protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //This code uses the ADO.Net DataEntities to pull the location and service information from the Automart database //and bind the info to the corresponding datalists on the Default.aspx page AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); var loc = from l in ame.Locations orderby l.LocationName select new { l.LocationName, l.LocationAddress, l.LocationCity, l.LocationState, l.LocationZip }; LocationsDL.DataSource = loc.ToList(); LocationsDL.DataBind(); var serv = from s in ame.AutoServices orderby s.ServiceName select new { s.ServiceName, s.ServicePrice }; ServicesDL.DataSource = serv.ToList(); ServicesDL.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["error"] = ex.Message; Response.Redirect("Default6.aspx"); } }
//On page load, this code will populate the datalists on Default.aspx with the selected information from the Automart database using AutomartEntities. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); var loc = from l in ame.Locations orderby l.LocationName select new { l.LocationName, l.LocationAddress, l.LocationCity, l.LocationState, l.LocationZip }; LocationsDL.DataSource = loc.ToList(); LocationsDL.DataBind(); var serv = from s in ame.AutoServices orderby s.ServiceName select new { s.ServiceName, s.ServicePrice }; ServicesDL.DataSource = serv.ToList(); ServicesDL.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //The code on this page calls on the "person" session to retrieve the Person Key of the logged-in user, then uses that key to retrieve the necessary customer data from the Automart database to populate the information displayed on Default5.aspx try { if (Session["person"] != null) { int personKey = (int)Session["person"]; //This section of code uses ADO to retrieve the user's name and email address using the GetCustomer class GetCustomer gc = new GetCustomer(personKey); string customerName = null; DataSet ds = gc.GetName(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Customer"].Rows) { customerName = row["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + row["LastName"].ToString(); } WelcomeLbl.Text = "Welcome " + customerName + "!"; string customerEmail = null; DataSet ds2 = gc.GetEmail(); foreach (DataRow row in ds2.Tables["RegisteredCustomer"].Rows) { customerEmail = row["Email"].ToString(); } EmailLbl.Text = "Your registered email address is: " + customerEmail + "."; //From here, Ado.Net Data Entities is used to select vehicle and service information for the logged in user and bind // that information to the corresponding datalist on Default5.aspx AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); var veh = from v in ame.vehicles where v.PersonKey == personKey orderby v.VehicleId select new { v.VehicleId, v.LicenseNumber, v.VehicleMake, v.VehicleYear}; VehicleDL.DataSource = veh.ToList(); VehicleDL.DataBind(); var num = (from n in ame.VehicleServices where n.vehicle.PersonKey == personKey select n).Count(); if (num == 0) { NoHistoryLbl.Text = "You have no auto service history with AutoMart."; NoHistoryLbl2.Text = "You have no auto service history with AutoMart."; } var ser = from s in ame.VehicleServices where s.vehicle.PersonKey == personKey orderby s.VehicleID select new { s.VehicleServiceID, s.VehicleID, s.LocationID, s.ServiceDate, s.ServiceTime }; ServiceDL.DataSource = ser.ToList(); ServiceDL.DataBind(); var det = from d in ame.VehicleServiceDetails where d.VehicleService.vehicle.PersonKey == personKey orderby d.VehicleServiceID select new { d.VehicleServiceID, d.AutoServiceID, d.serviceNotes}; DetailsDL.DataSource = det.ToList(); DetailsDL.DataBind(); var loc = from l in ame.Locations orderby l.LocationID select new { l.LocationID, l.LocationName}; LocationIdDL.DataSource = loc.ToList(); LocationIdDL.DataBind(); var auto = from a in ame.AutoServices orderby a.AutoServiceID select new {a.AutoServiceID, a.ServiceName}; AutoServiceDL.DataSource = auto.ToList(); AutoServiceDL.DataBind(); } else { Response.Redirect("Default2.aspx", false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Session["error"] = ex.Message; Response.Redirect("Default6.aspx"); } }
protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Form Validation - Checks for blank required fields and password matching if (FirstNameTxt.Text == "") { FNErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { FNErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (LastNameTxt.Text == "") { LNErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { LNErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (EmailTxt.Text == "") { EMErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { EMErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (LicenseTxt.Text == "") { LPErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { LPErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text == "") { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordConfirmTxt.Text == "") { PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text != PasswordConfirmTxt.Text) { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } // End Form Validation // Writes user-entered information into the AutoMart database using the AutoMartEntities ADO.Net Data Entities Component then redirects to Default3.aspx AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); AutomartModel.Person p = new AutomartModel.Person(); p.FirstName = FirstNameTxt.Text; p.LastName = LastNameTxt.Text; ame.People.AddObject(p); AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer rc = new AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer(); rc.Email = EmailTxt.Text; rc.CustomerPassword = PasswordTxt.Text; ame.RegisteredCustomers.AddObject(rc); AutomartModel.vehicle v = new AutomartModel.vehicle(); v.LicenseNumber = LicenseTxt.Text; v.VehicleMake = MakeTxt.Text; v.VehicleYear = YearTxt.Text; ame.vehicles.AddObject(v); ame.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("Default3.aspx"); } catch { ErrorLbl.Text = "Registration failed. Please check your entries and try again."; } }
protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Form Validation - Checks for blank required fields and password matching using C# code if (LastNameTxt.Text == "") { LNErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { LNErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (EmailTxt.Text == "") { EMErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { EMErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (LicenseTxt.Text == "") { LPErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { LPErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text == "") { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordConfirmTxt.Text == "") { PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text != PasswordConfirmTxt.Text) { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } // End Form Validation // This code uses the ADO.Net Data Entities to collect user-entered registration information and enter it into the Automart database, then redirect the user to a thank you page try { AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); AutomartModel.Person p = new AutomartModel.Person(); p.FirstName = FirstNameTxt.Text; p.LastName = LastNameTxt.Text; ame.People.AddObject(p); AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer rc = new AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer(); rc.Email = EmailTxt.Text; rc.CustomerPassword = PasswordTxt.Text; ame.RegisteredCustomers.AddObject(rc); AutomartModel.vehicle v = new AutomartModel.vehicle(); v.LicenseNumber = LicenseTxt.Text; v.VehicleMake = MakeTxt.Text; v.VehicleYear = YearTxt.Text; ame.vehicles.AddObject(v); ame.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("Default4.aspx", false); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["error"] = ex.Message; Response.Redirect("Default6.aspx"); } }
protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Form Validation - Checks for blank required fields and password matching if (FirstNameTxt.Text == "") { FNErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else {FNErrorLbl.Text = "";} if (LastNameTxt.Text == "") { LNErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else {LNErrorLbl.Text = "";} if (EmailTxt.Text == "") { EMErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else {EMErrorLbl.Text = "";} if (LicenseTxt.Text == "") { LPErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { LPErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text == "") { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordConfirmTxt.Text == "") { PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Required Field"; return; } else { PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } if (PasswordTxt.Text != PasswordConfirmTxt.Text) { PWErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; PWCErrorLbl.Text = "* Passwords Must Match"; return; } else { PWErrorLbl.Text = ""; PWCErrorLbl.Text = ""; } // End Form Validation // Writes user-entered information into the AutoMart database using the AutoMartEntities ADO.Net Data Entities Component then redirects to Default3.aspx AutomartModel.AutomartEntities ame = new AutomartModel.AutomartEntities(); AutomartModel.Person p = new AutomartModel.Person(); p.FirstName = FirstNameTxt.Text; p.LastName = LastNameTxt.Text; ame.People.AddObject(p); AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer rc = new AutomartModel.RegisteredCustomer(); rc.Email = EmailTxt.Text; rc.CustomerPassword = PasswordTxt.Text; ame.RegisteredCustomers.AddObject(rc); AutomartModel.vehicle v = new AutomartModel.vehicle(); v.LicenseNumber = LicenseTxt.Text; v.VehicleMake = MakeTxt.Text; v.VehicleYear = YearTxt.Text; ame.vehicles.AddObject(v); ame.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("Default3.aspx"); } catch { ErrorLbl.Text = "Registration failed. Please check your entries and try again."; } }