public static async Task Run( [QueueTrigger("transmission-faults", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] string fault, IBinder blobFaultBinder, ILogger log) { TransmissionFaultMessage faultData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmissionFaultMessage>(fault); CloudBlockBlob blobReader = await blobFaultBinder.BindAsync <CloudBlockBlob>( new BlobAttribute($"transmission-faults/{}", FileAccess.ReadWrite)); string json = await blobReader.DownloadTextAsync(); try { List <string> faultMessages = await Task <List <string> > .Factory.StartNew(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(json)); await Utils.SendEvents(faultMessages, log); } catch { log.LogError($"FaultProcessor failed to send: {}"); return; } await blobReader.DeleteAsync(); log.LogInformation($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {}"); }
private static async Task LogFailuresToAzureStuff <T>(IBinder blobFaultBinder, Binder queueFaultBinder, ILogger log, List <string> parsedMessages, Exception exEmit) { string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); log.LogError($"Failed to write the fault queue: {id}. {exEmit}"); try { CloudBlockBlob blobWriter = await blobFaultBinder.BindAsync <CloudBlockBlob>(new BlobAttribute($"transmission-faults/{id}", FileAccess.ReadWrite)); string json = await Task <string> .Factory.StartNew(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedMessages)); await blobWriter.UploadTextAsync(json); } catch (Exception exFaultBlob) { log.LogError($"Failed to write the fault blob: {id}. {exFaultBlob}"); } try { TransmissionFaultMessage qMsg = new TransmissionFaultMessage { id = id, type = typeof(T).ToString() }; string qMsgJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(qMsg); CloudQueue queueWriter = await queueFaultBinder.BindAsync <CloudQueue>(new QueueAttribute("transmission-faults")); await queueWriter.AddMessageAsync(new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgJson)); } catch (Exception exFaultQueue) { log.LogError($"Failed to write the fault queue: {id}. {exFaultQueue}"); } }