// Create terrain mesh from a heightmap. public BSTerrainMesh(BSScene physicsScene, Vector3 regionBase, uint id, float[] initialMap, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords) : base(physicsScene, regionBase, id) { int indicesCount; int[] indices; int verticesCount; float[] vertices; m_savedHeightMap = initialMap; m_sizeX = (int)(maxCoords.X - minCoords.X); m_sizeY = (int)(maxCoords.Y - minCoords.Y); bool meshCreationSuccess = false; if (BSParam.TerrainMeshMagnification == 1) { // If a magnification of one, use the old routine that is tried and true. meshCreationSuccess = BSTerrainMesh.ConvertHeightmapToMesh(PhysicsScene, initialMap, m_sizeX, m_sizeY, // input size Vector3.Zero, // base for mesh out indicesCount, out indices, out verticesCount, out vertices); } else { // Other magnifications use the newer routine meshCreationSuccess = BSTerrainMesh.ConvertHeightmapToMesh2(PhysicsScene, initialMap, m_sizeX, m_sizeY, // input size BSParam.TerrainMeshMagnification, physicsScene.TerrainManager.WorldMax, Vector3.Zero, // base for mesh out indicesCount, out indices, out verticesCount, out vertices); } if (!meshCreationSuccess) { // DISASTER!! PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.create,failedConversionOfHeightmap,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, ID); PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed conversion of heightmap to mesh! base={1}", LogHeader, TerrainBase); // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future. return; } PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.create,meshed,id={1},indices={2},indSz={3},vertices={4},vertSz={5}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, ID, indicesCount, indices.Length, verticesCount, vertices.Length); m_terrainShape = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateMeshShape(PhysicsScene.World, indicesCount, indices, verticesCount, vertices); if (!m_terrainShape.HasPhysicalShape) { // DISASTER!! PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.create,failedCreationOfShape,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, ID); PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed creation of terrain mesh! base={1}", LogHeader, TerrainBase); // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future. return; } Vector3 pos = regionBase; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Identity; m_terrainBody = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(m_terrainShape, ID, pos, rot); if (!m_terrainBody.HasPhysicalBody) { // DISASTER!! PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed creation of terrain body! base={1}", LogHeader, TerrainBase); // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future. return; } physicsScene.PE.SetShapeCollisionMargin(m_terrainShape, BSParam.TerrainCollisionMargin); // Set current terrain attributes PhysicsScene.PE.SetFriction(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainFriction); PhysicsScene.PE.SetHitFraction(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainHitFraction); PhysicsScene.PE.SetRestitution(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainRestitution); PhysicsScene.PE.SetContactProcessingThreshold(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainContactProcessingThreshold); PhysicsScene.PE.SetCollisionFlags(m_terrainBody, CollisionFlags.CF_STATIC_OBJECT); // Static objects are not very massive. PhysicsScene.PE.SetMassProps(m_terrainBody, 0f, Vector3.Zero); // Put the new terrain to the world of physical objects PhysicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(PhysicsScene.World, m_terrainBody); // Redo its bounding box now that it is in the world PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, m_terrainBody); m_terrainBody.collisionType = CollisionType.Terrain; m_terrainBody.ApplyCollisionMask(PhysicsScene); if (BSParam.UseSingleSidedMeshes) { PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.settingCustomMaterial,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id); PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(m_terrainBody, CollisionFlags.CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); } // Make it so the terrain will not move or be considered for movement. PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(m_terrainBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION); }
public override bool AddObjectToWorld(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletBody pBody) { DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (pWorld as BulletWorldXNA).world; CollisionObject cbody = (pBody as BulletBodyXNA).body; RigidBody rbody = cbody as RigidBody; // Bullet resets several variables when an object is added to the world. In particular, // BulletXNA resets position and rotation. Gravity is also reset depending on the static/dynamic // type. Of course, the collision flags in the broadphase proxy are initialized to default. IndexedMatrix origPos = cbody.GetWorldTransform(); if (rbody != null) { IndexedVector3 origGrav = rbody.GetGravity(); world.AddRigidBody(rbody); rbody.SetGravity(origGrav); } else { world.AddCollisionObject(cbody); } cbody.SetWorldTransform(origPos); pBody.ApplyCollisionMask(pWorld.physicsScene); //if (body.GetBroadphaseHandle() != null) // world.UpdateSingleAabb(body); return true; }
// ===================================================================================== // btDynamicsWorld entries public override bool AddObjectToWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj) { BulletWorldUnman worldu = world as BulletWorldUnman; BulletBodyUnman bodyu = obj as BulletBodyUnman; // Bullet resets several variables when an object is added to the world. // Gravity is reset to world default depending on the static/dynamic // type. Of course, the collision flags in the broadphase proxy are initialized to default. Vector3 origGrav = BSAPICPP.GetGravity2(bodyu.ptr); bool ret = BSAPICPP.AddObjectToWorld2(worldu.ptr, bodyu.ptr); if (ret) { BSAPICPP.SetGravity2(bodyu.ptr, origGrav); obj.ApplyCollisionMask(world.physicsScene); } return ret; }
// Create the initial instance of terrain and the underlying ground plane. // This is called from the initialization routine so we presume it is // safe to call Bullet in real time. We hope no one is moving prims around yet. public void CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain() { DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain,region={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, PhysicsScene.RegionName); // The ground plane is here to catch things that are trying to drop to negative infinity BulletShape groundPlaneShape = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateGroundPlaneShape(BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID, 1f, BSParam.TerrainCollisionMargin); m_groundPlane = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(groundPlaneShape, BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity); PhysicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(PhysicsScene.World, m_groundPlane); PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, m_groundPlane); // Ground plane does not move PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(m_groundPlane, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION); // Everything collides with the ground plane. m_groundPlane.collisionType = CollisionType.Groundplane; m_groundPlane.ApplyCollisionMask(PhysicsScene); m_terrain = new BSTerrainHeightmap(PhysicsScene, Vector3.Zero, BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, m_worldMax); }