private void search_material_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { Desk.Material material = (Desk.Material)search_material.SelectedItem; DataTable grid = new DataTable(); grid.Columns.Add("Shipping"); grid.Columns.Add("Name"); grid.Columns.Add("Date"); grid.Columns.Add("Width"); grid.Columns.Add("Depth"); grid.Columns.Add("Drawers"); grid.Columns.Add("Material"); grid.Columns.Add("Price"); StreamReader file = new StreamReader(@"../QuoteHistory.txt"); while (!file.EndOfStream) { string[] col = file.ReadLine().Split(','); if (col[6] == material.ToString()) { grid.Rows.Add(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4], col[5], col[6], col[7]); } } dataGridView1.DataSource = grid; file.Close(); }
public double makeDesk(string first, string last, int width, int depth, int nDrawers, char days, Desk.Material mat, int numDesks) { // Make our desk DeskStruct = new Desk(first, last, width, depth, nDrawers, days, mat); // Give back the price return(calcPrice(numDesks)); }
private void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CustomerName = boxName.Text; DeskWidth = int.Parse(boxWidth.Text); DeskDepth = int.Parse(boxDepth.Text); Drawers = int.Parse(comboBoxDrawers.SelectedItem.ToString()); Material = (Desk.Material)comboBoxMaterial.SelectedValue; // Get rush order days base on radio box selections if (radioRushNone.Checked) { RushDays = 0; } if (radioRush3.Checked) { RushDays = 3; } if (radioRush5.Checked) { RushDays = 5; } if (radioRush7.Checked) { RushDays = 7; } // create new deskOrder and calcQuote DeskQuote NewQuote = new DeskQuote(CustomerName, DateTime.Now, DeskWidth, DeskDepth, Drawers, Material, RushDays); QuoteTotal = NewQuote.CalcQuote(); //build string to quote save to file //var DeskFileWrite = CustomerName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + DeskWidth + "," + DeskDepth + "," + Drawers + "," + Material + "," + RushDays + "," + QuoteTotal; //var DeskFileWrite = NewQuote; // ask how to do this without making all of the properties public because I know they are in and can be used // I just have no idea how to get the Serializer to get them when they are "private". string jsonWrite = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(NewQuote); string jsonFile = @"quotes.json"; if (!File.Exists(jsonFile)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(jsonFile)) { } } using (StreamWriter swa = File.AppendText(jsonFile)) { swa.WriteLine(jsonWrite); } MessageBox.Show("Quote Submitted"); confirmQuotePanel.Visible = false; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { customerName = boxName.Text; width = int.Parse(boxWidth.Text); depth = int.Parse(boxDepth.Text); drawers = int.Parse(boxDrawer.Text); Material = (Desk.Material)boxMaterial.SelectedValue; // Get rush order days base on radio box selections if (radioNone.Checked) { rushDays = 0; } if (radio3.Checked) { rushDays = 3; } if (radio5.Checked) { rushDays = 5; } if (radio7.Checked) { rushDays = 7; } // create new deskOrder and calcQuote DeskQuote NewQuote = new DeskQuote(customerName, DateTime.Now, width, depth, drawers, Material, rushDays); QuoteTotal = NewQuote.CalcQuote(); //build string to quote save to file string DeskFileWrite = customerName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + width + "," + depth + "," + drawers + "," + Material + "," + rushDays + "," + QuoteTotal; // ask how to do this without making all of the properties public because I know they are in and can be used // I just have no idea how to get the Serializer to get them when they are "private". string jsonWrite = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(NewQuote); if (!File.Exists(QUOTEFILE)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(QUOTEFILE)) { } } else { using (StreamWriter swa = File.AppendText(QUOTEFILE)) { swa.WriteLine(DeskFileWrite); } MessageBox.Show("Quote Submitted"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Construct a desk with the given parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="depth"></param> /// <param name="nDrawers"></param> /// <param name="days"></param> /// <param name="mat"></param> public Desk(string fir, string las, int width, int depth, int nDrawers, int days, Desk.Material mat) { this.first = fir; this.last = las; this.Width = width; this.Depth = depth; this.NumDrawers = nDrawers; this.RushDays = days; this.SurfaceMaterial = mat; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { name = customerName.Text; deskWidth = int.Parse(width.Text); deskDepth = int.Parse(depth.Text); totalDrawers = int.Parse(drawers.Text); Materials = (Desk.Material)Material.SelectedValue; // Get rush order days base on radio box selections if (radioNone.Checked) { rushDays = 0; } if (radio3.Checked) { rushDays = 3; } if (radio5.Checked) { rushDays = 5; } if (radio7.Checked) { rushDays = 7; } // create new deskOrder and calcQuote DeskQuote NewQuote = new DeskQuote(name, DateTime.Now, deskWidth, deskDepth, totalDrawers, Materials, rushDays); QuoteTotal = NewQuote.CalcQuote(); //build string to quote save to file string DeskFileWrite = customerName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + width + "," + depth + "," + drawers + "," + Material + "," + rushDays + "," + QuoteTotal; if (!File.Exists(QUOTEFILE)) { using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(QUOTEFILE)) { writer.WriteLine(DeskFileWrite); } } else { using (StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(QUOTEFILE)) { writer.WriteLine(DeskFileWrite); } MessageBox.Show("Quote Submitted"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Saving Quote Failed"); } }
public void getQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Desk.Material selectedSurface = (Desk.Material)surface_comboBox.SelectedItem; //var selectedSurface = surface_comboBox.ValueMember; Desk newDesk = new Desk((int)numericUpDown_Width.Value, (int)numericUpDown_Depth.Value, (int)numericUpDown_Drawers.Value, selectedSurface); int rush = getSelectedRush(); DeskQuote quote = new DeskQuote(rush, userName.Text, newDesk); double price = quote.calculateQuotePrice(); TextWriter file = new StreamWriter(@"../QuoteHistory.txt", true); file.WriteLine(quote.rush + "," + quote.UserName + "," + + "," + newDesk.width + "," + newDesk.depth + "," + newDesk.drawers + "," + newDesk.surfaceMaterial + "," + price); file.Close(); DisplayQuote displayQuoteForm = new DisplayQuote(quote); displayQuoteForm.Tag = this; displayQuoteForm.Show(this); Hide(); }
private void showQuotes(Desk.Material material) { string csvFile = "quotes.txt"; try { string[] quotes = File.ReadAllLines(csvFile); foreach (string quote in quotes) { string[] row = quote.Split(','); if (row[4].Equals(material.ToString())) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } }
public DeskQuote(string customerName, DateTime quoteDate, int width, int depth, int drawers, Desk.Material material, int rushDay) { customerName = customerName; quoteDate = quoteDate; Desk.width = width; Desk.depth = depth; Desk.numberOfDrawers = drawers; Desk.deskMaterial = material; rushDays = rushDays; //calc area and store Desk.area = Desk.width * Desk.depth; }
//private int calcMaterial(material) //{ // var material = material; // switch (material) // { // case Desk.Material.Oak: // materialCost = 200; // break; // case Desk.Material.Laminate: // materialCost = 100; // break; // case Desk.Material.Pine: // materialCost = 50; // break; // case Desk.Material.Rosewood: // materialCost = 300; // break; // case Desk.Material.Veneer: // materialCost = 125; // break; // } // return materialCost; //} public DeskQuote(string customterName, DateTime quoteDate, int width, int depth, int drawers, Desk.Material material, int rushDays) { CustomerName = customterName; QuoteDate = quoteDate; Desk.Width = width; Desk.Depth = depth; Desk.Drawers = drawers; Desk.DeskMaterial = material; RushDays = rushDays; //calcarea and store Desk.Area = Desk.Width * Desk.Depth; }