protected SrcOp(OutputModelFactory factory, GrammarAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { if (ast != null) uniqueID = ast.Token.TokenIndex; enclosingBlock = factory.GetCurrentBlock(); enclosingRuleRunction = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); }
protected SrcOp(OutputModelFactory factory, GrammarAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { if (ast != null) { uniqueID = ast.Token.TokenIndex; } enclosingBlock = factory.GetCurrentBlock(); enclosingRuleRunction = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); }
public InvokeRule(ParserFactory factory, GrammarAST ast, GrammarAST labelAST) : base(factory, ast) { if (ast.atnState != null) { RuleTransition ruleTrans = (RuleTransition)ast.atnState.Transition(0); stateNumber = ast.atnState.stateNumber; } = ast.Text; Rule r = factory.GetGrammar().GetRule(name); ctxName = factory.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(r); // TODO: move to factory RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); if (labelAST != null) { // for x=r, define <rule-context-type> x and list_x string label = labelAST.Text; if (labelAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRParser.PLUS_ASSIGN) { factory.DefineImplicitLabel(ast, this); string listLabel = factory.GetTarget().GetListLabel(label); RuleContextListDecl l = new RuleContextListDecl(factory, listLabel, ctxName); rf.AddContextDecl(ast.GetAltLabel(), l); } else { RuleContextDecl d = new RuleContextDecl(factory, label, ctxName); labels.Add(d); rf.AddContextDecl(ast.GetAltLabel(), d); } } ActionAST arg = (ActionAST)ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.ARG_ACTION); if (arg != null) { argExprsChunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, arg.Token, arg); } // If action refs rule as rulename not label, we need to define implicit label if (factory.GetCurrentOuterMostAlt().ruleRefsInActions.ContainsKey(ast.Text)) { string label = factory.GetTarget().GetImplicitRuleLabel(ast.Text); RuleContextDecl d = new RuleContextDecl(factory, label, ctxName); labels.Add(d); rf.AddContextDecl(ast.GetAltLabel(), d); } }
public override void RuleRef(GrammarAST @ref, ActionAST arg) { if (@ref is GrammarASTWithOptions) { GrammarASTWithOptions grammarASTWithOptions = (GrammarASTWithOptions)@ref; if (bool.Parse(grammarASTWithOptions.GetOptionString(LeftFactoringRuleTransformer.SUPPRESS_ACCESSOR) ?? "false")) { return; } } frequencies.Peek().Add(RuleFunction.GetLabelName(grammar, @ref)); minFrequencies.Peek().Add(RuleFunction.GetLabelName(grammar, @ref)); }
public Action(OutputModelFactory factory, ActionAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); if (ast != null) { chunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, ast.Token, ast); } else { chunks = new List <ActionChunk>(); } //System.out.println("actions="+chunks); }
public Action(OutputModelFactory factory, StructDecl ctx, string action) : base(factory, null) { ActionAST ast = new ActionAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ACTION, action)); RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); if (rf != null) { // we can translate ast.resolver = rf.rule; chunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateActionChunk(factory, rf, action, ast); } else { chunks = new List <ActionChunk>(); chunks.Add(new ActionText(ctx, action)); } }
public override IList<SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { if (r.namedActions.ContainsKey("after") || r.namedActions.ContainsKey("finally")) { // See OutputModelController.buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction // and Parser.exitRule for other places which set stop. CodeGenerator gen = GetGenerator(); TemplateGroup codegenTemplates = gen.GetTemplates(); Template setStopTokenAST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf("recRuleSetStopToken"); Action setStopTokenAction = new Action(this, function.ruleCtx, setStopTokenAST); IList<SrcOp> ops = new List<SrcOp>(1); ops.Add(setStopTokenAction); return ops; } return base.RulePostamble(function, r); }
public static IList<ActionChunk> TranslateAction(OutputModelFactory factory, RuleFunction rf, IToken tokenWithinAction, ActionAST node) { string action = tokenWithinAction.Text; if (action != null && action.Length > 0 && action[0] == '{') { int firstCurly = action.IndexOf('{'); int lastCurly = action.LastIndexOf('}'); if (firstCurly >= 0 && lastCurly >= 0) { action = action.Substring(firstCurly + 1, lastCurly - firstCurly - 1); // trim {...} } } return TranslateActionChunk(factory, rf, action, node); }
public override RuleFunction Rule(Rule r) { if (r is LeftRecursiveRule) { return new LeftRecursiveRuleFunction(this, (LeftRecursiveRule)r); } else if ( { return new LeftFactoredRuleFunction(this, r); } else if ( { return new LeftUnfactoredRuleFunction(this, r); } else { RuleFunction rf = new RuleFunction(this, r); return rf; } }
public SemPred(OutputModelFactory factory, [NotNull] ActionAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { Debug.Assert(ast.atnState != null && ast.atnState.NumberOfTransitions == 1 && ast.atnState.Transition(0) is AbstractPredicateTransition); GrammarAST failNode = ast.GetOptionAST("fail"); predicate = ast.Text; if (predicate.StartsWith("{") && predicate.EndsWith("}?")) { predicate = predicate.Substring(1, predicate.Length - 3); } predicate = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromString(predicate); if (failNode == null) { return; } if (failNode is ActionAST) { ActionAST failActionNode = (ActionAST)failNode; RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); failChunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, failActionNode.Token, failActionNode); } else { msg = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral(factory.GetGenerator(), failNode.Text, true); } }
/** If we know which actual function, we can provide the actual ctx type. * This will contain implicit labels etc... From outside, though, we * see only ParserRuleContext unless there are externally visible stuff * like args, locals, explicit labels, etc... */ public virtual string GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(RuleFunction function) { Rule r = function.rule; if (r.g.IsLexer()) { return GetTemplates().GetInstanceOf("LexerRuleContext").Render(); } string baseName = r.GetBaseContext(); return Utils.Capitalize(baseName) + GetTemplates().GetInstanceOf("RuleContextNameSuffix").Render(); }
public virtual void PushCurrentRule(RuleFunction r) { currentRule.Push(r); }
public virtual IList<SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { IList<SrcOp> ops = @delegate.RulePostamble(function, r); foreach (CodeGeneratorExtension ext in extensions) ops = ext.RulePostamble(ops); return ops; }
public virtual void BuildNormalRuleFunction(Rule r, RuleFunction function) { CodeGenerator gen = @delegate.GetGenerator(); // TRIGGER factory functions for rule alts, elements GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(r.ast.Token.InputStream); GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor, blk); walker = new SourceGenTriggers(nodes, this); try { // walk AST of rule alts/elements function.code = DefaultOutputModelFactory.List(walker.block(null, null)); function.hasLookaheadBlock = walker.hasLookaheadBlock; } catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } function.ctxType = @delegate.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(function); function.postamble = RulePostamble(function, r); }
public virtual RuleFunction Rule(RuleFunction rf) { return rf; }
public virtual IList<SrcOp> RulePostamble(RuleFunction function, Rule r) { return null; }
public static IList<ActionChunk> TranslateActionChunk(OutputModelFactory factory, RuleFunction rf, string action, ActionAST node) { IToken tokenWithinAction = node.Token; ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator(factory, node); translator.rf = rf; factory.GetGrammar().tool.Log("action-translator", "translate " + action); string altLabel = node.GetAltLabel(); if (rf != null) { translator.nodeContext = rf.ruleCtx; if (altLabel != null) { AltLabelStructDecl decl; rf.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out decl); translator.nodeContext = decl; } } ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(action); @in.Line = tokenWithinAction.Line; @in.CharPositionInLine = tokenWithinAction.CharPositionInLine; ActionSplitter trigger = new ActionSplitter(@in, translator); // forces eval, triggers listener methods trigger.GetActionTokens(); return translator.chunks; }