コード例 #1
 public ActionRun(ActionCoreController ed, ActionFileList afl)
     restarttick.Interval = 100;
     restarttick.Tick    += Tick_Tick;
     actioncontroller     = ed;
     actionfilelist       = afl;
コード例 #2
        public override void Init(Condition cond, List <string> events, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile actionfile,
                                  System.Func <string, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> > func, Icon ic, ToolTip toolTip)
            cd = cond;      // on creation, the cond with be set to onVoice with one condition, checked in ActionController.cs:SetPackEditor..

            textBoxInput              = new ExtendedControls.ExtTextBox();
            textBoxInput.Location     = new Point(panelxmargin, panelymargin);
            textBoxInput.Size         = new Size(356, 24); // manually matched to size of eventprogramcondition bits
            textBoxInput.Text         = cd.fields[0].matchstring;
            textBoxInput.TextChanged += TextBoxInput_TextChanged;
            textBoxInput.SetTipDynamically(toolTip, "Enter the voice input to recognise.  Multiple phrases seperate with semicolons");


            ActionProgram p = cond.action.HasChars() ? actionfile.actionprogramlist.Get(cond.action) : null;

            ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass classifier = p != null ? p.progclass : ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.KeySay;

            ucprog          = new ActionPackEditProgram();
            ucprog.Location = new Point(textBoxInput.Right + 16, 0);
            ucprog.Size     = new Size(400, this.Height);   // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths
            ucprog.Init(actionfile, cond, cp, appfolder, ic, toolTip, classifier);
            ucprog.onEditKeys         = onEditKeys;
            ucprog.onEditSay          = onEditSay;
            ucprog.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(func(cd.eventname)); };
            ucprog.SuggestedName     += () =>
                string textparse = (textBoxInput.Text.Length > 0 && !textBoxInput.Text.Equals("?")) ? ("_" + textBoxInput.Text.Split(';')[0].SafeVariableString()) : "";
                return("VoiceInput" + textparse);

            ucprog.RefreshEvent += () => { RefreshIt(); };
コード例 #3
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            string    progname;
            Variables cond;
            Dictionary <string, string> altops;

            FromString(UserData, out progname, out cond, out altops);

            // test example List<string> p2romptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptMultiLine.ShowDialog(parent, "caption", cp.Icon, new string[] { "wkwkwkw wkw qwjkqwkqw qwkqwk", "wkwkw ejjd2" }, null, true);

            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Program to call (use set::prog if req)", progname, "Configure Call Command", cp.Icon);

            if (promptValue != null)
                ExtendedConditionsForms.VariablesForm avf = new ExtendedConditionsForms.VariablesForm();
                avf.Init("Variables to pass into called program", cp.Icon, cond, showatleastoneentry: true, allownoexpand: true, altops: altops);

                if (avf.ShowDialog(parent) == DialogResult.OK)
                    userdata = ToString(promptValue, avf.result, avf.result_altops);

コード例 #4
ファイル: ActionPlay.cs プロジェクト: ryczypior/EDDiscovery
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            string             path;
            ConditionVariables vars;

            FromString(userdata, out path, out vars);

            WaveConfigureDialog cfg = new WaveConfigureDialog();

            cfg.Init(cp.AudioQueueWave, false, "Select file, volume and effects", "Configure Play Command", path,
                     AudioQueue.GetPriority(vars.GetString(priorityname, "Normal")),
                     vars.GetString(startname, ""),
                     vars.GetString(finishname, ""),
                     vars.GetString(volumename, "Default"),

            if (cfg.ShowDialog(parent) == DialogResult.OK)
                ConditionVariables cond = new ConditionVariables(cfg.Effects);// add on any effects variables (and may add in some previous variables, since we did not purge)
                cond.SetOrRemove(cfg.Wait, waitname, "1");
                cond.SetOrRemove(cfg.Priority != AudioQueue.Priority.Normal, priorityname, cfg.Priority.ToString());
                cond.SetOrRemove(cfg.StartEvent.Length > 0, startname, cfg.StartEvent);
                cond.SetOrRemove(cfg.StartEvent.Length > 0, finishname, cfg.FinishEvent);
                cond.SetOrRemove(!cfg.Volume.Equals("Default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), volumename, cfg.Volume);
                userdata = ToString(cfg.Path, cond);

コード例 #5
        public ActionProgramRun(ActionFile af,                          // associated file
                                ActionProgram r,                        // the program
                                ConditionVariables iparas,              // input variables to the program only.. not globals
                                ActionRun runner,                       // who is running it..
                                ActionCoreController ed) : base(r.Name) // allow a pause
            actionfile           = af;
            actionrun            = runner;
            actioncontroller     = ed;
            execlevel            = 0;
            execstate[execlevel] = ExecState.On;
            nextstepnumber       = 0;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Run " + actionfile.name + "::" + r.Name);
            //ActionData.DumpVars(gvars, " Func Var:");

            inputvars = iparas;             // current vars is set up by ActionRun at the point of invokation to have the latests globals

            List <ActionBase> psteps = new List <ActionBase>();
            ActionBase        ac;

            for (int i = 0; (ac = r.GetStep(i)) != null; i++)

            programsteps = psteps;
コード例 #6
 public void Init(Condition cond, List <string> events, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile file, ActionPackEditorForm.AdditionalNames func)
     onAdditionalNames = func;
     cd                   = new Condition(cond); // full clone, we can now modify it.
     actionfile           = file;
     actioncorecontroller = cp;
     applicationfolder    = appfolder;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ActionPragma.cs プロジェクト: wokket/EDDiscovery
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Pragma", UserData, "Configure Pragma Command", cp.Icon);

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue;

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #8
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController discoveryform, List <string> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Expression", UserData, "Configure Function Expression");

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue;

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #9
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController discoveryform, List <string> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Variable name", UserData, "Configure DeleteVariable Command");

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue;

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #10
        }                                                                             // and allow editing?

        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "DialogControl command", UserData, "Configure DialogControl Command", cp.Icon);

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue;

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #11
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            List <string> l = FromString(userdata);
            List <string> r = ExtendedControls.PromptMultiLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Configure MessageBox Dialog", cp.Icon,
                                                                          new string[] { "Message", "Caption", "Buttons", "Icon" }, l?.ToArray(), true);

            if (r != null)
                userdata = r.ToStringCommaList(1, true);     // and escape them back
            return(r != null);
コード例 #12
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            List <string> l = FromString(userdata);
            List <string> r = ExtendedControls.PromptMultiLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Configure Loop", cp.Icon,
                                                                          new string[] { "Loop count", "Optional var name" }, l?.ToArray(), true);

            if (r != null)
                userdata = r.ToStringCommaList(1, true);     // and escape them back
            return(r != null);
コード例 #13
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Return", UserData.ReplaceEscapeControlChars(),
                                                                              "Configure Return Command", cp.Icon, true);

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue.EscapeControlChars();

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #14
        }                                                                             // and allow editing?

        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Line to display",
                                                                              UserData.ReplaceEscapeControlChars(), "Configure Print Command", cp.Icon, true);

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue.EscapeControlChars();

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #15
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Sleep time in ms:", UserData, "Set Sleep timeout", cp.Icon);

            if (promptValue != null)
                userdata = promptValue;

            return(promptValue != null);
コード例 #16
        public void Init(string title, Icon ic, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile file, List <ActionEvent> evlist, string collapsestate)       // here, change to using events
            this.Icon            = ic;
            actioncorecontroller = cp;
            applicationfolder    = appfolder;
            actionfile           = file;
            events = evlist;

            var enumlist = new Enum[] { AFIDs.ActionPackEditPackForm_buttonInstallationVars, AFIDs.ActionPackEditPackForm_labelEditProg };

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.TranslateControls(this, enumlist);

            grouptypenames = (from e in events select e.UIClass).ToList().Distinct().ToList();      // here we extract from events relevant data
            groupeventlist = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            foreach (string s in grouptypenames)
                groupeventlist.Add(s, (from e in events where e.UIClass == s select e.TriggerName).ToList());

            bool winborder = ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.ApplyDialog(this);    // scale to font

            statusStripCustom.Visible = panelTop.Visible = panelTop.Enabled = !winborder;
            initialtitle = this.Text = label_index.Text = title;

            ConditionLists clist = actionfile.FileEventList;    // now load the initial conditions from the action file

            string eventname = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < clist.Count; i++)       // for ever event, find the condition, create the group, theme
                string gname = clist[i].GroupName;
                if (gname != eventname)
                    eventname = gname;
                    Group gg = CreateGroup(false, null, gname);
                    gg.collapsed = collapsestate.Contains("<" + gname + ";");

                Condition cd = clist[i];
                Group     g  = CreateGroup(true, cd, null);

            foreach (Group g in groups)     // add the groups to the vscroller

            PositionGroups(true);       //repositions all items

コード例 #17
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars) //standard one used for most
            ConditionLists jf = new ConditionLists();

            bool ok = ConfigurationMenu(parent, cp, eventvars, ref jf);

            if (ok)
                userdata = jf.ToString();
コード例 #18
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            string ud = Menu(parent, userdata, cp);

            if (ud != null)
                userdata = ud;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ActionKey.cs プロジェクト: keritaf/ActionLanguage
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars) // override again to expand any functionality
            string ud = Menu(parent, cp.Icon, userdata, null, null);                                                                          // base has no additional keys/parser

            if (ud != null)
                userdata = ud;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ActionSay.cs プロジェクト: Keen13/ActionLanguage
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            string ud = Menu(parent, userdata, cp);

            if (ud != null)
                userdata = ud;
コード例 #21
        public void Init(Icon ic, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder,
                         List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> vbs,  // list any variables you want in condition statements - passed to config menu, passed back up to condition, not null
                         string pfilesetname,                                // file set name
                         ActionProgram prog   = null,                        // give the program to display
                         string[] defprogs    = null,                        // list any default program names
                         string suggestedname = null, bool edittext = false) // give a suggested name, if prog is null
            this.Icon            = ic;
            actioncorecontroller = cp;
            applicationfolder    = appfolder;
            currentvarlist       = new List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo>(vbs);

            var enumlist = new Enum[] { AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm, AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_labelName, AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_buttonExtDisk, AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_buttonExtLoad,
                                        AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_buttonExtSave, AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_buttonExtEdit,
                                        AFIDs.ActionProgramEditForm_extButtonHeader };

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.TranslateControls(this, enumlist);

            bool winborder = ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.ApplyDialog(this);

            statusStripCustom.Visible = panelTop.Visible = panelTop.Enabled = !winborder;
            label_index.Text          = this.Text;

            labelSet.Text = pfilesetname + "::";
            textBoxBorderName.Location = new Point(labelSet.Location.X + labelSet.Width + 8, textBoxBorderName.Location.Y);

            if (defprogs != null)
                definedprograms = defprogs;

            if (suggestedname != null)
                textBoxBorderName.Text = suggestedname;

            if (prog != null)

            panelVScroll.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
            panelVScroll.MouseDown       += panelVScroll_MouseDown;

            editastextimmediately = edittext;

#if !DEBUG
            buttonExtDisk.Visible = false;
コード例 #22
        public void Init(string t, Icon ic, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile file, List <ActionEvent> evlist, string collapsestate)       // here, change to using events
            this.Icon            = ic;
            actioncorecontroller = cp;
            applicationfolder    = appfolder;
            actionfile           = file;
            events = evlist;

            grouptypenames = (from e in events select e.UIClass).ToList().Distinct().ToList();      // here we extract from events relevant data
            groupeventlist = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            foreach (string s in grouptypenames)
                groupeventlist.Add(s, (from e in events where e.UIClass == s select e.TriggerName).ToList());

            bool winborder = ExtendedControls.ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance.ApplyToForm(this, SystemFonts.DefaultFont);

            statusStripCustom.Visible = panelTop.Visible = panelTop.Enabled = !winborder;
            initialtitle = this.Text = label_index.Text = t;

            ConditionLists clist = actionfile.actioneventlist;          // now load the initial conditions from the action file

            string eventname = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < clist.Count; i++)       // for ever event, find the condition, create the group, theme
                string gname = clist.GetGroupName(i);
                if (gname != eventname)
                    eventname = gname;
                    Group gg = CreateGroup(false, null, gname);
                    gg.collapsed = collapsestate.Contains("<" + gname + ";");

                Condition cd = clist.Get(i);
                Group     g  = CreateGroup(true, cd, null);

            foreach (Group g in groups)     // add the groups to the vscroller

            PositionGroups(true);       //repositions all items

コード例 #23
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars) // override again to expand any functionality
            string ud = Menu(parent, cp.Icon, userdata);                                                      // base has no additional keys

            if (ud != null)
                userdata = ud;
コード例 #24
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            List <string> l = FromString(userdata);
            List <string> r = ExtendedControls.PromptMultiLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Configure InputBox Dialog", cp.Icon,
                                                                          new string[] { "Caption", "Prompt List", "Default List", "Features", "ToolTips" }, l?.ToArray(),
                                                                          false, new string[] { "Enter name of menu", "List of entries, semicolon separated", "Default list, semicolon separated", "Feature list: Multiline", "List of tool tips, semocolon separated" });

            if (r != null)
                userdata = r.ToStringCommaList(2);

            return(r != null);
コード例 #25
        public bool EditProgram(string s, string outername, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder)
            int colon = s.IndexOf(':');

            if (colon >= 0)
                s = s.Substring(0, colon);
            int bracket = s.IndexOf('(');

            if (bracket >= 0)
                s = s.Substring(0, bracket);

            ActionProgram p = Get(s);

            if (p != null)
                if (p.StoredInSubFile != null)
                    p.EditInEditor(p.StoredInSubFile);         // Edit in the editor..
                    ActionProgramEditForm apf = new ActionProgramEditForm();
                    apf.EditProgram += EditProgram;

                    this.edoutername = outername;
                    this.cp          = cp;
                    this.appfolder   = appfolder;

                    List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> additionalfieldnames = new List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo>(); // We don't have any names to contribute going thru this path

                    apf.Init("Action program ", cp.Icon, cp, appfolder, additionalfieldnames, outername, p, GetActionProgramList(), "");

                    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult res = apf.ShowDialog();

                    if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                        ActionProgram np = apf.GetProgram();
                        AddOrChange(np);                // replaces or adds (if its a new name) same as rename


コード例 #26
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars)
            List <string> l = FromString(userdata);
            List <string> r = ExtendedControls.PromptMultiLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Configure Dialog", cp.Icon,
                                                                          new string[] { "Logical Name", "Caption", "Size [Pos]", "Var Prefix" }, l?.ToArray(),
                                                                          false, new string[] { "Handle name of menu", "Enter title of menu", "Size and optional Position, as w,h [,x,y] 200,300 or 200,300,500,100", "Variable Prefix" });

            if (r != null)
                userdata = r.ToStringCommaList(2);

            return(r != null);
コード例 #27
        public bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> eventvars, ref ConditionLists jf)
            ExtendedConditionsForms.ConditionFilterForm frm = new ExtendedConditionsForms.ConditionFilterForm();
            frm.VariableNames = eventvars;
            frm.InitCondition("Define condition", cp.Icon, jf);

            if (frm.ShowDialog(parent) == DialogResult.OK)
                jf = frm.Result;
コード例 #28
        public bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars, ref ConditionLists jf)
            ConditionFilterForm frm = new ConditionFilterForm();

            frm.InitCondition("Define condition", cp.Icon, eventvars, jf);

            if (frm.ShowDialog(parent) == DialogResult.OK)
                jf = frm.result;
コード例 #29
        public void Init(string t, Icon ic, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder,
                         List <string> vbs,                                  // list any variables you want in condition statements - passed to config menu, passed back up to condition, not null
                         string pfilesetname,                                // file set name
                         ActionProgram prog   = null,                        // give the program to display
                         string[] defprogs    = null,                        // list any default program names
                         string suggestedname = null, bool edittext = false) // give a suggested name, if prog is null
            this.Icon            = ic;
            actioncorecontroller = cp;
            applicationfolder    = appfolder;
            startvarlist         = vbs;
            currentvarlist       = new List <string>(startvarlist);

            bool winborder = ExtendedControls.ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance.ApplyToForm(this, SystemFonts.DefaultFont);

            statusStripCustom.Visible = panelTop.Visible = panelTop.Enabled = !winborder;
            this.Text = label_index.Text = t;

            filesetname   = pfilesetname;
            labelSet.Text = filesetname + "::";
            textBoxBorderName.Location = new Point(labelSet.Location.X + labelSet.Width + 8, textBoxBorderName.Location.Y);

            if (defprogs != null)
                definedprograms = defprogs;

            if (suggestedname != null)
                textBoxBorderName.Text = suggestedname;

            if (prog != null)

            panelVScroll.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
            panelVScroll.MouseDown       += panelVScroll_MouseDown;

            editastextimmediately = edittext;

#if !DEBUG
            buttonExtDisk.Visible = false;
コード例 #30
        public override bool ConfigurationMenu(Form parent, ActionCoreController cp, List <string> eventvars)
            ConditionLists cond;
            string         errmsg;

            FromString(userdata, out cond, out errmsg);

            if (base.ConfigurationMenu(parent, cp, eventvars, ref cond))
                string promptValue = ExtendedControls.PromptSingleLine.ShowDialog(parent, "Error to display", errmsg, "Configure ErrorIf Command", cp.Icon);
                if (promptValue != null)
                    userdata = ToString(cond, promptValue);
