static void Main(string[] args) { //sign in screen Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Monopoly Bank! Please sign into your account by typing in your username: "******"Please type in your password: "******"Welcome to your account, {0}! Please choose from the options below by typing in the corresponding number: ", userName); //Creation of switch to turn program on and off bool program = true; //Creation of objects Account account = new Account(userName, password, savings, checking, reserve, withdraw, deposit); SavingsAccount savingsAccount = new SavingsAccount(); CheckingAccount checkingAccount = new CheckingAccount(); ReserveAccount reserveAccount = new ReserveAccount(); //Begin running actual program while (program == true) { //application menu Console.WriteLine("1.) User information"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Check balance"); Console.WriteLine("3.) Withdraw funds"); Console.WriteLine("4.) Deposit funds"); Console.WriteLine("5.) Exit"); int userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //User's choice from menu prompts corresponding methods switch (userInput) { case 1: //User info option Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do? Enter a number to choose:"); Console.WriteLine("1.) View User Info:"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Edit Password:"******"What else would you like to do? Please choose from the following options: "); break; case 2: //ask user if viewing checking savings, checking or reserve balance Console.WriteLine("What balance would you like to check? Please choose from the numbers below:"); Console.WriteLine("1.) Checking:"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Savings:"); Console.WriteLine("3.) Reserve:"); int balanceChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (balanceChoice == 1) { //view checking account balance checkingAccount.ShowBalance(checking); } if (balanceChoice == 2) { //view savings account balance savingsAccount.AddInterest(savings); savingsAccount.ShowBalance(savings); } if (balanceChoice == 3) { //view reserve account balance reserveAccount.ShowBalance(reserve); } Console.WriteLine("What else would you like to do? Please choose from the following options: "); break; case 3: //Ask user where they would like to withdraw funds from Console.WriteLine("Where would you like to withdraw from? Please choose from the numbers below:"); Console.WriteLine("1.) Checking:"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Savings:"); Console.WriteLine("3.) Reserve:"); int withdrawChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (withdrawChoice == 1) { //checking account withdraw checking = checkingAccount.MakeWithdraw(withdraw, checking); } if (withdrawChoice == 2) { //savings account withdraw savings = savingsAccount.AddInterest(savings); savings = savingsAccount.MakeWithdraw(withdraw, savings); } if (withdrawChoice == 3) { //reserve account withdraw reserve = reserveAccount.MakeWithdraw(withdraw, reserve); } Console.WriteLine("What else would you like to do? Please choose from the following options: "); break; case 4: //ask user which account to deposit funds to Console.WriteLine("Which account would you like to deposit into? Please choose from the numbers below:"); Console.WriteLine("1.) Checking:"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Savings:"); Console.WriteLine("3.) Reserve:"); int depositChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (depositChoice == 1) { //checking account withdraw checking = checkingAccount.MakeDeposit(deposit, checking); } if (depositChoice == 2) { //savings account witdraw savings = savingsAccount.AddInterest(savings); savings = savingsAccount.MakeDeposit(deposit, savings); } if (depositChoice == 3) { //reserve account withdraw reserve = reserveAccount.MakeDeposit(deposit, reserve); } Console.WriteLine("What else would you like to do? Please choose from the following options: "); break; case 5: //Exit program Console.WriteLine("Thank you! Have a great day!"); program = false; break; default: //Catches any user input that is NOT 1-5 Console.WriteLine("Oops! I didn't understand you. Please try again. Please choose from the list below: "); break; } } }