private void dataBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog folder = new FolderBrowserDialog(); folder.Description = "Select a UO Data Directory..."; if (m_DataDir != null) { folder.SelectedPath = m_DataDir; } folder.ShowNewFolderButton = false; if (folder.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { dataDir.Text = m_DataDir = folder.SelectedPath; Config.SetAppSetting("UODataDir", dataDir.Text); IsValidClientAndDataDir(); if (!dataDir.Text.Equals(Path.GetDirectoryName(uoClient.Text))) { MessageBox.Show(Language.GetString(LocString.ClientDataMismatch), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
private void makeDef_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Config.SetAppSetting("PatchEncy", patchEncy.Checked ? "1" : "0"); Config.SetAppSetting("ServerEnc", useEnc.Checked ? "1" : "0"); MessageBox.Show(this, Language.GetString(LocString.SaveOK), "Done", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void okay_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_PatchEncy = patchEncy.Checked; m_Launch = ClientLaunch.TwoD; m_ClientPath = uoClient.Text; ServerEntry se = null; if (serverList.SelectedItem != null) { if (serverList.SelectedItem is Custom_SE) { int port = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).Port; string addr = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).RealAddress; if (addr == "") { ClientCommunication.ServerEncrypted = true; } if (port == 0) { port = 2593; // runuo default } se = new ServerEntry(addr, port); } } else { try { string[] portAddress = serverList.Text.Split(','); se = new ServerEntry(portAddress[0], Int32.Parse(portAddress[1])); } catch { MessageBox.Show("O padrão que tem que ser seguido é,2593", "Erro ao digitar o endereço e porta", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } if (se != null && se.Address != null) { Config.SetAppSetting("LastServer", se.Address); Config.SetAppSetting("LastPort", se.Port.ToString()); Config.SetAppSetting("LastServerId", serverList.SelectedIndex.ToString()); } SaveData(); this.Close(); }
private void patchEncy_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!patchEncy.Checked) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, Language.GetString(LocString.NoPatchWarning), Language.GetString(LocString.Confirm), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { patchEncy.Checked = true; } } Config.SetAppSetting("ClientEncrypted", patchEncy.Checked ? "1" : "0"); }
private void browse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (openFile.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { PathElipsis pe = new PathElipsis(openFile.FileName); uoClient.Text = pe.GetPath(); dataDir.Text = m_DataDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(uoClient.Text); Config.SetAppSetting("UODataDir", dataDir.Text); Config.SetAppSetting("UOClient", uoClient.Text); IsValidClientAndDataDir(); } }
private void langSel_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string lang = langSel.SelectedItem as string; if (lang != null && lang != Language.Current) { if (!Language.Load(lang)) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error loading that language.", "Language Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); langSel.SelectedItem = Language.Current; } else { Config.SetAppSetting("DefaultLanguage", Language.Current); Language.LoadControlNames(this); } } }
private void okay_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Config.SetAppSetting("PatchEncy", patchEncy.Checked ? "1" : "0"); m_PatchEncy = patchEncy.Checked; m_Launch = ClientLaunch.TwoD; m_ClientPath = uoClient.Text; ServerEntry se = null; if (serverList.SelectedItem != null) { if (serverList.SelectedItem is Custom_SE) { int port = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).Port; string addr = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).RealAddress; if (addr == "") { Assistant.Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = true; } if (port == 0) { port = 2593; // runuo default } se = new ServerEntry(addr, port); } } if (se != null && se.Address != null) { Config.SetAppSetting("LastServer", se.Address); Config.SetAppSetting("LastPort", se.Port.ToString()); Config.SetAppSetting("LastServerId", serverList.SelectedIndex.ToString()); } SaveData(); this.Close(); }
private void dataBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog folder = new FolderBrowserDialog(); folder.Description = "Select a UO Data Directory..."; if (m_DataDir != null) { folder.SelectedPath = m_DataDir; } folder.ShowNewFolderButton = false; if (folder.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { dataDir.Text = m_DataDir = folder.SelectedPath; Config.SetAppSetting("UODataDir", dataDir.Text); IsValidClientAndDataDir(); } }
private void okay_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_ClientPath = uoClient.Text; ServerEntry se = null; if (serverList.SelectedItem != null) { if (serverList.SelectedItem is Custom_SE) { int port = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).Port; string addr = ((Custom_SE)serverList.SelectedItem).RealAddress; if (addr == "") { Config.SetAppSetting("ServerEncrypted", "1"); } if (port == 0) { port = 2593; // runuo default } se = new ServerEntry(addr, port); } } if (se != null && se.Address != null) { Config.SetAppSetting("LastServer", se.Address); Config.SetAppSetting("LastPort", se.Port.ToString()); Config.SetAppSetting("LastServerId", serverList.SelectedIndex.ToString()); } SaveData(); this.Close(); }
private void SaveData() { for (int i = 0; i < serverList.Items.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < serverList.Items.Count; j++) { ServerEntry si = (ServerEntry)serverList.Items[i]; ServerEntry sj = (ServerEntry)serverList.Items[j]; if (si.Address == sj.Address && si.Port == sj.Port) { serverList.Items.RemoveAt(j); } } } int num = 1; for (int i = 0; i < serverList.Items.Count; i++) { ServerEntry se = (ServerEntry)serverList.Items[i]; if (se is Custom_SE || se is LoginCFG_SE) { continue; } if (se.Address != "") { Config.SetAppSetting($"Server{num}", se.Address); Config.SetAppSetting($"Port{num}", se.Port.ToString()); num++; } } Config.SetAppSetting("UOClient", uoClient.Text); Config.SetAppSetting("UODataDir", dataDir.Text); m_DataDir = dataDir.Text; }
private void showAtStart_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Config.SetAppSetting("ShowWelcome", (showAtStart.Checked ? 1 : 0).ToString()); }
private void WelcomeForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Language.LoadControlNames(this); this.BringToFront(); langSel.Items.AddRange(Language.GetPackNames()); langSel.SelectedItem = Language.Current; showAtStart.Checked = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("ShowWelcome") == 1; uoClient.Text = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("UOClient"); dataDir.Text = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("UODataDir"); IsValidClientAndDataDir(); patchEncy.Checked = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("PatchEncy") != 0; LoginCFG_SE lse = new LoginCFG_SE(); Custom_SE cse; serverList.BeginUpdate(); AddUORServers(); // Load any custom servers they might have added NameValueCollection servers = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Servers"); foreach (string server in servers.AllKeys) { string[] serverHostAndPort = servers[server].Split(','); string serverHost = serverHostAndPort[0]; string serverPort = serverHostAndPort[1]; serverList.Items.Add(new Custom_SE(server, serverHost, Convert.ToInt32(serverPort))); } serverList.EndUpdate(); serverList.Refresh(); // Set it to the last used one, or just set it to default UOR Prod try { serverList.SelectedIndex = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("LastServerId"); } catch { serverList.SelectedIndex = 0; } WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; this.BringToFront(); this.TopMost = true; _ShowTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); _ShowTimer.Interval = 250; _ShowTimer.Enabled = true; _ShowTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); if (Config.GetAppSetting <bool>("ImportProfilesAndMacros")) { string appDataDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Razor"); if (Directory.Exists(appDataDir)) { if (MessageBox.Show(Language.GetString(LocString.ImportFromPrevious), "Import Razor Profiles and Macros", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Config.ImportProfilesMacros(appDataDir); MessageBox.Show("Import complete", "Import Razor Profiles and Macros", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } Config.SetAppSetting("ImportProfilesAndMacros", "false"); } }
public static void Main(string[] Args) { Client.Init(true); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); m_Running = true; Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Razor Main Thread"; #if !DEBUG AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Config.GetInstallDirectory()); #endif try { Engine.ShardList = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("ShardList"); } catch { } bool patch = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("PatchEncy") != 0; bool showWelcome = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("ShowWelcome") != 0; ClientLaunch launch = ClientLaunch.TwoD; int attPID = -1; string dataDir; Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = false; Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = false; Config.SetAppSetting("PatchEncy", "1"); patch = true; dataDir = null; bool advCmdLine = false; for (int i = 0; i < Args.Length; i++) { string arg = Args[i].ToLower(); if (arg == "--nopatch") { patch = false; } else if (arg == "--clientenc") { Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = true; advCmdLine = true; patch = false; } else if (arg == "--serverenc") { Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = true; advCmdLine = true; } else if (arg == "--welcome") { showWelcome = true; } else if (arg == "--nowelcome") { showWelcome = false; } else if (arg == "--pid" && i + 1 < Args.Length) { i++; patch = false; attPID = Utility.ToInt32(Args[i], 0); } else if (arg.Substring(0, 5) == "--pid" && arg.Length > 5) //support for uog 1.8 (damn you fixit) { patch = false; attPID = Utility.ToInt32(arg.Substring(5), 0); } else if (arg == "--uodata" && i + 1 < Args.Length) { i++; dataDir = Args[i]; } else if (arg == "--server" && i + 1 < Args.Length) { i++; string[] split = Args[i].Split(',', ':', ';', ' '); if (split.Length >= 2) { Config.SetAppSetting("LastServer", split[0]); Config.SetAppSetting("LastPort", split[1]); showWelcome = false; } } else if (arg == "--debug") { ScavengerAgent.Debug = true; DragDropManager.Debug = true; } } if (attPID > 0 && !advCmdLine) { Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = false; Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = false; } if (!Language.Load("ENU")) { SplashScreen.End(); MessageBox.Show( "Fatal Error: Unable to load required file Language/Razor_lang.enu\nRazor cannot continue.", "No Language Pack", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } string defLang = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("DefaultLanguage"); if (defLang != null && !Language.Load(defLang)) { MessageBox.Show( String.Format( "WARNING: Razor was unable to load the file Language/Razor_lang.{0}\nENU will be used instead.", defLang), "Language Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } string clientPath = ""; // welcome only needed when not loaded by a launcher (ie uogateway) if (attPID == -1) { if (!showWelcome) { int cli = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("DefClient"); if (cli < 0 || cli > 1) { launch = ClientLaunch.Custom; clientPath = Config.GetAppSetting <string>($"Client{cli - 1}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientPath)) { showWelcome = true; } } else { launch = (ClientLaunch)cli; } } if (showWelcome) { SplashScreen.End(); WelcomeForm welcome = new WelcomeForm(); m_ActiveWnd = welcome; if (welcome.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } patch = welcome.PatchEncryption; launch = welcome.Client; dataDir = welcome.DataDirectory; if (launch == ClientLaunch.Custom) { clientPath = welcome.ClientPath; } SplashScreen.Start(); m_ActiveWnd = SplashScreen.Instance; } } if (dataDir != null && Directory.Exists(dataDir)) { Ultima.Files.SetMulPath(dataDir); } Language.LoadCliLoc(); SplashScreen.Message = LocString.Initializing; //m_TimerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( Timer.TimerThread.TimerMain ) ); //m_TimerThread.Name = "Razor Timers"; Initialize(typeof(Assistant.Engine).Assembly); //Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() SplashScreen.Message = LocString.LoadingLastProfile; Config.LoadCharList(); if (!Config.LoadLastProfile()) { MessageBox.Show( "The selected profile could not be loaded, using default instead.", "Profile Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } if (attPID == -1) { Client.Instance.SetConnectionInfo(IPAddress.None, -1); Client.Loader_Error result = Client.Loader_Error.UNKNOWN_ERROR; SplashScreen.Message = LocString.LoadingClient; if (launch == ClientLaunch.TwoD) { clientPath = Ultima.Files.GetFilePath("client.exe"); } else if (launch == ClientLaunch.ThirdDawn) { clientPath = Ultima.Files.GetFilePath("uotd.exe"); } if (!advCmdLine) { Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = patch; } if (clientPath != null && File.Exists(clientPath)) { result = Client.Instance.LaunchClient(clientPath); } if (result != Client.Loader_Error.SUCCESS) { if (clientPath == null && File.Exists(clientPath)) { MessageBox.Show(SplashScreen.Instance, String.Format("Unable to find the client specified.\n{0}: \"{1}\"", launch.ToString(), clientPath != null ? clientPath : "-null-"), "Could Not Start Client", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } else { MessageBox.Show(SplashScreen.Instance, String.Format("Unable to launch the client specified. (Error: {2})\n{0}: \"{1}\"", launch.ToString(), clientPath != null ? clientPath : "-null-", result), "Could Not Start Client", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } SplashScreen.End(); return; } string addr = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("LastServer"); int port = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("LastPort"); // if these are null then the registry entry does not exist (old razor version) IPAddress ip = Resolve(addr); if (ip == IPAddress.None || port == 0) { MessageBox.Show(SplashScreen.Instance, Language.GetString(LocString.BadServerAddr), "Bad Server Address", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); SplashScreen.End(); return; } Client.Instance.SetConnectionInfo(ip, port); } else { string error = "Error attaching to the UO client."; bool result = false; try { result = Client.Instance.Attach(attPID); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; error = e.Message; } if (!result) { MessageBox.Show(SplashScreen.Instance, String.Format("{1}\nThe specified PID '{0}' may be invalid.", attPID, error), "Attach Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); SplashScreen.End(); return; } Client.Instance.SetConnectionInfo(IPAddress.Any, 0); } if (Utility.Random(4) != 0) { SplashScreen.Message = LocString.WaitingForClient; } else { SplashScreen.Message = LocString.RememberDonate; } m_MainWnd = new MainForm(); Application.Run(m_MainWnd); m_Running = false; Client.Instance.Close(); Counter.Save(); Macros.MacroManager.Save(); Config.Save(); }