private void whisper_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Game = BL.getGameByID(Game.GameID); if (Game.spectators.Count > 0) { spectatorMessage SM = new spectatorMessage(BL, Game.GameID, user.ID, Game.spectators); SM.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("there isn't avilable spectator in the game for chat"); } }
private void updateGame() { this.Game = BL.getGameByID(Game.GameID); this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => {//this refer to form in WPF application if (this.Game.isThereWinners) { string messageWinner = ""; int i = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <player, int> p in Game.winnersToAmount) { messageWinner += i + ": " + p.Key.user.UserName + " Got: " + p.Value + "$\n"; i++; } MessageBox.Show(messageWinner, "We Have Winners", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); Game.isThereWinners = false; Game.winnersToAmount = new Dictionary <player, int>(); } updateTableCards(); updatePlayers(); cashOnTheTable.Text = "cash: " + this.Game.cashOnTheTable + "$"; updateChat(); foreach (player currentPlayer in this.Game.activePlayers) { if (currentPlayer.user.ID == this.Game.CurrentPlayer) { if (currentPlayer.user.ID != user.ID) { now_playing.Text = "now playing: " + currentPlayer.user.UserName; } else { now_playing.Text = "now playing: Me"; } break; } } my_first_card.Background = new ImageBrush(); my_second_card.Background = new ImageBrush(); foreach (player myPlayer in this.Game.activePlayers) { if (myPlayer.user.ID == this.user.ID) { updateMyCards(myPlayer); break; } } })); }
public game(businessLayer bl, Game, User user) { InitializeComponent(); this.BL = bl; this.Game = Game; this.user = user; isMaked = false; InitializeAvatrsImages(); InitializeCardsImages(); InitializePlayersComponents(); this.labelName.Content = this.user.UserName; newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); newThread.Start(); }
/** * PLAYERS = "*PLAYER USER NAME* "{0,n} * CARDS = "*CARD NUMBER* *CARD TYPE* "{0,n} * GAME FULL DETAILS= "GameID=*ID*&players=*PLAYERS*&activePlayers=*PLAYERS*&blindBit=*NUMBER*&CurrentPlayer=*PLAYER USER NAME*& * table=*CARDS*&MaxPlayers=*NUMBER*&activePlayersNumber=*NUMBER*&cashOnTheTable=*NUMBER*&CurrentBet=*NUMBER*" * GAME PREF = gameTypePolicy=*GAME TYPE POLICY*&potLimit=*POT LIMIT*&buyInPolicy=*BUY IN POLICY*&chipPolicy=*CHIP POLICY*&minBet=*MIN BET*&minPlayersNum=*MIN PLAY NUM*&maxPlayersNum=*MAX PLAYER NUMBER*&spectatable=*T/F*&leaguable=*T/F*&league=*NUNBER* * @param request is string that has this format: "CREATEGAME *USER NAME* *GAME PREF*" * @return "CREATEGAME *USER NAME* DONE *GAME FULL DETAILS*", "CREATEGAME FAILED" else */ public void createdGame(string msg) { msg = msg.Substring(0, msg.Length - 2); if (msg.Contains("CREATEGAME") && msg.Contains("DONE")) { String part2 = msg.Substring(msg.IndexOf("DONE ") + "DONE ".Length); string[] msgs = part2.Split('&'); game newGame = new game(); // Console.WriteLine(extractString(part2, "players=")); // Console.WriteLine(extractString2(msgs, "players=")); string players = extractString2(msgs, "players="); LinkedList <player> playerss = extractPlayers(players); players = extractString2(msgs, "activePlayers="); LinkedList <player> activePlayers = extractPlayers(players); card[] table = extractCards(extractString2(msgs, "table=")); newGame.GameID = extractString2(msgs, "GameID="); newGame.players = playerss; newGame.activePlayers = activePlayers; string blindBitS = extractString2(msgs, "blindBit="); newGame.blindBit = Int32.Parse(extractString2(msgs, "blindBit=")); newGame.CurrentPlayer = extractString2(msgs, "CurrentPlayer="); newGame.table = table; if (table != null) { newGame.cardsOnTable = table.Length; } else { newGame.cardsOnTable = 0; } blindBitS = extractString2(msgs, "MaxPlayers="); newGame.MaxPlayers = Int32.Parse(extractString2(msgs, "MaxPlayers=")); blindBitS = extractString2(msgs, "cashOnTheTable="); newGame.cashOnTheTable = Int32.Parse(extractString2(msgs, "cashOnTheTable=")); blindBitS = extractString2(msgs, "CurrentBet="); newGame.CurrentBet = Int32.Parse(extractString2(msgs, "CurrentBet="));; this.recived = newGame.GameID; isDone = 1; } else { isDone = 2; } }
private void spectate_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Boolean isSpectable = BL.spectateGame(this.user.ID, game_box.Text); choosenGame = BL.getGameByID(game_box.Text); if (choosenGame != null && isSpectable) { game g = new game(BL, choosenGame, user); g.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Can't join this game"); } }
/** * * @param request is string that has this format: "LEAVEGAME *GAME ID* *USER NAME*" * @return "LEAVEGAME *GAME ID* *USER NAME* DONE" if succeed to leave, "LEAVEGAME *GAME ID* *USER NAME* FAILED *MSG*" else */ public bool leaveGame(String GameID, String UserID) { getGameByID(GameID).isWaitingForLeaving = 0; if (CL.send("LEAVEGAME " + GameID + " " + UserID + "\n")) { game currentGame = getGameByID(GameID); while (currentGame.isWaitingForLeaving == 0) { ; } if (currentGame.isWaitingForLeaving == 1) { return(true); } return(false); } return(false); }
private void ok_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ok_button.Content.Equals("search")) { games_table.ItemsSource = null; games_table.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; LinkedList <string> can_join = new LinkedList <string>(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //create table dynamically dt.Columns.Add("game id", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("buy in", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("avilable sets", typeof(string)); if (search_by_pot_size.IsSelected) { int pot_size; pot_size = int.Parse(game_box.Text); can_join = BL.searchGamesByPotSize(pot_size); } else if (search_by_player_name.IsSelected) { can_join = BL.searchGamesByPlayerName(game_box.Text); } else if (search_by_prefs.IsSelected) { can_join = null; } else if (joinable_list.IsSelected) { can_join = BL.listOfJoinableGames(this.user.ID); } else if (spectatable_list.IsSelected) { can_join = BL.listOfSpectatableGames(); } if (can_join == null) { MessageBox.Show("Can't find any games"); } else { string[] oneRow = new string[3]; int index = 0; //add rows foreach (string i_game in can_join) { oneRow[index] = i_game; index++; if (index > 2) { index = 0; dt.Rows.Add(oneRow[0], oneRow[1], oneRow[2]); } } } games_table.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView; } else if (ok_button.Content.Equals("join")) { bool canJoin = BL.joinGame(game_box.Text, this.user.ID); choosenGame = BL.getGameByID(game_box.Text); if (choosenGame != null && canJoin) { game g = new game(BL, choosenGame, user); g.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Can't join this game"); } } }
private void create_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String gameID = ""; int limit, buyIN, chipPolicy, minBet, minPlayers, MaxPlayers; bool spectatable = false, leaguable = false; GameType type = GameType.POT_LIMIT; try { limit = int.Parse(limit_textBox.Text); } catch { limit = 0; } try { buyIN = int.Parse(buyIn_textBox.Text); } catch { buyIN = 0; } try { chipPolicy = int.Parse(chipPolicy_textBox.Text); } catch { chipPolicy = 0; } try { minBet = int.Parse(minBet_textBox.Text); } catch { minBet = 0; } try { minPlayers = int.Parse(minPlayers_textBox.Text); } catch { minPlayers = 2; } try { MaxPlayers = int.Parse(maxPlayers_textBox.Text); } catch { MaxPlayers = 8; } if (spectatable_comboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { spectatable = true; } if (leaguable_comboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { leaguable = true; } if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { type = GameType.LIMIT; } if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { type = GameType.NO_LIMIT; } if (isCreate) { gameID = BL.createGame(user.ID, type, limit, buyIN, chipPolicy, minBet, minPlayers, MaxPlayers, spectatable, leaguable, this.user.league); if (gameID == null) { MessageBox.Show("error \n one or more of the parameters is invalid"); } game = BL.getGameByID(gameID); game g = new game(BL, game, user); g.Show(); this.Close(); } else { LinkedList <string> prefsGames; prefsGames = BL.searchGameByPrefs(type, limit, buyIN, chipPolicy, minBet, minPlayers, MaxPlayers, spectatable, leaguable, this.user.league); if (prefsGames == null) { prefsGames = new LinkedList <string>(); prefsGames.AddLast("none"); } gameCenter GC = new gameCenter(BL, user, prefsGames); GC.Show(); this.Close(); } }