internal static void ReadTeamsSkillRating(Bitmap frame) { if (AppData.gameData.team1Rating == 0) { string team1Rating = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Team1Rating, false, 90, NetworkEnum.Ratings); team1Rating = Regex.Match(team1Rating, "[0-9]+").ToString(); if (!team1Rating.Equals(string.Empty) && team1Rating.Length >= 4) // TEAM 1 SR { team1Rating = team1Rating.Substring(team1Rating.Length - 4); if (int.TryParse(team1Rating, out int rating) && rating > 999 && rating < 5000) { AppData.gameData.team1Rating = rating; Functions.DebugMessage($"Recognized team 1 rating: '{team1Rating}'"); } } } if (AppData.gameData.team2Rating == 0) { string team2Rating = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Team2Rating, false, 90, NetworkEnum.Ratings); team2Rating = Regex.Match(team2Rating, "[0-9]+").ToString(); if (!team2Rating.Equals(string.Empty) && team2Rating.Length >= 4) // TEAM 1 SR { team2Rating = team2Rating.Substring(team2Rating.Length - 4); if (int.TryParse(team2Rating, out int rating) && rating > 999 && rating < 5000) { AppData.gameData.team2Rating = rating; Functions.DebugMessage($"Recognized team 2 rating: '{team2Rating}'"); } } } }
internal static void ReadCompetitiveGameEntered(Bitmap frame) { string compText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.CompetitiveEntered, false, 120, 0, false, 255, 255, 0); if (!compText.Equals(string.Empty)) { double percent = Functions.CompareStrings(compText, "COMPETITIVEPLAY"); if (percent >= 70) { if (AppData.gameData.state == State.Finished || AppData.gameData.state == State.Upload) // a game finished { Server.CheckGameUpload(); } AppData.gameData = new GameData(AppData.gameData.currentRatings); AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); AppData.gameData.state = State.Ingame; AppData.gameData.startRatings.tank = AppData.gameData.currentRatings.tank; AppData.gameData.startRatings.damage = AppData.gameData.currentRatings.damage; =; Functions.DebugMessage("Recognized competitive game"); } } }
internal static bool ReadRoundStarted(Bitmap frame) { // hackfix: not actually reading the text, just checking the length string roundStartedText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.RoundStarted, true, 110, NetworkEnum.Maps); if (roundStartedText.Length >= 10) { AppData.gameData.objectiveTicks++; } else if (roundStartedText.Length < 4) { AppData.gameData.objectiveTicks = 0; } return(AppData.gameData.objectiveTicks >= 4); }
internal static void ReadRoundCompleted(Bitmap frame) { string roundCompletedText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.RoundCompleted); if (roundCompletedText != string.Empty && Functions.CompareStrings(roundCompletedText, "COMPLETE") >= 70) { if (AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count > 0) { AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time = (int)AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } AppData.gameData.state = State.RoundComplete; AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Stop(); AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Stop(); AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); Functions.DebugMessage($"Recognized round completed"); } }
internal static void ReadMainMenu(Bitmap frame) { string menuText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.MainMenu, false, 140); if (!menuText.Equals(string.Empty)) { if (menuText.Equals("PLAY")) { Functions.DebugMessage("Recognized main menu"); AppData.loopDelay = 500; AppData.gameData.state = State.Finished; AppData.gameData.timer.Stop(); AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time = (int)AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; ScreenCaptureHandler.trayMenu.ChangeTray("Visit play menu to upload last game", Resources.Icon_Wait); } } }
internal static void ReadMap(Bitmap frame) { if ( { string mapText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Map); if (!mapText.Equals(string.Empty)) { mapText = Functions.CheckMaps(mapText); if (!mapText.Equals(string.Empty)) { = mapText; AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); Functions.DebugMessage($"Recognized map: '{mapText}'"); } } } }
internal static int[] ReadHeroStats(Bitmap frame, int[] statSettings) { int[] heroStats = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < statSettings.Length; i++) { if (statSettings[i] > 0) { string heroStatText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, new Rectangle(Constants.HERO_STAT_POSITIONS[i][0], Constants.HERO_STAT_POSITIONS[i][1], statSettings[i] == 1 ? 40 : 80, 21), false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (int.TryParse(heroStatText, out int heroStat)) { heroStats[i] = heroStat; } } } return(heroStats); }
internal static void ReadPlayerNamesAndRank(Bitmap frame) { int playerNameX = 355, playerRankX = 733; for (int teams = 0; teams < 2; teams++) { for (int players = 0; players < 6; players++) { string playerName = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, new Rectangle(playerNameX, 325 + (players * 75), 260, 43), true, 110, NetworkEnum.Players, false, 255, 255, 255, true, true); if (playerName.Equals(string.Empty)) { AppData.gameData.players.Clear(); return; } Bitmap rank = frame.Clone(new Rectangle(playerRankX, 331 + (players * 75), 33, 33), frame.PixelFormat); byte[] backgroundColor = BitmapFunctions.GetPixelAtPosition(rank, 0, 32); BitmapFunctions.AdjustColors(rank, 100, backgroundColor[0], backgroundColor[1], backgroundColor[2]); // fill rank with white BitmapFunctions.AdjustColors(rank, 100, backgroundColor[0], backgroundColor[1], backgroundColor[2], false); // fill backgroundColor with black double[] resultRank = new double[2] { -1, -1 }; for (int r = 0; r < Constants.RANK_LIST.Length; r++) { double high = Functions.CompareTwoBitmaps(rank, Constants.RANK_LIST[r]); if (high > resultRank[1]) { resultRank[0] = r; resultRank[1] = high; } } AppData.gameData.players.Add(new Player(playerName, resultRank[0].ToString())); } playerNameX += 945; playerRankX += 422; } //Functions.DebugMessage("Captured player list"); }
internal static void ReadFinalScore(Bitmap frame) { string finalScoreText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.FinalScore, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Heroes); if (!finalScoreText.Equals(string.Empty)) { Console.WriteLine(finalScoreText); if (Functions.CompareStrings(finalScoreText, "TINALSCORE") >= 50) { Functions.DebugMessage("Recognized final score"); AppData.gameData.state = State.Finished; AppData.gameData.timer.Stop(); AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Stop(); AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); if (AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count > 0) { AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time = (int)AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } ScreenCaptureHandler.trayMenu.ChangeTray("Visit play menu to upload last game", Resources.Icon_Wait); } } }
internal static bool ReadHeroPlayed(Bitmap frame) { string heroText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Hero, false, 200, NetworkEnum.Heroes); if (!heroText.Equals(string.Empty)) { for (int h = 0; h < Constants.HERO_COMPARER_LIST.Length; h++) { double accuracy = Functions.CompareStrings(heroText, Constants.HERO_COMPARER_LIST[h]); if (accuracy >= 70) { if (AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count > 0 && AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].name == Constants.HERO_LIST[h].name) { return(true); // if playing the same hero, don't continue } if (AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count > 0) { if ((AppData.gameData.state == State.RoundComplete || AppData.gameData.state == State.RoundStart) && AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time == 0) { AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.RemoveAt(AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1); } else { AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time = (int)AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } } AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Restart(); AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Add(new HeroPlayed(Constants.HERO_LIST[h].name, (int)AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); Functions.DebugMessage($"Now playing hero {Constants.HERO_LIST[h].name} at {AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds"); return(true); } } } return(false); }
internal static void ReadGameScore(Bitmap frame) { if (AppData.gameData.team1Score == 0 && AppData.gameData.team1Score == 0 || ScreenCaptureHandler.debug) { string scoreTextLeft = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Team1Score, false, 45, NetworkEnum.Ratings); string scoreTextRight = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.Team2Score, false, 45, NetworkEnum.Ratings); scoreTextLeft = Regex.Match(scoreTextLeft, "[0-9]+").ToString(); scoreTextRight = Regex.Match(scoreTextRight, "[0-9]+").ToString(); Console.WriteLine($"Left: {scoreTextLeft} Right: {scoreTextRight}"); if (int.TryParse(scoreTextLeft, out int team1) && int.TryParse(scoreTextRight, out int team2) && team1 >= 0 && team1 <= 6 && team2 >= 0 && team2 <= 6) { AppData.gameData.team1Score = team1; AppData.gameData.team2Score = team2; AppData.loopDelay = 500; Functions.DebugMessage("Recognized team score Team 1:" + scoreTextLeft + " Team 2:" + scoreTextRight); AppData.gameData.state = State.Upload; AppData.infoTimer.Stop(); } } }
internal static void ReadStats(Bitmap frame) { if (AppData.statsTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 20) { return; } string eliminationsText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.EliminationsStat, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (eliminationsText.Equals(string.Empty)) { return; } string damageText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.DamageStat, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (damageText.Equals(string.Empty)) { return; } string objectiveKillsText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.ObjectiveKillsStat, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (objectiveKillsText.Equals(string.Empty)) { return; } string healingText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.HealingStat, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (healingText.Equals(string.Empty)) { return; } string deathsText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.DeathsStat, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Stats); if (deathsText.Equals(string.Empty)) { return; } if (int.TryParse(eliminationsText, out int eliminations) && int.TryParse(damageText, out int damage) && int.TryParse(objectiveKillsText, out int objectiveKills) && int.TryParse(healingText, out int healing) && int.TryParse(deathsText, out int deaths)) { // integrity check, dont check hero stats or add any stats if everything is zero if (eliminations == 0 & objectiveKills == 0 & deaths == 0 & damage == 0 & healing == 0) { return; } int[] heroStats = { }; for (int i = 0; i < Constants.HERO_LIST.Length; i++) { if (Constants.HERO_LIST[i].name.Equals(AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].name)) { heroStats = ReadHeroStats(frame, Constants.HERO_LIST[i].statSettings); break; } } AppData.gameData.stats.Add(new Stat((int)AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, eliminations, damage, objectiveKills, healing, deaths, heroStats)); AppData.statsTimer.Restart(); Functions.DebugMessage($"Hero stats recorded after {(int)Math.Floor(AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)} seconds"); } }
internal static void ReadRoleRatings(Bitmap frame) { Rectangle tankRect = Rectangles.TankCheck; Rectangle damageRect = Rectangles.DamageCheck; Rectangle supportRect = Rectangles.SupportCheck; Rectangle tankRatingRect = Rectangles.TankRating; Rectangle damageRatingRect = Rectangles.DamageRating; Rectangle supportRatingRect = Rectangles.SupportRating; bool tankCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, tankRect), 255, 255, 255); bool damageCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, damageRect), 255, 255, 255); bool supportCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, supportRect), 255, 255, 255); int tankRating = 0; int damageRating = 0; int supportRating = 0; string debugString = ""; if (!tankCheck && !damageCheck && !supportCheck) { tankRect.X -= 226; damageRect.X -= 226; supportRect.X -= 226; tankRatingRect.X -= 226; damageRatingRect.X -= 226; supportRatingRect.X -= 226; tankCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, tankRect), 255, 255, 255); damageCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, damageRect), 255, 255, 255); supportCheck = BitmapFunctions.BitmapIsCertainColor(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame, supportRect), 255, 255, 255); } if (tankCheck) { string tankRatingText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, tankRatingRect, true, 110, NetworkEnum.Ratings, true); if (tankRatingText.Length > 4) { tankRatingText = tankRatingText.Substring(tankRatingText.Length - 4); } else if (tankRatingText.Length < 4) { tankCheck = false; } if (tankCheck && int.TryParse(tankRatingText, out tankRating)) { debugString += $" Tank: {tankRatingText}"; } } if (damageCheck) { string damageRatingText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, damageRatingRect, true, 110, NetworkEnum.Ratings, true); if (damageRatingText.Length > 4) { damageRatingText = damageRatingText.Substring(damageRatingText.Length - 4); } else if (damageRatingText.Length < 4) { damageCheck = false; } if (damageCheck && int.TryParse(damageRatingText, out damageRating)) { debugString += $" Damage: {damageRatingText}"; } } if (supportCheck) { string supportRatingText = BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, supportRatingRect, true, 110, NetworkEnum.Ratings, true); if (supportRatingText.Length > 4) { supportRatingText = supportRatingText.Substring(supportRatingText.Length - 4); } else if (supportRatingText.Length < 4) { supportCheck = false; } if (supportCheck && int.TryParse(supportRatingText, out supportRating)) { debugString += $" Support: {supportRatingText}"; } } if ((tankCheck || damageCheck || supportCheck) && (tankCheck && AppData.gameData.currentRatings.tank != tankRating || damageCheck && AppData.gameData.currentRatings.damage != damageRating || supportCheck && != supportRating || AppData.gameData.state >= State.Record)) { if (tankCheck) { AppData.gameData.currentRatings.tank = tankRating; if (AppData.settings.outputToTextFiles) { try { File.WriteAllText("tank.txt", tankRating.ToString()); Functions.DebugMessage($"Updated tank.txt with '{tankRating}'"); } catch (Exception e) { Functions.DebugMessage($"Failed to update tank.txt : {e.Message}"); } } } if (damageCheck) { AppData.gameData.currentRatings.damage = damageRating; if (AppData.settings.outputToTextFiles) { try { File.WriteAllText("damage.txt", damageRating.ToString()); Functions.DebugMessage($"Updated damage.txt with '{damageRating}'"); } catch (Exception e) { Functions.DebugMessage($"Failed to update damage.txt : {e.Message}"); } } } if (supportCheck) { = supportRating; if (AppData.settings.outputToTextFiles) { try { File.WriteAllText("support.txt", supportRating.ToString()); Functions.DebugMessage($"Updated support.txt with '{supportRating}'"); } catch (Exception e) { Functions.DebugMessage($"Failed to update support.txt : {e.Message}"); } } } AppData.successSound.Play(); Functions.DebugMessage($"Recognized rating:{debugString}"); if (AppData.gameData.state >= State.Record) { AppData.gameData.timer.Stop(); Server.CheckGameUpload(); AppData.gameData = new GameData(AppData.gameData.currentRatings); } else { ScreenCaptureHandler.trayMenu.ChangeTray("Ready to record, enter a competitive game to begin", Resources.Icon_Active); } } }
internal static bool IsOnCompetitiveScreen(Bitmap frame) { return(Functions.CompareStrings(BitmapFunctions.ProcessFrame(frame, Rectangles.CompetitiveScreen, false, 110, NetworkEnum.Maps, false), "COMPETITIVEPLAY") >= 80); }
internal static void ScreenCapture() { AppData.statsTimer.Restart(); try { desktopDuplicator = new DesktopDuplicator(0); } catch (Exception e) { Functions.DebugMessage("Could not initialize desktopDuplication API - shutting down:" + e); Environment.Exit(0); } while (true) { if (!captureScreen) { Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } if (!AppData.overwatchRunning && !debug) { if (Functions.IsProcessOpen("Overwatch")) { if (AppData.gameData.currentRatings.AverageRating() > 0) { trayMenu.ChangeTray("Ready to record, enter a competitive game to begin", Resources.Icon_Active); } else { trayMenu.ChangeTray("Visit play menu to update your skill rating", Resources.Icon_Wait); } AppData.overwatchRunning = true; } else { Server.AutoUpdater(); } } else { if (!Functions.IsProcessOpen("Overwatch") && !debug) { trayMenu.ChangeTray("Waiting for Overwatch, idle...", Resources.Icon); AppData.overwatchRunning = false; if (AppData.gameData.state == State.RoundComplete || AppData.gameData.state == State.Record || AppData.gameData.state == State.Finished || AppData.gameData.state == State.Upload ) { Server.CheckGameUpload(); AppData.gameData = new GameData(AppData.gameData.currentRatings); } } } if ((!AppData.overwatchRunning || AppData.gameData.state == State.Record && !Functions.ActiveWindowTitle().Equals("Overwatch")) && !debug) { Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } else { Thread.Sleep(AppData.loopDelay); } DesktopFrame frame; try { frame = desktopDuplicator.GetLatestFrame(); } catch { desktopDuplicator.Reinitialize(); continue; } if (frame != null) { try { if (AppData.gameData.state != State.Ingame) { if (GameMethods.IsOnCompetitiveScreen(frame.DesktopImage) || true) { if (AppData.ratingsTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 500) { GameMethods.ReadRoleRatings(frame.DesktopImage); } else { AppData.ratingsTimer.Start(); } } else { AppData.ratingsTimer.Reset(); } } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.Idle || AppData.gameData.state == State.Finished || AppData.gameData.state == State.Upload) { GameMethods.ReadCompetitiveGameEntered(frame.DesktopImage); } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.Ingame) { if (AppData.infoTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000) { AppData.gameData.timer.Reset(); AppData.infoTimer.Reset(); AppData.gameData.state = State.Idle; Functions.DebugMessage("Failed to find game"); } else if (AppData.infoTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1500 || ! { if ( { GameMethods.ReadMap(frame.DesktopImage); } else { GameMethods.ReadTeamsSkillRating(frame.DesktopImage); if (AppData.gameData.playerListImage == null) { try { frame = desktopDuplicator.GetLatestFrame(); AppData.gameData.playerListImage = new Bitmap(BitmapFunctions.CropImage(frame.DesktopImage, Rectangles.PlayerListImage)); GameMethods.ReadPlayerNamesAndRank(frame.DesktopImage); } catch { } } AppData.loopDelay = 500; AppData.gameData.state = State.RoundComplete; AppData.gameData.timer.Start(); AppData.ratingsTimer.Reset(); AppData.statsTimer.Restart(); AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); trayMenu.ChangeTray("Recording... visit the main menu after the game", Resources.Icon_Record); } } } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.Record) { if (AppData.gameData.tabPressed && AppData.gameData.tabTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 250) { if (GameMethods.ReadHeroPlayed(frame.DesktopImage)) { GameMethods.ReadStats(frame.DesktopImage); } } GameMethods.ReadRoundCompleted(frame.DesktopImage); GameMethods.ReadMainMenu(frame.DesktopImage); GameMethods.ReadFinalScore(frame.DesktopImage); } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.RoundComplete) { if (AppData.gameData.tabPressed && AppData.gameData.tabTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 250) { GameMethods.ReadHeroPlayed(frame.DesktopImage); } else if (GameMethods.ReadRoundStarted(frame.DesktopImage) || AppData.infoTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 80) { Functions.DebugMessage("Waiting for doors to open..."); AppData.infoTimer.Restart(); AppData.gameData.state = State.RoundStart; } GameMethods.ReadMainMenu(frame.DesktopImage); } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.RoundStart) { if (AppData.infoTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 40 || AppData.infoTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 30 && AppData.gameData.IsKoth()) { AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Start(); AppData.gameData.heroTimer.Start(); if (AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count > 0 && AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].time == 0) { AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed[AppData.gameData.heroesPlayed.Count - 1].startTime = (int)AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } AppData.gameData.state = State.Record; int roundedSecs = AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 2000 ? (int)Math.Floor(AppData.gameData.gameTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) : 0; Functions.DebugMessage($"Round started after {roundedSecs} seconds, goodluck!"); } else if (AppData.gameData.tabPressed && AppData.gameData.tabTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 250 /*Functions.GetAsyncKeyState(0x09) < 0*/) { GameMethods.ReadHeroPlayed(frame.DesktopImage); } } if (AppData.gameData.state == State.Finished && AppData.infoTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 500) { GameMethods.ReadGameScore(frame.DesktopImage); } } catch (Exception e) { Functions.DebugMessage("Main Exception: " + e); Thread.Sleep(500); } } } }