to the left of end
     *  @return 1 in case its within
     *  @return -1 in case it is not
    public bool IsBetweenFromRight(AHAddress start, AHAddress end){
      int se_comp = start.CompareTo(end);
      //simple case of no wrap around where "within" is lesser
      if (se_comp > 0) {
	return start.CompareTo(this) > 0 && this.CompareTo(end) > 0;
      else if( se_comp == 0 ) {
        //When start == end, nothing is between them
        return false;
      else {
        //in case there is a wrap around
        //"within" has become greater than "this"
        return start.CompareTo(this) > 0 || this.CompareTo(end) > 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
     * The Left (increasing, clockwise) distance to
     * the given AHAddress
     * @param addr the AHAddress to compute the distance to
     * @return the distance
    public BigInteger LeftDistanceTo(AHAddress addr)
      BigInteger n_x = ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger n_y = addr.ToBigInteger();

      BigInteger dist;
      if (n_y > n_x) {
	//The given address is larger than us, just subtract
        dist = n_y - n_x;
      else {
	//We need to add AHAddress.Full to the result:
        dist = n_y - n_x + AHAddress.Full;
      return dist;
コード例 #7
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
  * Use the DistanceTo function.  If this node is
  * positive distance from add it is right of.
 public bool IsRightOf(AHAddress add)
   return (add.DistanceTo(this) < 0);
コード例 #8
    private static void add_node() {
      int local_port = 0;
//      while(taken_ports.Contains(local_port = rand.Next(0, max_range) + base_port));
      AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace);
/*      ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList();
      for(int j = 0; j < max_range / 10; j++) {
        int remote_port = 0;
        do {
          remote_port = rand.Next(0, max_range) + base_port;
        } while(remote_port == local_port);
        PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port);
      arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow));
      TAAuthorizer ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas);*/
      node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener((new Random()).Next(1024, 65535))); //local_port, null));//, ta_auth));
//      node.AddEdgeListener(new TunnelEdgeListener(node));
//      node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA;
      (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start();
//      taken_ports[local_port] = node;
      nodes.Add((Address) address, node);
      dhts.Add(node, new Dht(node, DEGREE));
コード例 #9
    static void Main(string[] args)
      //first, remove the log file

      String config_file = args[0];
      NetworkConfiguration network_configuration = NetworkConfiguration.Deserialize(config_file);

      int port_selection = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); //There will be 10 different ports available for use: 0, 1, 2..
      //for example, node 0 on a machine will use port_selection # 0, node 1 on a machine will use port_selection # 1

      ///There will be multiple BruNet nodes on the same machine. The following is a list of possible ports used
      int list_size = 10;
      int [] port_list = new int[list_size];
      for(int i = 0; i < list_size; i++){
	port_list[i] = 25010 + i*10;
      ///The line below is used when there is only one node per machine
      //int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex();                                                                
      int desired_port = port_list[port_selection];
      int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex(desired_port); 

      NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[local_host_index];
      TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0];
      short port = local_ta_configuration.Port;

      SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
      String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI();
      //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress
      byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + port));
      //inforce type 0
      hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE;
      AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes);
      Node this_node = new StructuredNode( _local_ahaddress );
      ///Node this_node = new HybridNode( new AHAddress( new BigInteger( 2*(local_host_index+1) ) ) );      

      String file_string = "brunetadd" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log";
      StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file_string, false);
      sw.WriteLine( "local_address " + this_node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + " " + Dns.GetHostName()); 

      if ( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "tcp" ) {
        this_node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(port) );
      else if( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "udp" ) {
        this_node.AddEdgeListener( new UdpEdgeListener(port) );        

      int remote_node_index = local_host_index-1;
      int num_remote_ta = 20; //20 nodes on the list to try to bootstrap to

      if (local_host_index!=0) {
        NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[0];
        TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0];

        String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); 
        this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta  ) );
      while ( (remote_node_index>=0) && (num_remote_ta>=0) ) { 
        NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[remote_node_index];
        TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0];

        String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); 
        this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta  ) );

        System.Console.WriteLine("Adding {0}", remote_ta);


      //EchoTester echo_printer = new EchoTester();
      //this_node.Subscribe(AHPacket.Protocol.Echo, echo_printer);
      StreamWriter stamp_sw = new StreamWriter("time_stamp.log", true);
      stamp_sw.WriteLine("Local_node: {0} start_time_GMT: {1}:{2}", Dns.GetHostName(), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString(),
			DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond );


コード例 #10
     * When a node is out of the range, this method is called.
     * This method tries to find the nearest node to the middle of range using greedty algorithm.
     * return list of MapReduceInfo
    private ArrayList GenerateTreeOutRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, MapReduceArgs mr_args, int timeout) {
      ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();
      BigInteger up = start.ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger down = end.ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger mid_range = (up + down) /2;
      if (mid_range % 2 == 1) {mid_range = mid_range -1; }
	AHAddress mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range);
	if (!mid_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, end) ) {
          mid_range += Address.Half;
	  mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range);
      ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList();
      if (NextGreedyClosest(mid_addr) != null ) {
        AHGreedySender ags = new AHGreedySender(_node, mid_addr);
	string start_range = start.ToString();
	string end_range = end.ToString();
        MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( (ISender) ags,
				                new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
	Log("{0}: {1}, out of range, moving to the closest node to mid_range: {2} to target node, range start: {3}, range end: {4}",
			  this.TaskName, _node.Address, mid_addr, start, end);
      else  {
        // cannot find a node in the range. 
      return retval;
コード例 #11
     * Generate tree within the range.
     * return list of MapReduceInfo
    private ArrayList GenerateTreeInRange(AHAddress this_addr, AHAddress start, AHAddress end, List<Connection> cons, bool left, MapReduceArgs mr_args, int timeout) {
      //Divide the range and trigger bounded broadcasting again in divided range starting with neighbor.
      //Deivided ranges are (start, n_1), (n_1, n_2), ... , (n_m, end)
      ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();
      if (cons.Count != 0) //make sure if connection list is not empth!
        //con_list is sorted.
	AHAddress last = this_addr;
	//the first element of cons is the nearest.
        for (int i = 0; i < cons.Count; i++) {
	  Connection next_c = (Connection)cons[i];
	  AHAddress next_addr = (AHAddress)next_c.Address;
	  ISender sender = (ISender) next_c.Edge;
	  string front = last.ToString();
	  string back = next_addr.ToString();
	  string rg_start = start.ToString();
	  string rg_end = end.ToString();
          ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList();
	  if (i==cons.Count -1) {  // The last bit
            if (left) {
	      // the left farthest neighbor 
	    else {
	      // the right farthest neighbor
	  else {
	    if (left) { //left connections
	    else {  //right connections

	  MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( (ISender) sender,
	 		                              new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
								     timeout // timeout
          Log("{0}: {1}, adding address: {2} to sender list, range start: {3}, range end: {4}",
				    this.TaskName, _node.Address, next_c.Address,
				    gen_arg[0], gen_arg[1]);
	  last = next_addr;
      return retval;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Dht.cs プロジェクト: kyungyonglee/BrunetTutorial
    /// <summary>This is the generic Put that is used by both the regular Put
    /// and Create methods.  The use of the unique variable differentiates the
    /// two.  This is asynchronous.  Results are stored in the Channel returns.
    /// Creates and Puts return true if successful or exception if there are
    /// network errors in adding the entry, creates also fail if a previous
    /// entry exists.  The work of determining success is handled in
    /// PutEnqueueHandler and PutCloseHandler.</summary>
    /// <param name="key">The index to store the value at.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value to store.</param>
    /// <param name="ttl">The dht lease time for the key:value pair.</param>
    /// <param name="returns">The Channel where the result will be placed.</param>
    /// <param name="unique">True to do a create, false otherwise.</param>
    public void AsyncPut(MemBlock key, MemBlock value, int ttl, Channel returns, bool unique) {
      if(!_online) {
        throw new DhtException("The Node is (going) offline, DHT is offline.");
      AsDhtPutState adps = new AsDhtPutState(returns);

      MemBlock[] brunet_address_for_key = MapToRing(key);
      Channel[] q = new Channel[DEGREE];
      lock(_adps_table.SyncRoot) {
        for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
          Channel queue = new Channel(1);
          queue.CloseEvent += this.PutCloseHandler;
          _adps_table[queue] = adps;
          q[k] = queue;

      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Address target = new AHAddress(brunet_address_for_key[k]);
        AHSender s = new AHSender(Node, target, AHPacket.AHOptions.Greedy);
        _rpc.Invoke(s, q[k], "dht.Put", brunet_address_for_key[k], value, ttl, unique);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Dht.cs プロジェクト: kyungyonglee/BrunetTutorial
    /// <summary>Restores any of the Dht results that don't return all their
    /// values.  We only get here at the end of a Dht return operation.</summary>
    /// <remarks>This analyzes the holes and fills them in individually.  This only
    /// fills holes where there was a positive result (MAJORITY of results
    /// received).</remarks>
    /// <param name="adgs">The AsDhtGetState to analyze for follow up.</param>
    protected void GetFollowUp(AsDhtGetState adgs) {
      foreach (DictionaryEntry de in adgs.results) {
        if(de.Value == null || de.Key == null) {

        Hashtable res = (Hashtable) de.Value;
        if(res.Count < MAJORITY || res.Count == DEGREE) {
          if(res.Count < MAJORITY) {
            if(Dht.DhtLog.Enabled) {
              ProtocolLog.Write(Dht.DhtLog, String.Format(
                "Failed get count:total = {0}:{1}", res.Count, DEGREE));
        MemBlock value = (MemBlock) de.Key;

        int ttl = (int) adgs.ttls[value] / res.Count;
        if(Dht.DhtLog.Enabled) {
          ProtocolLog.Write(Dht.DhtLog, String.Format(
            "Doing follow up put count:total = {0}:{1}", res.Count, DEGREE));
        for(int i = 0; i < DEGREE; i++) {
          if(!res.Contains(i)) {
            MemBlock key = adgs.brunet_address_for_key[i];
            Channel queue = new Channel();
            Address target = new AHAddress(key);
            AHSender s = new AHSender(Node, target, AHPacket.AHOptions.Greedy);
            try {
             _rpc.Invoke(s, queue, "dht.Put", key, value, ttl, false);
            catch(Exception) {}
コード例 #14
ファイル: Dht.cs プロジェクト: kyungyonglee/BrunetTutorial
    /// <remarks>This starts the get process by sending dht.Get to all the remote
    /// end points that contain the key we're looking up.  The next step is
    /// is when the results are placed in the channel and GetEnqueueHandler is
    /// called or GetCloseHandler is called.  This means the get needs to be
    /// stateful, that information is stored in the _adgs_table.</remarks>
    public void AsyncGet(MemBlock key, Channel returns) {
      if(!_online) {
        throw new DhtException("The Node is (going) offline, DHT is offline.");
      // create a GetState and map in our table map its queues to it
      // so when we get a GetHandler we know which state to load
      AsDhtGetState adgs = new AsDhtGetState(returns);
      Channel[] q = new Channel[DEGREE];
      lock(_adgs_table.SyncRoot) {
        for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
          Channel queue = new Channel(1);
          _adgs_table[queue] = adgs;
          q[k] = queue;

      // Setting up our Channels
      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Channel queue = q[k];
        queue.EnqueueEvent += this.GetEnqueueHandler;
        queue.CloseEvent += this.GetCloseHandler;
        adgs.queueMapping[queue] = k;

      // Sending off the request!
      adgs.brunet_address_for_key = MapToRing(key);
      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Address target = new AHAddress(adgs.brunet_address_for_key[k]);
        AHSender s = new AHSender(Node, target, AHPacket.AHOptions.Greedy);
        // 1024 is in there for backwards compatibility
        _rpc.Invoke(s, q[k], "dht.Get", adgs.brunet_address_for_key[k], 1024, null);
コード例 #15
     * Initiates shortcut connection creation to a random shortcut target with the
     * correct distance distribution.
    protected void CreateShortcut()
       * If there are k nodes out of a total possible
       * number of N ( =2^(160) ), the average distance
       * between them is d_ave = N/k.  So we want to select a distance
       * that is at least N/k from us.  We want to do this
       * with prob(dist = d) ~ 1/d.  We can do this by selecting
       * a uniformly distributed p, and sample:
       * d = d_ave(d_max/d_ave)^p
       *   = d_ave( 2^(p log d_max - p log d_ave) )
       *   = 2^( p log d_max + (1 - p) log d_ave )
       * since we can go all the way around the ring d_max = N
       * and: log d_ave = log N - log k, but k is the size of the network:
       * d = 2^( p log N + (1 - p) log N - (1-p) log k)
       *   = 2^( log N - (1-p)log k)
      double logN = (double)(Address.MemSize * 8);
      double logk = Math.Log( (double)_node.NetworkSize, 2.0 );
      double p = _rand.NextDouble();
      double ex = logN - (1.0 - p)*logk;
      int ex_i = (int)Math.Floor(ex);
      double ex_f = ex - Math.Floor(ex);
      //Make sure 2^(ex_long+1)  will fit in a long:
      int ex_long = ex_i % 63;
      int ex_big = ex_i - ex_long;
      ulong dist_long = (ulong)Math.Pow(2.0, ex_long + ex_f);
      //This is 2^(ex_big):
      BigInteger big_one = 1;
      BigInteger dist_big = big_one << ex_big;
      BigInteger rand_dist = dist_big * dist_long;

      // Add or subtract random distance to the current address
      BigInteger t_add = _node.Address.ToBigInteger();

      // Random number that is 0 or 1
      if( _rand.Next(2) == 0 ) {
        t_add += rand_dist;
      else {
        t_add -= rand_dist;

      byte[] target_int = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(new BigInteger(t_add % Address.Full));
      Address.SetClass(target_int, _node.Address.Class);
      Address start = new AHAddress(target_int);

      if (LogEnabled) {
                          String.Format("SCO local: {0}, Selecting shortcut to create close to start: {1}.", 
                                        _node.Address, start));
      //make a call to the target selector to find the optimal
      _target_selector.ComputeCandidates(start, (int) Math.Ceiling(logk), CreateShortcutCallback, null);
コード例 #16
ファイル: RemotingTester.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    public RemotingTester(int p, NetworkConfiguration nc, StreamWriter fs)
      int desired_port = p;
      _port = (short)p;
      _sw = fs;
      Console.WriteLine("Z {0}",_port);
      int local_host_index = nc.GetLocalHostIndex(desired_port); 
      NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[local_host_index];
      TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = 
      short this_port = local_ta_configuration.Port;

      SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
      String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI();
      //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress
      byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + desired_port));
      //inforce type 0
      hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE;
      AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes);
      Node this_node = new HybridNode( _local_ahaddress );
      //Node this_node = new StructuredNode( _local_ahaddress );

      node = this_node;
      if ( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "tcp" ) {
        node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(this_port) );
      else if( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "udp" ) {
        node.AddEdgeListener( new UdpEdgeListener(this_port) );        
      int remote_node_index = local_host_index-1;
      int num_remote_ta = 150; //20 nodes on the list to try to bootstrap to

      if (local_host_index!=0) {
        NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[0];
        TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = 

        String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); 
        node.RemoteTAs.Add( new TransportAddress( remote_ta  ) );

      while ( (remote_node_index>=0) && (num_remote_ta>=0) ) { 
        NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[remote_node_index];
        TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = 

        String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); 
        node.RemoteTAs.Add( new TransportAddress( remote_ta  ) );

        //System.Console.WriteLine("Adding {0}", remote_ta);


      bool net_stream = false;
      String server_ipadd = "cantor.ee.ucla.edu";
      int server_port = 8002;
      int time_diff = 0;
      String td_file_string = "~/joe/time_diff.txt";
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(td_file_string);
        time_diff = Convert.ToInt32( sr.ReadLine() );     
      //String file_string = "./data/brunetadd" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log";
      fs.WriteLine( "local_address " + node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() 
          + " " + Dns.GetHostName() + ":" + desired_port);
      fs.Write( DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss") + 
          ":" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond +
          "  Start  Start  " + node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + '\n'); 

      BrunetLogger bl = new BrunetLogger(desired_port, (AHAddress)node.Address, 
          net_stream, server_ipadd, server_port, time_diff, fs); 
      node.Logger = bl;
      //bool log_rdp = false;	  

      String file_packet = "./data/packet" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log";
      StreamWriter packet_sw = new StreamWriter(file_packet, false);
      packet_sw.WriteLine("Local_node: {0}:{1} start_time_GMT: {2}:{3} local_address {4}", Dns.GetHostName(), 
          desired_port, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss"), 
          DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond, node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() ); 

コード例 #17
ファイル: Simulator.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    // adds a node to the pool
    protected static void add_node(bool output) {
      AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace);
      NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping();
      nm.Node = node;
      nodes.Add((Address) address, nm);

      nm.Port = TakenPorts.Count;
      while(TakenPorts.Contains(nm.Port)) {
        nm.Port = rand.Next(0, 65535);

      TAAuthorizer auth = null;
      if(broken != 0) {
        auth = new BrokenTAAuth(broken);

      EdgeListener el = new FunctionEdgeListener(nm.Port, 0, auth, true);

      if(broken != 0) {
        el = new TunnelEdgeListener(node);

      ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList();
      for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenPorts.Count; i++) {
        int rport = (int) TakenPorts.GetByIndex(rand.Next(0, TakenPorts.Count));
        RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://" + rport));
      node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs;

      TakenPorts[nm.Port] = nm.Port;

      if(output) {
        Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + nm.Node.Address);
コード例 #18
 protected Connection NextGreedyClosest(AHAddress a) {
  * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest to a, if
  * there is one closer than us
   ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
   ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
   Connection next_closest = null;
   int idx = structs.IndexOf(a);
   if( idx < 0 ) {
     //a is not the table:
     Connection right = structs.GetRightNeighborOf(a);
     Connection left = structs.GetLeftNeighborOf(a);
     BigInteger my_dist = ((AHAddress)_node.Address).DistanceTo(a).abs();
     BigInteger ld = ((AHAddress)left.Address).DistanceTo(a).abs();
     BigInteger rd = ((AHAddress)right.Address).DistanceTo(a).abs();
     if( (ld < rd) && (ld < my_dist) ) {
       next_closest = left;
     if( (rd < ld) && (rd < my_dist) ) {
       next_closest = right;
   else {
     next_closest = structs[idx];
   return next_closest;
コード例 #19
ファイル: DhtTest.cs プロジェクト: johnynek/brunet
    public void Test14(ref int op) {
      Console.WriteLine("Test 14: Testing 1000 puts and 1 get with 1000 " +
          "results with the same key.  Then we remove the main owner of the " +
      RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
      byte[] key = new byte[10];
      byte[] value = new byte[value_size];
      ArrayList al_results = new ArrayList();
      int count = 60;
      BlockingQueue[] results_queue = new BlockingQueue[count];

      for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        value = new byte[value_size];
        results_queue[i] = new BlockingQueue();
        default_dht.AsyncPut(key, value, 3000, results_queue[i]);
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        try {
          bool res = (bool) results_queue[i].Dequeue();
          Console.WriteLine("success in put : " + i);
        catch {
          Console.WriteLine("Failure in put : " + i);
      Console.WriteLine("Insertion done...");
      Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting nodes...");
      MemBlock[] b = default_dht.MapToRing(key);
      BigInteger[] baddrs = new BigInteger[default_dht.DEGREE];
      BigInteger[] addrs = new BigInteger[default_dht.DEGREE];
      bool first_run = true;
      foreach(DictionaryEntry de in nodes) {
        Address addr = (Address) de.Key;
        for(int j = 0; j < b.Length; j++) {
          if(first_run) {
            addrs[j] = addr.ToBigInteger();
            baddrs[j] = (new AHAddress(b[j])).ToBigInteger();
          else {
            BigInteger caddr = addr.ToBigInteger();
            BigInteger new_diff = baddrs[j] - caddr;
            if(new_diff < 0) {
              new_diff *= -1;
            BigInteger c_diff = baddrs[j] - addrs[j];
            if(c_diff < 0) {
              c_diff *= -1;
            if(c_diff > new_diff) {
              addrs[j] = caddr;
        first_run = false;

      for(int i = 0; i < addrs.Length; i++) {
        Console.WriteLine(new AHAddress(baddrs[i]) + " " + new AHAddress(addrs[i]));
        Address laddr = new AHAddress(addrs[i]);
        Node node = (Node) nodes[laddr];

      default_dht = new Dht((Node) nodes.GetByIndex(0), degree);

      // Checking the ring every 5 seconds..
      do  { Thread.Sleep(5000);}
      Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep now...");
      Console.WriteLine("Timeout done.... now attempting gets");
      this.SerialAsyncGet(key, (byte[][]) al_results.ToArray(typeof(byte[])), op++);
      Console.WriteLine("This checks to make sure our follow up Puts succeeded");
      this.SerialAsyncGet(key, (byte[][]) al_results.ToArray(typeof(byte[])), op++);
      Console.WriteLine("If no error messages successful up to: " + (op - 1));
      foreach(TableServer ts in tables.Values) {
        Console.WriteLine("Count ... " + ts.Count);
コード例 #20
  * Find neighbor connections within the range
  * return ArrayList of List<Connection> for left and right neighbors.
 private ArrayList GetConnectionInfo(AHAddress t_addr, AHAddress start, AHAddress end, ConnectionList cl) {
   //this node is within the given range (start_addr, end_addr)
   ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
   List<Connection> left_con_list = new List<Connection>();
   List<Connection> right_con_list = new List<Connection>();
   foreach(Connection c in cl) {
     AHAddress adr = (AHAddress)c.Address;
     if(adr.IsBetweenFromLeft(t_addr, end) ) {
     else if (adr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, t_addr) ) {
     else {
       //Out of Range. Do nothing!
   //Make a compare and add it to ConnectionTable to sort by Address
   ConnectionLeftComparer left_cmp = new ConnectionLeftComparer(t_addr);
   ConnectionRightComparer right_cmp = new ConnectionRightComparer(t_addr);
   return ret;
コード例 #21
ファイル: SystemTest.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    // adds a node to the pool
    private static void add_node(bool output) {
      AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace);
      NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping();
      nm.Node = node;
      nodes.Add((Address) address, nm);

      nm.Port = rand.Next(1024, 65535);
      while(TakenPorts.Contains(nm.Port)) {
        nm.Port = rand.Next(1024, 65535);

      EdgeListener el = null;
      if(edge_type.Equals("function")) {
        el = new FunctionEdgeListener(nm.Port, 0, null);
      else if(edge_type.Equals("tcp")) {
        el = new TcpEdgeListener(nm.Port);
      else if(edge_type.Equals("udp")) {
        el = new UdpEdgeListener(nm.Port);

      if(!discovery) {
        ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList();
        for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenPorts.Count; i++) {
          int rport = (int) TakenPorts.GetByIndex(rand.Next(0, TakenPorts.Count));
          RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet." + edge_type + "://" + rport));
        node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs;
      TakenPorts[nm.Port] = nm.Port;

      if(dht_enabled) {
        nm.Dht = new Dht(node, 3);

      if(output) {
        Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + nm.Node.Address);
      (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start();
コード例 #22
 //returns true if addr is in a given range including boundary.
  * This returns true if addr is between start and end in a ring.
  * IsBetweenFrom*() excludes both start and end, but InRange() includes both.
  * @param addr, this node's address
  * @param start, the beginning address of range
  * @param end, the ending address of range
 public bool InRange(AHAddress addr, AHAddress start, AHAddress end) {
   bool betw = addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start,end);
   if (addr == start || addr == end) {return true;}
   else { return betw; }
コード例 #23
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
     * Compute the distance from this to add such that
     * the magnitude is less than or equal to Address.Half
    public virtual BigInteger DistanceTo(AHAddress a)
      BigInteger n_x = this.ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger n_y = a.ToBigInteger();

      BigInteger dist = n_y - n_x;
      if (n_y > n_x) {
        //(n_y > n_x ) == (dist > 0),
        //but the former is faster for BigInteger
        if (dist >= Address.Half) {
          dist = dist - AHAddress.Full;
      else {
        //we know dist <= 0:
        //If dist < -Address.Half
        //if (0 > (Address.Half + dist)) {
        //same as below, but below doesn't require BigInteger(0),
        //so it saves memory and CPU:
        if (n_x > (Address.Half + n_y)) {
          dist = dist + AHAddress.Full;
      return dist;
コード例 #24
    public void Test() {
      RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();      
      AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng);
      Node n = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "unittest");
      AHSender ah = new AHSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"));
      ForwardingSender fs = new ForwardingSender(n, 
      string uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=exact";
      ISender s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri);
      Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender);
      Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri());
      uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=greedy";
      //Create the above programatically
      IDictionary<string, string> param_args = new Dictionary<string,string>();
      param_args["dest"] = "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4";
      param_args["mode"] = "greedy";
      string uri0 = SenderFactory.EncodeUri("ah", param_args); 
      Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri0, "EncodeUri works");
      //Check decode:
      string scheme;
      param_args = SenderFactory.DecodeUri(uri, out scheme);
      Assert.AreEqual(scheme, "ah", "Scheme decoded");
      Assert.AreEqual(param_args.Count, 2, "2 parameters in uri");
      Assert.AreEqual(param_args["dest"], "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4", "Extracted address");
      Assert.AreEqual(param_args["mode"], "greedy", "got mode");

      s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri);
      Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender);
      Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri());      
      string furi = "sender:fw?relay=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&init_mode=greedy&dest=5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ&ttl=3&mode=path";
      s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, furi);
      Assert.IsTrue(s is ForwardingSender);
      Assert.AreEqual(furi, s.ToUri());
コード例 #25
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
  * Use the DistanceTo function.  If this node is
  * positive distance from add, it is left of.
 public bool IsLeftOf(AHAddress add)
   return (add.DistanceTo(this) > 0);
コード例 #26
    public static void Main(string []args) {
      if (args.Length < 1) {
        Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of p2p nodes."); 
      else if (args.Length < 2) {
        Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of missing edges."); 

      int base_port = 54111;
      int network_size = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
      int missing_edges_count = Int32.Parse(args[1]);
      string brunet_namespace = "testing";
      SortedList nodes = new SortedList();

      ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList();
      for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) {
        RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://" + (base_port + i)));

      Random rand = new Random();
      for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) {
        Console.WriteLine("Starting node: {0}", i);
        AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
        Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace);
        ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList();
        for(int j = 0; j < missing_edges_count; j++) {
          int remote_port = 0;
          do {
            remote_port = rand.Next(0, network_size - 1) + base_port;
          } while(remote_port == base_port + i);
          PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port);
        arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow));
        TAAuthorizer ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas);
        node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i, null, ta_auth));
        node.AddEdgeListener(new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(node));
        node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA;
        Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(node.Connect));
        nodes.Add((Address) address, node);
        Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 seconds");

      //wait for 60 more seconds
      int count = 0;
      while(true) {
        Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 5 seconds.");

        Console.WriteLine("Checking ring...");
        Address start_addr = (Address) nodes.GetKeyList()[0];
        Address curr_addr = start_addr;

        for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) {
          Node node = (Node) nodes[curr_addr];
          ConnectionTable con_table = node.ConnectionTable;
          Connection con = con_table.GetLeftStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) curr_addr);
          Console.WriteLine("Hop {2}\t Address {0}\n\t Connection to left {1}\n", curr_addr, con, i);
          Address next_addr = con.Address;

          if (next_addr == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection.");

          Connection lc = ((Node)nodes[next_addr]).ConnectionTable.GetRightStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) next_addr);
          if( (lc == null) || !curr_addr.Equals(lc.Address)) {
            Address left_addr = lc.Address;
            Console.WriteLine(curr_addr + " != " + left_addr);
            Console.WriteLine("Right had edge, but left has no record of it!\n{0} != {1}", con, lc);
          else if(next_addr.Equals(start_addr) && i != network_size -1) {
            Console.WriteLine("Completed circle too early.  Only {0} nodes in the ring.",
                              (i + 1));
          curr_addr = next_addr;
        if(start_addr.Equals(curr_addr)) {
          Console.WriteLine("Ring properly formed!");
          Console.WriteLine("This only took .... {0} seconds", (count * 5));

      count = 0;
      while(true) {
        Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 5 seconds.");

        Console.WriteLine("Checking ring...");
        Address start_addr = (Address) nodes.GetKeyList()[0];
        Address curr_addr = start_addr;

        for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) {
          Node node = (Node) nodes[curr_addr];
          ConnectionTable con_table = node.ConnectionTable;
          Connection con = con_table.GetRightStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) curr_addr);
          Console.WriteLine("Hop {2}\t Address {0}\n\t Connection to right {1}\n", curr_addr, con, i);
          Address next_addr = con.Address;

          if (next_addr == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection.");
          Connection left_con = ((Node)nodes[next_addr]).ConnectionTable.GetLeftStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) next_addr);
          if(left_con == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection.");
          else if(!curr_addr.Equals(left_con.Address)) {
            Address left_addr = left_con.Address;
            Console.WriteLine(curr_addr + " != " + left_addr);
            Console.WriteLine("Left had edge, but right has no record of it! {0}", left_con);
          else if(next_addr.Equals(start_addr) && i != network_size -1) {
            Console.WriteLine("Completed circle too early.  Only " + count + " nodes in the ring.");
          curr_addr = next_addr;
        if(start_addr.Equals(curr_addr)) {
          Console.WriteLine("Ring properly formed!");
          Console.WriteLine("This only took .... {0} seconds", (count * 5));

      foreach(DictionaryEntry de in nodes) {
        Node node = (Node)de.Value;
コード例 #27
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
     * The Right (decreasing, counterclockwise) distance to
     * the given AHAddress
     * @param addr the AHAddress to compute the distance to
     * @return the distance
    public BigInteger RightDistanceTo(AHAddress addr)
      BigInteger n_x = ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger n_y = addr.ToBigInteger();

      BigInteger dist;
      if (n_y < n_x) {
	//The given address is smaller than us, just subtract
        dist = n_x - n_y;
      else {
	//We need to add AHAddress.Full to the result:
        dist = n_x - n_y + AHAddress.Full;
      return dist;
コード例 #28
ファイル: BrunetApp.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    void ToDotFile(ArrayList node_list, int index)
      string file_name = string.Format("BootGraph_{0:000000}",index);
      StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(file_name);
      sw.WriteLine("digraph bootgraph { ");
      sw.WriteLine("graph [bb=\"0,0,800,800\"];");

      AHAddress add = new AHAddress(new BigInteger(0));
      ArrayList all_adds = new ArrayList();
      AHAddressComparer cmp = new AHAddressComparer(add);
      foreach( Node item in node_list)
        int ins_index = all_adds.BinarySearch(item.Address, cmp);
        if (ins_index < 0)
          ins_index = ~ins_index;
      double nodesize = .50;
      int canvassize = 576;
      double r = (double)canvassize/2.0 - 1.0 -36.0*nodesize;
      int c = canvassize/2;
      int nodes = all_adds.Count;
      int position = 0;
      double phi = Math.PI/(2*((double)nodes));
      //double r = Math.Cos(phi)/(2.0*nodesize);
      //double r =((double)(canvassize-1-2-Math.Ceiling(nodesize )))/2.0;
      double theta = 0.0;
      int ringlayoutx = 0;
      int ringlayouty = 0;

      foreach( Address item in all_adds)
        theta = (double)(4*(position))*phi;
        ringlayoutx = c + (int)(r*Math.Sin(theta));
        ringlayouty = c - (int)(r*Math.Cos(theta));

        string node_line =
          String.Format("{0} [pos=\"{1:D},{2:D}\", width=\"{3:F2}\",height=\"{4:F2}\"];",

      foreach( Node item in node_list)
          ConnectionList leafs = item.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Leaf);
          foreach(Connection con in leafs)
	     Address leaf_item = con.Address;
              string graph_line = String.Format("{0} -> {1} [color= blue];",
                                                leaf_item.ToBigInteger().IntValue() );
          ConnectionList structs = item.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
          foreach(Connection con in structs)
	     Address struct_item = con.Address;
              string graph_line = String.Format("{0} -> {1} [color= red];",
                                                struct_item.ToBigInteger().IntValue() );
      SHA1 sha1 = (SHA1) CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("SHA1");

      string neato_command = String.Format("/usr/bin/neato");
      string neato_args =String.Format("-Tps -o {0}_circle.ps -n -s72 {0}",file_name );
      string dot_command = String.Format("/usr/bin/dot");
      string dot_args = String.Format("-Tps -o {0}.ps {1}",file_name,file_name);
      //string touch_cmd = String.Format("/usr/bin/touch");
      //string touch_args = String.Format(" t_movie.ps movie.ps");
      //string cat_cmd = String.Format("/bin/cat");
      //string cat_args = String.Format(" t_movie.ps {0}.ps > t_movie.ps",file_name);
      //string ps2ps_cmd = String.Format("/usr/bin/ps2ps");
      //string ps2ps_args = String.Format("t_movie.ps movie.ps");
      FileStream fs_this = new FileStream (file_name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
      if ( l_u_f != null )
        string this_hash_string = Base32.Encode(sha1.ComputeHash (fs_this));
        if( l_u_h == this_hash_string )
          if (File.Exists(file_name))
          l_u_f = file_name;
          FileStream fs_last = new FileStream (l_u_f, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
          l_u_h = Base32.Encode(sha1.ComputeHash (fs_last));
          fs_last.Close ();

        l_u_f = file_name;
        FileStream fs_last = new FileStream (
                               l_u_f, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        l_u_h = Base32.Encode(sha1.ComputeHash (fs_last)) ;
        fs_last.Close ();

      fs_this.Close ();
コード例 #29
ファイル: AHAddress.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    public void Test() {
      byte[]  buf1 = new byte[20];
      for (int i = 0; i <= 18; i++)
        buf1[i] = 0x00;
      buf1[19] = 0x0A;
      AHAddress test_address_1 = new AHAddress( MemBlock.Reference(buf1, 0, buf1.Length) );

      byte[] buf2 = new byte[20];
      for (int i = 0; i <= 18; i++) {
        buf2[i] = 0xFF;
      buf2[19] = 0xFE;
      AHAddress test_address_2 = new AHAddress( MemBlock.Reference(buf2, 0, buf2.Length) );
      //test_address_1 is to the left of test_address_2
      //because it only a few steps in the clockwise direction:
      Assert.IsTrue( test_address_1.IsLeftOf( test_address_2 ), "IsLeftOf");
      Assert.IsTrue( test_address_2.IsRightOf( test_address_1 ), "IsRightOf");
      //This distance is twelve:
      Assert.AreEqual( test_address_2.DistanceTo( test_address_1),
                       new BigInteger(12), "DistanceTo");
      Assert.IsTrue( test_address_1.CompareTo(test_address_2) < 0, "CompareTo");
      Assert.IsTrue( test_address_2.CompareTo(test_address_1) > 0, "CompareTo");
      byte[] buf3 = new byte[Address.MemSize];
      AHAddress test3 = new AHAddress(MemBlock.Reference(buf3,0,buf3.Length)); 
      Assert.IsTrue( test3.CompareTo( test_address_2 ) == 0 , "CompareTo");
      Assert.IsTrue( test3.CompareTo( test3 ) == 0, "CompareTo");
      //As long as the address does not wrap around, adding should increase it:
      AHAddress a4 = new AHAddress( test_address_1.ToBigInteger() + 100 );
      Assert.IsTrue( a4.CompareTo( test_address_1 ) > 0, "adding increases");
      Assert.IsTrue( a4.CompareTo( test_address_2 ) < 0, "smaller than biggest");
      //Here are some consistency tests:
      for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        System.Random r = new Random();
        byte[] b1 = new byte[Address.MemSize];
        //Make sure it is class 0:
        Address.SetClass(b1, 0);
        byte[] b2 = new byte[Address.MemSize];
        //Make sure it is class 0:
        Address.SetClass(b2, 0);
        byte[] b3 = new byte[Address.MemSize];
        //Make sure it is class 0:
        Address.SetClass(b3, 0);
        AHAddress a5 = new AHAddress( MemBlock.Reference(b1,0,b1.Length) );
        AHAddress a6 = new AHAddress( MemBlock.Reference(b2,0,b2.Length) );
        AHAddress a7 = new AHAddress( MemBlock.Reference(b3,0,b3.Length) );
        Assert.IsTrue( a5.CompareTo(a6) == -1 * a6.CompareTo(a5), "consistency");
        //Nothing is between the same address:
        Assert.IsFalse( a5.IsBetweenFromLeft(a6, a6), "Empty Between Left");
        Assert.IsFalse( a5.IsBetweenFromRight(a7, a7), "Empty Between Right");
        //Endpoints are not between:
        Assert.IsFalse( a6.IsBetweenFromLeft(a6, a7), "End point Between Left");
        Assert.IsFalse( a6.IsBetweenFromRight(a6, a7), "End point Between Right");
        Assert.IsFalse( a7.IsBetweenFromLeft(a6, a7), "End point Between Left");
        Assert.IsFalse( a7.IsBetweenFromRight(a6, a7), "End point Between Right");

        if ( a5.IsBetweenFromLeft(a6, a7) ) {
          //Then the following must be true:
          Assert.IsTrue( a6.LeftDistanceTo(a5) < a6.LeftDistanceTo(a7),
                         "BetweenLeft true");
        else {
          //Then the following must be false:
          Assert.IsFalse( a6.LeftDistanceTo(a5) < a6.LeftDistanceTo(a7),
                          "BetweenLeft false");
        if ( a5.IsBetweenFromRight(a6, a7) ) {
          //Then the following must be true:
          Assert.IsTrue( a6.RightDistanceTo(a5) < a6.RightDistanceTo(a7),
                         "BetweenRight true");
        else {
          //Then the following must be false:
          Assert.IsFalse( a6.RightDistanceTo(a5) < a6.RightDistanceTo(a7),
                          "BetweenRight false");
        Assert.IsFalse(a5.IsBetweenFromLeft(a6, a7) ==
                            a5.IsBetweenFromRight(a6, a7),
                            "can't be between left and between right");
コード例 #30
ファイル: BrunetApp.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    public static void testAddressComparer(ArrayList node_list)
      AHAddress add = new AHAddress(new BigInteger(0));
      ArrayList all_adds = new ArrayList();
      AHAddressComparer cmp = new AHAddressComparer(add);

      System.Console.WriteLine("Address comparison test:");
      AHAddress a0 = (AHAddress)(((Node)node_list[0]).Address);
      AHAddress a1 = (AHAddress)(((Node)node_list[1]).Address);
      System.Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", a0);
      System.Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", a1);
      System.Console.WriteLine("Distance between a0 and a1:{0}", a0.DistanceTo(a1));
      System.Console.WriteLine("Compare a0 and a1:{0}", cmp.Compare(a0,a1));

      foreach( Node item in node_list)
        int ins_index = all_adds.BinarySearch(item.Address, cmp);
        if (ins_index < 0)
          ins_index = ~ins_index;

      for (int i=0; i<all_adds.Count; i++)
        Address item = (Address)all_adds[i];
        System.Console.WriteLine("Adress is {0}", item);
