public void Init(GameInfo gameInfo, byte[] rom, byte[] fdsbios = null) { LoadReport = new StringWriter(); LoadWriteLine("------"); LoadWriteLine("BEGIN NES rom analysis:"); byte[] file = rom; Type boardType = null; CartInfo choice = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfo = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfoV2 = null; List<string> hash_sha1_several = new List<string>(); string hash_sha1 = null, hash_md5 = null; Unif unif = null; Dictionary<string, string> InitialMapperRegisterValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(SyncSettings.BoardProperties); origin = EDetectionOrigin.None; if (file.Length < 16) throw new Exception("Alleged NES rom too small to be anything useful"); if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("UNIF"))) { unif = new Unif(new MemoryStream(file)); LoadWriteLine("Found UNIF header:"); LoadWriteLine(unif.CartInfo); LoadWriteLine("Since this is UNIF we can confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); hash_sha1 = unif.CartInfo.sha1; hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); } else if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FDS\x1A")) || file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\x01*NI"))) { // danger! this is a different codepath with an early return. accordingly, some // code is duplicated twice... // FDS roms are just fed to the board, we don't do much else with them origin = EDetectionOrigin.FDS; LoadWriteLine("Found FDS header."); if (fdsbios == null) throw new MissingFirmwareException("Missing FDS Bios"); cart = new CartInfo(); var fdsboard = new FDS(); fdsboard.biosrom = fdsbios; fdsboard.SetDiskImage(rom); fdsboard.Create(this); // at the moment, FDS doesn't use the IRVs, but it could at some point in the future fdsboard.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; fdsboard.Configure(origin); board = fdsboard; //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; if (cart.vram_size != 0) board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; board.PostConfigure(); Console.WriteLine("Using NTSC display type for FDS disk image"); _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; HardReset(); return; } else { byte[] nesheader = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(file, 0, nesheader, 0, 16); if (!DetectFromINES(nesheader, out iNesHeaderInfo, out iNesHeaderInfoV2)) throw new InvalidOperationException("iNES header not found"); //now that we know we have an iNES header, we can try to ignore it. hash_sha1 = "sha1:" + file.HashSHA1(16, file.Length - 16); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); hash_md5 = "md5:" + file.HashMD5(16, file.Length - 16); LoadWriteLine("Found iNES header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfo.ToString()); if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { LoadWriteLine("Found iNES V2 header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfoV2); } LoadWriteLine("Since this is iNES we can (somewhat) confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_md5); if (iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size == 16) { //8KB prg can't be stored in iNES format, which counts 16KB prg banks. //so a correct hash will include only 8KB. LoadWriteLine("Since this rom has a 16 KB PRG, we'll hash it as 8KB too for bootgod's DB:"); var msTemp = new MemoryStream(); msTemp.Write(file, 16, 8 * 1024); //add prg msTemp.Write(file, 16 + 16 * 1024, iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024); //add chr msTemp.Flush(); var bytes = msTemp.ToArray(); var hash = "sha1:" + bytes.HashSHA1(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash); hash = "md5:" + bytes.HashMD5(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); } } if (USE_DATABASE) { if (hash_md5 != null) choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_md5); if (choice == null) choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_sha1); if (choice == null) LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in bizhawk gamedb"); else { origin = EDetectionOrigin.GameDB; LoadWriteLine("Chose board from bizhawk gamedb: " + choice.board_type); //gamedb entries that dont specify prg/chr sizes can infer it from the ines header if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) choice.prg_size = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size; if (choice.chr_size == -1) choice.chr_size = iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size; if (choice.vram_size == -1) choice.vram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.vram_size; if (choice.wram_size == -1) choice.wram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.wram_size; } else if (unif != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) choice.prg_size = unif.CartInfo.prg_size; if (choice.chr_size == -1) choice.chr_size = unif.CartInfo.chr_size; // unif has no wram\vram sizes; hope the board impl can figure it out... if (choice.vram_size == -1) choice.vram_size = 0; if (choice.wram_size == -1) choice.wram_size = 0; } } //if this is still null, we have to try it some other way. nescartdb perhaps? if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromBootGodDB(hash_sha1_several); if (choice == null) LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in nescartdb"); else { LoadWriteLine("Chose board from nescartdb:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB; } } } //if choice is still null, try UNIF and iNES if (choice == null) { if (unif != null) { LoadWriteLine("Using information from UNIF header"); choice = unif.CartInfo; origin = EDetectionOrigin.UNIF; } if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { LoadWriteLine("Attempting inference from iNES header"); // try to spin up V2 header first, then V1 header if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { try { boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfoV2, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); } catch { } if (boardType == null) LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V2"); else choice = iNesHeaderInfoV2; // V2 might fail but V1 might succeed because we don't have most V2 aliases setup; and there's // no reason to do so except when needed } if (boardType == null) { choice = iNesHeaderInfo; // we're out of options, really boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfo, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); if (boardType == null) LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V1"); // do not further meddle in wram sizes. a board that is being loaded from a "MAPPERxxx" // entry should know and handle the situation better for the individual board } LoadWriteLine("Chose board from iNES heuristics:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.INES; } } game_name =; //find a INESBoard to handle this if (choice != null) boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); else throw new Exception("Unable to detect ROM"); if (boardType == null) throw new Exception("No class implements the necessary board type: " + choice.board_type); if (choice.DB_GameInfo != null) choice.bad = choice.DB_GameInfo.IsRomStatusBad(); LoadWriteLine("Final game detection results:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); LoadWriteLine("\"" + game_name + "\""); LoadWriteLine("Implemented by: class " + boardType.Name); if (choice.bad) { LoadWriteLine("~~ ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, THIS DUMP IS KNOWN TO BE *BAD* ~~"); LoadWriteLine("~~ YOU SHOULD FIND A BETTER FILE ~~"); } LoadWriteLine("END NES rom analysis"); LoadWriteLine("------"); board = CreateBoardInstance(boardType); cart = choice; board.Create(this); board.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; board.Configure(origin); if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB) { RomStatus = RomStatus.GoodDump; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Identified from BootGod's database"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.UNIF) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from UNIF header; somewhat suspicious"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.INES) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from iNES header; potentially wrong"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.GameDB) { if (choice.bad) { RomStatus = RomStatus.BadDump; } else { RomStatus = choice.DB_GameInfo.Status; } } LoadReport.Flush(); CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = LoadReport.ToString(); //create the board's rom and vrom if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { //pluck the necessary bytes out of the file board.ROM = new byte[choice.prg_size * 1024]; Array.Copy(file, 16, board.ROM, 0, board.ROM.Length); if (choice.chr_size > 0) { board.VROM = new byte[choice.chr_size * 1024]; int vrom_offset = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size * 1024; // if file isn't long enough for VROM, truncate Array.Copy(file, 16 + vrom_offset, board.VROM, 0, Math.Min(board.VROM.Length, file.Length - 16 - vrom_offset)); } } else { board.ROM = unif.PRG; board.VROM = unif.CHR; } // IF YOU DO ANYTHING AT ALL BELOW THIS LINE, MAKE SURE THE APPROPRIATE CHANGE IS MADE TO FDS (if applicable) //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; if (cart.vram_size != 0) board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; board.PostConfigure(); // set up display type NESSyncSettings.Region fromrom = DetectRegion(cart.system); NESSyncSettings.Region fromsettings = SyncSettings.RegionOverride; if (fromsettings != NESSyncSettings.Region.Default) { Console.WriteLine("Using system region override"); fromrom = fromsettings; } switch (fromrom) { case NESSyncSettings.Region.Dendy: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.DENDY; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.NTSC: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.PAL: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.PAL; break; default: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; } Console.WriteLine("Using NES system region of {0}", _display_type); HardReset(); }
public void Init(GameInfo gameInfo, byte[] rom, byte[] fdsbios = null) { LoadReport = new StringWriter(); LoadWriteLine("------"); LoadWriteLine("BEGIN NES rom analysis:"); byte[] file = rom; Type boardType = null; CartInfo choice = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfo = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfoV2 = null; List <string> hash_sha1_several = new List <string>(); string hash_sha1 = null, hash_md5 = null; Unif unif = null; Dictionary <string, string> InitialMapperRegisterValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(SyncSettings.BoardProperties); origin = EDetectionOrigin.None; if (file.Length < 16) { throw new Exception("Alleged NES rom too small to be anything useful"); } if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("UNIF"))) { unif = new Unif(new MemoryStream(file)); LoadWriteLine("Found UNIF header:"); LoadWriteLine(unif.CartInfo); LoadWriteLine("Since this is UNIF we can confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); hash_sha1 = unif.CartInfo.sha1; hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); } else if (file.Take(5).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("NESM\x1A"))) { origin = EDetectionOrigin.NSF; LoadWriteLine("Loading as NSF"); var nsf = new NSFFormat(); nsf.WrapByteArray(file); cart = new CartInfo(); var nsfboard = new NSFBoard(); nsfboard.Create(this); nsfboard.ROM = rom; nsfboard.InitNSF(nsf); nsfboard.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; nsfboard.Configure(origin); nsfboard.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; Board = nsfboard; Board.PostConfigure(); AutoMapperProps.Populate(Board, SyncSettings); Console.WriteLine("Using NTSC display type for NSF for now"); _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; HardReset(); return; } else if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FDS\x1A")) || file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\x01*NI"))) { // danger! this is a different codepath with an early return. accordingly, some // code is duplicated twice... // FDS roms are just fed to the board, we don't do much else with them origin = EDetectionOrigin.FDS; LoadWriteLine("Found FDS header."); if (fdsbios == null) { throw new MissingFirmwareException("Missing FDS Bios"); } cart = new CartInfo(); var fdsboard = new FDS(); fdsboard.biosrom = fdsbios; fdsboard.SetDiskImage(rom); fdsboard.Create(this); // at the moment, FDS doesn't use the IRVs, but it could at some point in the future fdsboard.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; fdsboard.Configure(origin); Board = fdsboard; //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) { Board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; } if (cart.vram_size != 0) { Board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; } Board.PostConfigure(); AutoMapperProps.Populate(Board, SyncSettings); Console.WriteLine("Using NTSC display type for FDS disk image"); _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; HardReset(); return; } else { byte[] nesheader = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(file, 0, nesheader, 0, 16); bool exists = true; if (!DetectFromINES(nesheader, out iNesHeaderInfo, out iNesHeaderInfoV2)) { // we don't have an ines header, check if the game hash is in the game db exists = false; Console.WriteLine("headerless ROM, using Game DB"); hash_md5 = "md5:" + file.HashMD5(0, file.Length); hash_sha1 = "sha1:" + file.HashSHA1(0, file.Length); if (hash_md5 != null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_md5); } if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_sha1); } if (choice == null) { hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); choice = IdentifyFromBootGodDB(hash_sha1_several); if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in nescartdb"); } else { LoadWriteLine("Chose board from nescartdb:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB; } } if (choice == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("iNES header not found and no gamedb entry"); } } if (exists) { //now that we know we have an iNES header, we can try to ignore it. hash_sha1 = "sha1:" + file.HashSHA1(16, file.Length - 16); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); hash_md5 = "md5:" + file.HashMD5(16, file.Length - 16); LoadWriteLine("Found iNES header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfo.ToString()); if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { LoadWriteLine("Found iNES V2 header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfoV2); } LoadWriteLine("Since this is iNES we can (somewhat) confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_md5); if (iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size == 16) { //8KB prg can't be stored in iNES format, which counts 16KB prg banks. //so a correct hash will include only 8KB. LoadWriteLine("Since this rom has a 16 KB PRG, we'll hash it as 8KB too for bootgod's DB:"); var msTemp = new MemoryStream(); msTemp.Write(file, 16, 8 * 1024); //add prg if (file.Length >= (16 * 1024 + iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024 + 16)) { // This assumes that even though the PRG is only 8k the CHR is still written // 16k into the file, which is not always the case (e.x. Galaxian RevA) msTemp.Write(file, 16 + 16 * 1024, iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024); //add chr } else if (file.Length >= (8 * 1024 + iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024 + 16)) { // maybe the PRG is only 8k msTemp.Write(file, 16 + 8 * 1024, iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024); //add chr } else { // we failed somehow // most likely the header is wrong Console.WriteLine("WARNING: 16kb PRG iNES header but unable to parse"); } msTemp.Flush(); var bytes = msTemp.ToArray(); var hash = "sha1:" + bytes.HashSHA1(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash); hash = "md5:" + bytes.HashMD5(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); } } } if (USE_DATABASE) { if (hash_md5 != null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_md5); } if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_sha1); } if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in bizhawk gamedb"); } else { origin = EDetectionOrigin.GameDB; LoadWriteLine("Chose board from bizhawk gamedb: " + choice.board_type); //gamedb entries that dont specify prg/chr sizes can infer it from the ines header if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) { choice.prg_size = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size; } if (choice.chr_size == -1) { choice.chr_size = iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size; } if (choice.vram_size == -1) { choice.vram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.vram_size; } if (choice.wram_size == -1) { choice.wram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.wram_size; } } else if (unif != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) { choice.prg_size = unif.CartInfo.prg_size; } if (choice.chr_size == -1) { choice.chr_size = unif.CartInfo.chr_size; } // unif has no wram\vram sizes; hope the board impl can figure it out... if (choice.vram_size == -1) { choice.vram_size = 0; } if (choice.wram_size == -1) { choice.wram_size = 0; } } } //if this is still null, we have to try it some other way. nescartdb perhaps? if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromBootGodDB(hash_sha1_several); if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in nescartdb"); } else { LoadWriteLine("Chose board from nescartdb:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB; } } } //if choice is still null, try UNIF and iNES if (choice == null) { if (unif != null) { LoadWriteLine("Using information from UNIF header"); choice = unif.CartInfo; //ok, i have this Q-Boy rom with no VROM and no VRAM. //we also certainly have games with VROM and no VRAM. //looks like FCEUX policy is to allocate 8KB of chr ram no matter what UNLESS certain flags are set. but what's the justification for this? please leave a note if you go debugging in it again. //well, we know we can't have much of a NES game if there's no VROM unless there's VRAM instead. //so if the VRAM isn't set, choose 8 for it. //TODO - unif loading code may need to use VROR flag to transform chr_size=8 to vram_size=8 (need example) if (choice.chr_size == 0 && choice.vram_size == 0) { choice.vram_size = 8; } //(do we need to suppress this in case theres a CHR rom? probably not. nes board base will use ram if no rom is available) origin = EDetectionOrigin.UNIF; } if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { LoadWriteLine("Attempting inference from iNES header"); // try to spin up V2 header first, then V1 header if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { try { boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfoV2, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); } catch { } if (boardType == null) { LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V2"); } else { choice = iNesHeaderInfoV2; } // V2 might fail but V1 might succeed because we don't have most V2 aliases setup; and there's // no reason to do so except when needed } if (boardType == null) { choice = iNesHeaderInfo; // we're out of options, really boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfo, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); if (boardType == null) { LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V1"); } // do not further meddle in wram sizes. a board that is being loaded from a "MAPPERxxx" // entry should know and handle the situation better for the individual board } LoadWriteLine("Chose board from iNES heuristics:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.INES; } } game_name =; //find a INESBoard to handle this if (choice != null) { boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to detect ROM"); } if (boardType == null) { throw new Exception("No class implements the necessary board type: " + choice.board_type); } if (choice.DB_GameInfo != null) { choice.bad = choice.DB_GameInfo.IsRomStatusBad(); } LoadWriteLine("Final game detection results:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); LoadWriteLine("\"" + game_name + "\""); LoadWriteLine("Implemented by: class " + boardType.Name); if (choice.bad) { LoadWriteLine("~~ ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, THIS DUMP IS KNOWN TO BE *BAD* ~~"); LoadWriteLine("~~ YOU SHOULD FIND A BETTER FILE ~~"); } LoadWriteLine("END NES rom analysis"); LoadWriteLine("------"); Board = CreateBoardInstance(boardType); cart = choice; Board.Create(this); Board.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; Board.Configure(origin); if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB) { RomStatus = RomStatus.GoodDump; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Identified from BootGod's database"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.UNIF) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from UNIF header; somewhat suspicious"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.INES) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from iNES header; potentially wrong"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.GameDB) { if (choice.bad) { RomStatus = RomStatus.BadDump; } else { RomStatus = choice.DB_GameInfo.Status; } } byte[] trainer = null; //create the board's rom and vrom if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { var ms = new MemoryStream(file, false); ms.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Begin); // ines header //pluck the necessary bytes out of the file if (iNesHeaderInfo.trainer_size != 0) { trainer = new byte[512]; ms.Read(trainer, 0, 512); } Board.ROM = new byte[choice.prg_size * 1024]; ms.Read(Board.ROM, 0, Board.ROM.Length); if (choice.chr_size > 0) { Board.VROM = new byte[choice.chr_size * 1024]; int vrom_copy_size = ms.Read(Board.VROM, 0, Board.VROM.Length); if (vrom_copy_size < Board.VROM.Length) { LoadWriteLine("Less than the expected VROM was found in the file: {0} < {1}", vrom_copy_size, Board.VROM.Length); } } if (choice.prg_size != iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size || choice.chr_size != iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size) { LoadWriteLine("Warning: Detected choice has different filesizes than the INES header!"); } } else if (unif != null) { Board.ROM = unif.PRG; Board.VROM = unif.CHR; } else { // we should only get here for boards with no header var ms = new MemoryStream(file, false); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Board.ROM = new byte[choice.prg_size * 1024]; ms.Read(Board.ROM, 0, Board.ROM.Length); if (choice.chr_size > 0) { Board.VROM = new byte[choice.chr_size * 1024]; int vrom_copy_size = ms.Read(Board.VROM, 0, Board.VROM.Length); if (vrom_copy_size < Board.VROM.Length) { LoadWriteLine("Less than the expected VROM was found in the file: {0} < {1}", vrom_copy_size, Board.VROM.Length); } } } LoadReport.Flush(); CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = LoadReport.ToString(); // IF YOU DO ANYTHING AT ALL BELOW THIS LINE, MAKE SURE THE APPROPRIATE CHANGE IS MADE TO FDS (if applicable) //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) { Board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; } if (cart.vram_size != 0) { Board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; } Board.PostConfigure(); AutoMapperProps.Populate(Board, SyncSettings); // set up display type NESSyncSettings.Region fromrom = DetectRegion(cart.system); NESSyncSettings.Region fromsettings = SyncSettings.RegionOverride; if (fromsettings != NESSyncSettings.Region.Default) { Console.WriteLine("Using system region override"); fromrom = fromsettings; } switch (fromrom) { case NESSyncSettings.Region.Dendy: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.Dendy; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.NTSC: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.PAL: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.PAL; break; default: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; } Console.WriteLine("Using NES system region of {0}", _display_type); HardReset(); if (trainer != null) { Console.WriteLine("Applying trainer"); for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { WriteMemory((ushort)(0x7000 + i), trainer[i]); } } }
public void Init(GameInfo gameInfo, byte[] rom, byte[] fdsbios = null) { LoadReport = new StringWriter(); LoadWriteLine("------"); LoadWriteLine("BEGIN NES rom analysis:"); byte[] file = rom; Type boardType = null; CartInfo choice = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfo = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfoV2 = null; List <string> hash_sha1_several = new List <string>(); string hash_sha1 = null, hash_md5 = null; Unif unif = null; Dictionary <string, string> InitialMapperRegisterValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(SyncSettings.BoardProperties); origin = EDetectionOrigin.None; if (file.Length < 16) { throw new Exception("Alleged NES rom too small to be anything useful"); } if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("UNIF"))) { unif = new Unif(new MemoryStream(file)); LoadWriteLine("Found UNIF header:"); LoadWriteLine(unif.CartInfo); LoadWriteLine("Since this is UNIF we can confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); hash_sha1 = unif.CartInfo.sha1; hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); } else if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FDS\x1A")) || file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\x01*NI"))) { // danger! this is a different codepath with an early return. accordingly, some // code is duplicated twice... // FDS roms are just fed to the board, we don't do much else with them origin = EDetectionOrigin.FDS; LoadWriteLine("Found FDS header."); if (fdsbios == null) { throw new MissingFirmwareException("Missing FDS Bios"); } cart = new CartInfo(); var fdsboard = new FDS(); fdsboard.biosrom = fdsbios; fdsboard.SetDiskImage(rom); fdsboard.Create(this); // at the moment, FDS doesn't use the IRVs, but it could at some point in the future fdsboard.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; fdsboard.Configure(origin); board = fdsboard; //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) { board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; } if (cart.vram_size != 0) { board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; } board.PostConfigure(); Console.WriteLine("Using NTSC display type for FDS disk image"); _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; HardReset(); return; } else { byte[] nesheader = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(file, 0, nesheader, 0, 16); if (!DetectFromINES(nesheader, out iNesHeaderInfo, out iNesHeaderInfoV2)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("iNES header not found"); } //now that we know we have an iNES header, we can try to ignore it. hash_sha1 = "sha1:" + file.HashSHA1(16, file.Length - 16); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); hash_md5 = "md5:" + file.HashMD5(16, file.Length - 16); LoadWriteLine("Found iNES header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfo.ToString()); if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { LoadWriteLine("Found iNES V2 header:"); LoadWriteLine(iNesHeaderInfoV2); } LoadWriteLine("Since this is iNES we can (somewhat) confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_md5); if (iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size == 16) { //8KB prg can't be stored in iNES format, which counts 16KB prg banks. //so a correct hash will include only 8KB. LoadWriteLine("Since this rom has a 16 KB PRG, we'll hash it as 8KB too for bootgod's DB:"); var msTemp = new MemoryStream(); msTemp.Write(file, 16, 8 * 1024); //add prg msTemp.Write(file, 16 + 16 * 1024, iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024); //add chr msTemp.Flush(); var bytes = msTemp.ToArray(); var hash = "sha1:" + bytes.HashSHA1(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash); hash = "md5:" + bytes.HashMD5(0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); } } if (USE_DATABASE) { if (hash_md5 != null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_md5); } if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_sha1); } if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in bizhawk gamedb"); } else { origin = EDetectionOrigin.GameDB; LoadWriteLine("Chose board from bizhawk gamedb: " + choice.board_type); //gamedb entries that dont specify prg/chr sizes can infer it from the ines header if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) { choice.prg_size = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size; } if (choice.chr_size == -1) { choice.chr_size = iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size; } if (choice.vram_size == -1) { choice.vram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.vram_size; } if (choice.wram_size == -1) { choice.wram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.wram_size; } } else if (unif != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) { choice.prg_size = unif.CartInfo.prg_size; } if (choice.chr_size == -1) { choice.chr_size = unif.CartInfo.chr_size; } // unif has no wram\vram sizes; hope the board impl can figure it out... if (choice.vram_size == -1) { choice.vram_size = 0; } if (choice.wram_size == -1) { choice.wram_size = 0; } } } //if this is still null, we have to try it some other way. nescartdb perhaps? if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromBootGodDB(hash_sha1_several); if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in nescartdb"); } else { LoadWriteLine("Chose board from nescartdb:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB; } } } //if choice is still null, try UNIF and iNES if (choice == null) { if (unif != null) { LoadWriteLine("Using information from UNIF header"); choice = unif.CartInfo; origin = EDetectionOrigin.UNIF; } if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { LoadWriteLine("Attempting inference from iNES header"); // try to spin up V2 header first, then V1 header if (iNesHeaderInfoV2 != null) { try { boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfoV2, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); } catch { } if (boardType == null) { LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V2"); } else { choice = iNesHeaderInfoV2; } // V2 might fail but V1 might succeed because we don't have most V2 aliases setup; and there's // no reason to do so except when needed } if (boardType == null) { choice = iNesHeaderInfo; // we're out of options, really boardType = FindBoard(iNesHeaderInfo, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); if (boardType == null) { LoadWriteLine("Failed to load as iNES V1"); } // do not further meddle in wram sizes. a board that is being loaded from a "MAPPERxxx" // entry should know and handle the situation better for the individual board } LoadWriteLine("Chose board from iNES heuristics:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.INES; } } game_name =; //find a INESBoard to handle this if (choice != null) { boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin, InitialMapperRegisterValues); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to detect ROM"); } if (boardType == null) { throw new Exception("No class implements the necessary board type: " + choice.board_type); } if (choice.DB_GameInfo != null) { choice.bad = choice.DB_GameInfo.IsRomStatusBad(); } LoadWriteLine("Final game detection results:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); LoadWriteLine("\"" + game_name + "\""); LoadWriteLine("Implemented by: class " + boardType.Name); if (choice.bad) { LoadWriteLine("~~ ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, THIS DUMP IS KNOWN TO BE *BAD* ~~"); LoadWriteLine("~~ YOU SHOULD FIND A BETTER FILE ~~"); } LoadWriteLine("END NES rom analysis"); LoadWriteLine("------"); board = CreateBoardInstance(boardType); cart = choice; board.Create(this); board.InitialRegisterValues = InitialMapperRegisterValues; board.Configure(origin); if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB) { RomStatus = RomStatus.GoodDump; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Identified from BootGod's database"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.UNIF) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from UNIF header; somewhat suspicious"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.INES) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from iNES header; potentially wrong"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.GameDB) { if (choice.bad) { RomStatus = RomStatus.BadDump; } else { RomStatus = choice.DB_GameInfo.Status; } } LoadReport.Flush(); CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = LoadReport.ToString(); //create the board's rom and vrom if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { //pluck the necessary bytes out of the file board.ROM = new byte[choice.prg_size * 1024]; Array.Copy(file, 16, board.ROM, 0, board.ROM.Length); if (choice.chr_size > 0) { board.VROM = new byte[choice.chr_size * 1024]; int vrom_offset = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size * 1024; // if file isn't long enough for VROM, truncate Array.Copy(file, 16 + vrom_offset, board.VROM, 0, Math.Min(board.VROM.Length, file.Length - 16 - vrom_offset)); } } else { board.ROM = unif.PRG; board.VROM = unif.CHR; } // IF YOU DO ANYTHING AT ALL BELOW THIS LINE, MAKE SURE THE APPROPRIATE CHANGE IS MADE TO FDS (if applicable) //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) { board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; } if (cart.vram_size != 0) { board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; } board.PostConfigure(); // set up display type NESSyncSettings.Region fromrom = DetectRegion(cart.system); NESSyncSettings.Region fromsettings = SyncSettings.RegionOverride; if (fromsettings != NESSyncSettings.Region.Default) { Console.WriteLine("Using system region override"); fromrom = fromsettings; } switch (fromrom) { case NESSyncSettings.Region.Dendy: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.DENDY; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.NTSC: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; case NESSyncSettings.Region.PAL: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.PAL; break; default: _display_type = Common.DisplayType.NTSC; break; } Console.WriteLine("Using NES system region of {0}", _display_type); HardReset(); }