static void Main(string[] args) { // Create an instance of each Account / Instantiate Accounts CheckingAccount Checking = new CheckingAccount(); ReserveAccount Reserve = new ReserveAccount(); SavingsAccount Savings = new SavingsAccount(); // Instantiate StreamWriter for each account & to write to a file StreamWriter wChecking = new StreamWriter("CheckingAccount.txt"); StreamWriter wReserve = new StreamWriter("ReserveAccount.txt"); StreamWriter wSavings = new StreamWriter("SavingsAccount.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to My Bank Account"); Console.WriteLine("Type your First Name"); string accountHolderFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Type your Last Name"); string accountHolderLastName = Console.ReadLine(); string fullAccountHolderName = string.Concat(accountHolderFirstName, " ", accountHolderLastName); { // do-while loop int usersNumber = 0; do { Console.WriteLine(" View Customer Information: choose 1 "); Console.WriteLine(" View Checking Account Balance: choose 2 "); Console.WriteLine(" View Reserve Account Balance: choose 3 "); Console.WriteLine(" View Savings Account Balance: choose 4 "); Console.WriteLine(" Make a Deposit into an Account: choose 5 "); Console.WriteLine(" Make a Withdrawal from an Account: choose 6 "); Console.WriteLine(" QUIT / EXIT Bank Account Program: choose 7 "); Console.WriteLine(" TYPE your choice as a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 "); string usersResponse = Console.ReadLine(); usersNumber = Convert.ToInt32(usersResponse); switch (usersNumber) { case 1: Checking.BankAccountInfo(); break; case 2: Checking.AccountBalance(); break; case 3: Reserve.AccountBalance(); break; case 4: Savings.AccountBalance(); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine(" Which Account would you like to make a Deposit "); Console.WriteLine(" Checking Account (Deposit): choose 1 "); Console.WriteLine(" Reserve Account (Deposit): choose 2 "); Console.WriteLine(" Savings Account (Deposit): choose 3 "); int userChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("How Much would you like to Deposit"); decimal deposit = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine()); switch (userChoice) { case 1: Checking.Deposit(deposit); Console.WriteLine(" Checking Account New Balance: ${0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountBalance); using (wChecking) { wChecking.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wChecking.WriteLine(" Checking Account No.: {0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountNo); wChecking.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wChecking.WriteLine(" + :$ {0}", deposit); wChecking.WriteLine(" Checking Account New Balance: {0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountBalance); } break; case 2: Reserve.Deposit(deposit); Console.WriteLine(" Reserve Account New Balance: ${0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountBalance); using (wReserve) { wReserve.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wReserve.WriteLine(" Reserve Account No.: {0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountNo); wReserve.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wReserve.WriteLine(" + :$ {0}", deposit); wReserve.WriteLine(" Reserve Account New Balance: ${0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountBalance); } break; case 3: Savings.Deposit(deposit); Console.WriteLine(" Savings Account New Balance: ${0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountBalance); using (wSavings) { wSavings.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wSavings.WriteLine(" Reserve Account No.: {0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountNo); wSavings.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wSavings.WriteLine(" + :$ {0}", deposit); wSavings.WriteLine(" Savings Account New Balance: ${0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountBalance); } break; default: Console.WriteLine(" Invalid selection "); Console.WriteLine(" Please choose Deposit option 1, 2, or, 3 "); break; } break; case 6: Console.WriteLine(" Which Account would you like to make a Withdrawal from "); Console.WriteLine(" Checking Account (Withdrawal): choose 1 "); Console.WriteLine(" Reserve Account (Withdrawal): choose 2 "); Console.WriteLine(" Savings Account (Withdrawal): choose 3 "); int userOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("How Much would you like to Withdraw"); decimal withdrawal = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine()); switch (userOption) { case 1: Checking.Withdrawal(withdrawal); Console.WriteLine(" Check Account New Balance: ${0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountBalance); using (wChecking) { wChecking.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wChecking.WriteLine(" Checking Account No.: {0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountNo); wChecking.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wChecking.WriteLine(" - :$ {0}", withdrawal); wChecking.WriteLine(" Check Account New Balance: {0} ", Checking.CheckingAccountBalance); } break; case 2: Reserve.Withdrawal(withdrawal); Console.WriteLine(" Reserve Account New Balance: ${0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountBalance); using (wReserve) { wReserve.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wReserve.WriteLine(" Reserve Account No.: {0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountNo); wReserve.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wReserve.WriteLine(" + :$ {0}", withdrawal); wReserve.WriteLine(" Reserve Account New Balance: ${0} ", Reserve.ReserveAccountBalance); } break; case 3: Savings.Withdrawal(withdrawal); Console.WriteLine(" Savings Account New Balance: ${0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountBalance); using (wSavings) { wSavings.WriteLine(fullAccountHolderName); wSavings.WriteLine(" Savings Account No.: {0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountNo); wSavings.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); wSavings.WriteLine(" + :$ {0}", withdrawal); wSavings.WriteLine(" Savings Account New Balance: ${0} ", Savings.SavingsAccountBalance); } break; default: Console.WriteLine(" Invalid selection "); Console.WriteLine(" Please choose Deposit option 1, 2, or, 3 "); break; } break; case 7: Console.WriteLine(" Thank you for using My Bank Account Program "); Console.WriteLine(" , use our program anytime "); Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine(" Invalid Selection "); Console.WriteLine(" Please choose number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or, 7 "); break; } }while (usersNumber != 7); } }