public virtual InvokeReporstServicesCallResponse InvokeReportsServiceCalls(PXGraph graph, SOAmazonSetup objSOAmazonSetup, DateTime?fromDate, DateTime?toDate) { InvokeReporstServicesCallResponse objShipInfo = new InvokeReporstServicesCallResponse(); MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService serviceConfig = this.Configurations(objSOAmazonSetup.IntegrationType.Trim(), objSOAmazonSetup.AccessKey, objSOAmazonSetup.SecretKey); if (serviceConfig == null) { return(objShipInfo); } ReportRequestInfo reportInfo = new ReportRequestInfo(); List <ShipmentInformarion> liShipmentInfo = new List <ShipmentInformarion>(); reportParams = new ReportParameters(); reportParams.objSOAmazonSetup = objSOAmazonSetup; reportParams.reportRequestId = string.Empty; reportParams.reportInfo = reportInfo; reportParams.liShipmentInfo = liShipmentInfo; reportParams.serviceConfig = serviceConfig; reportInfo = new AMShipmentTrackingNumberServiceCall(reportParams.serviceConfig).InvokeGetReportRequestList(graph, reportParams); reportParams.fromDate = fromDate; reportParams.toDate = toDate; try { if (reportInfo != null && reportInfo.GeneratedReportId != null) { if (Convert.ToInt32((TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Now) - TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(reportInfo.CompletedDate)).TotalMinutes) <= SOConstants.limitForReports) { throw new PXException(SOMessages.errorReportInfo); } else { liShipmentInfo = RequestAndGetReportData(graph, reportParams); } objShipInfo.objShipmentResponse = liShipmentInfo; } else { liShipmentInfo = RequestAndGetReportData(graph, reportParams); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PXException(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message : SOConstants.exceptionIsEmpty); } return(objShipInfo); }
public ReportHandler(ServiceContext serviceContext, ILogger nLogger) { this.serviceContext = serviceContext; this.nLogger = nLogger; config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig(); config.ServiceURL = serviceContext.MwsServiceUrl; service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient( serviceContext.AccessKey, serviceContext.SecretKey, serviceContext.ApplicationName, serviceContext.AppVersion, config); }
/// <summary> /// The GetReport operation returns the contents of a report. Reports can potentially be /// very large (>100MB) which is why we only return one report at a time, and in a /// streaming fashion. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="service">Instance of MarketplaceWebService service</param> /// <param name="request">GetReportRequest request</param> private static void invokeGetReport(MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service, GetReportRequest request) { try { Console.WriteLine("Downloading report..."); GetReportResponse response = service.GetReport(request); Console.WriteLine("Downloaded!"); } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Please try again in a couple of minutes."); //Exception might be because of Amazon's limit of downloading a report once a minute. Try in a couple of min. } }
public AmazonEnvelope InvokeServicesCalls(SubmitFeedParamaters objParams, string xmlFeedContent) { AmazonEnvelope resultEnvelope = null; try { MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService serviceConfig = this.Configurations(objParams.objSOAmazonSetup.IntegrationType.Trim(), objParams.objSOAmazonSetup.AccessKey, objParams.objSOAmazonSetup.SecretKey); if (serviceConfig != null) { SubmitFeedResponse feedresponse = null; feedresponse = new AMSubmitFeedServiceCall(serviceConfig).InvokeSubmitFeed(objParams, xmlFeedContent); if (feedresponse != null && feedresponse.SubmitFeedResult != null && feedresponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedresponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedProcessingStatus) && feedresponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedProcessingStatus.ToUpper().Trim('_') == SOConstants.Submitted) { string submissionFeedId = feedresponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { new AMSubmitFeedServiceCall(serviceConfig).GetSubmitFeedResult(objParams, submissionFeedId, ms); XmlDocument xDocument = new XmlDocument(); xDocument.Load(ms); string xmlResultContent = SOHelper.ObjectToXMLConversion(xDocument, string.Empty, true); XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AmazonEnvelope), new XmlRootAttribute(SOConstants.amazonEnvelope)); using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(xmlResultContent)) { resultEnvelope = (AmazonEnvelope)deserializer.Deserialize(reader); } return(resultEnvelope); } } } else { throw new PXException(SOConstants.credentialsinvalid); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PXException(ex.Message); } return(resultEnvelope); }
public FeedHandler(SellerInfo sellerInfo, ILogger nLogger) { this.sellerInfo = sellerInfo; this.nLogger = nLogger; var chain = new CredentialProfileStoreChain(); AWSCredentials awsCredentials; chain.TryGetAWSCredentials("DD MWS", out awsCredentials); ImmutableCredentials creds = awsCredentials.GetCredentials(); config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig(); config.ServiceURL = sellerInfo.MwsServiceUrl; service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient( creds.AccessKey, creds.SecretKey, "RC", sellerInfo.AppVersion, config); }
protected override void SetupAccountSettings() { base.SetupAccountSettings(); string accessKey; string secretKey; string marketPlaceId; switch (Account) { case AccountEnum.AmzJk529: accessKey = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_accessKey.Value; secretKey = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_secretKey.Value; _merchant = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_sellerId.Value; marketPlaceId = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_marketplaceId.Value; break; case AccountEnum.AmzRst: accessKey = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Rst_accessKey.Value; secretKey = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Rst_secretKey.Value; _merchant = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Rst_sellerId.Value; marketPlaceId = AccountSettingsConfigSection.Rst_marketplaceId.Value; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Account.ToString()); } _marketplaceWebService = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient( accessKey, secretKey, AppName, AppVersion, new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig { ServiceURL = AmzServiceUrl }); _requestReportRequest = new RequestReportRequest { Merchant = _merchant, ReportType = _reportTypeToGet, MarketplaceIdList = new IdList { Id = new List<string>(new[] { marketPlaceId }) } }; }
public AMShipmentTrackingNumberServiceCall(MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService reports) { this.clientReports = reports; }
public static void DownloadSettlementReport(MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service, string merchantId, bool getOnlyMostRecent = false) { GetReportListRequest request = new GetReportListRequest(); request.Merchant = merchantId; TypeList reportTypes = new TypeList(); reportTypes.Type = new List <string>() { "_GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_V2_" }; request.ReportTypeList = reportTypes; List <Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> > settlemementReportsInfo = getReportsIds(service, request); if (settlemementReportsInfo.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No reports downloaded. Exiting."); return; } int selectedReport = 0; if (!getOnlyMostRecent) { Console.WriteLine("List of available reports:"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int index = i + 1; Console.WriteLine(index + ". " + settlemementReportsInfo[i].Item2.ToShortDateString() + " - " + settlemementReportsInfo[i].Item3.ToShortDateString()); } Console.WriteLine("Select option:"); char userInput = (char)Console.Read(); Console.ReadLine(); if (userInput == '1' || userInput == '2' || userInput == '3') { switch (userInput) { case '2': selectedReport = 1; break; case '3': selectedReport = 2; break; case '1': default: selectedReport = 0; break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid option detected. Selecting most recent report as default."); //At this point selectedReport = 0; } } string reportId = settlemementReportsInfo[selectedReport].Item1; #region Downloading report GetReportRequest requestReport = new GetReportRequest(); requestReport.Merchant = merchantId; requestReport.ReportId = reportId; string amzSettlementReportPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Amz.SettlementReport.DownloadPath"]; //File path directory. Example: "C:/" string amzSettlementReportFile = amzSettlementReportPath + "amzSettlementReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".txt"; //NOTE: The invokeGetReport needs to get all the time a different file name to avoid having an MD5 error. (Problem found while developing. Solution found here: requestReport.Report = File.Open(amzSettlementReportFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); invokeGetReport(service, requestReport); //Added timestamp to the report filename to avoid the MD5 problem from Amazon's side. Console.WriteLine("File was downloaded to: " + amzSettlementReportFile); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Gets the last 3 settlement reports from Amazon API /// </summary> /// <param name="service"></param> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> > getReportsIds(MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service, GetReportListRequest request) { List <Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> > reports = new List <Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> >(); //Includes the reportId, dateFrom and dateTo for a settlement report. if ((service == null) || (request == null)) { return(reports); } try { List <string> reportIds = new List <string>(); List <DateTime> availableDates = new List <DateTime>(); GetReportListResponse response = service.GetReportList(request); if (response.IsSetGetReportListResult()) { GetReportListResult getReportListResult = response.GetReportListResult; List <ReportInfo> reportInfoList = getReportListResult.ReportInfo; foreach (ReportInfo reportInfo in reportInfoList) { reportIds.Add(reportInfo.ReportId); availableDates.Add(reportInfo.AvailableDate); } } if (availableDates.Count < 4) { //We were not able to get the last 3 reports. We will try then to return the most recent one. string reportId = reportIds[0]; DateTime dateFrom = availableDates[1].AddDays(-1); //Settlement reports are available only until the next day of their period. DateTime dateTo = availableDates[0].AddDays(-1); Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> reportInfo = Tuple.Create(reportId, dateFrom, dateTo); reports.Add(reportInfo); } else { //We have more than 3 reports. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(availableDates[i]).Days > 2) //We exclude the last report if it is still open (open = haven't finished the actual period). { string reportId = reportIds[i]; DateTime dateFrom = availableDates[i + 1].AddDays(-1); //Settlement reports are available only until the next day of their period. DateTime dateTo = availableDates[i].AddDays(-1); Tuple <string, DateTime, DateTime> reportInfo = Tuple.Create(reportId, dateFrom, dateTo); reports.Add(reportInfo); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot download the list of settlement reports. Exception: " + e.Message); } return(reports); }
protected override void SetupAccountSettings() { base.SetupAccountSettings(); Account = AccountEnum.AmzJk529; _marketplaceWebService = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient( AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_accessKey.Value, AccountSettingsConfigSection.Jk529_secretKey.Value, AppName, AppVersion, new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig { ServiceURL = AmzServiceUrl }); }
public AMSubmitFeedServiceCall(MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService Feeds) { this.clientFeed = Feeds; }