public static void StopInstance(AemInstance pInstance) { string shutdownUrl = pInstance.UrlWithContextPath + "/system/console/vmstat?shutdown_type=Stop"; if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { shutdownUrl = pInstance.UrlWithoutContextPath + "/admin/shutdown"; } try { mLog.Debug("Execute shutdown URL: " + shutdownUrl); pInstance.ConsoleOutputWindow.AppendConsoleLog("Shutting down instance..."); HttpWebRequest request = pInstance.WebRequestCreate(shutdownUrl); request.Method = "POST"; request.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException ex) { mLog.Debug("Unable to connect to " + shutdownUrl + ": " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { mLog.Error("Error executing shutdown URL: " + shutdownUrl, ex); } }
public static void AddControlMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance) { List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Start instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlStartInstance); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Stop instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlStopInstance); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Kill instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlKillInstance); menuItems.Add(item); foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
private static void KillProcessAndChildrens(int pid, AemInstance instance) { ManagementObjectSearcher processSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher ("Select * From Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=" + pid); ManagementObjectCollection processCollection = processSearcher.Get(); try { Process proc = Process.GetProcessById(pid); if (proc != null && !proc.HasExited) { mLog.Debug("Killing process #" + pid + " for instance " + instance.Name); proc.Kill(); } } catch (ArgumentException) { // Process already exited. } if (processCollection != null) { foreach (ManagementObject mo in processCollection) { // kill child processes(also kills childrens of childrens etc.) KillProcessAndChildrens(Convert.ToInt32(mo["ProcessID"]), instance); } } }
public static void AddControlMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance) { List <MenuItem> menuItems = new List <MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Start instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlStartInstance); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Stop instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlStopInstance); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Kill instance"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ControlKillInstance); menuItems.Add(item); foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = this.SelectedInstanceInListview; if (instance == null) { return; } instance = instance.Clone(); instance.Name = "Copy of " + instance.Name; AemInstanceDialog dialog = new AemInstanceDialog(instance); if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { instance.Save(); Program.InstanceList.Add(instance); Program.InstanceList.SortByName(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); } else { // remove instance icon because instance not saved instance.NotifyIcon.Visible = false; instance.NotifyIcon.Dispose(); instance.NotifyIcon = null; } }
static void ShowInTaskbarMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)sender; AemInstance selectedInstance = (AemInstance)menuItem.Tag; selectedInstance.ShowInTaskbar = !selectedInstance.ShowInTaskbar; selectedInstance.Save(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); }
private static void OpenFelixConsole(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } OpenUrl(instance.UrlWithContextPath + "/system/console", instance); }
private static void OpenServletEngineAdmin(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } OpenUrl(instance.UrlWithoutContextPath + "/admin", instance); }
private static void ShowConsoleWindow(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } instance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Show(); }
public static void OpenAuthorPublish(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } OpenUrl(instance.UrlWithContextPath, instance); }
private static void ControlStopInstance(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } StopInstance(instance); }
private static void OpenLogFile(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem item = (MenuItem)sender; AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } OpenLogViewer(instance.PathWithoutFilename + @"\crx-quickstart\logs\" + item.Text, instance.Name + " - " + item.Text); }
private static void ControlStartInstance(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } if (instance.CurrentBundleStatus == BundleStatus.UNKNOWN || instance.CurrentBundleStatus == BundleStatus.STARTING_STOPPING || instance.CurrentBundleStatus == BundleStatus.RUNNING) { if (MessageBox.Show("The instance seems to be running already.\n" + "Press OK to continue starting the instance, it may fail.", "Start Instance", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } string executable = "cmd"; string aemInstanceArguments = BuildCommandLineArguments(instance); string arguments = "/c \"" + instance.JavaExecutable + "\" " + aemInstanceArguments; // add jprofiler path to current applications path to make sure spawned process gets it as well if (instance.JProfiler && (instance.JProfilerPort > 0)) { string path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Path"); if (!path.Contains(AEMManager.Properties.Settings.Default.JProfilerPath)) { path += ";" + AEMManager.Properties.Settings.Default.JProfilerPath; System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", path); } } bool isConsoleOutputWindow = instance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Visible; if (!isConsoleOutputWindow) { // show and hide console window again when it is not shown already - to prevent deadlock that occured sometimes stopping instances (DINT-349) instance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Show(); } instance.ConsoleOutputWindow.InitStartProcess(instance.PathWithoutFilename, instance.JavaExecutable, aemInstanceArguments); instance.JavaProcess = ExecuteCommand(instance.PathWithoutFilename, executable, arguments, instance.Name, instance.ShowInstanceWindow, "aem.ico", false, instance); instance.JavaProcessVisible = instance.ShowInstanceWindow; if (!isConsoleOutputWindow) { instance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Hide(); } }
private void timerStatusRefresh_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.Visible) { return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow gridRow in dgInstances.Rows) { DataRow row = (DataRow)((DataRowView)gridRow.DataBoundItem).Row; AemInstance instance = (AemInstance)row["Instance"]; row["Status"] = instance.GetStatusText(); } }
private void addToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialogJar.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { AemInstance instance = new AemInstance(); // auto-detect some instance properties instance.Path = openFileDialogJar.FileName; string[] pathParts = instance.Path.Split('/', '\\'); string jarFilename = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1]; if (jarFilename.Contains("-publish") || instance.Path.Contains("/publish/")) { instance.Runmode = Runmode.PUBLISH; } else { instance.Runmode = Runmode.AUTHOR; } string[] fileParts = jarFilename.Split('-', '.'); foreach (string filePart in fileParts) { int port = 0; if (int.TryParse(filePart, out port)) { instance.Port = port; } } if (pathParts.Length > 4) { string name = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 2]; if ("author".Equals(name) || "publish".Equals(name)) { name = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 3]; } instance.Name = name; } AemInstanceDialog dialog = new AemInstanceDialog(instance); if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { instance.Save(); Program.InstanceList.Add(instance); Program.InstanceList.SortByName(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); } } }
public static void AddOpenMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance, bool pSetDefaultItem) { List <MenuItem> menuItems = new List <MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Author/Publish"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenAuthorPublish); if (pSetDefaultItem) { item.DefaultItem = true; } menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open CRX"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenCRX); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open CRXDE Lite"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenCRXDELite); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Felix Console"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenFelixConsole); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Folder"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenFolder); menuItems.Add(item); if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Servlet Engine Admin"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenServletEngineAdmin); menuItems.Add(item); } foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
private void setShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = this.SelectedInstanceInListview; if (instance == null) { return; } MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)sender; instance.ShowInTaskbar = !instance.ShowInTaskbar; menuItem.Checked = instance.ShowInTaskbar; instance.Save(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); }
private static void OpenUrl(string pUrl, AemInstance pInstance) { mLog.Info("Open Url: " + pUrl); System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pInstance.BrowserExecutable)) { p.StartInfo.FileName = pUrl; } else { p.StartInfo.FileName = pInstance.BrowserExecutable; p.StartInfo.Arguments = pUrl; } p.Start(); }
private static void OpenCRX(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } string url = instance.UrlWithContextPath + "/crx/explorer/"; if (instance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { url = instance.UrlWithoutContextPath + "/crx/"; } OpenUrl(url, instance); }
private static void ControlKillInstance(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } Process process = instance.GetInstanceJavaProcess(); if (process != null) { KillProcessAndChildrens(process.Id, instance); } }
private void editToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = this.SelectedInstanceInListview; if (instance == null) { return; } AemInstanceDialog dialog = new AemInstanceDialog(instance); if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { instance.Save(); Program.InstanceList.SortByName(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); } }
/// <summary> /// Instance to execute actions upon /// </summary> public static AemInstance GetActionInstance(Object pSender) { AemInstance instance = null; if (pSender is AemInstance) { instance = (AemInstance)pSender; } else if (pSender is MenuItem) { instance = (AemInstance)((MenuItem)pSender).Tag; } if (instance == null && Program.AemManagerForm.Visible) { instance = Program.AemManagerForm.SelectedInstanceInListview; } return(instance); }
private static void OpenFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } string folder = instance.PathWithoutFilename; if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { return; } mLog.Info("Open Folder: " + folder); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(folder); }
private void removeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = this.SelectedInstanceInListview; if (instance == null) { return; } if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Instance '" + instance.Name + "' will be removed.", "Remove intance", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK) { instance.NotifyIcon.Visible = false; instance.NotifyIcon.Dispose(); instance.NotifyIcon = null; instance.Delete(); Program.InstanceList.Remove(instance); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); } }
private static void LogFilesItem_Popup(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } MenuItem logFilesItem = (MenuItem)sender; logFilesItem.MenuItems.Clear(); string logsPath = instance.PathWithoutFilename + @"\crx-quickstart\logs"; if (Directory.Exists(logsPath)) { string[] logFiles = Directory.GetFiles(logsPath); if (logFiles.Length > 0) { foreach (string logFilePath in logFiles) { string logFile = logFilePath.Substring(logFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); // skip logfiles with suffixes like ".2016-07-19", "", "-2016-07-12.log", "-4108.log" if (Regex.Match(logFile, @"^.*\.\d+\-\d+\-\d+$").Success || Regex.Match(logFile, @"^.*\-\d+(\-\d+\-\d+)?\.log$").Success) { continue; } MenuItem item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = logFile; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenLogFile); item.Tag = instance; logFilesItem.MenuItems.Add(item); } } } if (logFilesItem.MenuItems.Count == 0) { logFilesItem.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-- No logfiles --")); } }
private void addToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialogJar.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { AemInstance instance = new AemInstance(); // auto-detect some instance properties instance.Path = openFileDialogJar.FileName; string[] pathParts = instance.Path.Split('/', '\\'); string jarFilename = pathParts[pathParts.Length-1]; if (jarFilename.Contains("-publish") || instance.Path.Contains("/publish/")) { instance.Runmode = Runmode.PUBLISH; } else { instance.Runmode = Runmode.AUTHOR; } string[] fileParts = jarFilename.Split('-','.'); foreach (string filePart in fileParts) { int port = 0; if (int.TryParse(filePart, out port)) { instance.Port = port; } } if (pathParts.Length > 4) { string name = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 2]; if ("author".Equals(name) || "publish".Equals(name)) { name = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 3]; } instance.Name = name; } AemInstanceDialog dialog = new AemInstanceDialog(instance); if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { instance.Save(); Program.InstanceList.Add(instance); Program.InstanceList.SortByName(); Program.UpdateInstanceListInViews(); } } }
public AemInstance Clone() { AemInstance clone = new AemInstance(); clone.mAemInstanceType = mAemInstanceType; clone.mName = mName; clone.mHostname = mHostname; clone.mPort = mPort; clone.mContextPath = mContextPath; clone.mPath = mPath; clone.mJavaExecutable = mJavaExecutable; clone.mUsername = mUsername; clone.mPassword = mPassword; clone.mRunmode = mRunmode; clone.mAdditionalRunmodes = mAdditionalRunmodes; clone.mRunmodeSampleContent = mRunmodeSampleContent; clone.mIconSet = mIconSet; clone.mCustomIconPath = mCustomIconPath; clone.mShowInTaskbar = mShowInTaskbar; clone.mHeapMinSizeMb = mHeapMinSizeMb; clone.mHeapMaxSizeMb = mHeapMaxSizeMb; clone.mMaxPermSizeMb = mMaxPermSizeMb; clone.mJVMDebug = mJVMDebug; clone.mDebugPort = mDebugPort; clone.mJProfiler = mJProfiler; clone.mJProfilerPort = mJProfilerPort; clone.mJConsole = mJConsole; clone.mJConsolePort = mJConsolePort; clone.mHideConfigWizard = mHideConfigWizard; clone.mShowInstanceWindow = mShowInstanceWindow; clone.mOpenBrowser = mOpenBrowser; clone.mRemoteProcess = mRemoteProcess; clone.mCustomJVMParam1Active = mCustomJVMParam1Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam1 = mCustomJVMParam1; clone.mCustomJVMParam2Active = mCustomJVMParam2Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam2 = mCustomJVMParam2; clone.mCustomJVMParam3Active = mCustomJVMParam3Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam3 = mCustomJVMParam3; clone.mBrowserExecutable = mBrowserExecutable; return(clone); }
private static void OpenCRXDELite(object sender, EventArgs e) { AemInstance instance = Program.GetActionInstance(sender); if (instance == null) { return; } string url = instance.UrlWithContextPath + "/crx/de/"; if (instance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { url = instance.UrlWithoutContextPath + "/crx/de/"; } else { // check if DavEx servlet is enabled before opening CRXDE lite SlingDavExServlet davEx = new SlingDavExServlet(instance); davEx.CheckDavExStatus(); } OpenUrl(url, instance); }
public static void AddLogMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance) { List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; // show dynamic list of current logfiles item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open logfile..."; item.Popup += LogFilesItem_Popup; item.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-- No logfiles --")); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Console window"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ShowConsoleWindow); menuItems.Add(item); foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
public void UpdateInstanceListView() { AemInstance selectedInstance = this.SelectedInstanceInListview; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Instance", typeof(AemInstance)); dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("URL", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Path", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string)); foreach (AemInstance instance in Program.InstanceList) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row["Instance"] = instance; row["Name"] = instance.Name; row["Type"] = AemInstanceTypeUtil.GetLabel(instance.AemInstanceType); row["URL"] = instance.UrlWithContextPath; row["Path"] = instance.Path; row["Status"] = instance.GetStatusText(); dt.Rows.Add(row); } dgInstances.DataSource = dt; foreach (DataGridViewRow gridRow in dgInstances.Rows) { DataRow row = (DataRow)((DataRowView)gridRow.DataBoundItem).Row; if (row["Instance"] == selectedInstance) { dgInstances.CurrentCell = gridRow.Cells[0]; break; } } }
public static void AddLogMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance) { List <MenuItem> menuItems = new List <MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; // show dynamic list of current logfiles item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open logfile..."; item.Popup += LogFilesItem_Popup; item.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-- No logfiles --")); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Console window"; item.Click += new EventHandler(ShowConsoleWindow); menuItems.Add(item); foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
public ConsoleWindow(AemInstance pAemInstance) { InitializeComponent(); mAemInstance = pAemInstance; }
public AemInstance Clone() { AemInstance clone = new AemInstance(); clone.mAemInstanceType = mAemInstanceType; clone.mName = mName; clone.mHostname = mHostname; clone.mPort = mPort; clone.mContextPath = mContextPath; clone.mPath = mPath; clone.mJavaExecutable = mJavaExecutable; clone.mUsername = mUsername; clone.mPassword = mPassword; clone.mRunmode = mRunmode; clone.mAdditionalRunmodes = mAdditionalRunmodes; clone.mRunmodeSampleContent = mRunmodeSampleContent; clone.mIconSet = mIconSet; clone.mCustomIconPath = mCustomIconPath; clone.mShowInTaskbar = mShowInTaskbar; clone.mHeapMinSizeMb = mHeapMinSizeMb; clone.mHeapMaxSizeMb = mHeapMaxSizeMb; clone.mMaxPermSizeMb = mMaxPermSizeMb; clone.mJVMDebug = mJVMDebug; clone.mDebugPort = mDebugPort; clone.mJProfiler = mJProfiler; clone.mJProfilerPort = mJProfilerPort; clone.mJConsole = mJConsole; clone.mJConsolePort = mJConsolePort; clone.mHideConfigWizard = mHideConfigWizard; clone.mShowInstanceWindow = mShowInstanceWindow; clone.mOpenBrowser = mOpenBrowser; clone.mRemoteProcess = mRemoteProcess; clone.mCustomJVMParam1Active = mCustomJVMParam1Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam1 = mCustomJVMParam1; clone.mCustomJVMParam2Active = mCustomJVMParam2Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam2 = mCustomJVMParam2; clone.mCustomJVMParam3Active = mCustomJVMParam3Active; clone.mCustomJVMParam3 = mCustomJVMParam3; clone.mBrowserExecutable = mBrowserExecutable; return clone; }
public AemInstanceDialog(AemInstance pInstance) { InitializeComponent(); mInstance = pInstance; }
public static void StopInstance(AemInstance pInstance) { string shutdownUrl = pInstance.UrlWithContextPath + "/system/console/vmstat?shutdown_type=Stop"; if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { shutdownUrl = pInstance.UrlWithoutContextPath + "/admin/shutdown"; } try { mLog.Debug("Execute shutdown URL: " + shutdownUrl); pInstance.ConsoleOutputWindow.AppendConsoleLog("Shutting down instance..."); WebRequest request = pInstance.WebRequestCreate(shutdownUrl); request.Method = "POST"; request.Timeout = 3000; request.GetResponse(); } catch (WebException ex) { mLog.Debug("Unable to connect to " + shutdownUrl + ": " + ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { mLog.Error("Error executing shutdown URL: " + shutdownUrl, ex); } }
private static string BuildCommandLineArguments(AemInstance pInstance) { List<string> javaArgs = new List<string>(); List<string> jarArgs = new List<string>(); // memory settings javaArgs.Add("-Xms" + pInstance.HeapMinSizeMb + "m"); javaArgs.Add("-Xmx" + pInstance.HeapMaxSizeMb + "m"); javaArgs.Add("-XX:MaxPermSize=" + pInstance.MaxPermSizeMb + "m"); // instance port if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { javaArgs.Add("-D-crx.quickstart.server.port=" + pInstance.Port); } else { jarArgs.Add("-p " + pInstance.Port); } // run modes string runModes = pInstance.Runmode.ToString().ToLower() + "," + (pInstance.RunmodeSampleContent ? "samplecontent" : "nosamplecontent") + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pInstance.AdditionalRunmodes) ? "," + pInstance.AdditionalRunmodes : ""); if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { javaArgs.Add("" + runModes); } else { jarArgs.Add("-r " + runModes); } // context path if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pInstance.ContextPath) && pInstance.ContextPath!="/") { jarArgs.Add("-contextpath " + pInstance.ContextPath); } // debug mode if (pInstance.JVMDebug && (pInstance.DebugPort > 0)) { javaArgs.Add("-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=" + pInstance.DebugPort); } // JProfile mode if (pInstance.JProfiler && (pInstance.JProfilerPort > 0)) { javaArgs.Add("-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=" + pInstance.JProfilerPort + " -Xbootclasspath/a:" + AEMManager.Properties.Settings.Default.JProfilerAgent.Replace("\\", "/")); } // JConsole mode if (pInstance.JConsole && (pInstance.JConsolePort > 0)) { javaArgs.Add("" + pInstance.JConsolePort + ""); } // Hide AEM configuration wizards if (pInstance.HideConfigWizard) { javaArgs.Add("-DhideConfigWizard=true"); } // custom JVM args if (pInstance.CustomJVMParam1Active) { javaArgs.Add(pInstance.CustomJVMParam1); } if (pInstance.CustomJVMParam2Active) { javaArgs.Add(pInstance.CustomJVMParam2); } if (pInstance.CustomJVMParam3Active) { javaArgs.Add(pInstance.CustomJVMParam3); } // configure AEM start mode if (pInstance.ShowInstanceWindow) { jarArgs.Add("-v"); } if (!pInstance.OpenBrowser) { jarArgs.Add("-nobrowser"); } // suppress forking for AEM55 and above, because otherwise debugging will not work if (pInstance.AemInstanceType != AemInstanceType.AEM54) { jarArgs.Add("-nofork"); } // add jar command line args javaArgs.Add("-jar " + pInstance.PathFilename + " " + String.Join(" ", jarArgs.ToArray())); // build complete string return String.Join(" ", javaArgs.ToArray()); }
public static void AddOpenMenuItems(Menu.MenuItemCollection pParent, AemInstance pInstance, bool pSetDefaultItem) { List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>(); MenuItem item; item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Author/Publish"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenAuthorPublish); if (pSetDefaultItem) { item.DefaultItem = true; } menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open CRX"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenCRX); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open CRXDE Lite"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenCRXDELite); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Felix Console"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenFelixConsole); menuItems.Add(item); item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Folder"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenFolder); menuItems.Add(item); if (pInstance.AemInstanceType == AemInstanceType.AEM54) { item = new MenuItem(); item.Text = "Open Servlet Engine Admin"; item.Click += new EventHandler(OpenServletEngineAdmin); menuItems.Add(item); } foreach (MenuItem i in menuItems) { i.Tag = pInstance; } pParent.AddRange(menuItems.ToArray()); }
public SlingDavExServlet(AemInstance instance) { this.instance = instance; }
private static Process ExecuteCommand(string pWorkDir, string pExecutable, string pArguments, string pProcessName, bool pShowInstanceWindow, string pIconFile, bool pProcessNameViaShortcut, AemInstance pAemInstance) { mLog.Info("Execute: WorkDir=" + pWorkDir + ", executable=" + pExecutable + ", arguments=" + pArguments); Process process; // execute via auto-generated shortcut if (pShowInstanceWindow && pProcessNameViaShortcut) { string shortcutFilename = Path.GetTempPath() + pProcessName + ".lnk"; IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell wshShell = new IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShellClass(); IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut shortcut = (IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut)wshShell.CreateShortcut(shortcutFilename); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pWorkDir)) { shortcut.WorkingDirectory = pWorkDir; } try { shortcut.TargetPath = pExecutable; } catch (ArgumentException) { MessageBox.Show("Executable not found: " + pExecutable, "Execute Command", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return null; } shortcut.Arguments = pArguments; shortcut.Description = pProcessName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pIconFile)) { shortcut.IconLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\icons\\" + pIconFile; } shortcut.Save(); process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = shortcutFilename; } // start directly else { process = new Process(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pWorkDir)) { process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = pWorkDir; } process.StartInfo.FileName = pExecutable; process.StartInfo.Arguments = pArguments; } if (!pShowInstanceWindow) { process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; } if (pProcessNameViaShortcut) { // use shellexecute if start via shortcut is used - this forbids using output stream redirection etc. process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; } else { // directy start process if no shortcut is used. process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = !pShowInstanceWindow; if (pAemInstance != null && !pShowInstanceWindow) { // use output handling if AEM instance is available process.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(pAemInstance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Process_OutputDataReceived); process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(pAemInstance.ConsoleOutputWindow.Process_ErrorDataReceived); process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; } } try { process.Start(); if (!pProcessNameViaShortcut) { if (pAemInstance != null && !pShowInstanceWindow) { process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); } } return process; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message + "\n" + "WorkDir: " + pWorkDir + "\n" + "Executable: " + pExecutable + "\n" + "Arguments: " + pArguments, ex); } }
public static BundleStatus GetCombinedBundleStatus(AemInstance pInstance) { if (pInstance == null) { return BundleStatus.NO_ACTIVE_INSTANCE; } // check if process is running if (!pInstance.RemoteProcess) { Process process = pInstance.GetInstanceJavaProcess(); if (process == null || process.HasExited) { return BundleStatus.DISABLED; } } // get bundle status BundleStatus bundleStatus = BundleStatus.UNKNOWN; string bundleListUrl = pInstance.UrlWithContextPath + "/system/console/bundles/.json"; Stopwatch responseTimeStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); try { mLog.Debug("Get bundle list from URL: " + bundleListUrl); WebRequest request = pInstance.WebRequestCreate(bundleListUrl); request.Method = "GET"; request.Timeout = AEMManager.Properties.Settings.Default.BundleListTimeout; responseTimeStopwatch.Start(); using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { responseTimeStopwatch.Stop(); String responseText; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { responseText = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } // parse JSON bool success = false; object value = JSON.JsonDecode(responseText, ref success); if (success) { bundleStatus = GetCombinedBundleStatus(value, responseTimeStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } else { mLog.Warn("Parsing JSON response failed: " + responseText); } } } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) { mLog.Debug("Unable to connect to " + bundleListUrl + " due to timeout. " + "Configured timeout: " + AEMManager.Properties.Settings.Default.BundleListTimeout + "ms, " + "measured response time: " + responseTimeStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } else { mLog.Debug("Unable to connect to " + bundleListUrl + ": " + ex.Message); bundleStatus = BundleStatus.UNKNOWN; } } catch (Exception ex) { mLog.Error("Error getting bundle list from URL: " + bundleListUrl, ex); bundleStatus = BundleStatus.UNKNOWN; } return bundleStatus; }