public override void update(float t) { float newT = 0; if (FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0) || FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1)) { newT = t; } else { float s = _period / 4; t = t - 1; newT = -Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * t) * Mathf.Sin((t - s) * (Mathf.PI * 2) / _period); } _inner.update(newT); }
public override void update(float t) { // prevents rouding errors if (!FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1) && !FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0)) { t *= 2; if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1)) { t = 0.5f * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); } else { t = 0.5f * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * (t - 1)) + 2); } } _inner.update(t); }
protected float bounceTime(float t) { if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1 / 2.75f)) { return(7.5625f * t * t); } else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 2 / 2.75f)) { t -= 1.5f / 2.75f; return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.75f); } else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 2.5f / 2.75f)) { t -= 2.25f / 2.75f; return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.9375f); } t -= 2.625f / 2.75f; return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.984375f); }
public static CGAffineTransform Invert(CGAffineTransform xform) { CGAffineTransform result; float determinant; determinant = xform.a * xform.d - xform.c * xform.b; if (FloatUtils.EQ(determinant, 0)) { return(xform); } result.a = xform.d / determinant; result.b = -xform.b / determinant; result.c = -xform.c / determinant; result.d = xform.a / determinant; result.tx = (-xform.d * xform.tx + xform.c * xform.ty) / determinant; result.ty = (xform.b * xform.tx - xform.a * xform.ty) / determinant; return(result); }
// Needed for BridgeSupport public override void update(float t) { if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 0.5f)) { t = Mathf.Pow(t * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder); } else { if (_hasInflection) { t = Mathf.Pow((t - 1.0f) * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder) + 1.0f; } else { t = -Mathf.Pow((t - 1.0f) * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder) + 1.0f; } } _inner.update(t); }
public override void update(float t) { float newT; // prevents possible rounding errors if (FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0) || FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1)) { newT = t; } else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 0.5f)) { t = t * 2; newT = (1 - bounceTime(1 - t)) * 0.5f; } else { newT = bounceTime(t * 2 - 1) * 0.5f + 0.5f; } _inner.update(newT); }
public void playAnimation(string anmName, int start) { NSUtils.Assert(start >= 0, "{0}#playAnimation start frame should not be {1}.", GetType().Name, start); AnimationClip clip = getAnimationClip(anmName); NSUtils.Assert(clip != null, "{0}#playAnimation {1} not found.", GetType().Name, anmName); int totalFrames = getTotalFrames(anmName); NSUtils.Assert(start < totalFrames, "{0}#playAnimation start frame {1} should not bigger than {2}.", GetType().Name, start, totalFrames); float startTime = Mathf.Clamp01(1f * start / totalFrames); if (FloatUtils.ES(_transitionDuration, 0)) { _fbxAnimator.Play(anmName, 0, startTime); } else { _fbxAnimator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(anmName, _transitionDuration, 0, startTime * clip.length); } }
public virtual void updateTransform() { if (_isUpdateTransformDirty) { //position Vector2 pInParentAR = _position; if (_parent != null) { if (_parent.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition) { if (FloatUtils.NEQ(_parent.scaleX, 0) && FloatUtils.NEQ(_parent.scaleY, 0)) { pInParentAR += new Vector2(_parent.anchorPointInPixels.x * (1 / _parent.scaleX - 1), _parent.anchorPointInPixels.y * (1 / _parent.scaleY - 1)); } } else { pInParentAR -= _parent.anchorPointInPixels; } } Vector2 uPInParentAR = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits(pInParentAR); Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition; pos.x = uPInParentAR.x; pos.y = uPInParentAR.y; pos.z = 0; transform.localPosition = pos; //rotation Vector3 rotation = calculateRotation(); transform.localEulerAngles =; transform.Rotate(rotation.x, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, rotation.y, 0); transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotation.z); //scale transform.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(_scaleX), Mathf.Abs(_scaleY), transform.localScale.z); _isUpdateTransformDirty = false; } }
// issue #80. Instead of hooking step:, hook update: since it can be called by any // container action like CCRepeat, CCSequence, CCEase, etc.. public override void update(float dt) { if (FloatUtils.EB(dt, _nextDt)) { while (FloatUtils.Big(dt, _nextDt) && _total < _times) { _innerAction.update(1.0f); _total++; _innerAction.stop(); _innerAction.startWithTarget(_target); _nextDt += _innerAction.duration / _duration; } // fix for issue #1288, incorrect end value of repeat if (FloatUtils.EB(dt, 1.0f) && _total < _times) { _total++; } // don't set a instantaction back or update it, it has no use because it has no duration if (!_isActionInstant) { if (_total == _times) { _innerAction.update(1); _innerAction.stop(); } else { // issue #390 prevent jerk, use right update _innerAction.update(dt - (_nextDt - _innerAction.duration / _duration)); } } } else { _innerAction.update((dt * _times) % 1.0f); } }
public void SendEvent(AnimationEvent evt) { if (_eventHandler != null) { AnimatorStateInfo evtInfo = evt.animatorStateInfo; AnimatorStateInfo curInfo = _animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); AnimatorStateInfo nextInfo = _animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0); bool isInTransition = _animator.IsInTransition(0); //skip previous events if (isInTransition) { if (evtInfo.fullPathHash != nextInfo.fullPathHash) { return; } //skip previous events when curState == nextStateInfo and real time < evt time. //it might has bug here if (curInfo.fullPathHash == nextInfo.fullPathHash) { float evtSupposedTime = evt.time / evtInfo.length; float evtRealTime = (evtInfo.normalizedTime) % 1; if (FloatUtils.Small(evtRealTime, evtSupposedTime)) { return; } } } else { if (evtInfo.fullPathHash != curInfo.fullPathHash) { return; } } _eventHandler(evt); } }
public void initWithAction(CCActionFiniteTime one, CCActionFiniteTime two) { NSUtils.Assert(one != null && two != null, "Sequence: arguments must be non-nil"); NSUtils.Assert(one != _one && one != _two, "Spawn: reinit using same parameters is not supported"); NSUtils.Assert(two != _two && two != _one, "Spawn: reinit using same parameters is not supported"); float d1 = one.duration; float d2 = two.duration; base.initWithDuration(Mathf.Max(d1, d2)); _one = one; _two = two; if (FloatUtils.Big(d1, d2)) { _two = CCSequence.Actions(two, new CCDelayTime(d1 - d2)); } else if (d1 < d2) { _one = CCSequence.Actions(one, new CCDelayTime(d2 - d1)); } }
public override void update(float t) { _inner.update(FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1) ? 1 : (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * t / 1) + 1)); }
public override void update(float t) { _inner.update(FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0) ? 0 : Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (t / 1 - 1)) /* - 1 * 0.001f */); }
/** returns YES if the action has finished */ public override bool isDone() { return(FloatUtils.EB(_elapsed, _duration)); }
public override void ccTouchMoved(UITouch touch) { if (scrollTouch_ != touch) { return; } Vector2 touchPoint = this.convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch); touchPoint = this.convertToWorldSpace(touchPoint); // If finger is dragged for more distance then minimum - start sliding and cancel pressed buttons. // Of course only if we not already in sliding mode if ((state_ != kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding) && (Mathf.Abs(touchPoint.x - startSwipe_) >= this.minimumTouchLengthToSlide)) { state_ = kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding; // Avoid jerk after state change. startSwipe_ = touchPoint.x; if (this.stealTouches) { this.claimTouch(touch); } if (this.delegate_ != null) { this.delegate_.scrollLayerDraging(this); } } if (state_ == kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding) { float desiredX = (-currentScreen_ * (this.contentSize.x - this.pagesWidthOffset)) + touchPoint.x - startSwipe_; int page = this.pageNumberForPosition(new Vector2(desiredX, 0)); float offset = desiredX - this.positionForPageWithNumber(page).x; if ((page == 0 && FloatUtils.Big(offset, 0)) || (page == layers_.Count - 1 && FloatUtils.Small(offset, 0))) { offset -= marginOffset_ * offset / CCDirector.sharedDirector.winSize.x; } else { offset = 0; } this.position = new Vector2(desiredX - offset, 0); } }
public static CCTMXMap Parse(string file, NSDictionary tilesetCaches = null) { string text = LoadText(file); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(text); XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; // get mapWidth, mapHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight XmlNode mapNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; float version = float.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["version"].InnerText); if (!FloatUtils.EQ(version, 1.0f)) { CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:CCTMXMap: Found {0} tmx file, but only 1.0 version was tested.", version); } string dir = file.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file), ""); CCTMXMap map = new CCTMXMap(); map.fileName = file; map.cols = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["width"].InnerText); map.rows = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["height"].InnerText); map.tileWidth = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["tilewidth"].InnerText); map.tileHeight = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["tileheight"].InnerText); Dictionary <int, string> gidToFiles = new Dictionary <int, string> (256); Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > gidToTileProperties = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > (256); List <CCTMXLayer> layers = new List <CCTMXLayer> (8); var enumerator = nodeList.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XmlNode nodeData = (XmlNode)enumerator.Current; if (nodeData.Name == "tileset") { ParseTileset(nodeData, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties, dir, tilesetCaches); } else if (nodeData.Name == "layer") { CCTMXLayer layer = ParseLayer(nodeData, map.cols, map.rows, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties); layers.Add(layer); } else if (nodeData.Name == "objectgroup") { CCTMXLayer layer = ParseObjectGroup(nodeData, map.cols, map.rows, map.tileWidth, map.tileHeight, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties); layers.Add(layer); } else if (nodeData.Name == "properties") { if ( == null) { = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } ParseProperties(nodeData,; } } map.gidToFiles = gidToFiles; map.gidToTileProperties = gidToTileProperties; map.layers = layers.ToArray(); return(map); }
// Helper protected void updateTexture() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_text)) { _content.mesh.text = _text; return; } if (FloatUtils.EQ(_dimensions.x, 0)) { _content.mesh.text = _text; Bounds localBounds = getLocalbounds(); Vector2 textSize = ccUtils.UnitsToPixels(localBounds.size); this.contentSize = textSize; } else { StringBuilder finalText = new StringBuilder(); string originalText = _text; int preEmptyCharIndex = -1; for (int i = 1; i <= originalText.Length; i++) { char c = originalText[i - 1]; if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { preEmptyCharIndex = i - 1; } string tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, i); if (c == '\n') { finalText.Append(tmpStr); originalText = originalText.Substring(i); i = 0; preEmptyCharIndex = -1; } _content.mesh.text = tmpStr; Bounds localBounds = getLocalbounds(); Vector2 csize = ccUtils.UnitsToPixels(localBounds.size); if (FloatUtils.Big(csize.x, _dimensions.x)) { if (preEmptyCharIndex == -1) { tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, --i); } else { tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, preEmptyCharIndex); i = preEmptyCharIndex + 1; preEmptyCharIndex = -1; } finalText.Append(tmpStr); if (i < originalText.Length) { finalText.Append("\n"); originalText = originalText.Substring(i); i = 0; } } else if (i == originalText.Length) { tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, i); finalText.Append(tmpStr); break; } // string tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, i); // _content.mesh.text = tmpStr; // Vector2 csize = _content.renderer.bounds.size; // csize = ccUtils.UnitsToPixels(csize); // if(FloatUtils.Small(csize.x , _dimensions.x) || i==1){ // tmpStr = originalText.Substring(0, i); // finalText += tmpStr; // if(i<originalText.Length){ // finalText += "\n"; // originalText = originalText.Substring(i); // i = originalText.Length+1; // }else{ // break; // } // } } _content.mesh.text = finalText.ToString(); Bounds bounds = getLocalbounds(); Vector2 textSize = ccUtils.UnitsToPixels(bounds.size); this.contentSize = textSize; } _isContentDirty = true; }
protected override CCAction reverseImpl() { return(new CCShake(this.duration, amplitude, dampening, FloatUtils.EQ(shakeInterval, 0) ? 0 : Mathf.RoundToInt(1 / shakeInterval))); }
public override void updateTransform() { if (_isUpdateTransformDirty) { //position Vector2 pInParentAR = _position; if (_parent != null) { if (_parent.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition) { if (FloatUtils.NEQ(_parent.scaleX, 0) && FloatUtils.NEQ(_parent.scaleY, 0)) { pInParentAR += new Vector2(_parent.anchorPointInPixels.x * (1 / _parent.scaleX - 1), _parent.anchorPointInPixels.y * (1 / _parent.scaleY - 1)); } } else { pInParentAR -= _parent.anchorPointInPixels; } } Vector2 uPInParentAR = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits(pInParentAR); Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition; pos.x = uPInParentAR.x; pos.y = uPInParentAR.y; pos.z = _positionZ / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT; transform.localPosition = pos; //rotation transform.localPosition = pos; transform.localEulerAngles =; switch (_rotationSortingOrder) { case kRotationSortingOrder.XYZ: transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); break; case kRotationSortingOrder.XZY: transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); break; case kRotationSortingOrder.YXZ: transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); break; case kRotationSortingOrder.YZX: transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); break; case kRotationSortingOrder.ZXY: transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); break; case kRotationSortingOrder.ZYX: transform.Rotate(0, 0, -_rotation); transform.Rotate(0, -_rotationY, 0); transform.Rotate(-_rotationX, 0, 0); break; } //scale transform.localScale = new Vector3(_scaleX, _scaleY, _scaleZ); _isUpdateTransformDirty = false; } }
public override void startWithTarget(object aTarget) { NSUtils.Assert(aTarget is CC3Node, "CC3Rotate only supports with CC3Node, and target is {0}.", aTarget); base.startWithTarget(aTarget); //Calculate angle CC3Node node = (CC3Node)_target; _startAngle = new Vector3(node.rotationX, node.rotationY, node.rotation); if (FloatUtils.Big(_startAngle.x, 0)) { _startAngle.x = _startAngle.x % 360.0f; } else { _startAngle.x = _startAngle.x % -360.0f; } if (FloatUtils.Big(_startAngle.y, 0)) { _startAngle.y = _startAngle.y % 360.0f; } else { _startAngle.y = _startAngle.y % -360.0f; } if (FloatUtils.Big(_startAngle.z, 0)) { _startAngle.z = _startAngle.z % 360.0f; } else { _startAngle.z = _startAngle.z % -360.0f; } _diffAngle = _dstAngle - _startAngle; if (FloatUtils.Big(_diffAngle.x, 180)) { _diffAngle.x -= 360; } if (FloatUtils.Small(_diffAngle.x, -180)) { _diffAngle.x += 360; } if (FloatUtils.Big(_diffAngle.y, 180)) { _diffAngle.y -= 360; } if (FloatUtils.Small(_diffAngle.y, -180)) { _diffAngle.y += 360; } if (FloatUtils.Big(_diffAngle.z, 180)) { _diffAngle.z -= 360; } if (FloatUtils.Small(_diffAngle.z, -180)) { _diffAngle.z += 360; } }
static void CheckSemiTransparentSprite(NSDictionary dictionary, Texture2D texture) { NSDictionary metadataDict = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("metadata"); NSDictionary framesDict = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("frames"); // get the format int format = 0; if (metadataDict != null) { format = metadataDict.objectForKey <int> ("format"); } // get texture size Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height); // check the format NSUtils.Assert(format >= 0 && format <= 3, @"cocos2d: WARNING: format is not supported for CCSpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithDictionary:texture:"); // SpriteFrame info Rect rect = new Rect(); bool textureRotated = false; // add real frames var enumerator = framesDict.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <object, object> frameDictKeyValue = enumerator.Current; NSDictionary frameDict = (NSDictionary)frameDictKeyValue.Value; if (format == 0) { float x = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("x"); float y = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("y"); float w = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("width"); float h = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("height"); int ow = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalWidth"); int oh = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalHeight"); // check ow/oh if (ow == 0 || oh == 0) { CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist"); } // abs ow/oh ow = Math.Abs(ow); oh = Math.Abs(oh); // set frame info rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h); textureRotated = false; } else if (format == 1 || format == 2) { Rect frame = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("frame")); bool rotated = false; // rotation if (format == 2) { rotated = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("rotated"); } // set frame info rect = frame; textureRotated = rotated; } else if (format == 3) { // get values Vector2 spriteSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSize")); Rect textureRect = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("textureRect")); bool textureRotated_ = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("textureRotated"); // set frame info rect = new Rect(textureRect.position.x, textureRect.position.y, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y); textureRotated = textureRotated_; } if (textureRotated) { rect.size = new Vector2(rect.size.y, rect.size.x); } rect.y = textureSize.y - rect.y - rect.height; // add sprite frame int rectX = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.xMin); int rectY = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.yMin); int rectW = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.width); int rectH = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.height); bool isSemi = false; for (int x = 0; x < rectW; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < rectH; y++) { Color color = texture.GetPixel(rectX + x, rectY + y); if (FloatUtils.Big(color.a, 0) && FloatUtils.Small(color.a, 1)) { isSemi = true; break; } } if (isSemi) { break; } } frameDict.Add("semi", isSemi); } }
//-------------update------------ /** 'update' the scheduler. * You should NEVER call this method, unless you know what you are doing. */ public void update(float dt) { if (_paused) { return; } updateHashLocked = true; if (!FloatUtils.EQ(_timeScale, 1.0f)) { dt *= _timeScale; } // Iterate all over the Updates selectors // updates with priority < 0 { for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updatesNeg.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (!entry.obj.paused && !entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { entry.obj.impMethod.Invoke(dt); } } } // updates with priority == 0 { for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updates0.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (!entry.obj.paused && !entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { entry.obj.impMethod.Invoke(dt); } } } // updates with priority > 0 { for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updatesPos.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (!entry.obj.paused && !entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { entry.obj.impMethod.Invoke(dt); } } } // Iterate all over the custom selectors (CCTimers) if (hashForTimers.Any()) { var enumerator = new Dictionary <int, tHashTimerEntry>(hashForTimers).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { var elt = enumerator.Current.Value; currentTarget = elt; currentTargetSalvaged = false; if (!currentTarget.paused) { for (elt.timerIndex = 0; elt.timerIndex < elt.timers.Count; elt.timerIndex++) { elt.currentTimer = elt.timers[elt.timerIndex]; elt.currentTimerSalvaged = false; elt.currentTimer.update(dt); elt.currentTimer = null; } } if (currentTargetSalvaged && currentTarget.timers.Count == 0) { removeHashElement(currentTarget); } } } for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updatesNeg.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { removeUpdatesFromHash(entry); } } for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updates0.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { removeUpdatesFromHash(entry); } } for (utNode <tListEntry> tmp = updatesPos.head; tmp != null; tmp = { utNode <tListEntry> entry = tmp; if (entry.obj.markedForDeletion) { removeUpdatesFromHash(entry); } } updateHashLocked = false; currentTarget = null; }
public void OnUpdate(CADisplayLink sender) { bool hasTouchesBegan = false; bool hasTouchesMoved = false; bool hasTouchesEnded = false; bool hasTouchesCancelled = false; int touchCount = Input.touchCount; if (touchCount > 0) { int count = Input.touches.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Touch touch = Input.touches [i]; UITouch uiTouch = new UITouch(); uiTouch.fingerId = touch.fingerId; uiTouch.phase = touch.phase; Vector3 p = touch.position; p.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z; uiTouch.location = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(p) * PIXEL_PER_UNIT; uiTouch.tapCount = touch.tapCount; uiTouch.timestamp = DateTime.Now; if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { touchesBegan.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesBegan = true; } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { touchesMoved.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesMoved = true; } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { touchesEnded.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesEnded = true; } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) { touchesCancelled.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesCancelled = true; } } } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP8_1 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { UITouch uiTouch = new UITouch(); uiTouch.fingerId = UITouch.SINGLE_TOUCH_ID; uiTouch.phase = TouchPhase.Began; Vector3 p = Input.mousePosition; p.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z; uiTouch.location = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(p) * PIXEL_PER_UNIT; uiTouch.tapCount = 1; uiTouch.timestamp = DateTime.Now; touchesBegan.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesBegan = true; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { UITouch uiTouch = new UITouch(); uiTouch.fingerId = UITouch.SINGLE_TOUCH_ID; uiTouch.phase = TouchPhase.Ended; Vector3 p = Input.mousePosition; p.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z; uiTouch.location = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(p) * PIXEL_PER_UNIT; uiTouch.tapCount = 1; uiTouch.timestamp = DateTime.Now; touchesEnded.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesEnded = true; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { UITouch uiTouch = new UITouch(); uiTouch.fingerId = UITouch.SINGLE_TOUCH_ID; uiTouch.phase = TouchPhase.Moved; Vector3 p = Input.mousePosition; p.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z; uiTouch.location = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(p) * PIXEL_PER_UNIT; uiTouch.tapCount = 1; uiTouch.timestamp = DateTime.Now; touchesMoved.Add(uiTouch); hasTouchesMoved = true; } #endif #endif } if (hasTouchesBegan) { _rootViewController.view.touchesBegan(touchesBegan); } if (hasTouchesMoved) { _rootViewController.view.touchesMoved(touchesMoved); } if (hasTouchesEnded) { _rootViewController.view.touchesEnded(touchesEnded); } if (hasTouchesCancelled) { _rootViewController.view.touchesCancelled(touchesCancelled); } touchesBegan.Clear(); touchesMoved.Clear(); touchesEnded.Clear(); touchesCancelled.Clear(); #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_WEBGL if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.mouseDown(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.mouseUp(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.mouseDragged(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.rightMouseDown(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.rightMouseUp(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.rightMouseDragged(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.otherMouseDown(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.otherMouseUp(nsevent); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); _rootViewController.view.otherMouseDragged(nsevent); } else { float d = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (!FloatUtils.EQ(d, 0)) { NSEvent wheelEvt = getMouseEvent(); wheelEvt.mouseWheelDelta = d; _rootViewController.view.scrollWheel(wheelEvt); } float dx = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); float dy = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); if (!FloatUtils.EQ(dx, 0) || !FloatUtils.EQ(dy, 0)) { NSEvent nsevent = getMouseEvent(); nsevent.mouseDelta = new Vector2(dx, dy) * PIXEL_PER_UNIT; _rootViewController.view.mouseMoved(nsevent); } } //Keybaord Events keyboardEvent(); #endif }
public override void update(float t) { int found = 0; float new_t = 0; CCAction action0 = _actions [0]; CCAction action1 = _actions [1]; if (FloatUtils.Small(t, _split)) { // action[0] found = 0; if (!FloatUtils.EQ(_split, 0)) { new_t = t / _split; } else { new_t = 1; } } else { // action[1] found = 1; if (FloatUtils.EQ(_split, 1)) { new_t = 1; } else { new_t = (t - _split) / (1 - _split); } } if (found == 1) { if (_last == -1) { // action[0] was skipped, execute it. action0.startWithTarget(_target); action0.update(1.0f); action0.stop(); } else if (_last == 0) { // switching to action 1. stop action 0. action0.update(1.0f); action0.stop(); } } else if (found == 0 && _last == 1) { // Reverse mode ? // XXX: Bug. this case doesn't contemplate when _last==-1, found=0 and in "reverse mode" // since it will require a hack to know if an action is on reverse mode or not. // "step" should be overriden, and the "reverseMode" value propagated to inner Sequences. action1.update(0); action1.stop(); } // Last action found and it is done. if (found == _last && _actions[found].isDone()) { return; } // New action. Start it. if (found != _last) { _actions[found].startWithTarget(_target); } _actions[found].update(new_t); _last = found; }