コード例 #1
        void NewImageCallBack(FRAME frame)
                int c = frame.SourceChannel;

                if (m_CurrentImageQ[c].Count > 2) m_CurrentImageQ[c].Dequeue();// this queue is just to act as a single unit buffer


            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }
コード例 #2
 void OnReceiveNewFrameToExtractTimeStamp(FRAME frame)
コード例 #3
ファイル: WatchlistProcess.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void GenAlertMessages(FRAME frame)
            m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.WatchList.WatchList_LastAlert].StatString.SetValue =(string) frame.WatchListMatchingNumber;

            if ( ((WatchListControl)frame.ParentWatchList).WatchEmailAddresses == null ) return;

            foreach (string to in ((WatchListControl)frame.ParentWatchList).WatchEmailAddresses)
                EmailServices.SEND_MESSAGE message = new EmailServices.SEND_MESSAGE();
                message.to = to;

                string attachement =  m_DVR.Paths.GetCompleteFilePath(frame.JpegFileRelativePath);

                /// the email server has a problem that if you attach a file to a new mail, and then
                /// send multiple emails with the same attachment, you get an exception of file open by another process.
                ///  so create a new file copy for each mail that is sent. Don't keep this file around forever.

                message.attachment = m_DVR.GetUniqueCopy(attachement);

                message.from = m_EmailService.FromAddress;
                message.subject = "ALERT: " + frame.WatchListMatchingNumber + " Sent at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
                message.body = message.subject + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "From PSS: " + frame.PSSName + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Camera Source: " + frame.SourceName + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Hot list entry: " + frame.WatchListMatchingNumber +",   " +frame.WatchListMatchingNumberUserComment + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Detected Nunmber: " + frame.BestMatchingString + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Match Probability: " + frame.MatchScore.ToString() + "%" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Jpeg Image: " + frame.JpegFileRelativePath + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "GPS Location: " + frame.GPSPosition + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Plot location URL: " + mapURL + frame.GPSPosition + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Observation time: " + frame.TimeStamp.ToString();

                message.sendResultCallBack = OnSendMessageSendStatus;


                m_Log.Log("WL sent message : " + message.subject, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.INFORMATIONAL);

コード例 #4
ファイル: WLDataClasses.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
 public void AddFrame(FRAME frame, string matchingPlateString,int newScore, string alertString)
     if (newScore > score)
         score = newScore;
         bestMatchPlateString = matchingPlateString;
         matchingFrame = frame;
         matchingFrame.BestMatchingString = matchingPlateString;
         matchingFrame.MatchScore = newScore;
         matchingFrame.ParentWatchList = (object)parentWatchList;
         matchingFrame.WatchListMatchingNumber = alertString;
コード例 #5
ファイル: EventLogFiles.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        //void CreateLogDirectory(string dir)
        //    if (!Directory.Exists((string)dir))
        //    {
        //        char[] seperator = { '\\', '\\' };
        //        string[] branches = dir.Split(seperator);
        //        string path = null;
        //        for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count(); i++)
        //        {
        //            if (branches[i].Length < 1) continue;
        //            path += (branches[i] + "\\");
        //            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
        //                Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
        //        }
        //    }
        string BuildPlateField(FRAME frame)
            //            PLATE^LATIN^C3C456D2AB:G3C456D2AB:G3G456D2A8
            string plateField = "PLATE," + frame.PlateNativeLanguage + "^" + BuildAltReadings(frame.PlateNumberNativeLanguage) + "^" + BuildAltReadings(frame.PlateNumberLatin);

            return (plateField);
コード例 #6
ファイル: WatchlistProcess.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
 void BuidlAlertFrame(FRAME frame, string matchingPlateString, string watchNumber, string watchNumberComment, WatchListControl list, int score)
     frame.BestMatchingString = matchingPlateString;
     frame.MatchScore = score;
     frame.ParentWatchList = (object)list;
     frame.WatchListMatchingNumber = watchNumber;
     frame.WatchListMatchingNumberUserComment = watchNumberComment;
コード例 #7
ファイル: MovieFiles.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
 void fileDecoder_OnNewFrame(FRAME frame)
     // lock (singleton)
コード例 #8
ファイル: S2255Device.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void SendImageToConsumer(object image, S2255Controller.COMPRESSION_MODE frmType, int cindex)
            FRAME frame = new FRAME(m_AppData);

            if (frmType == S2255Controller.COMPRESSION_MODE.BITMAP)
                frame.Bmp = (Bitmap)image;
                frame.Jpeg = null;
                frame.Bmp = null;
                frame.Jpeg = (byte[])image;

            frame.SourceName = chanSourceNames[cindex];
            frame.SourceChannel = cindex;

            if (OnNewFrame[frame.SourceChannel] != null) OnNewFrame[frame.SourceChannel](frame);
コード例 #9
ファイル: DSFileDecoder.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        // get the individual frames and send them to the DVR/LPR processing chains
        /// <summary> buffer callback, COULD BE FROM FOREIGN THREAD. </summary>
        int ISampleGrabberCB.BufferCB(double SampleTime, IntPtr pBuffer, int BufferLen)
            lock (lockSampleGrabberState)
                if (m_Stop) return 0;

                m_SampleGrabberCallBackIsDone = false;

                IntPtr ipSource = pBuffer;

                int[,] ipDest = new int[m_videoWidth, m_videoHeight];

                bool invert = true;

                if (m_videoWidth != ipDest.GetLength(0) || m_videoHeight != ipDest.GetLength(1))
                    return 0;

                LPROCR_Wrapper.LPROCR_Lib.extractFromBmpDataToLumArray(ipSource, ipDest, m_stride, m_videoWidth, m_videoHeight, invert);

                // compose a new bitmap

                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(m_videoWidth, m_videoHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                // Lock the bitmap's bits.
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData =
                    bmp.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,

                // Get the address of the first line.
                IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0;

                // copy out to the new bitamp
                bool dontcare = false;

                    LPROCR_Lib.MemCopyByte((int*)ipSource, ptr, BufferLen, ref dontcare);


                bmp.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX);// what it takes to make it look right, if I had time I would do this in one step in LPROCR_Lib.MemCopyByte

                FRAME frame = new FRAME(m_AppData);
                frame.Luminance = ipDest;
                frame.TimeStamp = m_FileTimeOfCurrentFile.AddSeconds(SampleTime);
                frame.Bmp = bmp;
                frame.SourceChannel = m_Channel;
                frame.SourceName = m_AppData.UserSpecifiedCameraName == null ? "storedjpeg" : m_AppData.UserSpecifiedCameraName;

                m_SampleGrabberCallBackIsDone = true;

                return 0;
コード例 #10
        void PlayFilesLoop()
            int frameRate = 100;
            int frameDelay = ( 1000 / frameRate);
            int currentFrame=0;
            Bitmap bmp= null;

            m_BitmapsForDisplayQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<Bitmap>(30);

            while (!m_Stop)
                while (playing)
                    if (m_Stop) break;

                    // when processing plate image jpegs (i.e. just the clipped out plate in a very small image) the player can go too fast for the image processing
                    //   resulting in Que overruns, so slow down to prevent loss
                    if (m_AppData.LPRGettingBehind ||  m_AppData.MotionDetectionGettingBehind || m_AppData.DVRStoringLPRRecordsGettingBehind)
                        Thread.Sleep(250); // slow down a bit

                    if (m_FilesToPlay == null) continue;
                    if (m_FilesToPlay.Count() < 1) continue;

                        bmp =(Bitmap) Bitmap.FromFile(m_FilesToPlay[currentFrame]);

                    catch { }

                    if (bmp == null) continue;

                    Bitmap forDisplayToOwn = new Bitmap(bmp);
                    m_ParentPanel.Parent.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { PushBitmapToDisplay(); });

                    FRAME frame = new FRAME(m_AppData);

                    frame.NotVideoEachFrameIsUniqueSize = true;

                    int[,] lum = new int[bmp.Width, bmp.Height];

                    getPixelsFromImageInY(bmp, ref lum);

                    frame.Luminance = lum;
                    frame.TimeStamp = new FileInfo(m_FilesToPlay[currentFrame]).LastWriteTimeUtc;
                    frame.Bmp = bmp;
                    frame.SourceChannel = m_Channel;
              //      frame.SourceName = ((m_FilesToPlay[currentFrame].Replace("\\", "_")).Replace(":", "_")).Replace(".", "_");

                    frame.SourceName = m_AppData.UserSpecifiedCameraName == null ? ("stilljpg") : m_AppData.UserSpecifiedCameraName;


                    if (currentFrame == m_FilesToPlay.Length)
                        OnEndOfFileEvent(); // we are done.
                        playing = false;
                        m_Stop = true;// this is a one-time use thread

コード例 #11
ファイル: FrameGenerator.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void OnReceiveNewImageFromS2255Device(FRAME partialFrame)
            if (partialFrame.Jpeg != null)
                // this is a jpeg

                // this is a bitmap - send it and the last jpeg received up the chain


                int chan = partialFrame.SourceChannel;

                FRAME frame = new FRAME(m_AppData);

                frame.SetNew(partialFrame.Bmp, m_LastJPEGReceived[partialFrame.SourceChannel].GetJpeg(),
                         partialFrame.SourceName, DateTime.UtcNow, m_FrameCount, m_CurrentGPSPosition, m_ConsumerIDs.GetConsumerCount, partialFrame.SourceChannel);

                frame.PSSName = m_AppData.ThisComputerName;


                // convert the bitmap format to a luminace 2-D array for image processing
                int[,] luminance = new int[frame.Bmp.Width, frame.Bmp.Height];

                getPixelsFromImageInY(frame.Bmp, ref luminance);

                frame.Luminance = luminance;

                // send to motion detection

                m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.FRAME_GENERATOR.FrameGen_MotionDetectionPendingQ].HitMe = m_MotionDetectionQ.Count;

                // send to non-motion-detection consumers

                CONSUMER_PUSH push = new CONSUMER_PUSH();
                push.FrameToPush = frame;
                push.ConsumersToPush = m_Channels[chan].m_NewImageCallBackList;

                m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.FRAME_GENERATOR.FrameGen_NonMotionFramePushQ].HitMe = m_AllFramesConsumerPushQ.Count;

コード例 #12
ファイル: FrameGenerator.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        //   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        //   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        //   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        //     Receiving new frames from the lower layers
        // receive a new from from a movie file being played
        void MovieFiles_OnNewImage(FRAME frame)
            // this is a bitmap - send it and the last jpeg received up the chain


                // manufacture a jpeg from the bitmap

                Image image = frame.Bmp;

                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

                image.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                byte[] jpeg = stream.ToArray();

                frame.Jpeg = jpeg;

                frame.SerialNumber = m_FrameCount;
                frame.GPSPosition = m_CurrentGPSPosition;
                frame.PSSName = m_AppData.ThisComputerName;


                // send to motion detection
                if (!frame.NotVideoEachFrameIsUniqueSize)

                    if (m_MotionDetectionQ.Count > m_MotionDetectionQueLevel / 2)
                        m_AppData.MotionDetectionGettingBehind = true;
                        m_AppData.MotionDetectionGettingBehind = false;

                    // skip motion detection because the source is a directory of independent jpegs, each potentially of a different size
                    // pretend we detected motion

                    CONSUMER_PUSH p = new CONSUMER_PUSH();
                    p.FrameToPush = frame;
                    p.ConsumersToPush = m_Channels[frame.SourceChannel].m_MotionDetectedCallBackList;



                m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.FRAME_GENERATOR.FrameGen_MotionDetectionPendingQ].HitMe = m_MotionDetectionQ.Count;

                // send to non-motion-detection consumers

                CONSUMER_PUSH push = new CONSUMER_PUSH();
                push.FrameToPush = frame;
                push.ConsumersToPush = m_Channels[frame.SourceChannel].m_NewImageCallBackList;

                m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.FRAME_GENERATOR.FrameGen_NonMotionFramePushQ].HitMe = m_AllFramesConsumerPushQ.Count;

            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }
コード例 #13
ファイル: FrameGenerator.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void DetectMotion(FRAME frame)

            int[,] luminance = frame.Luminance;

            bool motionDetected = false;

            int error = 0;
                motionDetected = LPROCR_Lib.DetectMotion(frame.SourceChannel, luminance, luminance.GetLength(0), luminance.GetLength(1), ref error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.INFORMATIONAL);

            if (error != 0)
                m_Log.Log("DetectMotion error = " + error.ToString(), ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL);

            if (motionDetected)

                CONSUMER_PUSH push = new CONSUMER_PUSH();
                push.FrameToPush = frame;
                push.ConsumersToPush = m_Channels[frame.SourceChannel].m_MotionDetectedCallBackList;


コード例 #14
ファイル: FrameGenerator.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        public FRAME CompleteFrameDataToByPassLPR(FRAME frame)
            // used by the image hand-editor in the Analysts Workstation application, to by-pass the LPREngine and send results to storage

            frame.TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            frame.SerialNumber = m_FrameCount;
            frame.GPSPosition = m_CurrentGPSPosition;
            frame.PSSName = "AnalystsWorkstation_" + m_AppData.ThisComputerName;

            return (frame);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Paths.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        public string GetJpegRelateivePath(FRAME frame)
            lock (singleton)
                DateTime timeStamp = frame.TimeStamp;

                int year = timeStamp.ToUniversalTime().Year;
                int month = timeStamp.ToUniversalTime().Month;
                int day = timeStamp.ToUniversalTime().Day;
                int hour = timeStamp.ToUniversalTime().Hour;

                string path = year.ToString("####") + "\\" +
                                month.ToString("####") + "\\" +
                                day.ToString("####") + "\\" +
                                hour.ToString("####") + "\\" +
                                SystemName + "\\" +
                                frame.SourceName + "\\" +

                return (path);
コード例 #16
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void WriteToStorage(FRAME frame)
            if (!m_AppData.DVR_StoreToUserSpecifiedFolder)
                if (PauseFlag.Pause) return;
            string destDir = null;
            string destPath=null;

                if (!m_AppData.DVR_StoreToUserSpecifiedFolder)

                    destPath = Paths.GetFrameStoragePath(frame.JpegFileNameOnly, frame.SourceName, out destDir);

                    if (!FileAccessControl.DirectoryExists(destDir))
                        char[] seperator = { '\\', '\\' };

                        string[] branches = destDir.Split(seperator);
                        string path = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < branches.Count(); i++)
                            if (branches[i].Length < 1) continue;
                            path += (branches[i] + "\\");

                            if (!FileAccessControl.DirectoryExists(path))

                    // else this is the Analysts workstation app and the user has selected an alternative storage path
                    PauseFlag.Pause = false;
                    PauseFlag.DriveExists = true;

                    destDir = m_AppData.DVR_UserSpecifiedStoragePath + "\\" + frame.SourceName;
                   // destDir = m_AppData.DVR_UserSpecifiedStoragePath;

                    if ( ! FileAccessControl.DirectoryExists(destDir))

                    destPath = destDir +"\\" + frame.JpegFileNameOnly;


                FileAccessControl.WriteStream(destPath, frame.Jpeg);

                Paths.AccumulatedSize += frame.Jpeg.Length;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_Log.Log("WriteToStorage ex :" + ex.Message, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL);
コード例 #17
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
 /// <summary>
 /// Used by the hand-editor in Analysts workstation to by-pass the automatic processing chain of motion-detection based storage
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame"></param>
 public void SendFrameDirectlyToStorage(FRAME frame)
コード例 #18
ファイル: EventLogFiles.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        public EVENT_TO_WRITE WriteLPREvent(FRAME frame)
            EVENT_TO_WRITE eventData = new EVENT_TO_WRITE();

            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.EVENT] = BuildPlateField(frame);
            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.PSS_NAME] = frame.PSSName;
            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.TIME_STAMP] = frame.TimeStamp.ToString(m_AppData.TimeFormatStringForFileNames);
            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.SOURCE_CAMERA_NAME] = frame.SourceName;
            if ( frame.GPSPosition.Contains("No Position"))
                frame.GPSPosition = "No Position Available, No position Available"; // once for lat and once for lon
            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.GPS_LOCATION] = frame.GPSPosition;
            lineFields[(int)FIELDS_ON_BUILDING_STRING.JPEGFILE_RELATIVE_PATH] = frame.JpegFileRelativePath;

            string line = BuildLine(lineFields) + "\r\n";
            string file = m_PathManager.GetEventLogFilePath(frame.TimeStamp, frame.SourceName);

            eventData.file = file;
            eventData.line = line;
            eventData.directory = m_PathManager.GetEventLogDirectoryPath(frame.TimeStamp, frame.SourceName);

            return (eventData);

            //lock (m_FileLock)
            //    CreateLogDirectory(m_PathManager.GetEventLogDirectoryPath(frame.TimeStamp, frame.SourceName));

            //    File.AppendAllText(file, line);
コード例 #19
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
 string GetPreMotionFileNameCompletePath(FRAME frame)
     return (Paths.PreMotionPath + "\\" + frame.SourceName + "\\" + frame.JpegFileNameOnly);
コード例 #20
ファイル: FrameBuffer.cs プロジェクト: mutita/anpr
        public FRAME Clone(bool copyBitmap, bool copyJpeg, bool copyLuminance)
            FRAME newFrame = new FRAME(m_AppData);

            lock (singleton)
                if (copyBitmap)
                    newFrame.bmp = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone();
                if (copyJpeg)
                    newFrame.jpeg = (byte[])jpeg.Clone();

                newFrame.sourceName   = (string)sourceName.Clone();
                newFrame.timeStamp    = timeStamp;
                newFrame.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                if (gPSPosition != null)
                    newFrame.gPSPosition = (string)gPSPosition.Clone();
                newFrame.consumerCount = consumerCount;
                newFrame.available     = available;

                if (pSSName != null)
                    newFrame.pSSName = (string)pSSName.Clone();

                if (jpegFileNameOnly != null)
                    newFrame.jpegFileNameOnly = (string)jpegFileNameOnly.Clone();

                if (jpegFileRelativePath != null)
                    newFrame.jpegFileRelativePath = (string)jpegFileRelativePath.Clone();

                newFrame.sourceChannel = sourceChannel;

                if (copyLuminance)
                    newFrame.luminance = (int[, ])luminance.Clone();

                if (plateNativeLanguage != null)
                    newFrame.plateNativeLanguage = (string)plateNativeLanguage.Clone();

                if (plateNumberLatin != null)
                    newFrame.plateNumberLatin = (string[])plateNumberLatin.Clone();
                if (plateNumberNativeLanguage != null)
                    newFrame.PlateNumberNativeLanguage = (string[])plateNumberNativeLanguage.Clone();

                if (bestMatchingString != null)
                    newFrame.bestMatchingString = (string)bestMatchingString.Clone();

                newFrame.matchScore      = matchScore;
                newFrame.parentWatchList = parentWatchList;

                if (watchListMatchingNumber != null)
                    newFrame.watchListMatchingNumber = (string)watchListMatchingNumber.Clone();
                if (watchListMatchingNumberUserComment != null)
                    newFrame.watchListMatchingNumberUserComment = (string)watchListMatchingNumberUserComment.Clone();

                newFrame.NotVideoEachFrameIsUniqueSize = NotVideoEachFrameIsUniqueSize;
コード例 #21
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void OnLPRNewRecord(FRAME frame)

            if (m_NewLPRRecordQ.Count > m_LPRRecordQueLen / 2)
                m_AppData.DVRStoringLPRRecordsGettingBehind = true;
                m_AppData.DVRStoringLPRRecordsGettingBehind = false;
コード例 #22
ファイル: WatchlistProcess.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        //  add new match events in this method
        void ComparePlateNumbersToAllWatchLists( FRAME frame)
            foreach (WatchListControl list in m_WatchLists)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.WatchEntrys.Length; i++ )
                    string watchNumber = list.WatchEntrys[i].Number;
                    foreach (string plate in frame.PlateNumberLatin)
                        int score = LPROCR_Lib.scoreMatch(plate, watchNumber);
                        if (score >= list.AlertThreshold)
                            Console.WriteLine("WL found intermediate match");

                            BuidlAlertFrame(frame, plate, watchNumber, list.WatchEntrys[i].UserComment, list, score);

                            //  Add new match events here


コード例 #23
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        // this event is calld from the FrameGenerator, which does the motion detection
        void OnMotionDetection(FRAME frame)
            if (m_AppData.DVRMode != APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_MOTION) return;// if not store on motion, we only get frames from LPR to store

            // dont process stuff on this thread

            frame.JpegFileRelativePath = Paths.GetJpegRelateivePath(frame);

            // if we are still in within the post-motion copy-out time from the previous motion event, do not trigger a new copy-out of the pre-motion buffer
            if (m_MotionFrameCount < 0)
                m_MotionDetectedQ.Enqueue(frame);  // send this frame to the DVR thread so it can use this frame's time/channel reference to trigger a copy out of the pre-motion buffer

            // reset the post-motion recording frame counter
            m_MotionFrameCount = m_NumberOfFramesToPrePostBuffer;
コード例 #24
ファイル: WatchlistProcess.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void NewLPRResultsEvent_OnNewPlateEvent(FRAME frame)
            Console.WriteLine("WL recevied new plate");

            // put this on the que to be handeled by the watch list thread
コード例 #25
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void OnNewFrame(FRAME frame)
            if (m_AppData.DVRMode != APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_MOTION) return; // if not store on motion, we only get frames from LPR to store

            // dont process stuff on this thread

            if (m_MotionFrameCount-- > 0)
                // record it, we had motion
                m_NewFrameQ.Enqueue(frame);// goes to the pre-motion buffer
コード例 #26
        void m_LPREngine_OnNewPlateEvent(FRAME frame)
                int c = frame.SourceChannel;

                m_CurrentPlateNumberQ[c].Dequeue();// this queue is just to act as a single unit buffer

            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }
コード例 #27
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        /// <summary>
        /// put images into the pre-motion temp buffer area on disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        void PendingMotionDetection(FRAME frame)
            if (PauseFlag.Pause) return;

            if (m_PreMotionRecords[frame.SourceChannel].MotionDetectedMovingFilesInProcess) return;

            // generate a sub-directory prequalified file name for this image to go into
            string PreMotionFileNameCompletePath = GetPreMotionFileNameCompletePath(frame);

            FileAccessControl.WriteStream(PreMotionFileNameCompletePath, frame.Jpeg);

            // use this queue to keep track of the last X frames to have come in before a motion event

            // keep the number of pre-motion frames at m_MotionFrameCount
            if (m_PreMotionRecords[frame.SourceChannel].PendingMotionDetectionQ.Count >= m_NumberOfFramesToPrePostBuffer)
                PreMotionFileNameCompletePath = m_PreMotionRecords[frame.SourceChannel].PendingMotionDetectionQ.Dequeue();

コード例 #28
        //  ////////////////////////////
        //    Receive New LPR results and display
        void m_LPREngine_OnNewPlateEvent(FRAME frame)
            int chan = frame.SourceChannel;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (string s in frame.PlateNumberLatin)
                sb.Append(", ");
            //string result = sb.ToString();
              //  this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.PostLPRString(chan,result); });
            LPR_RESULT_TO_POST result = new LPR_RESULT_TO_POST();

            result.result = sb.ToString();
            result.chan = chan;
コード例 #29
ファイル: DVR.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void WriteMotionEventAndPushPreMotionBuffer(FRAME frame)
            // write the motion event to the Event Log
            EventLogFiles.EventLogFiles.EVENT_TO_WRITE data = m_EventLogFile.WriteMotoinEvent(frame.PSSName, frame.TimeStamp, frame.SourceName, frame.GPSPosition, frame.JpegFileRelativePath);

            FileAccessControl.AppendAllText(data.file, data.line);

            string sourceDir = Paths.PreMotionPath + "\\" + frame.SourceName;
            if (sourceDir == null) return;

            //   are the frames in the PRE-MOTION dir to copy out to storage ?

            // based on time stamp and channel, copy out the pre-motion files to the storage location

            string[] sourceFiles = FileAccessControl.GetFiles(sourceDir);

            if (sourceFiles == null)return;

            m_PreMotionRecords[frame.SourceChannel].MotionDetectedMovingFilesInProcess = true;

            foreach (string file in sourceFiles)
                MoveFileToDVRStorage(file,  frame.SourceName);


            m_PreMotionRecords[frame.SourceChannel].MotionDetectedMovingFilesInProcess = false ;
コード例 #30
ファイル: S2255Controller.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        void OnNewFrameFromDevice(FRAME frame)
            // send new frame to registered consumers

            if (OnNewFrame != null) OnNewFrame(frame);
コード例 #31
ファイル: LPREngine.cs プロジェクト: anndream/anpr-1
        // registered to receive frames where motion was detected from the previous frame
        void OnRxNewMotionWasDetectedFrame(FRAME frame)
            bool sucess = m_LPRProcessQ.Enqueue(frame); // enqueue for the LPR thread to process
            if (!sucess)

            if (m_LPRProcessQ.Count > m_LPRProcessQueSize / 2) m_AppData.LPRGettingBehind = true;
            else m_AppData.LPRGettingBehind = false;

            // store the frame meta data for later retrival if the LPR finds plates
            //   no need to use memory storing bitmaps and jpegs as the jpeg has been stored on disk by the DVR and the
            //   frame meta data includes a reference to this file.

            FRAME newFrame = null;
            newFrame = frame.Clone(false, false, false);
            newFrame.PlateNativeLanguage = "LATIN";
            // keep knowledge of this frame around for a while, so that if LPR plate number group processig finds some numbers,
            //  we can look up which frame was associated with those numbers by serial number.
            //   the jpeg already went to disk by the time the LPR found numbers, so only the file url gets recorded
            //   into the eventlog.txt file
            m_StoredFrameData.Add(newFrame.SerialNumber, newFrame);

            // for plate groupings, keep the serialnumber/frame data around for a while, only use
            //    newFrame = frame.Clone(false, false, false);
            //    newFrame.PlateNativeLanguage = "LATIN";
            //    // keep knowledge of this frame around for a while, so that if LPR plate number group processig finds some numbers,
            //    //  we can look up which frame was associated with those numbers by serial number.
            //    //   the jpeg already went to disk by the time the LPR found numbers, so only the file url gets recorded
            //    //   into the eventlog.txt file
            //    m_StoredFrameData.Add(newFrame.SerialNumber, newFrame);
            //    //else m_AppData.DVRMode == APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_PLATE_FOUND
            //    // keep a copy of the jpeg in this frame since this frame is what the DVR will write to disk
            //    newFrame = frame.Clone(false,true,false);