コード例 #1

        protected ITaskItem [] GetOutOfDateSourcesFromCmdLineChanges(string expectedCommandLine, ITaskItem [] uncheckedSources)
            // Evaluate which (if any) of the `uncheckedSources` are already present in the command TLog.
            // If cached entries are found, identify whether this source should be considered "out of date".

            if (TLogCommandFiles?.Length == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <ITaskItem>());

            Dictionary <string, ITaskItem> uncheckedSourcesRooted = new Dictionary <string, ITaskItem>();

            foreach (var uncheckedSource in uncheckedSources)
                uncheckedSourcesRooted.Add(TrackedFileManager.ConvertToTrackerFormat(uncheckedSource), uncheckedSource);

            var outOfDateSources = new HashSet <ITaskItem>();

            using StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(TLogCommandFiles[0].ItemSpec);

            for (string line = reader.ReadLine(); !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line); line = reader.ReadLine())
                if (line.StartsWith("^"))
                    var trackedFiles = line.Substring(1).Split('|');

                    string trackedCommandLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    foreach (string trackedFile in trackedFiles)
                        if (uncheckedSourcesRooted.TryGetValue(trackedFile, out ITaskItem match) && !string.Equals(trackedCommandLine, expectedCommandLine))
                            Log.LogMessageFromText($"[{GetType().Name}] Out of date source identified: {trackedFile}. Command lines differed.", MessageImportance.Low);

                            Log.LogMessageFromText($"[{GetType().Name}] Out of date source identified: {trackedFile}. Expected: {expectedCommandLine} ", MessageImportance.Low);

                            Log.LogMessageFromText($"[{GetType().Name}] Out of date source identified: {trackedFile}. Cached: {trackedCommandLine} ", MessageImportance.Low);


コード例 #2

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      // Collate the output files using 'GetOutputFilesFromPath' helper. This handles singular and directory output(s).

      string fullOutputPath = OutputPath.GetMetadata ("FullPath");

      ITaskItem [] outputFiles = GetOutputFilesFromPath (fullOutputPath);

      if (outputFiles != null)
        trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (outputFiles, sources);
コード例 #3

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      foreach (ITaskItem source in sources)
        string fullPath = source.GetMetadata ("FullPath");

        // Mark additional dependencies for .class files contained within specified folder class paths.

        if (Directory.Exists (fullPath))
          string [] classPathFiles = Directory.GetFiles (fullPath, "*.class", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

          List<ITaskItem> classPathFileItems = new List<ITaskItem> (classPathFiles.Length);

          foreach (string classpath in classPathFiles)
            classPathFileItems.Add (new TaskItem (classpath));

          trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (classPathFileItems.ToArray (), new ITaskItem [] { source });

        // Ensure configuration file(s) for MultiDex output are flagged as dependencies.

        bool multiDex = (source.GetMetadata ("MultiDex") == "true");

        string multiDexMainList = source.GetMetadata ("MultiDexMainList");

        if (multiDex && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (multiDexMainList) && File.Exists (multiDexMainList))
          ITaskItem multiDexMainListItem = new TaskItem (multiDexMainList);

          trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (new ITaskItem [] { multiDexMainListItem }, new ITaskItem [] { source });
コード例 #4

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      // Register additional 'forced include' usage for each of the sources.

      foreach (ITaskItem source in sources)
          if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (source.GetMetadata ("ForcedIncludeFiles")))
            string [] forcedIncludeFiles = source.GetMetadata ("ForcedIncludeFiles").Split (new char [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            List<ITaskItem> forcedIncludeItems = new List<ITaskItem> ();

            foreach (string file in forcedIncludeFiles)
              // Supports including pre-compiled headers via '-include' when they need to be referenced without '.pch'/'.gch'. Fix this.

              string fileFullPath = Path.GetFullPath (file);

              if ((ToolExe.StartsWith ("clang")) && (File.Exists (fileFullPath + ".pch")))
                fileFullPath = fileFullPath + ".pch";
              else if (File.Exists (fileFullPath + ".gch"))
                fileFullPath = fileFullPath + ".gch";

              // Also validate that we don't try adding dependencies to missing files, as this breaks tracking.

              if (!File.Exists (fileFullPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find 'forced include' dependency: " + fileFullPath);

              forcedIncludeItems.Add (new TaskItem (fileFullPath));

            trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (forcedIncludeItems.ToArray (), new ITaskItem [] { source });
        catch (Exception e)
          Log.LogWarningFromException (e, false);
コード例 #5

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (OutputFiles, sources);
コード例 #6

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      if (ManifestFile != null)
        trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (new ITaskItem [] { ManifestFile }, sources);
コード例 #7

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (m_outputClassSourceFiles.ToArray (), sources);
コード例 #8

#if false
        protected override void OutputCommandTLog(ITaskItem commandFile, string responseFileCommands, string commandLineCommands)
            // Output a tracking file for each of the commands used in the previous build, and target sources to which they relate.
            // *Keeps existing entries in the command log. Updates entries for sources which have been compiled/modified.*

            if (TLogCommandFiles?.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("TLogCommandFile is invalid");

            // Merge existing and new dictionaries. This is quite expensive, but means we can utilise a more simple base export implementation.

            Dictionary <string, List <ITaskItem> > cachedCommandLogDictionary = GenerateCommandLinesFromTlogs(TLogCommandFiles);

            Dictionary <string, List <ITaskItem> > mergedCommandLogDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <ITaskItem> > ();

            // Add recently changed sources first, ensuring these take precedence.

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ITaskItem> > entry in commandDictionary)
                HashSet <string> mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths = new HashSet <string> ();

                if (mergedCommandLogDictionary.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out List <ITaskItem> mergedLogDictionaryList))
                    foreach (ITaskItem source in mergedLogDictionaryList)
                        string trackerFormat = TrackedFileManager.ConvertToTrackerFormat(source.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

                        if (!mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths.Contains(trackerFormat))
                    mergedLogDictionaryList = new List <ITaskItem> ();

                foreach (ITaskItem source in entry.Value)
                    string trackerFormat = TrackedFileManager.ConvertToTrackerFormat(source.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

                    if (!mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths.Contains(trackerFormat))


                mergedCommandLogDictionary [entry.Key] = mergedLogDictionaryList;

            // Continue by adding the remaining cached source commands, if they won't overwrite any existing entries.

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ITaskItem> > entry in cachedCommandLogDictionary)
                HashSet <string> mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths = new HashSet <string> ();

                if (mergedCommandLogDictionary.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out List <ITaskItem> mergedLogDictionaryList))
                    foreach (ITaskItem source in mergedLogDictionaryList)
                        string trackerFormat = TrackedFileManager.ConvertToTrackerFormat(source.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

                        if (!mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths.Contains(trackerFormat))
                    mergedLogDictionaryList = new List <ITaskItem> ();

                foreach (ITaskItem source in entry.Value)
                    string trackerFormat = TrackedFileManager.ConvertToTrackerFormat(source.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

                    if (!mergedLogDictionaryListAsFullPaths.Contains(trackerFormat))


                mergedCommandLogDictionary [entry.Key] = mergedLogDictionaryList;

コード例 #9

    protected virtual void OutputReadTLog (Dictionary<string, List<ITaskItem>> commandDictionary, ITaskItem [] sources)
      // Output a tracking file detailing which files were read (or are dependencies) for the source files built. Changes in these files will invoke recompilation.

        if (!TrackFileAccess)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("'TrackFileAccess' is not set. Should not be attempting to output read TLog.");

        if (commandDictionary == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("commandDictionary");

        if (sources == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("sources");

        if ((TLogReadFiles == null) || (TLogReadFiles.Length != 1))
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("TLogReadFiles is missing or does not have a length of 1");

        TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager = new TrackedFileManager ();

        if (trackedFileManager != null)
          // Clear any old entries to sources which have just been processed.

          trackedFileManager.ImportFromExistingTLog (TLogReadFiles [0]);

          trackedFileManager.RemoveSourcesFromTable (sources);

          trackedFileManager.AddSourcesToTable (sources);

          // Add any explicit inputs registered by parent task.

          AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref trackedFileManager, sources);

          // Create dependency mappings for 'global' task outputs. Assume these relate to all processed sources.
          //   Dependency files are exported/collated in various different ways:
          //   - C/C++ uses <filename>.d (alongside .o/.obj output)
          //   - Java uses: <filename>.java.d
          //   - Unix uses: <filename>.<ext>.d

          // Check alongside the known output files for a dependency file.

            Dictionary<string, string> outputDependencyFilePermutations = new Dictionary<string, string> (OutputFiles.Length * 2);

            foreach (ITaskItem outputFile in OutputFiles)
              string outputFileFullPath = outputFile.GetMetadata ("FullPath");

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (outputFileFullPath))
                string [] permutations = new string [] 
                  Path.ChangeExtension (outputFileFullPath, ".d"),
                  outputFileFullPath + ".d"

                for (int i = 0; i < permutations.Length; ++i)
                  if (!outputDependencyFilePermutations.ContainsKey (permutations [i]))
                    outputDependencyFilePermutations.Add (permutations [i], outputFileFullPath);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> dependencyKeyPair in outputDependencyFilePermutations)
              // Validate this permutation is something we'd expect.

              string dependencyFile = dependencyKeyPair.Key;

              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dependencyFile))
              else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (dependencyFile)))
              else if (!File.Exists (dependencyFile))

              // Probe the dependency file. Evaluate & find parent source item and add dependencies.

              GccUtilities.DependencyParser parser = new GccUtilities.DependencyParser ();

              parser.Parse (dependencyFile);

              Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : {1} (Entries: {2})", ToolName, dependencyFile, parser.Dependencies.Count), MessageImportance.Low);

              Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : [{1}] '{2}'", ToolName, "+", parser.OutputFile.GetMetadata ("FullPath")), MessageImportance.Low);

              int index = 0;

              foreach (var dependency in parser.Dependencies)
                Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : [{1}] '{2}'", ToolName, ++index, dependency), MessageImportance.Low);

              if (parser.Dependencies.Count > 0)
                Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> collatedFullPathSources = new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> (sources.Length);

                foreach (ITaskItem source in sources)
                  collatedFullPathSources [source.GetMetadata ("FullPath")] = source;

                ITaskItem parentSourceItem = null;

                if (collatedFullPathSources.TryGetValue (parser.OutputFile.GetMetadata ("FullPath"), out parentSourceItem))
                  // We managed to find a parent source file (the master file from which the output was generated),
                  // just add of the evaluated dependencies as they are all relevant in this case.

                  ITaskItem [] dependenciesItemArray = new ITaskItem [parser.Dependencies.Count];

                  parser.Dependencies.CopyTo (dependenciesItemArray, 0);

                  trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (dependenciesItemArray, new ITaskItem [] { parentSourceItem });
                  // If we can't determine a parent source file (the master file from which the output was generated),
                  // we'll want to add entries for all the dependencies which aren't already flagged as sources.
                  // NOTE: This isn't ideal, but should reduce likelyhood of required dependencies being missed.

                  Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> nonSourceDependencies = new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> (parser.Dependencies.Count);

                  foreach (ITaskItem dependency in parser.Dependencies)
                    string dependencyFullPath = dependency.GetMetadata ("FullPath");

                    if (collatedFullPathSources.ContainsKey (dependencyFullPath))

                    if (nonSourceDependencies.ContainsKey (dependencyFullPath))

                    nonSourceDependencies.Add (dependencyFullPath, dependency);

                  ITaskItem [] nonSourceDependenciesArray = new ITaskItem [nonSourceDependencies.Count];

                  nonSourceDependencies.Values.CopyTo (nonSourceDependenciesArray, 0);

                  trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (nonSourceDependenciesArray, sources);

          // In some instances, we need to use metadata to search for dependency files in alternative locations.

          foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<ITaskItem>> commandKeyPair in commandDictionary)
            foreach (ITaskItem source in commandKeyPair.Value)
              Dictionary<string, string> alternateDependencyFilePermutations = new Dictionary<string, string> (4);

              string dependentOutputFile = source.GetMetadata ("OutputFile");

              string dependentObjectFileName = source.GetMetadata ("ObjectFileName");

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dependentOutputFile))
                string [] permutations = new string [] 
                  Path.ChangeExtension (dependentOutputFile, ".d"),
                  dependentOutputFile + ".d"

                for (int i = 0; i < permutations.Length; ++i)
                  if (!alternateDependencyFilePermutations.ContainsKey (permutations [i]))
                    alternateDependencyFilePermutations.Add (permutations [i], dependentOutputFile);

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dependentObjectFileName))
                string [] permutations = new string [] 
                  Path.ChangeExtension (dependentObjectFileName, ".d"),
                  dependentObjectFileName + ".d"

                for (int i = 0; i < permutations.Length; ++i)
                  if (!alternateDependencyFilePermutations.ContainsKey (permutations [i]))
                    alternateDependencyFilePermutations.Add (permutations [i], dependentObjectFileName);

              // Iterate through each possible dependency file. Cache listings so that similar outputs aren't re-parsed (i.e. static/shared libraries from object files)

              foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> dependencyKeyPair in alternateDependencyFilePermutations)
                // Validate this permutation is something we'd expect.

                string dependencyFile = dependencyKeyPair.Key;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dependencyFile))
                else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (dependencyFile)))
                else if (!File.Exists (dependencyFile))

                // Probe and cache each dependency file. Saves re-parsing identical file references each time.

                GccUtilities.DependencyParser parser = new GccUtilities.DependencyParser ();

                parser.Parse (dependencyFile);

                Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : {1} (Entries: {2})", ToolName, dependencyFile, parser.Dependencies.Count), MessageImportance.Low);

                Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : [{1}] '{2}'", ToolName, "+", parser.OutputFile.GetMetadata ("FullPath")), MessageImportance.Low);

                int index = 0;

                foreach (var dependency in parser.Dependencies)
                  Log.LogMessageFromText (string.Format ("[{0}] --> Dependencies (Read) : [{1}] '{2}'", ToolName, ++index, dependency), MessageImportance.Low);

                ITaskItem [] dependenciesItemArray = new ITaskItem [parser.Dependencies.Count];

                parser.Dependencies.CopyTo (dependenciesItemArray, 0);

                trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (dependenciesItemArray, new ITaskItem [] { source });

          trackedFileManager.Save (TLogReadFiles [0]);
      catch (Exception e)
        Log.LogErrorFromException (e, true, true, null);
コード例 #10

    protected virtual void AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
コード例 #11

    protected virtual void AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
コード例 #12

    protected virtual void OutputWriteTLog (Dictionary<string, List<ITaskItem>> commandDictionary, ITaskItem [] sources)
        if (!TrackFileAccess)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("'TrackFileAccess' is not set. Should not be attempting to output write TLog.");

        if (commandDictionary == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("commandDictionary");

        if (sources == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("sources");

        if ((TLogWriteFiles == null) || (TLogWriteFiles.Length != 1))
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("TLogWriteFiles is missing or does not have a length of 1");

        TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager = new TrackedFileManager ();

        if (trackedFileManager != null)
          // Clear any old entries to sources which have just been processed.

          trackedFileManager.ImportFromExistingTLog (TLogWriteFiles [0]);

          trackedFileManager.RemoveSourcesFromTable (sources);

          trackedFileManager.AddSourcesToTable (sources);

          // Add any explicit outputs registered by parent task.

          AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref trackedFileManager, sources);

          // Create dependency mappings between source and explicit output file (object-file type relationship).

          Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> dependantFiles = new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> (5);

          foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<ITaskItem>> keyPair in commandDictionary)
            foreach (ITaskItem source in keyPair.Value)
              dependantFiles.Clear ();

              string outputFile = source.GetMetadata ("OutputFile");

              string objectFileName = source.GetMetadata ("ObjectFileName");

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (outputFile))
                string key = Path.GetFullPath (outputFile);

                if (!dependantFiles.ContainsKey (key))
                  dependantFiles.Add (key, new TaskItem (key));

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (objectFileName))
                string key = Path.GetFullPath (objectFileName);

                if (!dependantFiles.ContainsKey (key))
                  dependantFiles.Add (key, new TaskItem (key));

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (source.GetMetadata ("OutputFiles")))
                string [] files = source.GetMetadata ("OutputFiles").Split (new char [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                foreach (string file in files)
                  string key = Path.GetFullPath (objectFileName);

                  if (!dependantFiles.ContainsKey (key))
                    dependantFiles.Add (key, new TaskItem (key));

              ITaskItem [] dependencies = new ITaskItem [dependantFiles.Count];

              dependantFiles.Values.CopyTo (dependencies, 0);

              trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (dependencies, new ITaskItem [] { source });

          trackedFileManager.Save (TLogWriteFiles [0]);
      catch (Exception e)
        Log.LogErrorFromException (e, true, true, null);
コード例 #13

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificOutputFiles (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      if (m_qualifiedOutputJars.Count > 0)
        ITaskItem [] outputFiles = new ITaskItem [m_qualifiedOutputJars.Count];

        m_qualifiedOutputJars.Values.CopyTo (outputFiles, 0);

        trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (outputFiles, sources);
コード例 #14

    protected override void AddTaskSpecificDependencies (ref TrackedFileManager trackedFileManager, ITaskItem [] sources)
      // Mark additional dependencies for .class files contained within specified class paths.

      foreach (ITaskItem source in sources)
        string sourceFullPath = source.GetMetadata ("FullPath");

        if (Directory.Exists (sourceFullPath))
          string [] classPathFiles = Directory.GetFiles (sourceFullPath, "*.class", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

          List<ITaskItem> classPathFileItems = new List<ITaskItem> (classPathFiles.Length);

          foreach (string classpath in classPathFiles)
            classPathFileItems.Add (new TaskItem (classpath));

          trackedFileManager.AddDependencyForSources (classPathFileItems.ToArray (), new ITaskItem [] { source });