public static int AddUser(UserProfile elm) { int id = -1; try { DataAccessLayer DAL = new DataAccessLayer(); DataTable dt ="FacebookID = '{0}'", elm.FacebookID), "UserProfile"); if (dt == null ||dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Dictionary<string, string> Profile = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Profile.Add("FacebookID", elm.FacebookID); Profile.Add("Name", elm.Name); Profile.Add("Email", elm.Email); Profile.Add("FacebookProfileLink", elm.FacebookProfileLink); Profile.Add("Gender", elm.Gender); Profile.Add("IsActive", "1"); Profile.Add("IsDeleted", "0"); Profile.Add("CreatedDate", Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now)); Profile.Add("ModifiedDate", Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now)); id = DAL.insert(Profile, "UserProfile"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("ERROR: An error occured in adding a new user --- " + ex.Message); } return id; }
public static UserProfile getUserProfile(int profileID) { UserProfile profile = null; try { DataAccessLayer DAL = new DataAccessLayer(); DataTable dt ="ProfileID = '{0}'", profileID), "UserProfile"); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; string facebookID = Convert.ToString(row["FacebookID"]); string name = Convert.ToString(row["Name"]); string email = Convert.ToString(row["Email"]); string facebookProfileLink = Convert.ToString(row["FacebookProfileLink"]); string gender = Convert.ToString(row["Gender"]); profile = new UserProfile(name, facebookProfileLink, facebookID, gender, email, String.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("ERROR: An error occured in retrieving the user profile --- " + ex.Message); } return profile; }
public ActionResult FacebookCallback(string code, string returnUrl) { var fb = new FacebookClient(); dynamic result = fb.Post("oauth/access_token", new { // Production : client_id = "410278782401754", client_secret = "4d0fd841a025dd908191f50b86ec90f7", // Development : //client_id = "424967934259582", //client_secret = "7d491f9e46f04614240c0043094fd2d5", redirect_uri = RedirectUri.AbsoluteUri, code = code }); var accessToken = result.access_token; // Store the access token in the session Session["AccessToken"] = accessToken; // update the facebook client with the access token so // we can make requests on behalf of the user fb.AccessToken = accessToken; // Get the user's information IDictionary<string, object> user = (IDictionary<string, object>)fb.Get("me"); //get the current user UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile( Convert.ToString(user["name"]), Convert.ToString(user["link"]), Convert.ToString(user["id"]), Convert.ToString(user["gender"]), Convert.ToString(user["email"]), String.Empty); AccountHandler.AddUser(userProfile); // Set the auth cookie FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Convert.ToString(user["name"]), false); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }