private static void DrawStateData(AnimationState state, ref bool markDirty) { const float labelWidth = 55f; var old = state.Name; state.Name = EditorUtilities.TextField("Name", state.Name, labelWidth); if (old != state.Name) { markDirty = true; } state.speed = EditorUtilities.DoubleField("Speed", state.speed, labelWidth); //@TODO: C# 7 pattern matching var type = state.GetType(); if (type == typeof(SingleClipState)) { DrawSingleClipState((SingleClipState)state, ref markDirty, labelWidth); } else if (type == typeof(BlendTree1D)) { Draw1DBlendTree((BlendTree1D)state, ref markDirty); } else if (type == typeof(BlendTree2D)) { Draw2DBlendTree((BlendTree2D)state, ref markDirty); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Unknown animation state type: {type.Name}"); } }
public static void DrawStateData(AnimationPlayerState state, ref bool markDirty) { const float labelWidth = 55f; var old = state.Name; state.Name = EditorUtilities.TextField("Name", state.Name, labelWidth); if (old != state.Name) { markDirty = true; } state.speed = EditorUtilities.DoubleField("Speed", state.speed, labelWidth); switch (state) { case SingleClip singleClipState: DrawSingleClipState(singleClipState, ref markDirty, labelWidth); break; case BlendTree1D blendTree1D: Draw1DBlendTree(blendTree1D, ref markDirty); break; case BlendTree2D blendTree2D: Draw2DBlendTree(blendTree2D, ref markDirty); break; case PlayRandomClip playRandom: DrawSelectRandomState(playRandom, ref markDirty); break; case Sequence sequence: DrawSequence(sequence, ref markDirty); break; default: EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Unknown animation state type: {(state == null ? "null" : state.GetType().Name)}"); break; } }
private static void Draw2DBlendTree(BlendTree2D state, ref bool markDirty) { state.blendVariable = EditorUtilities.TextField("First blend variable", state.blendVariable, 120f); state.blendVariable2 = EditorUtilities.TextField("Second blend variable", state.blendVariable2, 120f); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; if (state.blendTree == null) { state.blendTree = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BlendTreeEntry2D>(); } int swapIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < state.blendTree.Count; i++) { var blendTreeEntry = state.blendTree[i]; var oldClip = blendTreeEntry.clip; blendTreeEntry.clip = EditorUtilities.ObjectField("Clip", blendTreeEntry.clip, 150f, 200f); if (blendTreeEntry.clip != oldClip && blendTreeEntry.clip != null) { markDirty |= state.OnClipAssigned(blendTreeEntry.clip); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { blendTreeEntry.threshold1 = EditorUtilities.FloatField($"When '{state.blendVariable}' =", blendTreeEntry.threshold1, 150f, 200f); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i == 0); if (GUILayout.Button("\u2191", upDownButtonStyle, upDownButtonOptions)) { swapIndex = i; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { blendTreeEntry.threshold2 = EditorUtilities.FloatField($"When '{state.blendVariable2}' =", blendTreeEntry.threshold2, 150f, 200f); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i == state.blendTree.Count - 1); if (GUILayout.Button("\u2193", upDownButtonStyle, upDownButtonOptions)) { swapIndex = i + 1; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); // Remove 2D blend tree entry if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.Width(70f))) { state.blendTree.RemoveAt(i); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (i != state.blendTree.Count - 1) { EditorUtilities.Splitter(width: 350f); } } if (swapIndex != -1) { markDirty = true; state.blendTree.Swap(swapIndex, swapIndex - 1); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add blend tree entry", GUILayout.Width(150f))) { state.blendTree.Add(new BlendTreeEntry2D()); markDirty = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private static void Draw1DBlendTree(BlendTree1D state, ref bool markDirty) { state.blendVariable = EditorUtilities.TextField("Blend with variable", state.blendVariable, 130f); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; int swapIndex = -1; if (state.blendTree == null) { state.blendTree = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BlendTreeEntry1D>(); } for (var i = 0; i < state.blendTree.Count; i++) { var blendTreeEntry = state.blendTree[i]; var whenLabel = $"When '{state.blendVariable}' ="; var whenLabelRequiredWidth = GUIContent(whenLabel)).x; var remainingAfterClipLabel = Screen.width - 30f - 70f - 25f - 100f; var remainingAfterWhenLabel = Screen.width - whenLabelRequiredWidth - 70f - 25f - 100f; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { var oldClip = blendTreeEntry.clip; blendTreeEntry.clip = EditorUtilities.ObjectField("Clip", blendTreeEntry.clip, 30f, remainingAfterClipLabel); if (blendTreeEntry.clip != oldClip) { if (blendTreeEntry.clip != null) { state.OnClipAssigned(blendTreeEntry.clip); } markDirty = true; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i == 0); if (GUILayout.Button("\u2191", upDownButtonStyle, upDownButtonOptions)) { swapIndex = i; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { blendTreeEntry.threshold = EditorUtilities.FloatField(whenLabel, blendTreeEntry.threshold, whenLabelRequiredWidth, remainingAfterWhenLabel); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i == state.blendTree.Count - 1); if (GUILayout.Button("\u2193", upDownButtonStyle, upDownButtonOptions)) { swapIndex = i + 1; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); // Remove 1D blend tree entry if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.Width(70f))) { state.blendTree.RemoveAt(i); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (i != state.blendTree.Count - 1) { EditorUtilities.Splitter(width: Screen.width - 100f); } } if (swapIndex != -1) { markDirty = true; state.blendTree.Swap(swapIndex, swapIndex - 1); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add blend tree entry", GUILayout.Width(150f))) { state.blendTree.Add(new BlendTreeEntry1D()); markDirty = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private static void DrawStateData(AnimationState state, ref bool updateStateNames) { const float labelWidth = 55f; var old = state.Name; state.Name = EditorUtilities.TextField("Name", state.Name, labelWidth); if (old != state.Name) { updateStateNames = true; } state.speed = EditorUtilities.DoubleField("Speed", state.speed, labelWidth); //@TODO: Use pattern matching when C# 7 var type = state.GetType(); if (type == typeof(SingleClipState)) { var singleClipState = (SingleClipState)state; var oldClip = singleClipState.clip; singleClipState.clip = EditorUtilities.ObjectField("Clip", singleClipState.clip, labelWidth); if (singleClipState.clip != null && singleClipState.clip != oldClip) { updateStateNames |= singleClipState.OnClipAssigned(singleClipState.clip); } } else if (type == typeof(BlendTree1D)) { var blendTree = (BlendTree1D)state; blendTree.blendVariable = EditorUtilities.TextField("Blend with variable", blendTree.blendVariable, 120f); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; foreach (var blendTreeEntry in blendTree.blendTree) { updateStateNames |= DrawBlendTreeEntry(state, blendTreeEntry, blendTree.blendVariable); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add blend tree entry", GUILayout.Width(150f))) { blendTree.blendTree.Add(new BlendTreeEntry1D()); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (type == typeof(BlendTree2D)) { var blendTree2D = (BlendTree2D)state; blendTree2D.blendVariable = EditorUtilities.TextField("First blend variable", blendTree2D.blendVariable, 120f); blendTree2D.blendVariable2 = EditorUtilities.TextField("Second blend variable", blendTree2D.blendVariable2, 120f); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; foreach (var blendTreeEntry in blendTree2D.blendTree) { updateStateNames |= DrawBlendTreeEntry(state, blendTreeEntry, blendTree2D.blendVariable, blendTree2D.blendVariable2); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add blend tree entry", GUILayout.Width(150f))) { blendTree2D.blendTree.Add(new BlendTreeEntry2D()); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Unknown animation state type: {type.Name}"); } }