public IAuthenticator GetAuthenticatorForAccessToken(string apiKey, string sharedSecret, TemporaryToken tempToken, string verifier) { return(OAuth1Authenticator.ForAccessToken(apiKey, sharedSecret, tempToken.OAuthToken, tempToken.OAuthTokenSecret, verifier)); }
private void HandleLoginSuccess(GuestControllerResult <LogInResponse> result, Action <ILoginResult> callback) { try { LogInResponse response = result.Response; LogInData data =; GuestApiErrorCollection gcErrorCollection = response.error; ILoginResult loginResult = GuestControllerErrorParser.GetLoginResult(gcErrorCollection); bool flag = false; string hallPassToken = string.Empty; string swid = string.Empty; if (data != null || loginResult == null) { goto IL_015d; } if (loginResult is ILoginFailedParentalConsentResult) { foreach (GuestApiError error in gcErrorCollection.errors) { TemporaryToken data2 =; if (data2 != null) { flag = true; hallPassToken = data2.accessToken; swid = data2.swid; break; } } if (flag) { goto IL_015d; } callback(loginResult); } else { callback(loginResult); } goto end_IL_0018; IL_015d: if (data == null && !flag) { if (gcErrorCollection != null) { logger.Critical("Received unhandled error exception: " + JsonParser.ToJson(gcErrorCollection)); } callback(new LoginResult(success: false, null)); } else if (flag) { database.StoreSession(swid, hallPassToken, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, updateLastProfileRefreshTime: false, null); IGuestControllerClient guestControllerClient = guestControllerClientFactory.Create(swid); ProfileGetter.GetProfile(logger, guestControllerClient, delegate(ProfileData profileData) { if (profileData == null) { database.DeleteSession(swid); callback(new LoginFailedParentalConsentResult()); } else { StoreSession(swid, hallPassToken, null, profileData.etag, profileData.displayName, profileData.profile); HandleRefreshProfileSuccess(callback, loginResult, gcErrorCollection, profileData.profile, profileData.displayName,, swid, hallPassToken); } }); } else if (!ValidateLogInData(data)) { logger.Critical("Error parsing the login data:" + JsonParser.ToJson(data)); callback(new LoginResult(success: false, null)); } else { Token token = data.token; StoreSession(token.swid, token.access_token, token.refresh_token, data.etag, data.displayName, data.profile); HandleRefreshProfileSuccess(callback, loginResult, gcErrorCollection, data.profile, data.displayName,, token.swid, token.access_token); } end_IL_0018 :; } catch (CorruptionException arg) { logger.Fatal("Corruption detected during login: "******"Unhandled exception: " + arg2); callback(new LoginResult(success: false, null)); } }
public PermanentToken GetPermanentTokenCredentials(string apiKey, string sharedSecret, TemporaryToken tempToken, string validator) { //consumerKey is the appKey you got when you registered your app, same for sharedSecret _restClient.Authenticator = _restServiceWrapper.GetAuthenticatorForAccessToken(apiKey, sharedSecret, tempToken, validator); RestRequest restRequest = _restServiceWrapper.GetRestRequest("oauth/access_token", Method.GET); IRestResponse irestResponse = _restClient.Execute(restRequest); var args = ParseQueryString(irestResponse.Content); var permanentToken = new PermanentToken { APIKey = apiKey, SharedSecret = sharedSecret, TokenID = args.First(x => x.Key == "oauth_token").Value, TokenSecret = args.First(x => x.Key == "oauth_token_secret").Value }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(permanentToken.TokenID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(permanentToken.TokenSecret)) { throw new NullReferenceException("Unable to retrieve permanent auth token. Please check your credentials and try again."); } return(permanentToken); }