public Test(){ Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(); gravity.Set(0.0f, -10.0f); m_world = new World(gravity); m_bomb = null; m_textLine = 30; m_mouseJoint = null; m_pointCount = 0; m_debugDraw = new DebugDraw(); m_destructionListener = new TestDestructionListener(); m_destructionListener.test = this; m_world.SetDestructionListener(m_destructionListener); m_world.SetContactListener(this); m_world.SetDebugDraw(m_debugDraw); m_bombSpawning = false; m_stepCount = 0; BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); m_groundBody = m_world.CreateBody(bodyDef); m_maxProfile = new Profile(); m_totalProfile = new Profile(); }
/// Construct a world object. /// @param gravity the world gravity vector. public World(Vec2 gravity){ m_destructionListener = null; m_debugDraw = null; m_bodyList = new List<Body>(); m_jointList = new List<Joint>(); m_warmStarting = true; m_continuousPhysics = true; m_subStepping = false; m_stepComplete = true; m_allowSleep = true; m_gravity = gravity; m_flags = WorldFlags.e_clearForces; m_inv_dt0 = 0.0f; m_profile = new Profile(); m_contactManager = new ContactManager(); }
public virtual void Step(TestSettings settings) { float timeStep = settings.hz > 0.0f ? 1.0f / settings.hz : 0.0f; if (settings.pause) { if (settings.singleStep) { settings.singleStep = false; } else { timeStep = 0.0f; } m_debugDraw.DrawString("****PAUSED****"); } Draw.DrawFlags flags = 0; flags |= settings.drawShapes ? Draw.DrawFlags.e_shapeBit : 0; flags |= settings.drawJoints ? Draw.DrawFlags.e_jointBit : 0; flags |= settings.drawAABBs ? Draw.DrawFlags.e_aabbBit : 0; flags |= settings.drawCOMs ? Draw.DrawFlags.e_centerOfMassBit : 0; m_debugDraw.SetFlags(flags); m_world.SetAllowSleeping(settings.enableSleep); m_world.SetWarmStarting(settings.enableWarmStarting); m_world.SetContinuousPhysics(settings.enableContinuous); m_world.SetSubStepping(settings.enableSubStepping); m_pointCount = 0; m_world.Step(timeStep, settings.velocityIterations, settings.positionIterations); m_world.DrawDebugData(); if (timeStep > 0.0f) { ++m_stepCount; } if (settings.drawStats) { int bodyCount = m_world.GetBodyCount(); int contactCount = m_world.GetContactCount(); int jointCount = m_world.GetJointCount(); m_debugDraw.DrawString("bodies/contacts/joints = {0}/{1}/{2}", bodyCount, contactCount, jointCount); int proxyCount = m_world.GetProxyCount(); int height = m_world.GetTreeHeight(); int balance = m_world.GetTreeBalance(); float quality = m_world.GetTreeQuality(); m_debugDraw.DrawString("proxies/height/balance/quality = {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", proxyCount, height, balance, quality); } // Track maximum profile times { Profile p = m_world.GetProfile(); m_maxProfile.step = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.step, p.step); m_maxProfile.collide = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.collide, p.collide); m_maxProfile.solve = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.solve, p.solve); m_maxProfile.solveInit = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.solveInit, p.solveInit); m_maxProfile.solveVelocity = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.solveVelocity, p.solveVelocity); m_maxProfile.solvePosition = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.solvePosition, p.solvePosition); m_maxProfile.solveTOI = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.solveTOI, p.solveTOI); m_maxProfile.broadphase = Math.Max(m_maxProfile.broadphase, p.broadphase); m_totalProfile.step += p.step; m_totalProfile.collide += p.collide; m_totalProfile.solve += p.solve; m_totalProfile.solveInit += p.solveInit; m_totalProfile.solveVelocity += p.solveVelocity; m_totalProfile.solvePosition += p.solvePosition; m_totalProfile.solveTOI += p.solveTOI; m_totalProfile.broadphase += p.broadphase; } if (settings.drawProfile) { Profile p = m_world.GetProfile(); Profile aveProfile = new Profile(); if (m_stepCount > 0) { float scale = 1.0f / m_stepCount; aveProfile.step = scale * m_totalProfile.step; aveProfile.collide = scale * m_totalProfile.collide; aveProfile.solve = scale * m_totalProfile.solve; aveProfile.solveInit = scale * m_totalProfile.solveInit; aveProfile.solveVelocity = scale * m_totalProfile.solveVelocity; aveProfile.solvePosition = scale * m_totalProfile.solvePosition; aveProfile.solveTOI = scale * m_totalProfile.solveTOI; aveProfile.broadphase = scale * m_totalProfile.broadphase; } m_debugDraw.DrawString("step [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.step, aveProfile.step, m_maxProfile.step); m_debugDraw.DrawString("collide [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.collide, aveProfile.collide, m_maxProfile.collide); m_debugDraw.DrawString("solve [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.solve, aveProfile.solve, m_maxProfile.solve); m_debugDraw.DrawString("solve init [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.solveInit, aveProfile.solveInit, m_maxProfile.solveInit); m_debugDraw.DrawString("solve velocity [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.solveVelocity, aveProfile.solveVelocity, m_maxProfile.solveVelocity); m_debugDraw.DrawString("solve position [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.solvePosition, aveProfile.solvePosition, m_maxProfile.solvePosition); m_debugDraw.DrawString("solveTOI [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.solveTOI, aveProfile.solveTOI, m_maxProfile.solveTOI); m_debugDraw.DrawString("broad-phase [ave] (max) = %5.2f [%6.2f] (%6.2f)", p.broadphase, aveProfile.broadphase, m_maxProfile.broadphase); } if (m_mouseJoint != null) { Vec2 p1 = m_mouseJoint.GetAnchorB(); Vec2 p2 = m_mouseJoint.GetTarget(); Color c = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0); m_debugDraw.DrawPoint(p1, 4.0f, c); m_debugDraw.DrawPoint(p2, 4.0f, c); c = Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, c); } if (m_bombSpawning) { Color c = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255); m_debugDraw.DrawPoint(m_bombSpawnPoint, 4.0f, c); c = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(m_mouseWorld, m_bombSpawnPoint, c); } if (settings.drawContactPoints) { const float k_impulseScale = 0.1f; const float k_axisScale = 0.3f; for (int i = 0; i < m_pointCount; ++i) { ContactPoint point = m_points[i]; if (point.state == PointState._addState) { // Add m_debugDraw.DrawPoint(point.position, 10.0f, Color.FromArgb(75, 242, 75)); } else if (point.state == PointState._persistState) { // Persist m_debugDraw.DrawPoint(point.position, 5.0f, Color.FromArgb(75, 75, 242)); } if (settings.drawContactNormals) { Vec2 p1 = point.position; Vec2 p2 = p1 + k_axisScale * point.normal; m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 242)); } else if (settings.drawContactImpulse) { Vec2 p1 = point.position; Vec2 p2 = p1 + k_impulseScale * point.normalImpulse * point.normal; m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 75)); } if (settings.drawFrictionImpulse) { Vec2 tangent = Utilities.Cross(point.normal, 1.0f); Vec2 p1 = point.position; Vec2 p2 = p1 + k_impulseScale * point.tangentImpulse * tangent; m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 75)); } } } }
private void Solve(TimeStep step){ m_profile.solveInit = 0.0f; m_profile.solveVelocity = 0.0f; m_profile.solvePosition = 0.0f; // Size the island for the worst case. Island island = new Island(m_contactManager.m_contactListener); // Clear all the island flags. foreach (Body b in m_bodyList) { b.m_flags &= ~Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag; } foreach (Contact c in m_contactManager.m_contactList) { c.m_flags &= ~ContactFlags.e_islandFlag; } foreach (Joint j in m_jointList) { j.m_islandFlag = false; } // Build and simulate all awake islands. List<Body> stack = new List<Body>(m_bodyList.Count()); foreach (Body seed in m_bodyList) { if (seed.m_flags.HasFlag(Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag)) { continue; } if (seed.IsAwake() == false || seed.IsActive() == false) { continue; } // The seed can be dynamic or kinematic. if (seed.GetBodyType() == BodyType._staticBody) { continue; } // Reset island and stack. island.Clear(); int stackCount = 0; stack.Add(seed); stackCount++; seed.m_flags |= Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag; // Perform a depth first search (DFS) on the constraint graph. while (stackCount > 0) { // Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island. Body b = stack[--stackCount]; Utilities.Assert(b.IsActive() == true); island.Add(b); // Make sure the body is awake. b.SetAwake(true); // To keep islands as small as possible, we don't // propagate islands across static bodies. if (b.GetBodyType() == BodyType._staticBody) { continue; } // Search all contacts connected to this body. foreach (ContactEdge ce in b.m_contactList) { Contact contact =; // Has this contact already been added to an island? if (contact.m_flags.HasFlag(ContactFlags.e_islandFlag)) { continue; } // Is this contact solid and touching? if (contact.IsEnabled() == false || contact.IsTouching() == false) { continue; } // Skip sensors. bool sensorA = contact.m_fixtureA.m_isSensor; bool sensorB = contact.m_fixtureB.m_isSensor; if (sensorA || sensorB) { continue; } island.Add(contact); contact.m_flags |= ContactFlags.e_islandFlag; Body other = ce.other; // Was the other body already added to this island? if (other.m_flags.HasFlag(Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag)) { continue; } Utilities.Assert(stackCount < m_bodyList.Count()); stack.Add(other); stackCount++; other.m_flags |= Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag; } // Search all joints connect to this body. foreach (JointEdge je in b.m_jointList){ if (je.joint.m_islandFlag == true) { continue; } Body other = je.other; // Don't simulate joints connected to inactive bodies. if (other.IsActive() == false) { continue; } island.Add(je.joint); je.joint.m_islandFlag = true; if (other.m_flags.HasFlag(Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag)) { continue; } stack.Add(other); stackCount++; other.m_flags |= Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag; } } Profile profile = new Profile(); island.Solve(profile, step, m_gravity, m_allowSleep); m_profile.solveInit += profile.solveInit; m_profile.solveVelocity += profile.solveVelocity; m_profile.solvePosition += profile.solvePosition; // Post solve cleanup. for (int i = 0; i < island.m_bodies.Count(); ++i) { // Allow static bodies to participate in other islands. Body b = island.m_bodies[i]; if (b.GetBodyType() == BodyType._staticBody) { b.m_flags &= ~Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag; } } } { Timer timer = new Timer(); // Synchronize fixtures, check for out of range bodies. foreach (Body b in m_bodyList) { // If a body was not in an island then it did not move. if ((b.m_flags & Body.BodyFlags.e_islandFlag) == 0) { continue; } if (b.GetBodyType() == BodyType._staticBody) { continue; } // Update fixtures (for broad-phase). b.SynchronizeFixtures(); } // Look for new contacts. m_contactManager.FindNewContacts(); m_profile.broadphase = timer.GetMilliseconds(); } }
public void Solve(Profile profile, TimeStep step, Vec2 gravity, bool allowSleep) { Timer timer = new Timer(); float h = step.dt; // Integrate velocities and apply damping. Initialize the body state. for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count(); i++) { Body b = m_bodies[i]; Vec2 c = b.m_sweep.c; float a = b.m_sweep.a; Vec2 v = b.m_linearVelocity; float w = b.m_angularVelocity; // Store positions for continuous collision. b.m_sweep.c0 = b.m_sweep.c; b.m_sweep.a0 = b.m_sweep.a; if (b.m_type == BodyType._dynamicBody) { // Integrate velocities. v += h * (b.m_gravityScale * gravity + b.m_invMass * b.m_force); w += h * b.m_invI * b.m_torque; // Apply damping. // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0 // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t) // Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt) // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1 // Taylor expansion: // v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1 v *= Utilities.Clamp(1.0f - h * b.m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f); w *= Utilities.Clamp(1.0f - h * b.m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f); } Position pos = new Position(); pos.c = c; pos.a = a; m_positions.Add(pos); Velocity vel = new Velocity(); vel.v = v; vel.w = w; m_velocities.Add(vel); } timer.Reset(); // Solver data SolverData solverData; solverData.step = step; solverData.positions = m_positions; solverData.velocities = m_velocities; // Initialize velocity constraints. ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef; contactSolverDef.step = step; contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts; contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions; contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities; ContactSolver contactSolver = new ContactSolver(contactSolverDef); contactSolver.InitializeVelocityConstraints(); if (step.warmStarting) { contactSolver.WarmStart(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_joints.Count(); ++i) { m_joints[i].InitVelocityConstraints(solverData); } profile.solveInit = timer.GetMilliseconds(); // Solve velocity constraints timer.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < m_joints.Count(); ++j) { m_joints[j].SolveVelocityConstraints(solverData); } contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints(); } // Store impulses for warm starting contactSolver.StoreImpulses(); profile.solveVelocity = timer.GetMilliseconds(); // Integrate positions for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count(); ++i) { Vec2 c = m_positions[i].c; float a = m_positions[i].a; Vec2 v = m_velocities[i].v; float w = m_velocities[i].w; // Check for large velocities Vec2 translation = h * v; if (Utilities.Dot(translation, translation) > Settings._maxTranslationSquared) { float ratio = Settings._maxTranslation / translation.Length(); v *= ratio; } float rotation = h * w; if (rotation * rotation > Settings._maxRotationSquared) { float ratio = Settings._maxRotation / Math.Abs(rotation); w *= ratio; } // Integrate c += h * v; a += h * w; m_positions[i].c = c; m_positions[i].a = a; m_velocities[i].v = v; m_velocities[i].w = w; } // Solve position constraints timer.Reset(); bool positionSolved = false; for (int i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i) { bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(); bool jointsOkay = true; for (int j = 0; j < m_joints.Count; ++j) { bool jointOkay = m_joints[j].SolvePositionConstraints(solverData); jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay; } if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay) { // Exit early if the position errors are small. positionSolved = true; break; } } // Copy state buffers back to the bodies for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count(); ++i) { Body body = m_bodies[i]; body.m_sweep.c = m_positions[i].c; body.m_sweep.a = m_positions[i].a; body.m_linearVelocity = m_velocities[i].v; body.m_angularVelocity = m_velocities[i].w; body.SynchronizeTransform(); } profile.solvePosition = timer.GetMilliseconds(); Report(contactSolver.m_velocityConstraints); if (allowSleep) { float minSleepTime = Single.MaxValue; const float linTolSqr = Settings._linearSleepTolerance * Settings._linearSleepTolerance; const float angTolSqr = Settings._angularSleepTolerance * Settings._angularSleepTolerance; for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count(); ++i) { Body b = m_bodies[i]; if (b.GetBodyType() == BodyType._staticBody) { continue; } if ((b.m_flags & Body.BodyFlags.e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 || b.m_angularVelocity * b.m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr || Utilities.Dot(b.m_linearVelocity, b.m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr) { b.m_sleepTime = 0.0f; minSleepTime = 0.0f; } else { b.m_sleepTime += h; minSleepTime = Math.Min(minSleepTime, b.m_sleepTime); } } if (minSleepTime >= Settings._timeToSleep && positionSolved) { for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count(); ++i) { Body b = m_bodies[i]; b.SetAwake(false); } } } }