public async Task <List <Contato> > BuscaContatos() { var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(); List <Contato> ct = new List <Contato>(); await book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Permission denied by user or manifest"); } Parallel.ForEach(book, contact => { if (contact.Phones.Any()) { ct.Add(new Contato() { Nome = contact.DisplayName, Telefone = contact.Phones.FirstOrDefault().Number }); } }); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); return(ct); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); MessagingCenter.Subscribe<object>(this, "get", (o) => { var book = new AddressBook(this); //if (!await book.RequestPermission()) //{ // Toast.MakeText(this, "Go to ass", ToastLength.Long).Show(); // return; //} int counter = 0; //var kj = book.ToList<Contact>(); foreach (var item in book)//.OrderBy(x => x.Emails!=null || x.Emails.Count<Email>()!=0/*.First<Email>().Address*/)) { var numb = item.Emails.Count<Email>(); if(numb>0) MessagingCenter.Send<object, string>(this, "contact", item.Emails.FirstOrDefault<Email>().Address); Console.WriteLine(counter++); //if (counter > 2) // return; } }); global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle); LoadApplication(new App()); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); SetupUI(); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(); // We must request permission to access the user's address book // This will prompt the user on platforms that ask, or it will validate // manifest permissions on platforms that declare their required permissions. book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { alert = new UIAlertView("Permission denied", "User has denied this app access to their contacts", null, "Close"); alert.Show(); } else { // Contacts can be selected and sorted using LINQ! // // In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to sort contacts by // their last name in reverse order. list = book.OrderByDescending(c => c.LastName).ToList(); tableView.Source = new TableViewDataSource(list); tableView.ReloadData(); } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
protected override void OnActivityResult (int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == ligacao_agenda && resultCode == Result.Ok) { if (data == null || data.Data == null) return; var addressBook = new AddressBook (this); addressBook.PreferContactAggregation = true; var pathSegments = data.Data.PathSegments; var contact = addressBook.Load (pathSegments[pathSegments.Count - 1]); if (contact == null) contact = addressBook.Load (pathSegments[pathSegments.Count - 2]); if (contact == null) return; var mobile = (from p in contact.Phones where p.Type == Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Mobile select p.Number).FirstOrDefault (); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (mobile)) return; var uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse (string.Format ("tel:{0}", mobile)); var intent = new Intent (Intent.ActionView, uri); StartActivity (intent); } }
public void GetEmailList(EmailListFragment fragment,ViewGroup rootview) { nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.AddSpinner(rootview,"Loading"); }); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (nn_activity); book.ToList ().ForEach (p=>{ string name = ""; if (p.FirstName != null) { name += p.FirstName+" "; } if (p.LastName != null) { name += p.LastName; } List<Email> emaillist = p.Emails.ToList (); if (emaillist.Count > 0) { foreach(var email in emaillist){ ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo (name,email.Address); contactinfolist.Add (info); break; } } } ); nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.RemoveSpinner(rootview); fragment.adapter.notifycontactlistdatachange(); }); }
private void Dial() { var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(this); book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Permission denied by user or manifest"); return; } var validContacts = book.Where(a => a.Phones.Any(b => b.Number.Any())).ToList(); var totalValidContacts = validContacts.Count; if (totalValidContacts < 1) { var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.SetTitle("No valid Contacts Found"); alert.SetMessage("No valid Contacts Found"); } var rnd = new Random(); Contact contact = null; while (contact == null) { contact = validContacts.Skip(rnd.Next(0, totalValidContacts)).FirstOrDefault(); } var urlNumber = Android.Net.Uri.Parse("tel:" + contact.Phones.First().Number); var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionCall); intent.SetData(urlNumber); this.StartActivity(intent); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); SetupUI(); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (); // We must request permission to access the user's address book // This will prompt the user on platforms that ask, or it will validate // manifest permissions on platforms that declare their required permissions. book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t => { if (!t.Result) { alert = new UIAlertView ("Permission denied", "User has denied this app access to their contacts", null, "Close"); alert.Show(); } else { // Contacts can be selected and sorted using LINQ! // // In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to sort contacts by // their last name in reverse order. list = book.OrderByDescending (c => c.LastName).ToList(); tableView.Source = new TableViewDataSource (list); tableView.ReloadData(); } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public void GetContactList(ContactListFragment fragment,ViewGroup rootview) { nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.AddSpinner(rootview,"Loading"); }); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (nn_activity); book.ToList ().ForEach (p=>{ string name = ""; if (p.FirstName != null) { name += p.FirstName+" "; } if (p.LastName != null) { name += p.LastName; } List<Phone> phonelist = p.Phones.ToList (); if (phonelist.Count > 0) { foreach(var phone in phonelist){ if(phone.Type.Equals(Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Mobile)){ ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo (name,phone.Number); contactinfolist.Add (info); break; } } } } ); nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.RemoveSpinner(rootview); fragment.adapter.notifycontactlistdatachange(); }); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // // get the address book, which gives us access to the // the contacts store // var book = new AddressBook (this); // // important: PreferContactAggregation must be set to the // the same value when looking up contacts by ID // since we look up contacts by ID on the subsequent // ContactsActivity in this sample, we will set both to true // book.PreferContactAggregation = true; // // loop through the contacts and put them into a List<String> // // Note that the contacts are ordered by last name - contacts can be selected and sorted using LINQ! // A more performant solution would create a custom adapter to lazily pull the contacts // // In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to grab the first 10 users with mobile phone entries // foreach (Contact contact in book.Where(c => c.Phones.Any(p => p.Type == PhoneType.Mobile)).Take(10)) { contacts.Add(contact.DisplayName); contactIDs.Add(contact.Id); //save the ID in a parallel list } ListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<string> (this, Resource.Layout.list_item, contacts.ToArray()); ListView.TextFilterEnabled = true; // // When clicked, start a new activity to display more contact details // ListView.ItemClick += delegate (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs args) { // // to show the contact on the details activity, we // need to send that activity the contacts ID // String contactID = contactIDs[args.Position]; Intent showContactDetails = new Intent(this, typeof(ContactActivity)); showContactDetails.PutExtra("contactID", contactID); StartActivity(showContactDetails); // // alternatively, show a toast with the name of the contact selected // //Toast.MakeText (Application, ((TextView)args.View).Text, ToastLength.Short).Show (); }; }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); this.Title = "Contacts"; list = new List<Contact>(); // // get the address book, which gives us access to the // the contacts store // var book = new AddressBook (); // // important: PreferContactAggregation must be set to the // the same value when looking up contacts by ID // since we look up contacts by ID on the subsequent // ContactsActivity in this sample, we will set to false // book.PreferContactAggregation = true; // // loop through the contacts and put them into a List // // contacts can be selected and sorted using linq! // // In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to grab the first 10 users with mobile phone entries // foreach (Contact contact in book.Where(c => c.Phones.Any(p => p.Type == PhoneType.Mobile)).Take(10)) { list.Add(contact); } // // create a tableview and use the list as the datasource // tableView = new UITableView() { Delegate = new TableViewDelegate(this), DataSource = new TableViewDataSource(list), AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight| UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth, }; // // size the tableview and add it to the parent view // tableView.SizeToFit(); tableView.Frame = new RectangleF ( 0, 0, this.View.Frame.Width, this.View.Frame.Height); this.View.AddSubview(tableView); }
public void CheckAccessPermission(Action<bool> onResult) { Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (); book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t => { if (!t.Result) { onResult(false); } else onResult(true); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public void CheckAccessPermission(Action <bool> onResult) { Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(); book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { onResult(false); } else { onResult(true); } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public List <Person> GetPeople() { NSError error; List <Person> result = new List <Person> (); Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(); ABAddressBook nativeBook = ABAddressBook.Create(out error); nativeBook.ExternalChange += BookChanged; foreach (Xamarin.Contacts.Contact c in book) { if (c.Phones.Count() > 0) { Person p = new Person(Convert.ToInt32(c.Id), c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName); p.ModificationDate = nativeBook.GetPerson(p.Id).ModificationDate; p.NickName = c.Nickname; if (c.Organizations.Count() > 0) { p.Organization = c.Organizations.ElementAt(0).Name; } p.Notes = String.Concat(c.Notes.Select(n => n.Contents)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Phone phone in c.Phones) { PhoneNumber pnb = new PhoneNumber() { Type = (PhoneNumberType)((int)phone.Type), Number = phone.Number }; p.Phones.Add(pnb); sb.AppendFormat("{0},{1};", (int)pnb.Type, pnb.Number); } p.DetailData = p.Details; p.PhoneData = sb.ToString(); result.Add(p); } } return(result); }
public async void GetMobileContacts(ContatoViewModel vm) { var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(); if (await book.RequestPermission()) { foreach (Contact contact in book) { SetContato(contact, vm); } } else { var message = "Permissão negada. Habite acesso a lista de contatos"; UIAlertView avAlert = new UIAlertView("Autorização", message, null, "OK", null); avAlert.Show(); } }
public async Task<List<string>> GetContacts() { List<string> contactList = null; try { await Task.Run(async () => { contactList = new List<string>(); var book = new AddressBook(MainActivity.GetMainActivity()); if (!await book.RequestPermission()) { Toast.MakeText(MainActivity.GetMainActivity(), "Permission denied.", ToastLength.Short); return; } //foreach (Xamarin.Contacts.Contact contact in book.OrderBy(c => c.LastName)) try { book.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayName); } catch (Exception ex) { var test = ex.Message; } foreach (Xamarin.Contacts.Contact contact in book) { if (contact.FirstName != null && contact.FirstName.Trim().Length > 0 && contact.Phones != null && contact.Phones.Count() > 0) contactList.Add(contact.FirstName); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { var test = ex.Message; } return contactList; }
public void GetContactList(ContactListFragment fragment,ViewGroup rootview) { nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.AddSpinner(rootview,"Loading"); }); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (nn_activity); List<Contact> list = book.ToList (); list.Sort ( delegate(Contact x, Contact y) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.FirstName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(y.FirstName)) return 0; else if (x.FirstName == null) return -1; else if (y.FirstName == null) return 1; else return x.FirstName.CompareTo(y.FirstName); }); list.ForEach (p=>{ string name = ""; if (p.FirstName != null) { name += p.FirstName+" "; } if (p.LastName != null) { name += p.LastName; } List<Phone> phonelist = p.Phones.ToList (); if (phonelist.Count > 0) { foreach(var phone in phonelist){ if(phone.Type.Equals(Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Mobile)){ ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo (name,phone.Number); contactinfolist.Add (info); break; } } } } ); nn_activity.RunOnUiThread(()=>{ fragment.RemoveSpinner(rootview); fragment.adapter.notifycontactlistdatachange(); }); }
//Get Photo and Name from Contact protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode != 101 || resultCode != Result.Ok) return; if (data == null || data.Data == null) return; var addressBook = new AddressBook(Application.Context) { PreferContactAggregation = false }; var contact = addressBook.Load(data.Data.LastPathSegment); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.DisplayName)) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.NoNameString), ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } _editText.Text = contact.DisplayName; PlayerImage = contact.GetThumbnail(); }
public async void GetMobileContacts(ContatoViewModel vm) { var context = Forms.Context as Activity; var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(context); if (await book.RequestPermission()) { foreach (Contact contact in book) { AdicionarContato(contact, vm); } } else { AlertDialog.Builder messageUI = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); messageUI.SetMessage("Permissao negada. Habite acesso a lista de contatos"); messageUI.SetTitle("Autorizacao"); messageUI.Create().Show(); } }
public async void GetMobileContacts(ContatoViewModel vm) { #pragma warning disable CS0618 // O tipo ou membro é obsoleto var context = Forms.Context as Activity; #pragma warning restore CS0618 // O tipo ou membro é obsoleto var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(context); if (await book.RequestPermission()) { foreach (Contact contact in book) { SetContato(contact, vm); } } else { AlertDialog.Builder messageUI = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); messageUI.SetMessage("Permissão negada. Habite acesso a lista de contatos"); messageUI.SetTitle("Autorização"); messageUI.Create().Show(); } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); this.Window.AddFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen); RequestWindowFeature(WindowFeatures.NoTitle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.FriendsList); frView = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.listView1); friendsList = new List <string>(); var book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(this); foreach (var contact in book) { friendsList.Add(contact.DisplayName); } ArrayAdapter <string> adapter = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItemActivated1, friendsList); frView.Adapter = adapter; frView.ChoiceMode = ChoiceMode.Multiple; }
public IEnumerable<SelectableContact> GetContactsWithEmailAddresses() { #if MONOANDROID var androidGlobals = this.GetService<Cirrious.MvvmCross.Droid.Interfaces.IMvxAndroidGlobals>(); var ab = new AddressBook(androidGlobals.ApplicationContext); #else var ab = new AddressBook(); #endif var allContacts = ab.ToList(); return (from c in allContacts orderby c.DisplayName where c.Emails != null && c.Emails.Any() let email = c.Emails.FirstOrDefault() where email != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(email.Address) select new SelectableContact { DisplayName = c.DisplayName, Email = email.Address, IsSelected = false }).ToList(); }
public void Execute () { var abook = new AddressBook(); abook.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t => { if (!t.Result) return; // Permission denied _persons = new List<Person>(); // Full LINQ support foreach (Contact c in abook) { _persons.Add(new Person(c.FirstName, c.LastName)); } PersonsAccessed(this, EventArgs.Empty); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); // Ensure we're on the UI Thread }
public DroidDeviceUsersService() { _book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook(Forms.Context.ApplicationContext); }
//Get Photo and Name from Contact protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { try { if (resultCode == Result.Canceled) return; if (requestCode == 2) { _player.FromContacts = false; data.GetMediaFileExtraAsync(this).ContinueWith(t => PlayerImagePath = t.Result.Path); } if (requestCode == 3) { if (data == null || data.Data == null) return; var addressBook = new AddressBook(Application.Context) { PreferContactAggregation = false }; var contact = addressBook.Load(data.Data.LastPathSegment); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.DisplayName)) Toast.MakeText(this, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.NoNameString), ToastLength.Short) .Show(); else _editText.Text = contact.DisplayName; if (contact.GetThumbnail() != null) { _player.FromContacts = true; PlayerImagePath = data.Data.LastPathSegment; } else { _player.FromContacts = false; PlayerImagePath = null; } } } catch (Exception exception) { GaService.TrackAppException(this.Class, "OnActivityResult", exception, false); } }
public void LoadBitmap(int desiredSize) { try { if (Image != null) { Image.Recycle(); Image.Dispose(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhotoPath)) { SetDefaultImage(); } else if (FromContacts) { var addressBook = new AddressBook(Application.Context) { PreferContactAggregation = false }; var contact = addressBook.Load(PhotoPath); var image = contact.GetThumbnail(); Image = image == null ? GetDefaultImage() : image.GetRoundedCornerBitmap(); } else { var image = BitmapExtensions.DecodeBitmap(PhotoPath, desiredSize, desiredSize); Image = image == null ? GetDefaultImage() : image.GetRoundedCornerBitmap(); } } catch (Exception ex) { GaService.TrackAppException("Player", "LoadBitmap", ex, false); SetDefaultImage(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhotoPath)) PhotoPath = null; } }
private static void AddContactInfo(ABPerson selectedPerson, Item item) { // find the contact in the address book var book = new AddressBook(); Contact contact = null; if (book.LoadSupported) contact = book.Load(selectedPerson.Id.ToString()); else contact = book.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == selectedPerson.Id.ToString()); if (contact == null) return; // make a copy of the item var itemCopy = new Item(item, true); // get more info from the address book var mobile = (from p in contact.Phones where p.Type == Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Mobile select p.Number).FirstOrDefault(); var home = (from p in contact.Phones where p.Type == Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Home select p.Number).FirstOrDefault(); var work = (from p in contact.Phones where p.Type == Xamarin.Contacts.PhoneType.Work select p.Number).FirstOrDefault(); var email = (from em in contact.Emails select em.Address).FirstOrDefault(); //var website = (from w in contact.Websites // select w.Address).FirstOrDefault(); string birthday = null; if (selectedPerson.Birthday != null) birthday = ((DateTime)selectedPerson.Birthday).ToString("d"); if (birthday != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Birthday, true).Value = birthday; if (mobile != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Phone, true).Value = mobile; if (home != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.HomePhone, true).Value = home; if (work != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.WorkPhone, true).Value = work; if (email != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Email, true).Value = email; /* if (website != null) item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Website, true).Value = website */ // save changes to local storage Folder folder = App.ViewModel.LoadFolder(item.FolderID); StorageHelper.WriteFolder(folder); // enqueue the Web Request Record RequestQueue.EnqueueRequestRecord(RequestQueue.UserQueue, new RequestQueue.RequestRecord() { ReqType = RequestQueue.RequestRecord.RequestType.Update, Body = new List<Item>() { itemCopy, item }, BodyTypeName = "Item", ID = item.ID }); // add the zaplify contact header to a special Zaplify "related name" field // use the native address book because the cross-platform AddressBook class is read-only var ab = new ABAddressBook(); var contactToModify = ab.GetPerson(selectedPerson.Id); /* RelatedNames doesn't work on a real device (iPad) var relatedNames = contactToModify.GetRelatedNames().ToMutableMultiValue(); if (relatedNames.Any(name => name.Label == ZaplifyContactHeader)) { // remove the existing one (can't figure out a way to get a mutable ABMultiValueEntry out of zapField) var zapField = relatedNames.Single(name => name.Label == ZaplifyContactHeader); relatedNames.RemoveAt(relatedNames.GetIndexForIdentifier(zapField.Identifier)); } // add the Zaplify related name field with the itemID value relatedNames.Add(item.ID.ToString(), new MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString(ZaplifyContactHeader)); contactToModify.SetRelatedNames(relatedNames); */ var zapField = contactToModify.Note; if (zapField == null) contactToModify.Note = ZaplifyContactHeader + item.ID.ToString(); else { if (zapField.Contains(ZaplifyContactHeader)) { var idstring = GetContactID(zapField); if (idstring != null) contactToModify.Note = zapField.Replace(idstring, item.ID.ToString()); else contactToModify.Note += String.Format("\n{0}{1}", ZaplifyContactHeader, item.ID.ToString()); } else contactToModify.Note += String.Format("\n{0}{1}", ZaplifyContactHeader, item.ID.ToString()); } // save changes to the address book ab.Save(); }
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); // // Get the contact ID that is passed in // from the main activity // String contactID = String.Empty; if(bundle != null) { contactID = bundle.GetString("contactID"); } else { contactID = Intent.GetStringExtra("contactID"); } // // Get the address book // var book = new AddressBook (this); // // Important: PreferContactAggregation must be set to the // the same value as when the ID was generated (from the // previous activity) // book.PreferContactAggregation = true; Contact contact = book.Load (contactID); // // If the contact is empty, we'll // display a 'not found' error // String displayName = "Contact Not Found"; String mobilePhone = String.Empty; // // Set the displayName variable to the contact's // DisplayName property // if(contact != null) { displayName = contact.DisplayName; var phone = contact.Phones.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Type == PhoneType.Mobile); if(phone != null) { mobilePhone = phone.Number; } } // // Show the contacts display name and mobile phone // SetContentView (Resource.Layout.contact_view); var fullNameTextView = FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.full_name); fullNameTextView.Text = displayName; var mobilePhoneTextView = FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.mobile_phone); mobilePhoneTextView.Text = mobilePhone; }
private void CheckForExistingAndContinue(UINavigationController navigationController, User user, bool mainThreadRequired) { KeyValuePair <string, string> namePair = GetFirstAndLastName (user); string firstName = namePair.Key; string lastName = namePair.Value; AddressBook book = new AddressBook (); foreach (Contact contact in book) { if (contact.FirstName == firstName && contact.LastName == lastName) { if (!mainThreadRequired) AskShouldAddDuplicateAndContinue (navigationController, user); else { navigationController.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate { AskShouldAddDuplicateAndContinue (navigationController, user); }); } return; } } if (!mainThreadRequired) ShowAddContactController (navigationController, user); else { navigationController.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate { ShowAddContactController (navigationController, user); }); } }
public static void RefreshPushDirectory() { Console.WriteLine("starting contacts sync"); AddressBook book = new AddressBook(); PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance(); book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Permission denied by user or manifest"); return; } long now = Utils.CurrentTimeMillis(); Dictionary<String, String> map = new Dictionary<String, String>(); int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; foreach (Contact contact in book) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.DisplayName)) continue; foreach (Phone phone in contact.Phones) { j++; if (phone.Number.Contains("*") || phone.Number.Contains("#")) continue; try { String number = phoneUtil.Format(phoneUtil.Parse(phone.Number, AppDelegate.GetCountryCode()), PhoneNumberFormat.E164); if (!map.ContainsKey(number)) map.Add(number, contact.DisplayName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception parsing/formatting '" + phone.Number + "': " + e.Message); } } foreach (Email email in contact.Emails) { k++; if (!map.ContainsKey(email.Address)) map.Add(email.Address, contact.DisplayName); } i++; } Console.WriteLine(i + " contacts in address book with " + j + " phone numbers and " + k + " email addresses"); Dictionary<String, String> tokens = hashNumbers(map.Keys.ToList()); List<String> response = MessageManager.RetrieveDirectory(tokens.Keys.ToList()); Console.WriteLine("found " + response.Count + " securecom users"); using (var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(AppDelegate._dbPath)) { conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.Execute("DELETE FROM PushContact"); foreach (String key in response) { String number = tokens[key]; if (number == null) // is this needed? continue; conn.Insert(new PushContact { Number = number, Name = map[number] }); } conn.Commit(); } Console.WriteLine("contacts sync finished, took " + ((Utils.CurrentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.0) + " seconds"); }, TaskScheduler.Current); }
public static void UpdateThreadNames() { var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(AppDelegate._dbPath); List<PushChatThread> pct = conn.Query<PushChatThread>("SELECT * FROM PushChatThread where DisplayName is null or DisplayName = ''"); PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance(); AddressBook book = new AddressBook(); foreach (PushChatThread thread in pct) { String display_name = null; foreach (Contact c in book) { if (thread.Number.Contains("@")) { if (!c.Emails.Any()) continue; foreach (Email e in c.Emails) { if (thread.Number.Equals(e.Address)) { display_name = c.DisplayName; break; } } } else { if (!c.Phones.Any()) continue; foreach (Phone p in c.Phones) { if (p.Number.Contains("*") || p.Number.Contains("#")) continue; try { String number = phoneUtil.Format(phoneUtil.Parse(p.Number, AppDelegate.GetCountryCode()), PhoneNumberFormat.E164); if (thread.Number.Equals(number)) { display_name = c.DisplayName; break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception parsing/formatting '" + p.Number + "': " + e.Message); } } } if (display_name != null) { conn.Execute("UPDATE PushChatThread Set DisplayName = ? WHERE ID = ?", display_name, thread.ID); break; } } } conn.Commit(); conn.Close(); }
public List<Person> GetPeople() { NSError error; List<Person> result = new List<Person> (); Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook book = new Xamarin.Contacts.AddressBook (); ABAddressBook nativeBook = ABAddressBook.Create (out error); nativeBook.ExternalChange += BookChanged; foreach (Xamarin.Contacts.Contact c in book) { if (c.Phones.Count() > 0) { Person p = new Person (Convert.ToInt32(c.Id), c.FirstName, c.MiddleName, c.LastName); p.ModificationDate = nativeBook.GetPerson(p.Id).ModificationDate; p.NickName = c.Nickname; if (c.Organizations.Count () > 0) { p.Organization = c.Organizations.ElementAt (0).Name; } p.Notes = String.Concat (c.Notes.Select (n => n.Contents)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (Phone phone in c.Phones) { PhoneNumber pnb = new PhoneNumber (){ Type = (PhoneNumberType)((int)phone.Type), Number = phone.Number }; p.Phones.Add (pnb); sb.AppendFormat ("{0},{1};", (int)pnb.Type, pnb.Number); } p.DetailData = p.Details; p.PhoneData = sb.ToString (); result.Add (p); } } return result; }
private void ProcessSearchOnAllContacts(string searchText) { List<CustomCellGroup> mCellGroups = new List<CustomCellGroup>(); CustomCellGroup mTableCellGroup = new CustomCellGroup(); AddressBook book = new AddressBook(); foreach (Contact contact in book.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayName)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.DisplayName)) continue; bool found = false; //Decide contact group based on the first character String group = contact.DisplayName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(); if (contact.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(searchText)) { found = true; } else if (contact.Phones.Any()) { foreach (Phone p in contact.Phones) { String temp = p.Number .Replace("(", string.Empty) .Replace(")", string.Empty) .Replace("-", string.Empty) .Replace(" ", string.Empty); found |= temp.Contains(searchText); } } else if (contact.Emails.Any()) { foreach (Email e in contact.Emails) { found |= e.Address.ToLower().Contains(searchText); } } if (!found) continue; ContactListCell cell = ContactListCell.Create(); cell.SetName(contact.DisplayName); foreach (Phone p in contact.Phones) { cell.SetPhone(p.Number); break; } foreach (Email e in contact.Emails) { cell.SetEmail(e.Address); break; } mTableCellGroup.Cells.Add(cell); } mTableCellGroup.Name = mTableCellGroup.Cells.Count == 0 ? "No Results" : "Search Results"; mCellGroups.Add(mTableCellGroup); source = new CustomCellTableSource(mCellGroups); source.RowSelectedAction = RowSelected; table.Source = source; }
private void AddContactsData(String contactFilter) { // Figure out where the SQLite database will be. bool showAll = contactFilter != "Securecom users"; var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(AppDelegate._dbPath); List<PushContact> pc = conn.Query<PushContact>("select * from PushContact"); conn.Close(); List<String> registeredContacts = new List<String>(); List<String> groups = new List<String>(); foreach (PushContact c in pc) registeredContacts.Add(c.Number); var phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance(); if (!showAll) { Dictionary<String, List<String>> map = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>(); foreach (PushContact c in pc) { String n = c.Name ?? c.Number; if (!map.ContainsKey(n)) map[n] = new List<String>(); map[n].Add(c.Number); } foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<String>> entry in map.OrderBy(c => c.Key)) { String group = entry.Key.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(); bool newGroup = !groups.Contains(group); foreach (CustomCellGroup ccg in cellGroups) { if (ccg.Name.Equals(group)) { newGroup = false; tableCellGroup = ccg; } } ContactListCell cell = ContactListCell.Create(); cell.SetName(entry.Key); foreach (String number in entry.Value) { if (number.Contains("@")) cell.SetEmail(number); else cell.SetPhone(number); } if (newGroup) { tableCellGroup = new CustomCellGroup { Name = group }; cellGroups.Add(tableCellGroup); } tableCellGroup.Cells.Add(cell); } return; } AddressBook book = new AddressBook(); book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Permission denied by user or manifest"); return; } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); foreach (Contact contact in book.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayName)) { if (!showAll && registeredContacts.Count == 0) break; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.DisplayName)) continue; String group = contact.DisplayName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(); bool newGroup = !groups.Contains(group); foreach (CustomCellGroup ccg in cellGroups) { if (ccg.Name.Equals(group)) { newGroup = false; tableCellGroup = ccg; } } ContactListCell cell = ContactListCell.Create(); cell.SetName(contact.DisplayName); cell.SetEmail(null); cell.SetPhone(null); if (contact.Phones.Any()) { foreach (Phone p in contact.Phones) { if (showAll) { cell.SetPhone(p.Number); cell.registeredState = ContactListCell.STATE_PENDING; break; } if (p.Number.Contains("*") || p.Number.Contains("#")) continue; String number; try { number = phoneUtil.Format(phoneUtil.Parse(p.Number, AppDelegate.GetCountryCode()), PhoneNumberFormat.E164); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (!registeredContacts.Contains(number)) continue; registeredContacts.Remove(number); cell.SetPhone(p.Number); cell.registeredState = ContactListCell.STATE_REGISTERED; //conn.Execute("UPDATE PushContact Set Name = ? WHERE Number = ?", contact.DisplayName, number); break; } } if (contact.Emails.Any()) { foreach (Email e in contact.Emails) { if (showAll) { cell.SetEmail(e.Address); cell.registeredState = ContactListCell.STATE_PENDING; break; } if (!registeredContacts.Contains(e.Address)) continue; registeredContacts.Remove(e.Address); cell.SetEmail(e.Address); cell.registeredState = ContactListCell.STATE_REGISTERED; //conn.Execute("UPDATE PushContact Set Name = ? WHERE Number = ?", contact.DisplayName, e.Address); break; } } if (cell._email == null && == null) continue; if (newGroup) { tableCellGroup = new CustomCellGroup { Name = group }; cellGroups.Add(tableCellGroup); } tableCellGroup.Cells.Add(cell); } //conn.Close(); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); Title = "Contacts"; // // create a tableview and use the list as the datasource // tableView = new UITableView() { Delegate = new TableViewDelegate(this), AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight| UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth, }; // // size the tableview and add it to the parent view // tableView.SizeToFit(); tableView.Frame = new RectangleF ( 0, 0, this.View.Frame.Width, this.View.Frame.Height); this.View.AddSubview(tableView); list = new List<Contact>(); // // get the address book, which gives us access to the // the contacts store // var book = new AddressBook (); // // important: PreferContactAggregation must be set to the // the same value when looking up contacts by ID // since we look up contacts by ID on the subsequent // ContactsActivity in this sample, we will set to false // book.PreferContactAggregation = true; book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t => { if (!t.Result) { alert = new UIAlertView ("Permission denied", "User has denied this app access to their contacts", null, "Close"); alert.Show(); } else { // // loop through the contacts and put them into a List // // contacts can be selected and sorted using linq! // // In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to grab the first 10 users with mobile phone entries // foreach (Contact contact in book.Where(c => c.Phones.Any(p => p.Type == PhoneType.Mobile)).Take(10)) { list.Add(contact); } tableView.DataSource = new TableViewDataSource (list); tableView.ReloadData(); } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); var book = new AddressBook (); _rootElement = new RootElement ("Json Example"){ new Section ("Json Demo"){ JsonElement.FromFile ("sample.json"), new JsonElement ("Load from url", "http://localhost/sample.json") }, new Section ("MT.D+Linq+Xamarin.Mobile"){ new RootElement ("Contacts with Phones") { from c in book.Where (c => c.Phones.Count () > 0) select new Section (c.DisplayName){ from p in c.Phones select (Element)new StringElement (p.Number) } } }, new Section ("Tasks Sample using Json") }; _vc = new DialogViewController (_rootElement); _nav = new UINavigationController (_vc); window.RootViewController = _nav; window.MakeKeyAndVisible (); #region task demo int n = 0; _addButton = new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Add); _vc.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = _addButton; _addButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { ++n; var task = new Task{Name = "task " + n, DueDate = DateTime.Now}; var taskElement = JsonElement.FromFile ("task.json"); taskElement.Caption = task.Name; var description = taskElement ["task-description"] as EntryElement; if (description != null) { description.Caption = task.Name; description.Value = task.Description; } var duedate = taskElement ["task-duedate"] as DateElement; if (duedate != null) { duedate.DateValue = task.DueDate; } _rootElement [2].Add (taskElement); }; #endregion return true; }
public void PopulateTable() { table.ReloadData(); UIImage thumbnail = null; List<CustomCellGroup> cellGroups = new List<CustomCellGroup>(); tableCellGroup = new CustomCellGroup(); cellGroups.Add(tableCellGroup); PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance(); AddressBook book = new AddressBook(); var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(AppDelegate._dbPath); pct = conn.Query<PushChatThread>("SELECT * FROM PushChatThread ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC"); conn.Close(); int count = 0; foreach (PushChatThread thread in pct) { String display_name = thread.DisplayName; ChatCell chatCell = ChatCell.Create(); chatCell.SetHeader(display_name + " (" + thread.Number + ")"); chatCell.SetSubheading(thread.Snippet); chatCell.SetThreadID(thread.ID); chatCell.SetNumber(thread.Number); chatCell.SetAvatar(thumbnail); DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(thread.TimeStamp / 1000).ToLocalTime(); chatCell.SetLabelTime("" + epoch.ToString("HH:mm")); chatCell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator; if (thread.Read != 0) chatCell.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green; tableCellGroup.Cells.Insert(count, chatCell); count++; } source = new CustomCellTableSource(cellGroups); source.RowSelectedAction = RowSelected; source.DeleteAction = DeleteSelected; source.DeleteTitle = "Delete"; table.Source = source; ShowEditButton(); }
private void StartOnAddContactAction(UINavigationController navigationController, User user) { AddressBook book = new AddressBook (); book.RequestPermission ().ContinueWith (task => { navigationController.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate { if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled || !task.Result) { ShowNoContactAccess (); } else { _canAccessAddress = true; CheckForExistingAndContinue (navigationController, user, false); } }); },TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }