コード例 #1
ファイル: SpellCast.cs プロジェクト: pallmall/WCell
		//internal static readonly ObjectPool<List<AuraApplicationInfo>> AuraAppListPool = ObjectPoolMgr.CreatePool(() => new List<AuraApplicationInfo>());

		public static void Trigger(WorldObject caster, SpellEffect triggerEffect, Spell spell)
			var cast = SpellCastPool.Obtain();
			cast.Caster = caster;
			cast.m_triggerEffect = triggerEffect;

			caster.ExecuteInContext(() =>
				cast.Start(spell, true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: SpellCast.Perform.cs プロジェクト: ebakkedahl/WCell
        private void CreateHandler(SpellEffect effect, int h, SpellEffectHandler[] handlers, ref SpellTargetCollection targets, ref SpellFailedReason failReason)
            var handler = effect.SpellEffectHandlerCreator(this, effect);
            handlers[h] = handler;

            // make sure, we have the right Caster-Type
            handler.CheckCasterType(ref failReason);
            if (failReason != SpellFailedReason.Ok)

            // find targets and amount SpellTargetCollection if effects have same ImplicitTargetTypes
            if (InitialTargets != null)
                // do we have given targets?
                if (targets == null)
                    targets = CreateSpellTargetCollection();
            else if (handler.HasOwnTargets)
                // see if targets are shared between effects
                targets = null;

                for (var j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    var handler2 = handlers[j];
                    if (handler.Effect.SharesTargetsWith(handler2.Effect, IsAICast))
                        // same targets -> share target collection
                        targets = handler2.m_targets;

                if (targets == null)
                    targets = CreateSpellTargetCollection();

            if (targets != null)
                handler.m_targets = targets;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Leeches the given amount of power from this Unit and adds it to the receiver (if receiver != null and is Unit).
		/// </summary>
		public void LeechPower(Unit receiver, int amount, float factor, SpellEffect effect)
			var currentPower = Power;

			// Resilience reduces mana drain by 2.2%, amount is rounded.
			amount -= (amount * GetResiliencePct() * 2.2f).RoundInt();
			if (amount > currentPower)
				amount = currentPower;
			Power = currentPower - amount;
			if (receiver != null)
				receiver.Energize(this, amount, effect);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Leeches the given amount of health from this Unit and adds it to the receiver (if receiver != null and is Unit).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="factor">The factor applied to the amount that was leeched before adding it to the receiver</param>
		public void LeechHealth(Unit receiver, int amount, float factor, SpellEffect effect)
			var initialHealth = Health;

			DoSpellDamage(receiver != null ? receiver.Master : this, effect, amount);

			// only apply as much as was leeched
			amount = initialHealth - Health;

			if (factor > 0)
				amount = (int)(amount * factor);

			if (receiver != null)
				receiver.Heal(this, amount, effect);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Heals this unit and sends the corresponding animation (healer might be null)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="effect">The effect of the spell that triggered the healing (or null)</param>
		/// <param name="healer">The object that heals this Unit (or null)</param>
		/// <param name="value">The amount to be healed</param>
		public void Heal(Unit healer, int value, SpellEffect effect)
			var critChance = 0f;
			var crit = false;
			int overheal = 0;

			if (effect != null)
				var oldVal = value;
				if (healer != null)
					if (effect.IsPeriodic)
						// add periodic boni
						if (healer is Character)
							value = ((Character)healer).PlayerSpells.GetModifiedInt(SpellModifierType.PeriodicEffectValue, effect.Spell, value);
						// add healing mods (spell power for healing)
						value = healer.AddHealingModsToAction(value, effect, effect.Spell.Schools[0]);

				if (this is Character)
					value += (int) ((oldVal*((Character) this).HealingTakenModPct)/100);

				critChance = GetSpellCritChance((DamageSchool) effect.Spell.SchoolMask)*100;

				// do a critcheck
				if (!effect.Spell.AttributesExB.HasFlag(SpellAttributesExB.CannotCrit) && critChance != 0)
					var roll = Utility.Random(1f, 10001);

					if (roll <= critChance)
						value = (int) (value*(SpellHandler.SpellCritBaseFactor + GetIntMod(StatModifierInt.CriticalHealValuePct)));
						crit = true;

			if (value > 0)
				value = (int)(value * Utility.Random(0.95f, 1.05f));
				if (Health + value > MaxHealth)
					overheal = (Health + value) - MaxHealth;
					value = (MaxHealth - Health);
				Health += value;
				value += overheal;
				CombatLogHandler.SendHealLog(healer, this, effect != null ? effect.Spell.Id : 0, value, crit, overheal);

			if (healer != null)
				var action = new HealAction
					Attacker = (Unit)healer,
					Victim = this,
					Spell = effect != null ? effect.Spell : null,
					IsCritical = crit,
					Value = value
				healer.Proc(ProcTriggerFlags.HealOther, this, action, true);
				Proc(ProcTriggerFlags.Heal, healer, action, false);

				OnHeal(healer, effect, value);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: WCellFR/WCellFR
		public void ClearEffects()
			Effects = new SpellEffect[0];
コード例 #7
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: WCellFR/WCellFR
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes the first Effect of the given Type and replace it with a new one which will be returned.
		/// Appends a new one if none of the given type was found.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public SpellEffect ReplaceEffect(SpellEffectType type)
			for (var i = 0; i < Effects.Length; i++)
				var effect = Effects[i];
				if (effect.EffectType == type)
					return Effects[i] = new SpellEffect();
			return AddEffect(SpellEffectType.None);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: WCellFR/WCellFR
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets all default variables
		/// </summary>
		internal void Initialize()
			var learnSpellEffect = GetEffect(SpellEffectType.LearnSpell);
			if (learnSpellEffect == null)
				learnSpellEffect = GetEffect(SpellEffectType.LearnPetSpell);
			if (learnSpellEffect != null && learnSpellEffect.TriggerSpellId != 0)
				IsTeachSpell = true;

			// figure out Trigger spells
			for (var i = 0; i < Effects.Length; i++)
				var effect = Effects[i];
				if (effect.TriggerSpellId != SpellId.None || effect.AuraType == AuraType.PeriodicTriggerSpell)
					var triggeredSpell = SpellHandler.Get((uint)effect.TriggerSpellId);
					if (triggeredSpell != null)
						if (!IsTeachSpell)
							triggeredSpell.IsTriggeredSpell = true;
							LearnSpell = triggeredSpell;
						effect.TriggerSpell = triggeredSpell;
						if (IsTeachSpell)
							IsTeachSpell = GetEffect(SpellEffectType.LearnSpell) != null;
						Effects[i].IsInvalid = true;

			foreach (var effect in Effects)
				if (effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.PersistantAreaAura || effect.HasTarget(ImplicitTargetType.DynamicObject))
					DOEffect = effect;

			//foreach (var effect in Effects)
			//    effect.Initialize();
コード例 #9
ファイル: MageArcaneFixes.cs プロジェクト: Zakkgard/WCell
 public ClearCastingAndPresenceOfMindHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
     : base(cast, effect)
コード例 #10
			public DeathCoilHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
				: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #11
ファイル: DruidFeralCombatFixes.cs プロジェクト: primax/WCell
		public AddBleedWeaponDamageHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
			: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #12
ファイル: DruidFeralCombatFixes.cs プロジェクト: primax/WCell
		public FerociousBiteHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
			: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #13
ファイル: Unit.Mechanics.cs プロジェクト: enjoii/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds immunity against given damage-schools
		/// </summary>
		public void IncDmgImmunityCount(SpellEffect effect)
			if (m_dmgImmunities == null)
				m_dmgImmunities = CreateDamageSchoolArr();

			foreach (var school in effect.MiscBitSet)

			Auras.RemoveWhere(aura =>
				aura.Spell.AuraUID != effect.Spell.AuraUID &&
				aura.Spell.SchoolMask.HasAnyFlag(effect.Spell.SchoolMask) &&
コード例 #14
ファイル: Unit.Mechanics.cs プロジェクト: enjoii/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Threat mod in percent
		/// </summary>
		public virtual int GetGeneratedThreat(int dmg, DamageSchool school, SpellEffect effect)
			if (m_threatMods == null)
				return dmg;
			return dmg + ((dmg * m_threatMods[(int)school]) / 100);
コード例 #15
			public DeathStrikeHealHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
				: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: ebakkedahl/WCell
 public void RemoveEffect(SpellEffect toRemove)
     var effects = new SpellEffect[Effects.Length - 1];
     var e = 0;
     foreach (var effct in Effects)
         if (effct != toRemove)
             effects[e++] = effct;
     Effects = effects;
コード例 #17
			public CorpseExplosionHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
				: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #18
ファイル: MageFireFixes.cs プロジェクト: remixod/netServer
			public BurnoutHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
				: base(cast, effect)
コード例 #19
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: MeaNone/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Heals this unit and sends the corresponding animation (healer might be null)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="effect">The effect of the spell that triggered the healing (or null)</param>
		/// <param name="healer">The object that heals this Unit (or null)</param>
		/// <param name="value">The amount to be healed</param>
		public void HealPercent(int value, Unit healer = null, SpellEffect effect = null)
			Heal((value * MaxHealth + 50) / 100, healer, effect);
コード例 #20
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: WCellFR/WCellFR
		/// <summary>
		/// For all things that depend on info of all spells from first Init-round and other things
		/// </summary>
		internal void Init2()
			if (inited)
			inited = true;

            IsChanneled = AttributesEx.HasAnyFlag(SpellAttributesEx.Channeled_1 | SpellAttributesEx.Channeled_2) ||	// don't use Enum.HasFlag!
				ChannelInterruptFlags > 0;

            IsPassive = (!IsChanneled && Attributes.HasFlag(SpellAttributes.Passive)) ||
				// tracking spells are also passive		     
						HasEffectWith(effect => effect.AuraType == AuraType.TrackCreatures) ||
						HasEffectWith(effect => effect.AuraType == AuraType.TrackResources) ||
						HasEffectWith(effect => effect.AuraType == AuraType.TrackStealthed);

			foreach (var effect in Effects)
				if (effect.IsHealEffect)
					IsHealSpell = true;
				if (effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.NormalizedWeaponDamagePlus)
					IsDualWieldAbility = true;


			if (IsChanneled)
				if (Durations.Min == 0)
					Durations.Min = Durations.Max = 1000;

				foreach (var effect in Effects)
					if (effect.IsPeriodic)
						ChannelAmplitude = effect.Amplitude;

			IsOnNextStrike = Attributes.HasAnyFlag(SpellAttributes.OnNextMelee | SpellAttributes.OnNextMelee_2);	// don't use Enum.HasFlag!

			IsRangedAbility = !IsTriggeredSpell &&
				(Attributes.HasAnyFlag(SpellAttributes.Ranged) ||

			IsStrikeSpell = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.IsStrikeEffect);

			IsWeaponAbility = IsRangedAbility || IsOnNextStrike || IsStrikeSpell;

			DamageIncreasedByAP = DamageIncreasedByAP || (PowerType == PowerType.Rage && SchoolMask == DamageSchoolMask.Physical);

			IsFinishingMove =
				AttributesEx.HasAnyFlag(SpellAttributesEx.FinishingMove) ||
				HasEffectWith(effect => effect.PointsPerComboPoint > 0 && effect.EffectType != SpellEffectType.Dummy);

			TotemEffect = GetFirstEffectWith(effect => effect.HasTarget(
				ImplicitTargetType.TotemAir, ImplicitTargetType.TotemEarth, ImplicitTargetType.TotemFire, ImplicitTargetType.TotemWater));

			// Required Item slot for weapon abilities
			if (RequiredItemClass == ItemClass.Armor && RequiredItemSubClassMask == ItemSubClassMask.Shield)
				EquipmentSlot = EquipmentSlot.OffHand;
				EquipmentSlot =
                    (IsRangedAbility || AttributesExC.HasFlag(SpellAttributesExC.RequiresWand)) ? EquipmentSlot.ExtraWeapon :
                    (AttributesExC.HasFlag(SpellAttributesExC.RequiresOffHandWeapon) ? EquipmentSlot.OffHand :
                    (AttributesExC.HasFlag(SpellAttributesExC.RequiresMainHandWeapon) ? EquipmentSlot.MainHand : EquipmentSlot.End));

			HasIndividualCooldown = CooldownTime > 0 ||
				(IsWeaponAbility && !IsOnNextStrike && EquipmentSlot != EquipmentSlot.End);

			//IsAoe = HasEffectWith((effect) => {
			//    if (effect.ImplicitTargetA == ImplicitTargetType.)
			//        effect.ImplicitTargetA = ImplicitTargetType.None;
			//    if (effect.ImplicitTargetB == ImplicitTargetType.Unused_EnemiesInAreaChanneledWithExceptions)
			//        effect.ImplicitTargetB = ImplicitTargetType.None;
			//    return false;

			var profEffect = GetEffect(SpellEffectType.SkillStep);
			if (profEffect != null)
				TeachesApprenticeAbility = profEffect.BasePoints == 0;

			IsProfession = !IsRangedAbility && Ability != null && Ability.Skill.Category == SkillCategory.Profession;

			IsEnhancer = SpellClassSet != 0 && !SpellClassMask.Contains(val => val != 0) &&
				HasEffectWith(effect => effect.AffectMask.Contains(val => val != 0));

			IsFishing = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HasTarget(ImplicitTargetType.SelfFishing));

			IsSkinning = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.Skinning);

			IsTameEffect = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.TameCreature);

			if (Id == 18425)
			if (IsPreventionDebuff || Mechanic.IsNegative())
				HasHarmfulEffects = true;
				HasBeneficialEffects = false;
				HarmType = HarmType.Harmful;
				HasHarmfulEffects = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HarmType == HarmType.Harmful);
				HasBeneficialEffects = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HarmType == HarmType.Beneficial);
				if (HasHarmfulEffects != HasBeneficialEffects && !HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HarmType == HarmType.Neutral))
					HarmType = HasHarmfulEffects ? HarmType.Harmful : HarmType.Beneficial;
					HarmType = HarmType.Neutral;

            ReqDeadTarget = TargetFlags.HasAnyFlag(SpellTargetFlags.Corpse | SpellTargetFlags.PvPCorpse | SpellTargetFlags.UnitCorpse);

			CostsMana = PowerCost > 0 || PowerCostPercentage > 0;

			HasTargets = !HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HasTargets);

			CasterIsTarget = HasTargets && HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HasTarget(ImplicitTargetType.Self));

			//HasSingleNotSelfTarget = 

			IsAreaSpell = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.IsAreaEffect);

			IsDamageSpell = HasHarmfulEffects && !HasBeneficialEffects && HasEffectWith(effect =>
					effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.Attack ||
					effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.EnvironmentalDamage ||
					effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.InstantKill ||
					effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.SchoolDamage ||

			if (DamageMultipliers[0] <= 0)
				DamageMultipliers[0] = 1;

			IsHearthStoneSpell = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.HasTarget(ImplicitTargetType.HeartstoneLocation));

			ForeachEffect(effect =>
				if (effect.EffectType == SpellEffectType.Skill)
					SkillId = (SkillId)effect.MiscValue;

			Schools = Utility.GetSetIndices<DamageSchool>((uint)SchoolMask);
			if (Schools.Length == 0)
				Schools = new[] { DamageSchool.Physical };

			RequiresCasterOutOfCombat = !HasHarmfulEffects && CastDelay > 0 &&
                (Attributes.HasFlag(SpellAttributes.CannotBeCastInCombat) ||
                                        AttributesEx.HasFlag(SpellAttributesEx.RemainOutOfCombat) ||

			if (RequiresCasterOutOfCombat)
				// We fail if being attacked (among others)
				InterruptFlags |= InterruptFlags.OnTakeDamage;

            IsThrow = AttributesExC.HasFlag(SpellAttributesExC.ShootRangedWeapon) &&
                       Attributes.HasFlag(SpellAttributes.Ranged) && Ability != null && Ability.Skill.Id == SkillId.Thrown;

			HasModifierEffects = HasEffectWith(effect => effect.AuraType == AuraType.AddModifierFlat || effect.AuraType == AuraType.AddModifierPercent);
			ForeachEffect(effect =>
				for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					AllAffectingMasks[i] |= effect.AffectMask[i];

			if (Range.MaxDist == 0)
				Range.MaxDist = 5;

			if (RequiredToolIds == null)
				RequiredToolIds = new uint[0];
				if (RequiredToolIds.Length > 0 && (RequiredToolIds[0] > 0 || RequiredToolIds[1] > 0))
				ArrayUtil.PruneVals(ref RequiredToolIds);

			ArrayUtil.PruneVals(ref RequiredTotemCategories);

			ForeachEffect(effect =>
				if (effect.SpellEffectHandlerCreator != null)
			//IsHealSpell = HasEffectWith((effect) => effect.IsHealEffect);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: MeaNone/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Restores Power and sends the corresponding Packet
		/// </summary>
		public void EnergizePercent(int value, Unit energizer = null, SpellEffect effect = null)
			Energize((value * MaxPower + 50) / 100, energizer, effect);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Spell.cs プロジェクト: WCellFR/WCellFR
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds a new Effect to this Spell
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public SpellEffect AddEffect(SpellEffectType type, ImplicitTargetType target)
			var effect = new SpellEffect(this, Effects.Length > 0 ? Effects[Effects.Length - 1].EffectIndex : 0) { EffectType = type };
			var effects = new SpellEffect[Effects.Length + 1];
			Array.Copy(Effects, effects, Effects.Length);
			Effects = effects;
			Effects[effects.Length - 1] = effect;

			effect.ImplicitTargetA = target;
			return effect;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: MeaNone/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Restores Power and sends the corresponding Packet
		/// </summary>
		public void Energize(int value, Unit energizer = null, SpellEffect effect = null)
			if (value != 0)
				var power = Power;

				value = MathUtil.ClampMinMax(value, -power, MaxPower - value);

				CombatLogHandler.SendEnergizeLog(energizer, this, effect != null ? effect.Spell.Id : 0, PowerType, value);
				Power = power + value;
コード例 #24
		public QuestCompleteEffectHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect) : base(cast, effect)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: MeaNone/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Drains the given amount of power and applies damage for it
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dmgTyp">The type of the damage applied</param>
		/// <param name="dmgFactor">The factor to be applied to amount for the damage to be received by this unit</param>
		public void BurnPower(int amount, float dmgFactor = 1, Unit attacker = null, SpellEffect effect = null)
			int currentPower = Power;

			// Resilience reduces mana drain by 2.2%, amount is rounded.
			amount -= MathUtil.RoundInt(amount * GetResiliencePct() * 2.2f);
			if (amount > currentPower)
				amount = currentPower;
			Power = currentPower - amount;

			DealSpellDamage(attacker, effect, (int)(amount * dmgFactor));
コード例 #26
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// This method is called whenever a heal is placed on a Unit by another Unit
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="healer">The healer</param>
		/// <param name="value">The amount of points healed</param>
		protected virtual void OnHeal(Unit healer, SpellEffect effect, int value)
			// TODO: Remove method and instead trigger region-wide event (a lot more efficient than this)
			IterateEnvironment(40.0f, obj =>
				if (obj is Unit && ((Unit)obj).m_brain != null)
					((Unit)obj).m_brain.OnHeal(healer, this, value);
				return true;
コード例 #27
ファイル: SpellEffect.cs プロジェクト: KroneckerX/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Whether this effect can share targets with the given effect
		/// </summary>
		public bool SharesTargetsWith(SpellEffect b, bool aiCast)
			// if a TargetDefinition is set, it overrides the default implicit targets
			var targetDef = GetTargetDefinition(aiCast);
			return (targetDef != null && targetDef.Equals(b.GetTargetDefinition(aiCast))) ||
				(ImplicitTargetA == b.ImplicitTargetA && ImplicitTargetB == b.ImplicitTargetB);
コード例 #28
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Restores Power and sends the corresponding Packet
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="energizer"></param>
		/// <param name="value"></param>
		/// <param name="effect"></param>
		public void Energize(Unit energizer, int value, SpellEffect effect)
			if (value > 0)
				if (Power + value > MaxPower)
					value = MaxPower - Power;
					Power = MaxPower;

					Power += value;

				CombatLogHandler.SendEnergizeLog(energizer, this, effect != null ? effect.Spell.Id : 0, PowerType, value);
コード例 #29
ファイル: SpellEffect.cs プロジェクト: KroneckerX/WCell
		public void CopyValuesTo(SpellEffect effect)
			effect.BasePoints = BasePoints;
			effect.DiceSides = DiceSides;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// Drains the given amount of power and applies damage for it
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dmgTyp">The type of the damage applied</param>
		/// <param name="dmgFactor">The factor to be applied to amount for the damage to be received by this unit</param>
		public void BurnPower(Unit attacker, SpellEffect effect, DamageSchool dmgTyp, int amount, float dmgFactor)
			int currentPower = Power;

			// Resilience reduces mana drain by 2.2%, amount is rounded.
			amount -= (amount * GetResiliencePct() * 2.2f).RoundInt();
			if (amount > currentPower)
				amount = currentPower;
			Power = currentPower - amount;

			DoSpellDamage(attacker, effect, (int)(amount * dmgFactor));
コード例 #31
 protected SpellEffectHandler(SpellCast cast, SpellEffect effect)
     m_cast = cast;
     Effect = effect;